November 15, 2024

Michael Mann was never even nominated for a Nobel Prize. He's a con artist, and scientists looking for congressional funding keep silent about it.

Contrary to his public claim and the claim of Democracy Now, Michael Mann is NOT recognized by the Nobel Foundation as any type of Nobel laureate.  This was confirmed by the official Nobel Foundation Office, itself, in an audio recording.  Michael Mann was NEVER nominated for a Nobel Prize, in the first place.  Being that he was NEVER on the nomination list, he surely was NEVER on the laureate list.  Case Closed.  He's a con artist.  The only question that remains is if whether or not the personnel of Democracy Now were a bunch of dupes or contributory con artists.  They are very prejudiced and agenda-driven.  So, do the math.

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Audio Proof that Michael Mann's Nobel Prize Claim is a fraudulent misrepresentation (aka lie) 

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That particular recording assures us that Michael Mann is NOT on the list of Nobel Prize sole-winners or co-winners, in any category.  So, you do NOT have to submit to him, no matter what he says or writes.  And you surely don't have to submit to the present-day media who happens to be filled with personnel not known for common sense, honesty, reason, diligence, ... or humility.  BTW, stubbornness is not diligence.

NEITHER has any group affiliated with Michael Mann won or co-won the Nobel prize in Physics ... or in Chemistry ... or in Physiology, aka medicine ... or in Literature ... or in the Economic Sciences.  

There is one and only one group which co-won the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, in 2007.  That was the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  

Take note that they did NOT win the Nobel Prize in Physics.  The Nobel Peace Prize is only one of the several yearly prizes awarded by the Nobel Foundation, and Michael Mann's name is NOT on any of those peace prize awards ... or any other Nobel award.

All in all, Mann is fraudulently passing himself off as the ultimate end-all scientist of his particular field of study which happens to be "surface temperatures."  

In addition, he's a notably dull and boring speaker.  If you have insomnia, simply go to a Michael Mann talk, and voila!  No more insomnia.  He makes the End of the World sound all so boring.  Therefore, the best thing to wear to a Michael Mann talk is pajamas.  Bring a pillow. 

The great self-negating feature to Michael Mann, decline hider extraordinaire, is something known as evidence.  Take notice:
Above:  Introducing ... in printed legacy ... the Temperature Decline that Michael Mann was hiding, yet which was declared to fully exist, by an unanimous field of specialists ... as far back as 1961.

At this point, it's also important for you to realize that Al Gore NEVER co-won the Nobel Prize in Physics or in Chemistry or in Physiology or in Economic Sciences or in Literature.  Al Gore, at best, is a remedial science student who went on Conan O'Brien's talk show and confidently stated that the center of Planet Earth is millions of degrees.  Try 9,800F to 10,800F, instead.  If the core of Planet Earth were millions of degrees, vaporization & annihilation would have occurred long ago. 

BTW, do you remember reading-of or hearing Michael Mann's doomsday predictions about Australia soon becoming a "climate refugee" nation?  Well, 2022 was a year of record high crops in East Australia.  Also in 2022 was the announcement that  two of the three major sectors of the Great Barrier Reef was replenished to the point of having the most coral cover in 36 years.   The guy lied about Australia, probably assuming that Americans are too stupid to find out what's going-on on the other side of the planet.  Michael Mann is a protected jerk.  One day the protection will suddenly vanish.  The puppeteers will cut the strings.  For now, stay away from the guy.

All in all, Michael Mann is the ultimate Climate Denier in having denied the existence of the Medieval Warm Period & the Mini-Ice-Age, not to mention part of the 1940 to 1979 temperature decline, with all of his "math trick" talent.   See: climategate emails.  

See:  =====>   The Climategate Emails w/ introductory narrations.   <=====

Now, concerning the 1950s (in part), the '60s (in whole), & the '70s (predominately so), the cooling trend had gotten to the point where England's growing season was shortened by two weeks.  No matter what today's lying propagandists publish, it was very cold back then.  In fact, as American schoolchildren walked toward their homes, they had to turn around and walk backwards, so that the bitter cold wind would not directly stream down their shirt/blouse collars.  

It was assumed at the time that Winters were to be bitterly cold, as a rule.  This is why the warming trend of 1983 & 1984 surprised people.  In fact, February 1998 was so nice that it scared people, including radio icon Paul Harvey.  Then, when the coldest winter in 40 years arrived (in 2014), humanity realized that the climate is cyclical.

See:   New York Times, May 21, 1975

Briffa (2000) Reconstruction (before fitting to temperature). Left-version from Briffa (2000); right-varying the Tornetrask and Urals versions to newer versions.
The proxy evidence showed a decline in surfaces temps from the WWII period to the new millennium.

Enter Keith Raphael Briffa (1952 - 2017).  He was the quintessential tree ring proxy advocate.  This means that he was an aficionado in Dendroclimatology.  His climate "reconstruction" of the past 1,000 years -- abridged into 600 years -- goes as follows:
The red section above is what Mann was praised for hiding, in the Climategate emails.

Below: Look at the YELLOW LINE, toward the right side of the predominately blue graph.  Look closely at the "0.0C" temperature anomaly X-axis.  If the Briffa reconstruction were not deleted, Michael Mann could not have drawn a steeply upward sloping line to represent drastic warming. 

Now, the Y-axis scale on the chart below is not remarkable, because the whole chart involves no more than 1.5 degree Celsius in variability.  Thus, the chart only deals with small increases or decreases in the temperature anomaly (aka temperature changes.)  Using smaller increments exaggerates the slope of a graph and serves to deceive people, instead of enlightening them.  It makes that which is little look much more pronounced than it really is.

BELOW:  Look at the Briffa Reconstruction again, in a more clear view.  It's based on tree ring density only.  The Briffa line is green and it starts at the Year 1400 or so.  

As far as goes Mann, he has two lines on that graph.  The thinner line is dark blue and it doesn't begin until 1580.  That was ever-so-coincidentally after the great heatwave & drought of 1540.  None the less, that thinner dark blue line only involves temperatures from Latitude 30N to 70N.  This means that it does NOT involve global temperatures.  After all, no southern hemispheric temperatures are involved, and no northern tropical temperatures are involved.  

The Tropics are 23.5 degrees latitude, north & south.  Yet, Michael Mann's math doesn't begin until the 30th parallel north.  Welcome to Michael Mann's real math trick.  It's the trick where you leave numbers out of the equation.

The other line of Mann, the black one, involves all Northern Hemispheric temps from 1000 C.E to 2000 C.E.  However, it's the dark blue "30N-70N" line which is the one able to hide the decline.

Note that the slope of the temperature decline was very pronounced.  So, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change simply cut off the decline at the Year 1960.  Then came Michael Mann and his bag of tricks. The disappearing act ensued.

The MBH Hockey Stick Graph--- was never test driven or tested for cracks.  (M=Mann, B=Bradley, H=Hughes)

Michael Mann, Decline Hider Extraordinaire, never revealed the data sets that he used to justify the drawing of his asininely ridiculous hockey stick climate graph.  Thus, he never justified why he deleted the historically known Medieval Warm Period and the very well chronicled Mini Ice Age.  

Rumor had it that Mann dropped the use of proxy evidence as soon as it showed a decline in surface temperatures.  He then included thermostat stats, in its place.  This is the act of mixing apples with oranges.

The irony to that graph was that it was a straight declining line for 1,000 years, by a half degree, as if Climate were in a perpetually stagnate coffin, except for handful of upticks.  One uptick on his very fraudulent graph was during the Wolf Minimum.  Oops.  He denied the Little Ice Age at its historic beginning. 

The Wolf Minimum came in 1280 and preceded the Great Plague of 1348.  The Great Plague is often regarded as the start of the Mini Ice Age.  Actually, 1280 C.E. can be regarded as the start of the 550 year age of Ice Dominance.  

None the less, the Briffa reconstruction had temperatures that were higher at the start of the 20th century.  Thus, the real decline was a sharper downward slope. Mann decided to make the slope much more gradual.  This meant that, according to Michael Mann, there are no natural mechanisms to create weather variations on an upward temperature trend more than half a degree.  According to Mann, upward trends can only be accomplished by the use of the combustible engine.   Yet, drastic weather changes occurred throughout history ... long before the invention of the combustible engine and the Mack Truck. 

Well, there were a number of climate change scenarios in the past 4,000 years, when there were no combustible engines or coal power plants.  In some cases, there weren't even chariots.  Michael Mann's graph is an insult to human intelligence.  Well, all of Michael Mann is an insult to human intelligence ... not merely his hockey stick graph.

During the Renaissance Era Ice Age, there were still occasional warm Summers and hot days throughout that time.  One example was the June 28, 1778 Battle of Monmouth which involved 25,000 troops.  It was fought in present-day Freehold New Jersey.  That was a huge number of soldiers for the American Revolutionary War.  The June 1778 battle ended with the British withdrawing its troops at night, incidentally.  

In addition, there were droughts during those centuries, including the 1540s Tudor Drought.  There were catastrophic hurricanes, too, even though the atmospheric co2 count was very low, when compared to today.  As an example, 1780 was a catastrophic year with hurricane damage being its highlight.  One hurricane killed 22,000 people, in 1780.

The 2nd most asinine thing Michael Mann ever said in front of a camera.  

Michael Mann was asked how much CO2 must be removed from the atmosphere.  Mann confidently said, "Half the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in ten years," ... in order to prevent a 1.5C catastrophic temperature rise.  Stop there.  That spoken line shows that Mann either knows nothing about the new findings in atmospheric physics or he is just not thinking when he talks.

Proxy history showed that not even a 2C rise is catastrophic, but rather, a 2C rise accompanied the rise of the great & historic Roman Empire.  For the record, it was scientifically & professionally surmised, via Mediterranean proxy material, that the Roman Warm Period was TWO degrees CELSIUS warmer than it is today.

Plus, the temperature rise helped the Romans finally conquer the hard hitting Gaul army of Chieftain Vercingetorix, in an eight year-long war --- in a land known as present-day France.  Thus, a 1.5C rise in surface temperature is NOT anywhere near catastrophic.  

For the record, the Gauls used to terrorize Italy ... demand tribute, take Italian gold, etc.  So, Julius decided to stop the terror attacks and bring back to Italy the Roman gold that had Vercingetorix's fingerprints on it.

None the less, here is the supreme asininity of that one Michael Mann assertion, concerning deleting half the CO2 from the atmosphere:

{1} Half of today's level of co2 = 210 parts per million (ppm).  That constitutes 50 ppm LESS THAN during cave-man days.  That constitutes 73 ppm LESS THAN the start of the 19th Century, aka the Napoleonic Era.  Both time periods occurred when the human population was much smaller than today.

See for yourself:  ***>  Atmospheric CO2 graph, starting at 1800  <***

{2a}  Today's population is 8 BILLION in human beings, meaning that much more crop harvesting is needed today than during the Napoleonic War Years when the world population was approximately 1 billion.  Thus, much more CO2 is needed today, and coincidentally enough, the atmosphere is presently providing the extra needed amount of CO2 for our era.  

{2b} CO2 is the KEY to PHOTOSYNTHESIS.  When CO2 goes below 150 ppm, all photosynthesis halts.  Life on Earth soon follows suit.  Dropping the CO2 count to 210 ppm is irresponsible.

{2c} NASA has already reported on the added greening of the present-day Arctic Circle during the Summer months.  Extra CO2 increases photosynthesis throughout the Earth.  In as much, IF you want to "go green," the first thing that you have to do is INCREASE THE ATMOSPHERIC CO2 LEVEL.  Growers do this to their greenhouses, as a rule.

See:  NASA's Satellite Technology shows the greening of the Earth 

          NASA reports a greener Earth of recent

           CO2 levels making Earth Greener

            Added co2 and added plant growth demonstration

The asininity of Michael Mann and his fellow racketeer, Al Gore, is that they are doing the opposite of what it takes to "go green."  This anti-co2 mindset is the Supreme Asininity of the climate doomsayers.

In as much, pursuant to the NY Times vs Sullivan case law authority, I, a private citizen, state my opinion of public figure, Michael Mann:  

Michael Mann is a contrived fad.  He's an artificially propped-up mouthpiece, presented as the wisdom of the ages. 

Mann is only famous, because of the hockey stick graph.  Yet,  he never showed the public the data sets upon which his neon-lighted hockey stick climate graph came to be.   He could have made up that graph as much as some people made-up record breaking high temperatures in those parts of Africa which had NO WEATHER MONITORING STATIONS.

Thus, the one hockey stick graph which made Mann a contrived news show icon has never been tested for cracks.  It has never been test-driven.  Would you buy a car you never test-drove?  Of course not.  So, we the People of the United States do NOT buy Michael Mann's untested climate change hockey stick graph.  

This is especially true for those of us who worked outdoors, year after year, and decade after decade.  This is because we are experienced enough to know that ====> Climate is cyclical.

Plus, Michael Mann has a very financial conflict of interest in the promotion of his hockey stick graph which omits the historically supported Mini-Ice-Age which included:

{1a} the great frosts, great floods, crop failures & mass starvation often mentioned in the Bristol Chronicles.

{1b}, the Sporer Solar Minimum which has now been concluded to have actually existed from the starting point of 1460 C.E.

{2} The irony & counter-intuitive hot year of 1540, followed by the cold account of 1640, in showing how Mann's virtual straight-lined graph needed more spikes in it, to reflect historic climate reality.

{3} The North American drought year of 1580, showing more of the need of upward spikes in the Mann Hockey Stick graph.

{4} The Grindelwald Fluctuation of 1560 - 1630, which even included out-of-season snowfalls.

{5} The well-known Maunder Solar Minimum which included warm Summers, in addition to ice-ridden Winters.

{6} The Dalton Solar Minimum of 1790 - 1830 which included the 1816 Summer That Never Was.

All in all, the "Mann, Bradley, & Hughes" graph is typically Orwellian, in that it rewrites history. 

Why don't the newscasters ask Michael Mann how much personal money he personally made since the publishing of his hockey stick graph?  Why doesn't Michael Mann simply come out and let us Americans know how much currency was transacted into his financial portfolio in the form of taxpayer dollars?

None the less, for the past 4,000 years, climate change has literally been occurring every 124 to 600 years.  Climate is a long-term roller coaster ride.   Climate is cyclical.

Ah, yes.  Michael Mann.  Hiding the Decline Since 1999.

Michael Mann proved himself to be utterly heartless, if not an indifferent psychopath, against an elderly retired Air Force pilot, on account of the pilot saying that, even though Michael Mann was teaching at Penn State, he should have been at the State pen (penitentiary), instead.   One sentence was spoken, and a ridiculous amount of Canadian civil lawsuit attorney fees ensued.

The retired & elderly pilot who earned a doctorate degree let me know how much suffering Mann put him through, and he informed me that he intended to let the world know about those sufferings after the lawsuit ended.  Well, the lawsuit ended.  There was no communication between me and the Canadian gentleman since I left Chicago, in 2019.  He recently passed-on into eternity.  His videos are his legacy.

And remember, pursuant to NY Times vs Sullivan, a private citizen may publicly state his opinion of a public figure, in the United States.  I'll be politely reserved for now.  I only stated half of my opinion thus far.

It suffices to state that some people in this world are really sick jokes, and for long periods of relative time, it appears that they will get away with every wrong they have ever performed.  But, appearances are not all what they appear to be.  History repeats itself.  

Do the math on this one ... on the person who caused schoolchildren dread, and who caused gasoline prices to skyrocket, in his role as an advisor to the Dementia-ridden president.  The same person caused an elderly former air force pilot the loss of his life savings and the gain of accompanying dread.  Justice, in the end, prevails.

For now, be like a charming Latin gentleman, even if you hate us Latins to the marrow of our beings.  Do NOT write to Michael Mann.  Only address his superiors and the Court of Public Opinion, as well as a RICO court.  Do NOT walk up to Michael Mann in a restaurant.  Let him have a relaxing time.  Do NOT picket in front of his house, his office, etc.  Be as charming as a Ricardo Montalban.  Charm doesn't hurt anyone.   Meanwhile, simply boycott Michael Mann.

The goal is to see to it that humanity clearly sees that Michael Mann and the less than brilliant Al Gore have been lying, in sleight-of-hand deceit, all along.  In order to achieve this goal, it is NOT necessary to harass anyone in a restaurant or to picket in front of a domicile.

People like Michael Mann are necessary to avoid, because he's a liar who will claim that you threatened him, if you get anywhere close to him ... or he will tell some lie about you.  So, stay away from Hockey Sticks Mann.  Simply boycott him.


                        Private US Citizen #40,801,958.

                      There is a meaning to that number