October 22, 2024

Open letter to America's Evangelicals & Bible-Believing Pentecostals


For those unaware, I'm the author of hundreds of writings, a few pages of which are on a Harvard Univ library shelf here, a Northwestern Univ library shelf there, etc.  I was published as recently as August 2024, in anthology form ... in a cameo appearance thereof ... with notable literary names.

Well, I am the author of the Wuerl-of-Hurt  Revelations, regarding a thoroughly vicious, deceitful, and unjust clergy member, named Cardinal Donald Wuerl.  If you're the least bit curious, you can go to  https://www.donaldwuerl.com.  And of course, as far as Cardinal Donald Wuerl is concerned, I can go to Hell.

None the less, a 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report illustrated how deceitful and harmful this Cardinal Donald Wuerl was.  He escaped all accountability for his criminal conduct.  But, that topic is for another forum.  So, let us proceed with this forum, if you don't mind:

Intro:  For decades, the media went about, making Cardinal Donald WUERL look like the holiest clergyman in existence, sent by God to save mankind from ... from ... "the stiffs at the Vatican."  Then, decades later, WUERL was discovered to be more vicious and unjust than I described him to be.

Of course, I was the one made out to be the demon from Hell who had to be avoided always and in every way.  Yet, I've worked at 160 to 180 construction sites, some of which were in homes, ... with the residents there, while I was working.  Others were welfare housing complexes, and others were school grounds.  Yet, there were no missing persons, as well as no dead bodies, after I completed my work and departed the project.  

Plus, I ended up being trusted with all of the company keys, credit cards, passwords, vehicles, infrastructure entrances, and even blank checks.  But, in the outside world, I was the demon, while WUERL was the Second Coming.

At present, Kamala Harris ... the proven Whore of a political big wig who actually gave her THREE STARTS in political power ... is now made out to be the new Joan of Arc.  More audaciously, she's made out to be the replacement for Jesus Christ.  

Kamala is made out to be the replacement for those Teachings of the Original Apostles which were first put into writing in 70 to 140 AD, in the Didache.  Thus, we must toss out Jesus Christ and install Kamala as our Divine inspiration.  We must now worship her.  We must now give her thanks.  We must now praise that wrinkling airhead for all of her airbrushed & photoshopped glory.   

Kamala, Our New Savior of Divine Sexiness, will exorcise Donald the Demon Trump from the Planet Earth.  She will then make for us a sexy Paradise on Earth, where everyone gets to have sexy sex and then abortions after having gotten pregnant from having sex ... so that all can go back to having sexy sex which will result in another pregnancy which then will result in another free abortion ... paid-for by people who have Crosses on their walls at home and Bibles on their tables, as well.  

And all must wear bracelets saying, "What would the Divine & Sexy Kamala do?"  Illegal will be those annoying WWJD bracelets.  Jesus is not God.  Kamala is.  She is so Divine that she did NOT need a single primary election vote, to become the Democrat Party presidential nominee for 2024.  She earned that nomination with her Divine & Sexy Power.  To that power, all must bow.

Keep in mind that yet another Christian conscientious objector got tossed out of a Harris Rally.  This time it was from the New Birth Baptist Church congregational hall.  Kamala is beginning to see to the redefining of Christianity. 

Blatant Indication of Seething Hatred.  Kamala smiles with gritted teeth.

The undeniable observation of Kamala Harris is that it is super easy to tell when she speaks out of hatred.  She speaks while smiling with GRITTED TEETH.  After a conscientious objector Christian was tossed, Kamala went up to the podium and did the stereotypical imitation of the Southern Baptist preacher.  That was a mockery of the South.  She's from California.

Once again,  take note of this hate-filled, self-seeking, power-seeking, Satanic being smiling with gritted teeth.  Satan does the same to you ... invisibly & proverbially so ... when he is tempting you into sin.  None the less, Kamala treated a Church Service as a political rally.  The persecution has literally began.  Kamala will do what she can to make Christianity into her own pro-abortion image & likeness.


Above:  The real Kamala Harris, without the photoshopping and without the air brushing.  The photo on the right in from 2019.  Photo on left is more recent.  The media stated, "And she's beautiful too."  The media thinks that Americans are stupid and easy to brainwash.  This is the media's idea of beauty?  What kind of a sick joke is this?  

The obvious give-away that Kamala was not Harlequin Romance Cover Model Material was in the observation that, throughout the heated Summer, she only wore pants suits ... not dresses nor short pants nor skirts.  If she were as beautiful as the media claimed her to be, wouldn't she occasionally be in seen in shorts and dresses?

Also keep in mind that hair dye exists in modern America, and so too does the occasionally seen super gross-out, repulsively ugly face that often gets hidden by make-up and even photoshop editing.  Yet, Kamala's soul is far more ugly than her face.  

And you need not feel sorry for her.  After all, she is a millionaire who lived in comfort.  She lied about being from the working class.  She was NOT from a blue collar household.  She was from a white collar household in an affluent neighborhood.

The media should have presented her as a career politician who has gained wisdom through years of experience and leave her physicality out of the equation.  But, the media is obsessed with brainwashing you through sex.

Precursor to the Reality Check

In late October, Kamala had set herself up for rejection by Christian America.  So, in being motived solely by politics, she shows up in a black church.  Her silent message ... without speaking a word of this message ... was that Kamala accepted black Christianity, while rejecting white Christianity, as if there were two entirely different Jesus Christs.  

The understanding amongst followers of this 2024 election is that Kamala will only say what she thinks her audience wants to hear, so that Kamala will get their votes.  She will enter into anywhere where she thinks she will win for herself votes.  So, after mocking Christianity, Kamala is now catering to Christianity, out of a selfish motive.  Such a thing is unchristian.  So, Kamala is now trying to win over Christians by being unchristian.  She's actually trying to divide Christians by race.  Without division, Kamala loses power.


The Donald Trump who received TWO Nobel Peace Prize nominations while president was made out to be a dehumanized & demonic presence who must be assassinated, for the good of mankind.  All of this damning rhetoric about him are blatant lies or exaggerations.  In fact, there are two specific things that a person can present as a Trump downfall, but one of them can get a media member in a state of jeopardy.  Thus, the media members who damn Trump are cowards.

And, to what am I referring?  ANS:  Did or did not Donald Trump operate casinos in Jersey and outside of Chicago?  Are there or are there not members of a very profitable, yet deadly, Sicilian fraternal organization in operation in New York & New Jersey & Youngstown & Chicago?  No one in the media ever reports on this "nexus."   Yet, they pick at petty things.  

None the less, Trump held a rally in Coachella.  Spotlight 29 Casino is there.  It used to be Trump 29 Casino, from 2002 to 2006.  Why didn't the media mention this or anything true about Trump?  

At present

According to the media, to Al Sharpton, and to others of a self-seeking nature, mankind must now be worshipping at the aging feet, the wrinkling face, and the sarcopenia-ridden hands of the Whore of Willie Brown, namely the Abortion-Obsessed Giggling Airhead, Kamala Harris.

Kamala is the PRO-GENOCIDE CANDIDATE against the most helpless class of human being

The bottom line for you is for you to make sure that you don't bring into power a head of state who is going to force you to be an accomplice to Crimes against Humanity.  Hitler did this to the Germans.  Kamala wants to do this with the Americans.  Kamala will see to it that Bible-believers will pay for abortions, thereby making all Bible-believers in America accomplices to Mass Murder, aka Genocide.  She has already proven that she hates White Christians.  

And why not black Christians?  ANS:  It's because black Christians don't threaten her lust for power.  She thinks that most black Christians are too stupid to catch her deceit.  She thinks that other black Christians are racist enough to support Kamala only because she is partially African in descent.

The Reality Check

Kamala will abridge your freedom of religion and freedom of conscience, ignoring US Supreme Court law in the process.  After all, she already ignored Supreme Court law, concerning student loans.  Under Kamala Harris, kiss your Christianity good-bye.  Kamala will raise-up a very false Christianity.  She intends on making you a part of the false Christianity.  You know, Hillary tried to make a false Catholic Church.

On the Contrary, Donald Trump's running mate, JD Vance will make certain that Americans will keep the Right of Religion & Moral Conscientious Objection.  This means that the baker will NOT have to back a cake for a Sodomite wedding farce.  This means that the hospitals with Crosses on the front of them will NOT be commanded to perform those acts of cold blooded murder, called Abortions on Demand.  

If you hate Donald Trump that badly, then think:  JD Vance, JD Vance, JD Vance.  He believes in the Bible too, you know, in earnest --- not merely as a photo op for votes.

A vote for Harris is a vote for you to be forced to pay for abortions through your tax dollars  ...  

... and maybe your grandchildren's "sex change surgery" behind your back  ...  

... not to mention you paying jacked-up heating, housing, & food prices  ...  as well as you undergoing the persecution that Kamala is more than willing to impose upon anyone who believes that the Nazarene carpenter became the King of Heaven.

Note One: Before you go vote, 1] take all of your vehicles to a gas station and fill up their tanks.  Get a receipt for each fill-up.  2]  Then go grocery shopping and keep the receipt in plain sight.  3] Next, go to a clothing store or department store.  4]  Then, go to an insurance company site and get an premium/price estimate.  5] Also go to a mortgage company and get a proposed mortgage plan.  6]  Go to a funeral home and get an estimate print-out on burial plots and pre-paid funerals, including caskets; one if you're single and two if you're married.  7]  Get a payment plan estimate on a new car of your choice.  8] Finally, go to a restaurant of your pleasing, live it up for a short while, and keep the receipt.  

In fact, take all receipts and price estimates with you, to the voting polls.  You'll know whom you need to vote-for, if you don't want the final nail pounded into your coffin.

Note Two:  The campaign of Kamala Harris is a Campaign of Lies.  Obama joined in the lying, to his disgrace.  It's a sin to tell lies.  Thus, the Harris' campaign is a Campaign of Sin which advocates sins which ended civilizations.

Note Three:   Abortion's not a right.  Abortion is a wrong ... unless the mother's life is in danger.  After all, every rule has an exception.

One more thing:  “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke.  Let us begin.  Shall we?


You perhaps have seen and heard Kamala Harris mock Faith in Christ from a rally event podium, while arrogantly dismissing the idea that Jesus is Lord, as if the Nazarene of the Caesar Augustus Era is an insignificant chump of no consequence.  Are you going to stand for that?

A reputable pollster recently reported that millions of you have decided to not vote, on November 5, 2024.  Well, that is how you will put the proven Anti-Christian & Pro-Infanticide Kamala Harris into power, so that she can bully you from A to Z, while pretending to be all so loving, and all so young, and all so sexy, too.  

She's a 60 year old notably aging hag with notable wrinkles which get hidden with airbrushing, photoshopping, and make-up.  Add to the equation hair dye and hair straightener.  She needs to put make-up on the back of her aging hands, too.   More importantly, she got into political power by giving sex.  That's called in-kind prostitution.  In as much, do you really want a Whore of Babylon type to be in charge of your life?

Kamala repeatedly gave sex to a political power broker who ever so coincidentally gave her a launch into politics, beginning with two well-paying "no-show" jobs, followed by his and Dianne Feinstein's endorsement, in the San Fran DA election.  Is that the type of person you want to have power over you?

Sometimes you have to go out and vote AGAINST A CANDIDATE.  This occurs when the candidate is so unjust and malicious that the candidate will make sure that you become an accomplice to her planned Crimes against Humanity.  Abortion, when it involves a healthy mother whose life is not in danger, is a Crime against Humanity.

At the same time, you need to make sure that you are not being deceived by media members supporting the evil candidate, while they demonize and dehumanize her political opponent.  Make sure that you are not believing in lies.    In as much:

Did you know that Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize twice, while president?  Did you know that he committed generous acts of charity, in his personal life?  You need to learn about those acts which have made it to print and to video.  You can learn about them, by using the search box at the top right hand side of the Blue Marble Album.    https://www.bluemarblealbum.com

J.D. Vance will surely defend Americans' right to conscientious objection, when it comes to one's religious beliefs.  Kamala will be a dictator, imposing her hate-filled & arrogant will upon you.  

Under Kamala, your freedom of speech will be so abridged that it will be hidden from others.  Kamala's  pro-infanticidal and pro-Sodomite mouthpieces get center stage always and in every way.  Your freedom of religion will be completely disregarded as an inconvenience to her, especially when it comes to you being given the right to follow the Ten Commandments and not kill children who never get to see sunlight.  

Then came Kamala's BIG LIE about Trump being so tired, aged, and weary that he cannot be president.  Then, Donald Trump energetically goes to McDonald's and works there.  The media was a part of this lie, too.  The media once again is proven to be a liar ... a collective puppeteer's lies.  Today's media anchors are PUPPETS ... MINDLESS ... ZERO ORIGNALITY.

As far as goes the claim that he has no economic plan, Trump had one of the most successful national economies in human history.  He definitely had a plan.   He spent years being exceptionally successful, financially speaking, as well.  His organization signed many paychecks and charity checks.

The Biden-Harris Admin Traffic-Jammed Fracking Product in January 2024

Also take note, you Pennsylvania residents: At the start of this year, in 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration put a halt on the exportation of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG.)  Well, LNG is the product of fracking.  Biden & Harris put a ban on fracking, in a very sneaky, backdoor way.  See:


At the end of the Obama Years, Kamala sued US government agencies, in order to put 22 fracking sites out of operation ... at least temporarily.  It was Case Number 2:16-cv-09352, filed 12/19/16.  She already went after the fracking industry's jugular veins.  A tree is identifiable by its fruits.  Do you think that she will let Pennsylvania be?  Are you willing to bet your life on it?  Are you willing to bet your house on it?

BTW, I formally and officially left the Democrat Party on July 1, 2024.  I am NOT a Republican.  I am an Independent.  My first choice for president was Viv Ramaswamy.  My second choice was Ron DeSantis.  I have already voted, and I did NOT vote for Kamala Harris.  I voted for the only one who can save us from a Kamala Harris who was given the Democrat Party nomination without receiving a single primary vote ... like a dictator would.  In addition, Tim Walz is a Wall-to-Wall liar, too.

Perhaps you know that Kamala entirely disrespected the Catholic Church.  Well, here is your Reality Check.  If it were not for the Catholic Church, you would not have the Bible.  You certainly would not have the New Testament.  It was Catholics who kept making copies of every book of the Bible until printing presses were invented.  

The Catholic Church publicly uses the Bible far more often than you do.  Five times a day ... or more ... in monastic prayer ... twice during each week-day Mass ... and three times each Sunday Mass.

Moreover, the Catholic Church was the First Christianity.  For centuries, it was the ONLY CHRISTIANITY.  If it were not for the Catholic Church, you would never have known that Jesus the Nazarene existed.  So, you are required by the God of the Commandments to show us respect and to quit lying about us.

At present, an actual Anti-Christ Type is about to take over America.  You know that it is written that, "No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except through the Holy Spirit."  To oppose that statement is evidence that the spirit you follow is the Evil One.  Kamala opposed that statement with mockery.  

She lied in the process, saying "the smaller one (rally) is down the road."  Trump's audiences have been massively more than Kamala's.  Kamala had the buses at hers that were said to be for security.  Wait.  Time out.  Penalty Flag Time.  

Those buses can easily secure an assassin running away from the scene.  Those buses are great for hiding an assassin.  Windows everywhere.  The Kamala campaign lies all the time, but is still asinine with its lies.  It is proven that Kamala did bus-in people from out of state at least once, in New England.  That one rally was a sham.  Proof was in GPS technology.  In as much, everything about Kamala Harris is a lie; even her rally audience.

Kamala increased the mockery against Christ by including division.  She then showed-up at a black congregational building, ensuring a graphic display of the black-white division.  This isfit for a super worthless Divider in Chief.  Of course, she attended the churc did this for votes.  So, Kamala goes on a Podcast dedicated to slut-ridden sins against the Sanctity of Marriage, where abortion is their sacrament to a stereotypical Protestant Church setting, as if the two entities are equal in dignity before the Eternal God.  Kamala is an arrogant runt, posing as the wisdom of the times.

Now, Donald Trump does believe that Jesus Christ is the prophesied Messiah who came to take away the Sins of the World and to "save his people from their sins."  Kamala showed contempt for the name of Christ.   Kamala said that she will be the president for everyone.  She proved that she will not.  If you believe that Jesus is Lord, she will try to run you out of America ... or to have vicious Venezuelans overtake you.  Kamala is a liar.

Why do you insist on letting a buddy of the Evil One who despises Faith in Christ become your Head of State and takeover your life?  Her goal is to thwart all Christianity, when it comes to the actions of Christians.  She will force you to be an accomplice to the sins that she seeks to make the Law of the Land.

Now, Kamala never fought for this country.  She was never a DEA agent risking life, to make some part of America safe.  She was never an FBI agent on a stakeout or in a shoot-out.  She never got ambushed while doing the duties of an ATF agent.  She was a cherry picker.  She sat at a desk.

She did not hire many people and build structures that still stand.  Donald Trump did that.  And she did NOT appropriate the largest funding of black colleges in American history.  Donald Trump got that funding accomplished.  Moreover, she objects to Jerusalem being the capital of Israel.  

It was Donald Trump who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem (where Christ was crucified) and have it declared the capital of Israel.  Yet, you are willing to not vote for him and to let Kamala takeover your life, mock your faith, and take your dollars for abortion, sex-related surgeries, and similar things which caused Angels to visit Sodom and lay it waste with some type of sulfuric reaction.  

Well, America is in the process of being laid waste, and you are going to sit at home, after you return from work on November 5th, and let it happen, without you first stopping-off at a voting center.  Great.  Nice knowing you.

Kamala Harris only wants to be president, because she's a narcissistic egomaniac who wants to impose herself upon you.  Proof of this is that mention of her becoming president began when she started her California AG post.  That post was said to be just a stepping stone to walk into the White House.

Kamala did NOT win a single primary.  She did NOT win a single delegate in any primary election.  She only received 844 primary election votes in 2020, and she received zero votes in 2024.  She did not go around, presenting herself to America, during primary season 2024.  Thus, America didn't get to see who she truly is.  She truly is a liar.  

At present, being that she mocked the First Christianity ... and being that she then mocked the idea of saying, "Jesus is Lord," ... it should be enough for you to realize that God is calling you to Save America from Kamala.  It's the same thing as saving the world from Satan.  To save someone from the servant is to save someone from the servant's master.

October 20, 2024

Why do I have to be robbed of my time on endless liars called politicians?

This is the inside of a tulip.  The first sign that a person is completely out of touch with reality is that such a person is incapable of noticing the artistic psychedelia which exists in the inner recesses of Nature ... and which thereby indicates the existence of some type of a creative and very personable Unmoved Mover, aka Creator.
I hope that you caught the contradiction in the title, Endlessness vs time.  Any why?  ANS:  Because, among the various subjects of which I wrote at length, I was originally known as a writer of psychedelic poetry which literally found its way on 1] a Harvard library shelf, 2] a Northwestern University library shelf, and on 3+] a few other college shelves, including one in Pittsburg Kansas.  

Psychedelia does present geometric and spatial dimensions through contradictions.  There's more to it, of course, including the raison d'etre for the appearance of the psychedelic which happens to be one doorway away from anyone's interior consciousness.  In fact, psychedelia ... which is completely erased from today's external society ... personifies the inanimate, giving human qualities to inanimate objects, in order to convey human emotion and/or human awareness.  

There's more.  For another time and another space, perhaps.  At present, there is someone who is trying to steal the United States by lying in tandem with a very dishonest mainstream media.  So, onward to the subject at hand.

Now, I've done 350+ writings on economic injustices, investment procedure, modern clergy corruption, military history, military science, the Faith & Devotions of my ancestors, theology per se, environmental issues involving chemical inundation, deceitful politicians, Atmospheric Science, and Weather History, as well as Deep Image Poetry which was/is actually the Univ of Tampa's School of Immanentist Poetry, founded by Renaissance scholar, the late Dr. Duane Locke. 

I've also had millions of views of my posted photography, even to the point of an occasional person asking for permission to use a photo here and there.  I never turned anyone down, yet.  None the less:

At present, I've started a three-writer book dedicated to psychedelic poetry.  The title is simply going to be, "The Innermost Sanctum of Psychedelic Consciousness."  This includes an Iowa Workshop grad I met in a pre-arranged meeting, on Harvard's school grounds.   Super nice guy and excellent gentleman.

The third writer is a native New Englander, as well, and he has been published in a number of anthologies.   A solo book of his is ready to go.  But, that's dependent on a publisher near Baltimore.  

At present, he's showering off poetic imagery like he's firing shooting stars in the sky ... or imagery like Roman Candles exploding in the same sky, a la Jack Kerouac's quote.  In fact, that New Englander and I, along with his sister, did visit Jack Kerouac's grave together, in Lowell Mass.  We were surprised to find only a flat grave marker which stated, "He honored life." 

Look at the city inside the window panes.  It's a real reflection.  It's a refraction.  It perhaps looks like an ultra-futuristic space movie set.  It's actually known as  The Salvador Dali Painting in the Window.

If you hate the one above ... and some people do ... then realize that nature is psychedelic, too.

Do you see the star designs in the center of the daisy?  If not, then it's because the modern media put so much brainwashing stress on you that you feel that you're not allowed to think for yourself.   
So, why do I have to have my time wasted, in the need to reveal the obscene flood of lies coming from Kamala Harris, MSNBC, CNN, and Barack Obama, as well as others?   It's as if a dam broke, as the lies gush forward, shamelessly.

After all of Kamala's proven incompetence and airheaded antics, as well as her proven "self-serving prosecutorial abuses,"  she is trying to steal the election, by constant lying.  She and MSNBC keep demonizing & dehumanizing a fellow human being, to the point of inciting attempted assassinations against him.  A number of people are needed to expose these Kamala Harris lies.  Very few are doing so.  It's not fair.  In fact, it's sooooo annoying.  She's so arrogantly annoying.

Obama as a withering politician

Concerning Obama, in 2005 we thought that he was going to bring justice and fairness back to the economy.  But no, he became the puppet of Goldman Sachs.  And then, his principle "deputy counsel" (lawyer) joined Goldman Sachs.  

None the less, we knew that Obama was a sellout when he said that he was not going to oppose the Crime against Humanity known as "Slave Labor," as in the sweatshop labor of Communist China.  Thus, the United States Trade Balance Deficit would continue to accumulate, in its high level.  That was evil per se.  Deliberate Indifference.  Gross Dereliction of Duty.  It was and is the act of being an accessory to Crimes against Humanity that were actually tried at Nuremberg..

How gasoline prices dropped shortly before the death of Saudi Arabian king, Abdullah

Then, in 2014 the King of Saudi Arabia decided to leave a gift behind to his people.  I can go into extreme explanation, but I don't get paid to do any of these posts, and you might loose interest if you are a novice to the subject of Economics, as well as oil price processes.  

So, very simply, the king kept letting the price of oil fall, by means of continuing to produce more oil than was demanded.  This was able to be done, because the king made sure to build $750 BILLION in foreign-exchange reserves.  That reserve was there to serve as a pillow, to finance deficits.  So, the king was ready to effect a deficit, for strategic purposes. 

The result of letting the price of oil fall was that this practically bankrupted and ruptured American and Canadian fracking.  This would keep Saudi Arabia ranked at #2 in oil production.  And remember, we're talking about 2014-15.  In fact, in January of 2015, King Abdullah died.  So, he did succeed in leaving a protection gift for his people, seeing to it the Western Hemispheric fracking would not economically override Saudi Arabia.

Well, something else misfortunate occurred at this time.  Venezuela was now getting undercut in price.  This resulted in its oil market ... as well as the nation itself ... following a path to default and/or anarchy.   This was because inflation was already rampant in Venezuela, while the lowering of the price of oil was sabotaging the same Venezuelan economy.  You perhaps noticed what the results were nine and ten years after 2014. 

The lesson here is that Obama OUTRIGHT LIED when he said that Trump's economy was so good, only because it was his (Obama's) economy.  No way in Hell, Barack.  The King of Saudi Arabia was the catalyst, all along.  As far as went the Barack Economy, it inched along, slowly.  

Thus, Kamala Harris turned Barack Obama into a liar.  And of course, she is far too short-sighted and incompetent for the job of Head of State of any nation.  None the less, Barack ADMITTED that the Trump Economy was no failure.  

There is psychedelia throughout nature, but no one notices it anymore.  The political activists and deceitful politicians turn up the volume, to take center stage, and we don't get a chance to think ... or to even see anything else, anymore.  It's Harassment.
The Most Emotionally Stable & Well-mannered Children

A blatant piece of evidence as to why it's a lie to claim Trump to be unstable & unhinged is the fact that his children are as stable and well mannered as people can be in public.  On the other hand, Biden begot a crack head and a daughter who alleged to have been less than chaste, in life.  She alleged that Biden had her take showers with him.  Now, that's unstable.  The lesson here is that a deceitful con artist accuses his/her targeted victim of committing what the con artist does.  The stability of the Trump children is a reflection of the stability of their father, Donald Trump.

 There's more.  I have to go, right now.

To be continued . . .

October 19, 2024

Kamala: Desperate enough to yell in condemnation against an opponent who gave us low prices, black college funding, the First Step Act, & a peace accord.

Below:  The results for the first half of October 2024 score was Republican +7, concerning the leaning of Independents.  This a Gallup Poll product.  Gallup was a pioneer of polling.
Do not be afraid ... of the man being defamed 24/7 by the mainstream media networks of MSNBC & CNN, as well as being defamed at evening and on weekends by CBS, and ABC.  That man did acts of kindness, rendered prices affordable, obtained a peace accord, and was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, while being the slandered President of the United States.

Remember that all of those Trump-Defamer networks told you:

1] that there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq ...  2] and that the Hunter Biden laptop computer was Russian Disinformation ...  3] and that three Duke Lacrosse players raped a black female stripper  ...  4] and that Jussie Smollett was the victim of a racist hate crime on an extremely cold Chicago night  ...

...  5] and that the Maldives would be underwater by the Year 2018  ...  6] and that we have been having the most extreme Climate Crisis hurricanes, even though the number of Category 5 hurricanes which hit the United States since 1851 was four and only four  ...  7] and that Joe Biden was a sharp-minded & mentally astute leader who was being defamed by the Republicans in doctored videos and photos ...

... 8] and that Kamala Harris "is beautiful too," as well as the new voice of a new generation, when the fact is that she is a 60 year old heavily wrinkled hag who is kept hidden behind make-up, hair dye, hair straightener, photoshopping, and airbrushing, and who has been a government employee for the past 33 years, as well as an officeholder for the past 20 years and 9 months.  9+] Etc, etc, etc.

We live in a world of lies.  Lies have become an infection that's growing at ease.  Lies instill anger which, in turn, instills violence such as assassination attempts.  Lies steal money.  Lies steal elections.  It's known as Theft by Deception.

Kamala is the Great Divider

Very recently, Kamala was at a podium, acting like an outraged God ready to damn Donald Trump forever.  Big problem here.  1]  Kamala is an unathletic & undisciplined runt who has a nasally voice that literally sometimes squeaks at the end of a sentence when she's pretending to be Eternal Damnation Mad.  Kamala's voice cracked in the middle of one damning sentence, and she squeaked at the end of another damning pronouncement.  She's is low-intelligence, physical weak, wrinkling runt who is trying to intimidate you like the guy before the curtain in Oz, pretending to be the Wizard of Oz.

2] Kamala seems to have forgotten the many airheaded videos of her for the past 3 years and 9 months, where she is redundantly talking about "the passage of time," when it's known by literary people as the PASSING of time ... as well as her mentioning that the cost of things have risen, followed by her ingenuous conclusion that this means that the Cost of Living has risen ... as well as many other totally airheaded things.  

 BTW, Kamala egregiously lied, and made a contradicting fool out of herself, when she falsely said that Donald Trump was going to destroy the US Constitution.  Well, if he publicly vowed to do this, then he cannot become president.  This is because, in order to become president, you have to make a public oath by which you will uphold the Constitution of the United States.  Kamala is a jackass and buffoon when she lies.  If you cannot catching her lying, then you are the ultimate buffoon.

Moreover, someone said that a president would therefore be immune to ordering the CIA or the US military to kill his political opponent.  Big lie.  An officer of the United States is FORBIDDEN to comply with an ILLEGAL ORDER.  This has been known since the US Civil War.  Thus, the Kamala People are mental runts who think that you are stupid.  In fact, Kamala publicly stated in the wimpy, nasally, weak, and annoying dweebo weakling voice the people 18 to 24 years old are stupid.

One more thing.  It has now been proven that Donald Trump did offer to post exactly 10,000 national guard troops at the US Capitol grounds, for January 6, 2021.  Nancy Pelosi and the hate-filled mayor of Washington has to approve this, and they did not.  The violence of January 6th was all their fault.

Kamala, the aging, unathletic, nerdo, dweebo, geeky, dorktoid runt teying to ber Mr Tough Guy

Kamala was trying to intimidate us all, by acting like the Eternal God damning Donald Trump, at a rally.  She's nothing more than a desperate con artist.  But, moronic sound byte after moronic sound byte after moronic sound byte was Kamala from 2021 to the middle of 2024.  So, you need not fear her, unless you put her in power.  And then, we're doomed.  

Of course, Kamala either had the lowest or second lowest approval rating of any vice president in approval rating history.  It's hard to take someone like that seriously.  Thus, she recently did her imitation of the man hiding behind the curtain, pretending to by the all-powerful Wizard of Oz.  

Look at the photo of Kamala Harris above.  It's evidence that she was physically NOT disciplined.  Thus she had no propensity toward heroism.  Her body here is bland, boringly smooth and undefined.  ThThat is the sign of physical laziness.  That is the sign of a person NOT self-giving.  

Her neck being not developed at all shows that she never cared to pursue high school or junior high gymnastics.  That's for sure.  But now, she is wrinkled and hides behind a layer of make-up that is more fitting for a decedent laid-out in a funeral home, for people to come and pay their respects.

At this point, keep in mind that she has been accused, by people who personally knew, to have been LAZY.  Worthlessly lazy.  Her only pursuit in life was her striving to gain power over ... YOU and everyone else.

If enough Americans have short memories, then Kamala wins the election, if and only if the same Americans are misinformed to the point of only believing in Kamala's many lies.

Kamala is marketing fear.  So, the antidote to her mortally sinful poisoning of a man's reputation is to watch Donald Trump be interviewed by the several people who recently interviewed him ... and to learn of Donald Trump's acts of kindness.  This kindness included the following Snopes disclosures:

"Trump gave $10,000 to a bus driver who saved a suicidal woman, gave $25,000 to a U.S. marine sergeant arrested and detained in Mexico, and allowed an orthodox Jewish family to use his private jet in order to seek urgent medical treatment for their young son."

Did Kamala Harris ever do anything like this for anyone anywhere?


Do you remember the Donald Bouvet who had bladder cancer and who was given $10,000 by Donald Trump?  It made the local news. Did it ever get reported on MSNBC or on CNN?  Go and see for yourself the local report on this kindness:


Did Kamala Harris ever do this for anyone?   She is the member of a millionaire household.  She can afford to do such kindness.  Has she?

There exist people who have kind words for Donald

A number of people out there have kind words for Donald Trump, due to his kindness to them.  In as much, I was once speaking with a priest from Italy about American politics ... after a Church service called a Mass.  He said that European people scoff at Americans for their election time cruelty ... in their politicians constantly performing character assassinations against their political opponents.

Also remember that Trump received two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize while president, and two additional ones afterwards.

Below are the links to segments of recent interviews with Donald Trump.  You were told that he is unhinged.  You were told by Kamala that he is "unstable."  Well, go and see for yourself if Kamala is a liar or not.  

Keep in mind that those in power have motive to slander Trump, in fear of losing their jobs this coming January 2025.  So, you show me and show the rest of America where Trump starts screaming like Kamala did in Grand Rapids?  You show me where Trump gets unhinged and violent.  All that anyone has seen in those interviews has been Trump being well mannered & even-keeled.   

In addition, Kamala said that Trump is now tired and old and cancelled a number of events, interviews, and engagements.  Trump has been performing multiple engagements.  Meanwhile, Kamala spent much time hiding out.  

Answer this:  If an event was cancelled, such as the NRA event, was it done out of fatigue which people of all ages get? ... or was it done out of dementia which is what Joe Biden got? ... or was it done out of political psychology?  After all, some people hate the NRA.  This means that attending an NRA event will cost politicians votes in some places.  In other place, not at all.  This is a coast to coast country, largest than any European nation, except for Russia which is larger than Antarctica.

All that Kamala does is lie and creates fear.  Again, go and see for yourself, if Trump is unhinged, unstable, and mentally incompetent.  Kamala is the one which gave us the airheaded, giggling sound bytes where she sounds like a total idiot, over and over again and again.







The Oct 19, 2024 Polymarket wager on election results by State.  
Lie after lie after lie after lie told by a very narcissistic and greed-stricken Kamala Harris.  They have been line-itemized at this Blue Marble Album, as a public service for a deceived nation.  I didn't spend all the time I did on research and writing, for it not to be read.  So, take advantage of the search box at the top righthand side of this page and search away.

Proof that Kamala Harris is a psychopath consists in the fact that she keep provoking people toward violence toward Donald Trump, after he came one inch or so from having his hear turn into a Deja vu of the JFK assassination.  Does she have no compassion?

Kamala's psychopathic tendencies also exist in her never having reached out to Laken Riley's family, or to any family of any victim of unvetted aliens that she, Joe, and Mayorkas allowed into America ... even by means of having taxpayer-funded aircraft fly the illegal & unvetted immigrants into American airspace.   Does she have no compassion?  She gets to be very well protected, and the rest of us do not.

Incidentally, those aliens are still illegal, because the procedure in which they are fraudulently being granted entrance into the United States was NOT approved by the US Congress.  Thus, Kamala & Mayorkas have made themselves a dictatorship, in ignoring Congress.  They overthrew Congress.

Kamala Harris is performing a coup d'etat, lying to you as she achieves it.  She verbally claimed that she earned the Democrat Party presidential nomination, and that is a total lie.  She leeched off of Joe Biden who got 14 million primary election votes.  Meanwhile, Kamala got ZERO votes in 2024 and only 844 votes in 2020.  Kamala also never earned a single delegate during any primary voting season.

And of course, she is usurping the US Supreme Court by disobeying its ruling on student loans.  None the less, you must familiarize yourself with Donald Trump's works of charity and his first three years as president of the United States, as well as how he turned the 14.8% COVID unemployment rate into a 6.4% unemployment rate the day he left office, in January 2021.  

Also keep in mind that Donald Trump championed the First Step Act, and that he appropriated the most long-term loan dollars to black colleges.  He did NOT abandon the black man ... or woman.

The aforementioned personal acts of charity performed by Donald Trump were known as Quiet Acts of Random Kindness.  Did MSNBC or CNN ever report on Trump's kindness?  This is not the work of an out-of-control lunatic.  This is not the work of an unstable person.  The media and Kamala Harris should be sued for an amount of money that will render CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and Kamala Harris in Chapter 7 bankruptcy court.

It's merely that Donald Trump is being defamed by selfish and greedy people who want to be president ... or who want to manipulate a puppet president.  That's all.

Kamala Harris' campaign message has been reduced to "Donald Trump evil.  Kill Donald Trump."  How mature.  Kamala is literally provoking Donald Trump's murder, as well as acts of violence against Trump supporters.  

Keep in mind that 91% of Kamala's staff resigned.  Her office was called, "a toxic environment."  She will make all of America the same way as she made her VP office.  She  basically accused Trump of doing what she and Biden have been doing, such as using background Marines in a red background, to intimidate people, while literally screaming.  It was and is a total disgrace.  Biden first.  Now Harris doing the same.  It is proper to describe Kamala as nasty.

And as far as goes the rallies, do you admit or deny that Kamala's rallied are arrayed with buses in line that have been proven, via GPS tracking, to have come from out of state?  Such a thing is a sign that you are very hard up and desperate.  In addition, have you ever seen any buses parked in lines outside of any Trump rally?  

 The other great lie of Kamala is her claim that Trump has no plan.  Trump already was president.  He already had policies and executive orders typewritten and enacted.  When he was president, life was affordable.   And Laken Riley was alive. 

The following is a challenge to the extremely ARROGANT Kamala Harris:  Stop dying your dye and show the grayness of it all.  Can you be brave enough to do so?  If you keep using ye olde hair dye, then you're a gutless coward, afraid of truth.

Above: 2019.  Here's your reality check.  The beautiful, beautiful Kamala is ugly, ugly, ugly.
It's sick & twisted that they dressed her up like a sexy sexy pants suit model, in order to sexually arouse men into voting for her.  Without the make-up, the airbrushing, the hair dye, the hair straightener, and the photoshopping she is a gross-out.  Her soul and her narcissism is even more hideous.  That leech got the presidential nomination FOR FREE.  She did zero work for it.  She leeched off of Biden.  If things were honest, then Gavin Newsome would be the 2024 nominee.  Kamala stole from Gavin, too.

Kamala is Sacrilegious ... and stubborn

When Kamala grits her teeth and screams her judgment of damnation against Donald Trump, she is NOT mad at Trump as much as she is mad at you for not worshipping her as the Voice of Divinity.  She's mad at you for not saying,  "Yas Ma'am, Kamala.   We sures will do whatever you says, ma'am."

Keep in mind that Kamala proved that she has ZERO RESPECT for the 2,000 year old Catholic Church which still has in several sanctuaries and museums miracles ... such as bleeding hosts, three of which were tested and found to have AB positive human blood ... and St Januarius' miraculous blood vile ... and the miraculous Tilma of Guadeloupe which has NOT faded in 493 years ... and Lourdes Water, etc, etc, etc.  Add uncorrupted saint's bodies (or extremely slow decomposing saints' bodies) to the list and so many other miracles.  Add the Catholic prophecies which came true, also.

This is the same Catholic Church which had numerous charities throughout the centuries, one of which was paying ransom to Muslims who kidnapped Roman Catholics and held them as slaves, including sex slaves.  One organization was called, the Order of Our Lady of Ransom.

This is the same Catholic Church which gave humanity those priests and/or monks who were the fathers of 1] genetics, 2] accounting, 3] seismology, 4] Mersenne's Math Laws, 5] mineralogy, etc.  In fact, feel free to read of the brief outlines of 244 priests who were accomplished scientists and authors of scientific works, as well as mathematical texts.  Elsewhere is also the longer list of Roman Catholic lay (non-priest) scientists and inventors. 


You need to think.  If Trump goes back to DC, then Robert F Kennedy gets to go back also, and complete his life's work.  Elon will be able to do a lot for humanity, too.  Viv Ramaswamy will play a pivotal role, too, as well as will Tulsi Gabbard.  So, if you defame Viv and/or Tulsi, you get to be tagged as a racist and a hypocrite.   

Are you mature enough to learn of ... or to realize ... Kamala's many con games?  If not, then we will all pay heavily.  None of us will be spared.

October 18, 2024

Kamala even lies about the most obvious of things ... to create terror of Trump

The following news is Kamala Harris' ultimate asininity, in her always blaming the border crisis on Donald Trump:   The National Border Patrol Council, otherwise known as the Border Patrol Union, unanimously ENDORSED DONALD TRUMP.  If the Border Crisis were Donald's fault, then the people working at the border would not have endorsed Trump.  Case Closed.  

In the decisive Oct 16 interview, Harris dedicated her responses to bashing Trump.  Yet, she inherited a closed Southern Border, on January 20, 2021.  Trump closed it on March 21, 2020 ... due to COVID.  The Biden-Harris Administration then re-opened the border, on November 9th, 2021.  Kamala Harris is nothing but a liar who easily becomes unhinged and who has finally proven herself to be UNFIT TO SERVE.   BTW, Trump also closed the Canadian/US border, in March 2020.

This concurs with the fact that 91% of her staffers resigned, allegedly due to her "soul destroying" bullying.  She was accused of being lazy, too!  Below:  The Queen of Hatred.  The Queen of Lies.  Would you feel comfortable at night knowing that this former Whore of Willie Brown is in charge of the United States' Nuclear Codes & the entire US military?  
Above:  This is Kamala Harris being a mean-spirited & unhinged witch in front of a polite & soft-spoken journalist, not unlike her alleged bullying of her staff members, 91% of whom resigned.  She gets angry when she is confronted with the truth ... interrupting the truth while it's being spoken. 
Concerning Donald Trump's promise to activate the 1798 Alien Enemies Act, he promised to do so, to prevent more Laken Riley murders ... to prevent further rapes ... and to prevent condominiums from being taken-over by violent illegal alien gangs ... and to prevent elderly women from being robbed and even dragged, by illegal alien gang members.

At a recent Town Hall someone stood up ... who seemed to be a setup ... mentioning how terrified he is that Trump was going to use the 1798 Alien Enemies Act, to put him in a concentration camp, as did FDR to numerous Japanese Americans, during WWII.

Kamala answered by saying how Trump only creates fear when he speaks ... and how Kamala always always always talks hope.  STOP THERE!!!!   Kamala is a pathological liar.

When Donald Trump said that he will use the 1798 Alien Enemies Act, he made millions of civilized people across America feel RELIEF AND HOPE.   America is being over-run, because of Kamala Harris, Biden and Mayorkas.

The Biden-Harris Administration let anyone unvetted come into the United States.  And of course, the motivation for doing this is to increase the number of registered democrats ... and to increase populations in democrat areas, thereby gaining House seats for those heavily democrat regions of America ... and to balance-out heavily Republican areas with the new democrats.  This has all been done at your taxpayer expense.  Kamala did NOT pay a penny for this, even though it will benefit her the most.

Concerning the observation that Kamala is not at all intelligent, she did FAIL the bar exam, on her first try.  She is documented as not being the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

One-Party America and thusly a Democrat Dictatorship, oxymoronically speaking.

The goal is to wipe off the Face of the Earth Republicans, Green Party members, Natural Law party members, Libertarian party members, etc, etc, etc.  This one-party system results in DICTATORSHIP.  It's interesting how so many dictatorships call themselves the democratic republic of ...

This attempt to make the United States an one-party nation was started by Obama, when he sent the IRS after TEA Party members.  For those too young to know this, TEA stood for TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY.  Obama went after those people, being that they were basically Republicans.

Now, Kamala is going after political opponents.  As an example:  Under Joe & Kamala the FBI raided the home of a nice and civilized family of pro-life Roman Catholics.  They looked like the Brady Bunch.  The FBI treated them as the James Gang or a Sicilian crime family.

As far as goes Kamala claiming that so many people claim that Trump is unhinged and unfit to serve, 51 intell agents and intell officers lied perniciously about the Hunter Biden Laptop, in their sleight of hand way, eventually destroying their credibility.  So, expect these same people to lie about Trump.  Also expect those who were fired by Trump to also damn him and create fear of him.  

At the debate, the TV camera showed a Kamala Harris becoming unhinged.  Ironic for a candidate who calls her opponent unhinged.  Kamala is the tyrant.  Yet, she accused businessman Donald Trump of being the tyrant.  Oh, and concerning Kamala claiming that Trump promised that he will be a dictator on Day 1, observe:

After he JOKINGLY said that he'll be a dictator on Day 1, he said that, from Day 2 and onward he WILL NOT be a dictator.  In as much, the defamation committed by the Kamala Harris campaign is known as FALSE LIGHT DEFAMATION.  Donald Trump expressly said that he WILL NOT BE A DICTATOR from Day 2, onward, until the end of his presidency.  

Welcome to  Killing for Kamala.  It comes on after Bowling for DollarsAnd following it will be a brand news season of the hit series, the Nanny, starring Doug Emhoff.

But of course, there are people trying hard to end his presidency very soon and even before it recommences.  They are doing this by LYING and by inciting ATTEMPTED MURDER, aka assassination, at the hands of someone as unhinged as Kamala Harris showed herself to be.  They want to Kill for Kamala.  After all, this is ...

Kamala is the LIAR ... the Incompetent Buffoon and lazy leech who abandoned our allies in Afghanistan and then was given the Democrat Party nomination entirely for free, without receiving a single primary election vote ...

... the Clueless IDIOT who is clueless to the fact that the Muslim Quran followed by HAMAS orders Muslims to fight against the Jews and to kill them all off, meaning that there will be no truce honored by HAMAS, as they will sneak behind Kamala's back, planning to kill every Jew they can ...

... a Complete Dunce who let the atmospheric CO2 level of Planet Earth reach its highest level in human history, as of May 2024, with a 426.9 ppm level, despite of the Biden Administration's dictatorial & draconian "Green New Deal" measures ...

... an Economics & Accounting moron who broke two senatorial ties, by voting for the two Congressional Acts guaranteed to ruin the United States economy, via Demand Pull Inflation & even Cost Push Inflation ...

... and she was the vice president in power during the 2023 Bank Failure Crisis.   Thus no wisdom to stop such evils came from Kamala, in any capacity or way.

Then Comes the 2024 FDIC Problem Bank List, all under Kamala & Joe ... and Yellen.

See:   https://www.noradarealestate.com/blog/fdic-problem-bank-list/

Americans know how high prices have sky-rocketed throughout the Biden-HARRIS Years.  Harris the Senatorial Tie-Breaker is the one at fault.  She could have saved America from the woes it has been suffering, by voting nay.  But, she did the opposite of what is needed for Americans to stay alive.  Just ask Laken Riley.  If it will cause someone to die in America, Kamala will support it.

For example:  Harris ALLEGEDLY "buried the records" of certain molester priests in San Francisco.  Concerning the number,  keep in mind that the Archdiocese of San Francisco had to declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy, due to 500+ sexual abuse lawsuits involving priests in the San Francisco area.  In fact,  Peter Schweizer, author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite, ...

"revealed that, in addition to campaign donations from multiple law firms defending San Francisco priests against abuse claims, multiple “board members of San Francisco's Catholic archdiocese-related organizations and their family members donated another $50,950 to Harris’s campaign.” ...

... Plus, “Harris had no particular ties to the Catholic Church or Catholic organizations, but the money still came in large, unprecedented sums."



Kamala is the violent one, seeking the murder of millions and millions of human beings in the gestation period of life.  Even Bill Maher said during one of his TV shows that he thinks that  "Abortion is murder"... but he's okay with it.  At least Bill Maher is honest.  That honesty is much appreciated.  Now, back to the marketer of terror ... the Creator of Undue Fear ... the Fearmongering Kamala Harris.  All in all, in having claimed to have been the champion of those molested as youths, Kamala once again LIED.

Let us review:  When Trump said that he will employ the 1798 Enemy Aliens Act, he filled millions of people with hope.  Kamala fills the same people with dread.  Thus, there is a reason why the Poly-market poll presently has Trump up 23.4% over Kamala.  That's twenty-three point four percentage point over Kamala.  61.7% to 38.3%.

And remember, the Polymarket people are the ones who put their money where their mouths are.  A majority of them are so sure of Trump that they put money on a Trump election victory.

Trump gave hope ... and a sense of relief.  Kamala makes us cringe and brace for more evil, at her incompetent hands.  And remember, inflation is like flood waters.  Even if the inflation RATE decreases, the risen prices are still risen.   

Even if a rain stops, the flood waters are still at their height.  They simply don't get any higher, but you can still drown in the flood waters.  This means that you calculate total inflation, by adding all monthly inflation rate increases in a given time span.  Thus, ever since Kamala became vice president, the accumulative inflation rate has become 20.53%.  Kamala is killing us.

Go look for yourself:  https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm

October 17, 2024

Kamala Harris lies about everything, including today's military.

 Then comes Kamala's blatant military LIE told at the debate

Kamala claimed that  There is not one member of the military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world for the first time this century.”  100% FALSE! 

Kamala lied outright.  She should have known better, being that she is the vice president and she gets briefed.  Do NOT assume this statement to have been an honest mistake on the part of Kamala.  She was gambling that Americans are too lazy to fact-check her.  Well ...

... as recently as June 2024, the US Navy faced it's most intense combat since WWII.  It was worse than Vietnam, Korea, etc.  Read all about it, so that you can further see how much of a liar is the pro-abortion whore of Willie Brown, namely Kamala Harris.  The article linked below comes from THE Associated Press, and not from some MAGA hat-wearing NASCAR fan sitting next to a confederate flag.  Go and read about it, for yourself.

 In fact, US military personnel killed FIFTEEN ISIS members as recently as Aug 29, 2024.  Kamala Harris LIED to 67 million people yet another time.  Look for yourself.

NUMEROUS EXAMPLES show that Kamala LIED to 67 million Americans, thinking that they are too stupid to catch her.  During her watch, there was American combat resulting in injury and enemy deaths, as recently as September 13.  Sept 13 constitutes two days after the debate.  

Kamala made it sound as if no American was ever stationed in a combat zone throughout her tenure, since Afghanistan, in 2021.  Thousands of American military personnel have been and still are in harm's way.  America's enemies were killed.  Americans were injured.  Americans have been stationed in Syria, Iraq, Kosovo, Egypt, the Philippines, the African Sahel, Eastern Africa, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey (by request of the Turkish government,) etc.  

In fact, on the day of the debate, US Central Command destroyed two Yemen missile systems and five Iranian drones.   SEVEN American military personnel were inured in combat on the day of the debate.  Kamala Harris remains a liar.  Kamala is a runt-sized sack of hatred ... and narcissistic arrogance.
The great LIE in Kamala's claim that American military personnel has been living in peace is that America, under Biden-Harris, has been engaged in a massively explosive and deadly proxy war with Russia, with Ukraine as America's surrogate.  

Biden's goal was to deplete the Russian missile stockpile.  Well, Russia depleted its missile stockpile in the buildings and houses of the Ukrainians.  That's not how you deplete a stockpile, Joe & Kamala.  

The Ukrainian-Russian War is one step away from WWIII.  In fact, that which is transpiring in the water lanes near the Philippines is one step away from Chinese military action.  Kamala assured people, in general, that all will be fine, as long as "we" get Donald Trump out of the way.  Then,  on Sept 15, another potential assassin came a hunting ... hunting down Trump ... at a Florida golf establishment ... to get Donald Trump out of the way.  

Killing trump will NOT stop the Chinese from advancing on the world, for the sake of world conquest.  Killing Trump stop the Russian military from raining missiles upon the infrastructures of the Ukraine.  In fact, killing Trump won't stop any war.  It will only cause additional war.

So Unprofessional

Kamala Harris was a very unprofessional, unpresidential, sneering, harassing, disrespectful, & mocking piece of the most stereotypical political trash that America has been seeing, ever since Hillary found it to be too oppressive to merely be the First Lady, living in a degree of luxury that billions and billions of us do NOT ever get to enjoy.  

Lots of name-calling and proven lying was done on the part of Kamala Harris on September 10th, showing us why 91% of Kamala's VP staffers resigned from their posts.  Well, I would literally move to Russia, just to get away from her ... except for the fact that there are no Pittsburgh Steelers and no Pitt Panther sports teams in Russia.  Yikes!

(For those who are products of the American public school system, the preceding line is called a joke.  Jokes used to be common in America, until the pro-abortion people, the sex-change people, and the race card grifters got into power.   Today, you can only make jokes about Donald Trump.)  

Back to the UNELECTED democrat party nominee

Now remember, this is the Kamala Harris who got ZERO primary votes in 2024, and who had to drop out of the 2020 presidential race in 2019, because she had only 2% of the vote for the upcoming Iowa Caucuses, and because she had  nearly ZERO PERCENT of the new campaign donation money.   This is also the Kamala Harris who received the LOWEST approval rating of any vice president, in the history of approval ratings.  But, who needs democracy anyway?

Kamala now abiding by the concept of "Sex Sales."

The rapidly aging, sarcopenia-evident,  weight-gaining, and face-falling Kamala has not been polling well with Black Males.  That which Kamala doesn't understand is that no self-respecting black American male is going to vote for her, for specific reasons that will be left unmentioned here.  After all, if you want to know why she is NOT doing well with black males, then go ask those black males who know to not for her.

None the less, due to the asininity of the Harris Campaign advisors, Kamala started to dress-up like a college senior at the Homecoming semi-formal dance, in the attempt to look all-so-sexy black males ... and Hispanic males, thereby seducing them into voting for her, despite the observation that she is aging ungracefully.  Now, those clothes look really nice ... for a 20 yr old, a 30 yr old, and even a 40 yr old ... or a woman who actual did age gracefully, all the while doing those health regimes which activate autophagy and senescent cell recycling.  HOWEVER ... in a politician's case ===>

... there is a time and a place for everything, and Kamala was completely OUT OF PLACE, in wearing really nice clothes fit for the wintertime Semi-formal dance.  Now think. She's at a podium, speaking defamation, in the attempt to provoke hatred to Trump.  Meanwhile, she's trying to look "all loving and beautiful," while simultaneously aging ungracefully, whatever be the cause of that rapid aging.  

Now, common sense politicians know that talking about the Inflation Rate, the Trade Balance Deficit, the Unemployment Rate, the Average Price of Gas, Taxes, and the War Casualties in the Ukraine IS NOT SEXY.  So, why is Kamala trying to arouse black males and Hispanic males with clothing only fitting for much young females?  Are you convinced yet that she's an asinine airhead out of touch with the common man life ... and definitely remotely separated from the common man's mind?

The Conflict of Interest Factor ... the rigged debate factor 
One of the two ABC debate moderators who was found lying about the instant fact-checking assertions AGAINST Trump was a sorority sister of the bully Kamala.  It is the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority to which the two are socially connected.  

And of course, Kamala has been a long-term personal friend of a top executive of the Disney Corporation which ever-so-coincidentally owns the American Broadcasting Company.  That friend is Dana Walden.  Oh my!!!  That is a very white name attached to a friend of the "super woke" Kamala!

None the less, when you take the time to fact-check every damning thing Kamala said about Donald Trump, you learn that Kamala is nothing more than a lying whore.  Concerning her being a whore, she repeatedly gave sex to California power-broker, Willie Brown, in return for a launch into politics.  It is literally Willie Brown's fault why we had to put-up with Kamala, for the last four years.  And it is also Willie Brown's fault as to why Laken Riley is dead.  Well, it's Biden's fault too, for choosing her ... Kamala ... not Laken whom he called "Lincoln."

As far as goes the debate questions, none of them involved a China who had Trade Balance success against the United States above and beyond a Communist Dictatorship's wildest dreams.  Needless to say, Disney wants the Chinese movie & entertainment market kept wide open.  Thus, Disney cow-tows to the Maoist communist dictatorship.  Nothing bad being said about Communist China is a profiteer's goal.  

Enter ABC and the debate moderators.  No condemnation of a deadly Communist China, but lots condemnation of the Donald Trump who once received TWO Nobel Prize nominations.  There was not even mention of the gigantic Chinese spy balloon Biden allowed to tour over America's most sensitive lands.

The debate showed Kamala to be nothing more than a theatrical liar.  She should be in Hollywood, auditioning for fictional television.  This is because, from Kamala's nasally & annoying voice patterns came nothing but fiction ... or sleight of hand semantic deception.

Concerning Kamala claiming that the Trump Tax Cut only lowered the tax rate of the wealthy:

The middle class ... the lower income bracket people ... had their income tax rates decreased also, in 2017, and this was made effective as of January 2018.  It was found that 80.4% of taxpaying Americans had their income tax rates lowered ... under Trump.  Kamala lied ,,, yet again.

The ABC moderators committed dereliction of duty, in not correcting the lies of Kamala Harris.  She repeatedly lied throughout the debate, and the moderators repeatedly kept silent throughout her lying to the American People.  This made the ABC moderators co-liars.  They should be fired from ABC immediately.

The question at hand is if whether or not revenue will be generated more via raising taxes or lowering taxes.  This involves the Laffer Curve, Price Elasticity, and past tax revenue records.  Thus, that question is beyond the scope of this post.  So, we move onward.

The Lie where  Kamala Harris & her ABC allies denied that Harris supported the plan to spend taxpayer dollars on illegal alien prison inmates, for transgender surgery.

Below is the excerpt of a recent KFILE report.  It's here to show you that an assertion which was made by Trump, and then declared a lie by the two ABC moderators, turned out to have been TRUE

The belittling of Trump will continue until the next person gets so angry that he/she will try to fire a bullet into Trump's head.  And ABC will let this hatemongering happen.  Now, it already happened for a second time, as of Sept 15, 2024. 

Some law enforcement people somewhere need to file criminal charges on mainstream media personnel for defamation and the incitement to rioting, as well as the incitement of assassination.  Criminal courts have novel construction to the law, just as civil courts do.

Quick note:  In most states, Defamation is a civil court matter.  However, in some states defamation is a criminal offense.  And the way the mainstream media has been defaming Donald Trump has been a matter of inciting assassination ... or inciting a riot.
Also in 2019, Kamala supported the defunding of ICE.  For further affirmation ... aka "concurrence" ... of the above KFILE report, refer to the link directly below:

 ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓

Her claim to have been friendly to fracking since 2020 proven to be a lie, as of Jan 2024.

Fracking was banned by the Biden-Harris administration in January 2024, in a predictable sleight of hand way.  It prevented the products of fracking from being exported.  More specifically, Biden & Company halted "temporarily" all export permits for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG.)  It was typical stonewalling.  This is why no one can trust Harris, the unchaste & mortally sinful WHORE of Willie Brown who is no model of virtue for young ladies ANYWHERE.

The freeze on permits was a great way to cost frackers a lot of business.  It caused a proverbial LNG traffic jam.  It required a federal judge's intervention, in July of 2024.  This proved Joe & Kamala to have been nothing more than lying sneaks.  Click on the link below and become enlightened ... and liberated from Hair Sniffing Joe and Kamala the Whore.



Housing Costs became too high, thanks to the Bidenomics which was praised by Harris

She admitted that current housing costs in America are too high.  Yet, she didn't admit that this rise in price occurred under her watch.  She acts likes the outsider, when she is actually the incumbent.  Likewise, she acted as if Trump is the incumbent, when he has no governmental post, at all.  

A detailed critique on Harris' economic platform, as well as details on Trump's economic policy during his presidency, is linked directly below.  It IS informative:


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Those particular ex-employees were the ones fired by Trump, and therefore, they were committing revenge with their mouths and/or emails

And by the way, the ex-employees of Trump who damned him with their mouths were people FIRED BY TRUMP.  Their defamation of Trump was their act of revenge.  They were also speaking out of pride, giving excuses for why they were fired by a Donald Trump made famous for saying, "You're fired."  Some of these were military personnel.

Kamala's denial about her disrespecting Israel

The most disgusting part of Kamala's conduct was when she would shake her head "no," while Trump would be speaking a known truth.  The most obvious example involves Israeli head of state, Benjamin Netanyahu.  

It is well known that Kamala refused to meet with him.  She refused to talk to Benjamin Netanyahu.  She went to a sorority get-together, instead.  It's a very well known fact.  None the less, Trump mentioned this undeniable fact, yet Kamala kept shaking her head, "no," while bearing a very arrogant expression, as if Trump is too stupid to know the truth.  

The Economics Term, Bleeding Money, as it applies to the auto industry, is what Trump meant

The Bloodbath comment was meant economically, as a derivative of an economics term, "bleeding money."  Trump spoke of an auto industry economic bloodbath ... aka financial rupture.  Trump did not threaten physical violence.  Kamala LIED about that.  Kamala has the maturity level of a twelve year old.  

Once again, when money is chronically being lost, one is bleeding money.   When it's a massive loss, it's an economic "bloodbath," figuratively speaking only.  Kamala already proved that she is a Economics Moron, evidenced by all the money you having been loosing during her tenure as vice president.  Trump proved that he knew something worthwhile about Economics, evidenced by the low gas prices and fuel independence enjoyed by Americans.  

That fuel-independence and those low gas prices were only lost under Kamala's watch.  A vote for Kamala the Adulteress is a vote for your poverty.  She lived in luxury, while numerous people suffered.  She lived in safety, while Laken Riley was being murdered.  A vote for Kamala is a vote for death.

Tax Deduction Pointless if you don't first get Start-up Money, for a small business

In her first solo interview, after the rigged debate, Kamala showed herself to be a complete airhead, talking about her neighborhood lawns, in a diversionary tactic.  Kamala had no idea how to answer the question of how she would reduce prices.  So, she literally changed the subject, thinking that you are too stupid to have noticed that she has no idea how to lower prices.

Kamala eventually said that she was going to give small business start-up entrepreneurs that which was needed for them to start a small business :::: a tax deduction.  Uhmmmmm, excuse me, but you first need something called Start-Up MONEY, to start business operations.  

A tax deduction only comes into play AFTER there has been an entire period of having been engaged in business.  In America, it's known as the quarterly tax return.  

Without start-up money, there is no business income.  Without business income, there is no small business income tax deduction.  Kamala was a completely airheaded moron, in her trying to talk about things-economic, in her solo interview.  She was a full-blown idiot.  Only an idiot would vote for her.  So, the question is, "How many registered idiots are in America?"  We will see on election day, taking into account the fact that some measure of modern-day ballot box stuffing will occur here and there. None the less, if you want to know how idiots live in America, wait for the November 2024 election results to be posted.

Concerning Economics, Donald Trump built an empire, comprising large physical infrastructures which required the services of architects, structural engineers, accomplished tradesmen, subcontractors, dedicated laborers, etc.  Kamala did no such thing in the past 21 years of her being an officeholder.

To speak to Putin's representatives is to speak to Putin

Kamala the Hateful wanted to ridicule Trump for having said, "when she went to Munich to talk to Putin..."  Well, to talk to a representative of Putin is to talk to Putin.  It's the act of talking through the chain of command ... or through the channels of command.  

When speaking to Putin's reps in 2022, Kamala was speaking to Putin.  Kamala tried to make Trump look like an idiot when he stated that she spoke with Putin.  She wasn't in Munich talking the Munich Motor Club.  She was talking to Putin, through representation.  Case Closed.  

The Insulin Thing

Oh, and concerning the "insulin price cap,"  that law does NOT go into effect, until 2026.  Kamala makes it sound as if it has been happening, already.  In fact, seniors have had a co-pay of only $9 dollars, relatively recently.  To have claimed that there was a Nevada grandmother showing bills of a thousand dollars a month for only insulin was ... to state it politely ... misrepresented and wildly misinterpreted.

For the record, anyone on Social Security Disability AND SSI gets needed prescription drugs for free, in any State which pays the "deductible."  Kamala and her people are trying to deceive you into believing that it's the End of the World and only Kamala can save it.  Kamala Harris is now the Savior of Mankind, even though she had the lowest ... or second lowest ... vice presidential approval rating in the history of approval polls; and even though Planet Earth's atmospheric CO2 reached its highest level in human history, under Kamala & Joe's Draconian Green New Deal measures.

That arrogant & snide face of Kamala shows how much of a creature of hatred she is.  Those are the types of people who orchestrate malicious prosecutions, along with over-the-top raids, on Catholic families and political opponents during an election year.  Kamala Types are the people who start civil wars, by pushing a faction into a corner, and causing a self-defense response from the bullied faction.  

Someone as hateful as Kamala is no uniter.  She's a vicious little feisty runt who causes division.  After all, Tulsi instantly was placed on a Terror Watch List, as soon as Kamala became the UNELECTED & UNDESERVED democrat party presidential nominee.  Well, Tulsi was the one who ended Kamala's 2020 campaign.  Kamala was committing revenge.

In re:  Kamala's BLATANT LIE in claiming that she didn't promote the banning of guns

She is on video repeatedly advocating a "buy-back" program, by which, by law, Americans must give up their guns.  She is also on video for "defunding the police."  So remember, she is a pathological liar, in that she confidently speaks while she lies to millions of people.

And yes, I am a faithful subscriber of Devory Dawkins.  He is as sharp & impressive as Viv Ramaswamy, personality-wise.  Well, below is a Devory Dawkins Video, addressing Kamala's stance of gunneries.


The Price Gouging Accusation against Big Oil and its insult to one's intelligence

Very simply, if operating costs go up, retail prices go up.  Now, two days before Trump left office, in January of 2021, the price of a barrel of  Brent Crude Oil was exactly $54.75.  Under Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, the price of Brent Crude sky-rocketed to $114 or so (unadjusted), on June 6, 2022.  This should be enough to explain the cause of the rise in prices, during the Biden-Harris years.  

See for yourself:  https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/oil-price?op=1

If price gouging is the corporate way, and if Donald Trump is all buddy buddy with corporations, then why were they no notable price rises during the Trump years ... before COVID and the rise in construction material?  The Years 2017, 2018, and 2019 were solid years for the economy.  No ridiculous price hikes then, as there were under Biden & Harris.  No transportation hindrances then, as there were under Biden & Harris.  No shortages then, either.

BTW,  Tim Walz is a worse liar than Kamala.  And why?  It's because Tim Walz is smarter and more articulate than Kamala.  So, he uses his gifts from God to lie to the People.  Concerning this, remember:  Your talents are God's gift to you.  What you do with those talents is your gift to God ... or it's your refusal to give any gift to God.


The Blatant Proof that the Debate was Prejudiced, Biased, Slanted, and Rigged

The moderators never asked Kamala to explain herself in lying to America about Joe Biden's failing heath and obvious Dementia.  In 2024, it was seen by all that Biden is mentally incompetent.  Yet, Kamala kept telling America that Biden was as sharp as a tack.  She owes an explanation to America.  But, the ABC moderators kept silent on this obvious scandal done by Kamala.

I don't have the time to add examples.  The one above endangered the entire United States, in light of the fact that Biden was and still is in charge of the United States Emergency Satchel, aka the Nuclear Football.  

Moreover, we are seeing video after video where Kamala sounds drunk.  You cannot put her in charge of the Nuclear Football.  After all, you see what a chaotic mess we are in, due to mass border crossings which included immigrants not registered according to the law being flown into America, with no objection from Kamala the Hoochie Mamma dancer who was been witnessed sounding really drunk at times.

Kamala's other lies cited

Below is the video of a young, healthy and alert-looking WHITE woman.  She did her homework, in reporting on the debate, and she got 482,000 views, in the first 14 hours of posting the video.  In fact, this young lady also has 4.3 MILLION subscribers.  In as much, if you think that all white women condemn Trump and praise Kamala, think again.  And remember, being a true American is a matter of judging an individual on the content of his or her character ... and not upon the color of his skin, as Kamala does.


Trump never accepted a salary as president

Oh, and concerning Kamala claiming that Trump is only running for president out of narcissistic selfishness, keep two things in mind:  1] Donald Trump did NOT accept a salary while president.  That money was sent to a charity organization, instead.  2] Donald Trump was already wildly wealthy and very famous.  He didn't have to become president in order to become wealthy, as did the Barack Obama who manipulated the murder of Omar Khadafi, thereby resulting in Libya to establish slave markets in the 21st Century .  Being president is an inconvenience for someone as rich and famous as Trump.

Trump: He was shut down by Muir when he mentioned his own attempted assassination ... and then ... within a week, another attempted assassin showed up in Trump's life ... in the attempt to end Trump's life.

Take note that Muir interrupted Trump, after Trump mentioned that the endless defamation and calumny against him provoked his attempted assassination.  Muir said, "We have a lot to get to."   Muir needs to be fired.

Now, there is such a thing as inciting a riot, as well as provoking violence.  This includes provoking an assassination attempt.  Of course, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, etc were inciting violence against Trump and Trump followers.  Predictably, ever since Trump showed that he is not a crusader against abortion, CNN started "to take it easy on him."  ABC & MSNBC remain on the attack.

Directly below is a Body Language Expert's observations of the Sept 10th debate

The expert is a female and a former D.O.D. interrogator



And of course, a retired three-star general who was involved in negotiating with the Taliban states how Kamala lied about it, during her debate.  He also spoke of the Munich meeting Kamala had.  That meeting resulted in Russia invading the Ukraine, a few short days later.


90 Minutes of Very Uncivilized Harassment & Verbal Disrespect, on the part of the Kamala Harris who was the final reason why I left the Democratic Party

Kamala was like the bratty sister of three older brothers, hiding behind the older brothers and sticking her tongue out at others, while saying, "Nah, nah, nah, NAH, nah.  You can't get me."  Her staring at Trump, her smirking at him, her shaking her, "no," when Trump was citing a well known fact was her attempt to distract YOU, in the hopes that you would not listen to that which Donald Trump had to say.   Well, one day, Kamala will be all alone, on her own.  You will see an entirely different Kamala.

None the less, Kamala performed the same disrespectful facial gestures, in 2019, when Tulsi was revealing Kamala's vexatious prosecution of 1,500 or so black males for nothing more than smoking marijuana.  However, that disrespectful facial contortion only lasted a minute or so, during Tulsi's one minute of revealing what Kamala really was, as DA and even as deputy DA.

And of course, as soon as Kamala became the UNDESERVED democrat party nominee in 2024, Tulsi was placed on a terrorist watch list.  This is harassment.  This is abuse of governmental power and influence.  Moreover, no candidate has the right to call herself the candidate of unity when she engages in incessant name-calling.  

This includes Kamala's vice presidential candidate, in him calling the Republican vice presidential candidate "weird."  Again, we are dealing with TWO politicians who possess the maturity level of 12 to 14 year olds.  

And remember, the National Guard is the junior varsity.  America is mostly protected by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and even the Great Lakes.  It's also protected by the Big Red 1, the 101st, the 82nd, the 8th AF, the 10th Mountain Division, Marine amphibious units, armored calvary, etc, etc, etc.  

People who join the National Guard are people who need to supplement their income.  It's not the Navy Seals.  It's not the Kommando Spezialkrafte.  And it sure as hell ain't Delta Force.  So, cut it out with being an accomplice in Tim Walz's Stolen Valor.   Tim Walz is a liar extraordinaire.

The National Guard is for tornado relief and flood relief.  And when those events occur, no one is shooting at the National Guardsmen.   Walz is Chump Change City.  He let Minneapolis burn for consecutive days.  Such a person is NOT a protector of the People.  


After years of holding office in San Francisco, Kamala did NOT leave it a better place.  In fact, Kamala looked the other way, when it came to holding molester priests accountable.  She gave those molester priests a get-out-of-jail free card.  Her motive was to politically stay in the good graces of the influential higher-ups of the San Francisco Archdiocese.

After years of being California AG & Federal Senator from California, Kamala did NOT leave California in a better place, especially with the cartels, other types of drug merchants, smash-and-grab shoppers, and everything else criminal in California.

After 3 years and 8 months of being Vice President of the United States, she did the opposite of leaving America in a better place.  She had very little to brag-about.  However, she went about bragging.  

No-Vote Kamala

She is the ultimate threat to democracy, being that she became the Democrat nominee without winning a single primary election vote in 2024, and without the traditional floor vote which has been done during Democrat & Republican conventions throughout the decades.  

Plus, Kamala was in power & influence while American courts were turned into Kangaroo Courts.  And due to Kamala's dereliction of duty, Laken Riley and other youth, as well as moms, are now dead, in having been the victims of the ILLEGAL immigrants that Kamala allowed to waltz into the United States, at the expense of overly-burdened taxpayers.  

No matter what you think of Kamala's debate performance: 

[1] prices sky-rocketed under her, [2] young ladies were brutally murdered by ILLEGAL immigrants, [3] the Afghan Withdrawal was a tragedy, [4] the atmospheric CO2 count hit a record high, [5] smash-and-grab shoplifting theft became a pastime,  [6] suicides rose, [7] unintentional Fentanyl deaths rose,  [8] the cost of housing rose, [9] Military recruitment quotas were NOT met.

[10] the US Trade Balance Deficit reached a yearly all-time high,  [11] The National Debt rose EIGHT TRILLION dollars under Kamala's watch, [12] The nation of Ukraine is nowhere near ending its war, as its number of casualties has already been a disaster.  [13] The Chinese spy balloon the size of a bus.  [14] The imposition of large numbers of immigrants upon to small towns which do NOT have the resources to accommodate them, along with ... now proven via Charleroi Pennsylvania ... the inability of these immigrants to drive and not crash.

Again, the recent Charleroi Pennsylvania findings changes everything pertaining to how much Trump was mocked for mentioning Springfield Ohio.  See for yourself here:


Do I need to state any further?  If you want a continuation of this in America & in the Ukraine,  you need to go to a phone directory and look up the category, "psychiatrist."  This is because, if you want this to continue, and you live in America, then you're nuts.  

And if you think that Kamala is going to do anything differently than what she has already been doing throughout the previous four years, then you are completely nuts.  This is because Kamala is in power at this very moment, and she can do all of the things she is promising not to do until January 2025.  Why has she not done a thing that saves lives, in the past four years?

A tree is known by its fruits.  A tree keeps producing the same fruit.  Kamala produces toxic fruit ... figuratively speaking, of course.  In addition, Kamala is a WHORE, and this is LITERALLY SPEAKING.  Kamala was the vicious little whore who clawed her way into political power and then manipulated her way to the top with ZERO PRIMARY ELECTION VOTES, 2024 ... and only 844 primary election votes in 2020.

Do not be deceived.  Kamala the Adulteress is as vicious as she is lawless.  Kamala will break the law, in order to be in charge of the law.  And keep in mind that, if you gain political influence by engaging in sex, then you are being paid IN KIND for sex.  The means that you are a profiteering WHORE.

Concerning the very unchaste Kamala, do the math and get into reality.  Kamala stole away from moral women political posts that the moral women would have performed more effectively and more properly than the Kamala Harris who let San Francisco molester priests have free reign.  This was equivalent to Kamala molesting the victim youths, herself.

Kamala Harris has no right to be in power, because she used sex to get into power.  Dianne Feinstein's endorsement was huge, and Kamala only got it, because she gave sex to Willie Brown.  Yet, it only resulted in Kamala getting 33% of the San Fran DA election vote in the November election.  After all, Kamala rubs people the wrong way.  

Kamala won the San Fran DA election runoff, because she had Feinstein's endorsement.  Then, a few months later Dianne said, "If I knew she was going to do this, I would NOT have endorsed her."  Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a known cop killer.  And then came the Minneapolis Riots of 2020, where Kamala praised such violence on Stephen Colbert's show. 

Drug Cartels still thrive under Kamala and Fentanyl Deaths SKY-ROCKETED under Kamala

Now, ads state that Kamala fought the border-crossing drug cartels, while she was California AG.  Well, this means that she wasn't very good it, because the border-crossing & drug infestation of America wildly INCREASED under Kamala's watch.  The drug cartels became all the more powerful under Kamala.  Case Closed.

Kamala:  Too much of a gutless coward when it comes to debating on Foxnews

A person worthy to be president is somewhere who will debate anyone anywhere.  Kamala's gutless cowardice concerning Foxnews, alone, shows that she is incapable of the duties of president which includes something called courage. 

This is ironic for someone who acted all so confident when she was lying, on Sept 10th ... not that she believes that she's telling the truth ...  but that she knows that she was going to be allowed to mock Trump all she wanted, thanks to her friend who happens to be a top exec at the Disney Corp which happens to own the American Broadcasting Company. 

And concerning who won the Sept 10th debate, Kamala should be regarded as having been disqualified, for constantly lying.  Donald Trump was put on the spot ... put on the defensive ... put into a corner.  

Kamala is a vicious bully who seeks to team up on her opposition.  But, one day she will be all alone.  None the less, due to it being a proven fact that Kamala repeatedly lied during the debate, she lost as a result of her own doing.  Trump was being harassed too much, for him to think clearly.  Yet, he spoke very understandable sentences.  He simply wasn't Shakespeare, on Sept 10.


And concerning Springfield, Ohio, ducks and geese were the ones seen being carried away.  Reports of this were even been recorded on 911 audio.  There were 15 to 20,000+ illegal immigrants sent there, without the consent of the people there.  So, something real was occurring.  The other real thing occurring there has been the increase in auto accidents ... in Springfield.  And guess who the involved drivers are?

Concerning this, there is a question to be posed:  How much money did the mayor and treasury of Springfield Ohio receive from the federal government, for taking in the Haitian refugees who entered on an illegal protocol, as if Kamala is an absolute dictator who makes the law?

One more thing:  Haitians are known to practice voodoo.  Voodoo involves animal sacrifice and the drinking of the blood ... of ... cats.  Moreover, I once spoke at length with a former Nazi soldier, in my younger years.  He said that, after the war, his troops were so hungry that they . . . ate cats.

Now, the link directly below here was already posted above.  But, it fits here:

Again, the recent Charleroi Pennsylvania findings changes everything pertaining to how much Trump was mocked for mentioning Springfield Ohio.  See for yourself here:



There's more to cover.  But, it would require a lot of time and writing to explain it correctly.  None the less, Kamala's only power on Sept 10 was her power to lie and to not have the debate moderators correct her.  They need to be dismissed from their line of work.  It was very intelligence-insulting work that they did.  Worthless pieces of trash were they.

Gettysburg again:  Remember, she who does not learn from the mistakes made in the past is condemned to repeat them.  Where there is Kamala, there is death.  Just ask Laken Riley.

Malicious Prosecutions

It's quite a coincidence that, under a former prosecutor now running-for-president, charges were filed against Trump.  Under Kamala the Whore's watch, malicious prosecutions, and gun-toting swat team raids occurred upon peaceful Roman Catholics and the builder, Donald Trump.  It is like a plague of locusts being sent out to pro-life people with consciences.  

This Kamala Harris is far more vicious than I assumed.  She is serious evil.  Time for Saint Michael, Saint Raphael the Seraphim, and the rest of Heaven's highest positioned royals to combat  Kamala's vicious form of manipulative evil.  Literally.  

Do you really think that this ex-prosecutor had nothing to do with Donald Trump suddenly being prosecuted in multiple jurisdictions, in an election year where she was going to lunge for the Democrat Party presidential nominee post?  Do you really think that she had nothing to do with Tulsi Gabbard being put on a terrorist watch list, shortly after Kamala became the UNELECTED & UNDESERVED presidential nominee of her party?  Kamala is vicious.