January 12, 2025

Severe Glacial Melt Witnessed, Measured, & Certified from 1876 to 1902 and in 1905, 1910, 1922, 1929, 1936, 1939, and even in 1952, as well as 1874 & 1880.

Below:  21 pieces of photo-copied evidentiary support, to prove that Glacier Recession ... aka glacier shrinkage ... had long since between identified, in cyclical intervals of time, when the atmospheric CO2 count much lower than it is today.  Thus, there is no NEW climate crisis that was started by CO2 and which will cause the world to come to its end.  Whatever has been the weather event of the past five years, it has all happened before, having come and gone in cyclical intervals.

Concerning the 21 pieces of evidentiary support, one of them shows that not much glacial ice loss in the Alpine Region occurred between 1973 and 2016.  Yet, that was when CO2 was on the rise.  This shows that CO2 does NOT drive the climate.  The Sun does.  Moreover, CO2 is NOT the Predominate Greenhouse Gas.  Water vapor is, by far.   All in all, the Earth's Climate is much like the Phases of the Moon.  It waxes and wanes.


The part of Pittsburgh where I live is the part where exists four colleges, including Pitt and the Carnegie Mellon which gave the world its first robotics institute and a number of celebrities who are household names.  Therefore, I'm an East Ender, and this is the area where you will find many a person native to lands far away.  This includes the Himalayan region of Planet Earth.  Specifically Nepal.

Well, I was talking to a couple of natives from the Himalayan mountain region whom I know on an informal and casual basis, and I said, "I guess that all the glaciers in the Himalayas are shrinking."  One of them instantly said, "No.  They're growing."   The other Himalayan gentleman then mentioned how brutally cold it gets in his Himalayan hometown.

Despite the claim of a climate crisis by a Biden Administration known for its liars ... and an U.N. known for the same type of liar ... the United States had a couple record high crop yields in 2024.  In fact, crop success has been the American way of recent years, and crop yield success is the opposite of a climate crisis.  Thus, Joe Rogan, Donald Trump, Michael Schellenberg, and Randall Carlson had distinct historic reasons for calling  " this Climate Crisis" a hoax.  

The irony to this repeated crop harvest success is in the observation that the Al Gore People claimed a rise in CO2 to be the guaranteed common occurrence of crop failure throughout Planet Earth.  Well, it's CO2 which causes the photosynthesis that causes the crops to grow, in the first place.  The members of the Al Gore Propaganda Team apparently have no idea how asinine they sound.  Professional growers inject added CO2 into their greenhouses, for greatest yields.

If interested in looking at a couple news reports on the 2024 American harvest, refer to the links below.  If not, then feel free to move on to the glacier topic presented in this discourse.  And remember, this is a discourse for novices ... and for people who have been totally deceived by the American public school system and the mainstream corporate media, as well as the Biden Shadow Presidency.  


Corn & Soybeans Experiencing Record-Breaking Yields: Report by GreenStone farm credit services.

“Record-Breaking Yield for 2024-2025 US Corn Crop: US Grains Council Report”


And of course, it has also been said that the glaciers around Planet Earth are shrinking into non-existence ... and that mankind will lose its drinking water in the glacial regions.  In fact, one prediction was that the glaciers of Glacier National Park (in Montana) would all vanish by the Year 2020.  However, even more pronounced glacier melt occurred in the mid & early 20th Century, and mankind survived well enough to only get obliterated by World War II, instead of CO2. .

Below are photo-copies of 15 newspaper articles dating back to the very early 20th century.  Also below are links to pertinent tutorials of scientific information.  These articles teach us that, eighty-five years ago, as well as one hundred and fourteen years ago, scientists were telling mankind that the glaciers all over the world were melting away.  Drastic glacier melt in the Swiss Alps was reported 122 years ago.  Deja vu, folks.  That which happened to the glaciers in recent years have happened to them 8 to 10 to 12 decades ago.  Climate History repeats itself, just like regular history does.

There's a lot to see here.  Come aboard to the Freedom of Speech & Freedom of the Press Train and let's discover ... discover Planet Earth as it really was, before Michael Mann, Al Gore, David Attenborough, John Kerry, and the Biden Shadow Presidency showed us how good they were at telling lies, while keeping a straight face ... as they they told us that the sky was falling.

It's Nothing New.

~Swiss/Alpine Glacier Ice Loss was a small percentage from 1973 to 2016.

~True MAJOR Alpine Ice Loss was identified & catalogued from 1902 to 1936 & 1950 to 1952.  

~In 1912 & 1927, it was Canadian glacial melt.  In 1936, ice loss was reported in the Dolomites.

~In 1950, it was Norway's Black Ice Glacier that was predicted to vanish.  It still exists today.

~Worldwide Glacial Retreating was reported in 1910 & in 1939.

~Between 1900 and 1938, Montana's Sperry Glacier went from 840 acres in surface area to 390. 

A Report from the Ghost of Glaciers Past

This post is for all of you who have read or heard that the world is undergoing "unprecedented" glacier melt that has never happened previously.  Therefore, you need to see what glaciers really were like in the early 1900s ... and even in the late 19th Century ... when the CO2 count was much lower than it is today.  The reality is that all weather events and melting scenarios happened before --- long before --- over and over again --- and sometimes in greater intensity --- when atmospheric co2 was very low.  

In the early 20th Century, the CO2 count went from 297 to 312 ppm.  That's very low when compared to today.  Yet, there were climate catastrophes in the first three decades of the 20th Century and in the last three decades of the 19th Century ... as well as a drought in the middle of the 19th Century ... and a vicious potato and wheat famine, too.  Add cholera epidemics as well, and one would have concluded that the End of the World was going to happen in the 19th Century, when the CO2 count was low.

In comparison to 1902 and to 1922, 2022's atmospheric co2 count was 417 ppm.  It was 422.43 ppm in 2023.  In 2024, it's 425, due to the increase in Eastern Asian and Southern Asian coal-burning power plants which need more filtration.  

Plus, water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas.  It's 90% of all greenhouse gases, by volume.  And you're not going to be able to get rid of water.  It comprises 70% of Planet Earth's surface.

The photocopies of fifteen archived newspaper articles of varying length are located below, for evidentiary support purposes, as to the fact that the glaciers were in a pronounce melting previously.  The articles' datelines are  1902,  1903,  1905,  1907,  1910,  1911,  1912,  1915,  1927,  1934,  1936,  1939,  1950, and 1952.  Their news topics are Melting Glaciers, Shrinking Glaciers, and Vanishing Glaciers.  It has been the same old story, all along, within intervals of time, being that Climate is Cyclical.

Now, there's a lot on this subject to convey.   The point at present is to show you that this phenomenon occurred WHILE ATMOSPHERIC CO2 WAS LOW --- from 297 to 312 ppm. 

We begin with a newspaper article dating back to 1902, where within it is reported that the Swiss glaciers were receding.  This was 120 years before the mainstream media kept rattling off the cliche "Climate Crisis."  In fact, one glacier melted 800 yards, from 1876 to 1902.  The Year 1876 was 148 years ago.  

Glacier melting was occurring as far back as 148 years ago, and the world did not come to an end.  This brings us to a question:  Why did NOT Greta's handlers ever show her these many news reports on glacier melt occurring in the late 1800s and early 20th Century?  

The reading of them could have spare Greta of a lot of intentional inflicted emotional trauma.  And why do not the students of the American public school system sue to Biden Era and even Obama Era public school system for the same intention infliction of emotional distress?  Look and see what Obama, Gore, Kerry, Biden, Harris, Nye, and Michael Mann hid from all of you students and parents of the traumatized students.

I have repeatedly stated that nothing which occurred in the weather throughout the past 5 years was new.  It all happened previously, 75 to 100 to 175 years to 575 years prior, and it often happened more intensely.  See for yourself: 

This November 1902 newspaper article above states:  "In Switzerland, the studies of many years have determined the fact finally that the glaciers are not only steadily receding, but that their rate of recession is becoming greater each year.  There are only a few glaciers that still grow.  The Poveyre glacier in Canton Wallis is the only one that has increased since 1892.  The famous Rhone glacier has receded almost 800 yards since 1876."                      
Above:  A 1911 article out of Alaska and then published in Denton TX and elsewhere.
        Below: 110 year s ago, it was reported that all of the Swiss glacier were shrinking.  So, if you read an article today which says that Swiss glacier melt has not happened in the past 1,000 years, you are reading a liar.  

If you are reading the article of a person who received large sums of taxpayer dollars because of their claim that the glacier melt is something that was never-before-seen in Switzerland, then you are reading a thief who needs to be criminally indicted by Kashyap Pramod Vinod Patel.  The TV news calls him Kash Patel.

        Above:  1,000 feet shrinkage in the past ten years.  It refers to the Year 1915.  This has all happened before.  The mainstream media and Biden Administration, along with Kerry, Nye, and Gore have been lying to humanity, all along.  Some type of legal action MUST BE TAKEN, against the liars.

 Below:  Braidwood Dispatch & Mining Journal, New South Wales; Weds, Sept 28, 1910, pg 4.  This shows us that, as far back as 1910, the worldwide & universal MELTING OF GLACIERS was common knowledge amongst the maritime industry, explorers, researchers, and journalists.  

From 1850 to 1910, the famous JAKOBSHAVN GLACIER melted FOUR MILES.  Yet, it still exists in 2024, even to the point of having gained size, from time to time.  Thus, the End of the World narrative of Michael Mann and the Biden People was one big lie, much like everything else said by the Biden People.  The Number 1 commodity lacking during the Biden Years was the truth.  

NOW REMEMBER:  This was when the co2 level was much LOWER than today.
The co2 count in 1927 was 306 ppm.  Today it's 425 ppm. 

This was published 74 years ago, when the co2 level was 312 ppm.

Above: Prediction that the SVARTISEN GLACIER of Norway would be gone by the Year 2000.


Below:  As of 2022, the Svartisen Glacier has been the 2ND LARGEST in Norway, at 142 sq miles in size.  It certainly did NOT disappear by the Year 2000, as was predicted by experts of the era, and as was reported by AAP-Reuters.

This is only a small part of the glacier which did NOT vanish in the Year 2000.


Below is a super important lesson in how fast glaciers form.  In 1916, there was no glacier there, in Mounta Danello, Italy.  Rather, there were 15 Austrian soldiers there.  Twenty years later (1936), a glacier melts and reveals the soldiers' remains.  It didn't even take twenty years for the glacier to form.  Thus, glacier size is quite flexible over relatively short periods of time.  Glaciers can form quite rapidly.


Below:  A receding glacier in 1912, when co2 was at 301 ppm.  It was receding a mile a year.  Thus, we have yet more evidence that the 2020s are not unprecedented or unique, in any capacity at all, whatsoever, in the least.  Even the lying scientists and lying media members of today is nothing new.  It's all the same old same old.  Greed.  And the American taxpayer gets to be the swindled sucker.


Below: Newspaper report of  January 14, 1939, when the co2 count was 311.  That's 106 ppm LOWER than today.  Yet, it states that "geologists all over the world" were puzzled by the continuous retreat of ice glaciers.  That worldwide glacier retreat occurred 85 years prior to 2024.  Thus, any glacier retreat reported today, tomorrow, or next year is NOT something unprecedented.  It's the same old same old.  So, don't let Michael Mann's false science provoke you into suicide ... or even clinical depression.  ****

Below:  Swiss glaciers shrinking in 1907, when co2 was 299 ppm; 118 ppm LOWER than today.


Below:  In 1905, Swiss glaciers were known to be shrinking.  Yet, the article had a global reach to it.  It mentioned "the fact seems to be that glaciers all over the world are shrinking" ... in 1905 ... 120 years ago ... even though the co2 count was only 298 ppm ... 127 ppm LOWER than it is today.  That 1905 article looks a lot like a 2024 news article.  Deja vu, climate crisis peddlers.


Below:  This article mentions that Swiss glaciers were shrinking since 1922.  And of course, I called 1922 "the Year of the Great Meltdown."  None the less, did you ever hear about the 36 year glacier cycle by which a glacier waxes and wanes, like the phases of the moon?  Well, it's mentioned here:

This article was truncated ... cut ... for the sake of space.
Below:  A report that the Rhone Glaciers shrunk a couple THOUSAND FEET in 20 years, thereby averaging 200 feet a year of glacial melt.

As far back as in 1902, people were noticing the gradual shrinking of the Alpine glaciers, to the demise of the tourist industry there.  That's 122 years ago.  So, this phenomenon is NOT new.  It's apparently cyclical, because, during that general time span, glaciers were mentioned as having a waxing and a waning to them, a lot like the phases of the moon.  
In 1902, the co2 level was 296 and a half ppm, 129 ppm LOWER than Dec 2024.


Below are the copies of four pages of an 1882 California Geological Survey Report.  The survey was the result of the California gold rush.  The topic was gold-bearing gravel (aka auriferous gravel.)  Glaciers came into the topic anyway.  The bottom line is that notable glacier shrinking  (aka receding) was occurring in the 1870s & 1880s, when the atmospheric CO2 was extremely low, proving that CO2 is NOT the driver of climate and the cause of glacial melt.  There is not enough of it in the sky, for it to drive any climate.


At the very least, look at "July 27, 1903."  Then look at, "MELTING GLACIERS."  This is a report that the famous Jakobshavn Glacier of Greenland was receding --- 121 years ago, when co2 was 297 ppm.  For a 53 year period, up to 1902, the glacier melted eight miles.  Then, in the vicinity of 2016 to 2019, the same glacier was reported as having had three consecutive years of ice gain.  Climate is cyclical, much like the phases of the moon.  It waxes and it wanes.

70 years ago, when co2 was 312 parts per million, 113 ppm lower than today.

All twelve of these samples should help you realize that you have been told a long line of lies about climate history and the present climate.  Look through newspaper and magazine archives, yourself.  The recent claim of a "climate crisis" has all been a con game, played by the media, fund-raising scientists, and money-grabbing politicians who want re-elected. The doomsayers all have a financial conflict of interest.  Thus, they are NOT unbiased.  You don't have to submit to Mind Dictators.  Go and be free.




Other sources include: https://www.severe-weather.eu/cryosphere/earth-youngest-glacier-healthy-cryosphere-losing-battle-global-warming-rrc/


Below is a report on Antarctic Ice per se.  It's very important to view.  At least skim through it.  At least look at the opening paragraphs.


And of course, you can venture-off on your own and discover more reference sources.  If you have the time and money to do an in-depth ... deep-dive ... investigation of the world's many glaciers, then you would be doing many a person a favor and a half.  Some of us don't have the money or the time or even the health to go into such a deep dive.  And of course, if there were a Climate Crisis, you would know it.  You wouldn't have to wait for CNN or Tim Walz or Barack Obama or Greta to tell you.

It has all happened before; time & time again

By now you should get the point.   There is no new, "never-before," climate crisis with the glaciers.  All of the aforementioned instances of severe glacial ice melt occurred when the atmospheric CO2 level was much much LOWER than it is today, and therefore, they should have never melted as they did between 1902 and 1938, according to the Al Gore Theory of Climate & Temperature.  

Likewise, all instances of minor glacial melt occurred when the outdoor CO2 count was higher than it was between 1902 and 1938.  Therefore, those glaciers should have melted much more in the 21st Century than they did in the early 20th Century.  But, they did not do so.  This is one of many instances where the Al Gore Theory of Climate is an expensive LIE.

In fact, in the very late 1970s, there was the abundance of polar ice.  Yet, the CO2 count was much higher in 1979 than it was during 1922, when northern polar ice melt was reported to be at its most severe stage of ice-melt.  So, the ice volume should have been less in 1979.  This means that the Al Gore Theory is not true.  There is much more involved in constructing Planet Earth's weather.  CO2, at its 2024 level, is still LESS THAN 1/2 of 1%.  Actually, it's 1/2 of 1/10 of 1%, at 425 ppm or so.  It's 0.042%.

And remember, CO2 reached its height ...  in volume and in yearly growth rate ... during the Biden-Harris Years, when Draconian measures were shoved down everybody's throat.  Those measures failed, due to the counter-active force of coal-burning plants being put online in Southern & Eastern Asia.  Those coal-fired power plants are causing the continued rise in CO2.  HOWEVER, other molecular substances coming from those plants are more serious.  This includes mercury, particulate matter, fly ash, sulfur dioxide, etc.

The great irony here is that sulfur dioxide acts as tiny mirrors, deflecting sunlight back into outer space, causing cooling.  In fact, volcanoes have resulted in notable temperature declines on Planet Earth, such as in 1816, due to Mount Tambora's eruption in the previous calendar year.  The prime component responsible for time spans of temperature decline was the large amount of sulfur dioxide which spewed out of the volcanoes at the time.  This was especially the case for the disaster year, known as 536.  

By 541, there was the dreaded Justinian Plague.  That era was known as the Late Antique Little Ice Age which endured until 660 CE.  It was followed yet more cold bouts, even into the Year 822.  Some time in the 10th Century came the Medieval Warm Period.  This was followed by the Little Ice Age which existed from 1284 (the start of the Wolf Minimum to 1840 (When the Phytophthora Infestans infested potatoes in Europe)

Above: Measuring c14 within proxy evidence indicates the volume of sunspot activity.  Beryllium-10 in proxy samples can indicate the level of cosmic rays that made their ways through the Earth's protective magnetic field.  Thus, the more sunspot activity the higher the ambient temperature of wherever you are.   

By the way, BP stands for Before Present ... years before the present time.  Thus, on the graph above 300 = circa 1720.  And of course, the depths of the Little Ice Age ... when sunspot activity was at its lowest ... was between 1645 and 1710.  In addition, the Oort Minimum was a small span of time within the Medieval Warm Period when things got cold.  It was equivalent to the cold spell of 1940 to 1979.  Weather patterns fluctuate and then repeat themselves.

Now remember, there exists something called conflict of interest.  Today's conflict of interest for the scientist is Congressional Funding, and ridiculously large amounts of it.  Climate funding gets appropriated in the form of [1] Climate Research (which has been the smaller fraction of funding) and [2] Climate "Adaptation," (which has been a much larger chunk of rattling coinage from the congressional "holders of the purse.")  

The outrageously large amount of Congressional Funding is why you cannot instantly take an American scientist for his word.  There is also the conflict of interest known as NGO funding, as well.  People throughout history have been known to tell lies for money.  It's called Theft by Deception.  Concerning this, if a scientist says that there is no climate crisis, then he gets no funding.  So, the claim that there is an end-of-the-world climate crisis outside is a sales pitch.

Let us proceed to the Swiss glaciers of TODAY.

The Swiss glaciers were recently reported to be uniformly shrinking at a disastrous rate ... as of the past two years.  At the least, it is true that the Year 2022 was as hot as was the Year 1922, and 1922 was the year when newspapers and magazines reported the greatest loss of Arctic ice in newspaper history.  Yet, the World did not come to a disastrous end shortly after 1922 ... or even during the Dust Bowl Years of the 1930s.  Far more people died in the 1940s, thanks to Hitler & Tojo.

Now, to discern and identify any land's climate is NOT a mere two year journey.  Discerning Climate is a 30 year process.  Climate is the Trend of Weather.  Climate is Average Weather of the Past Thirty Years or so.  So, let's take a look at the amount of Swiss glacial melt that has occurred between 1973 and 2016, when using eight major glaciers as a sample ... and when judging by length.

Now, there are about 42 or so major glaciers in the Swiss region that have been officially measured.  Eight sample glaciers are below.  You can see the difference in their lengths between 1973 and 2016, in that "table" which people call a "chart."

Now, 2016 was ten years after the Al Gore propaganda movie which claimed that, from the Year 2006 onward, ice melting would accelerate, while hurricanes will intensify.  Thus, the 2016 glacial length readings below should have shown alarming rates of Swiss Ice Melt.  How much of a difference in length are those eight glaciers, between a 43 year period?   Look for yourself.

ANS:  For those who are reading a copy-and-paste version of this discourse ... and who can't see the chart which is actually a statistical table ... there was NOT very much ice loss at all.  It's an insult to the common sensed citizen's intelligence.  

This particular Swiss glacier ice melt survey, for the time span queried, should be filed under "You've-got-to-be-kidding."  Perhaps a person reading this can realize that all that your teachers, politicians, news reporters, and nearby climate activists have been doing nothing more than performing the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress.  In the spirit of Michael Schellenberg, it compels one to say,  =====>   What Climate Crisis?   

No weather event or meteorological condition of the past five years is new.  It has all happened before, and at a more intense degree, as well.  The photocopies of historic newspaper clips below tell the true story.  John Kerry does not.  Kerry needs to be filed in the You've-got-to-be-kidding dept, also.  He's supposed to be smart.  But, I don't see it.       

At present, there are glaciers that have been growing very successfully around Planet Earth.  Yet, with a population of eight billion humans, we need more green fields of every sort than we need glaciers of any kind.  No crop ever grew on a glacier.  Crops do not grow on ice.  

Keep in mind that the Swiss glaciers were reported in early 20th Century newspapers to have been severely retreating during the early 20th Century, also.  Thus, climate conditions come in cycles.  

So remember, the Climate Crisis hype of today is a sales pitch for more Congressional Funding & NGO Funding.  NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization.  This Climate Activism has been nothing more than a bunch of money-grabbers standing up in a crowded theater called Planet Earth and screaming "fire!!!" as loudly as they could.

In re: Severe glacier melt ALSO reported in early 20th Century, when the CO2 level was low:

Over 75, 89, 98, 102, 115, and 123 years ago, reports of drastically receding glaciers made the newspapers, logs, almanacs, magazines, and journals of the time.  In fact, 1922 was the year of the most Arctic Ice Melt ever reported in newspaper history.  This was the time span when the co2 count was 110-125 ppm LOWER than it is today.  Therefore, you CANNOT blame the 1922 Arctic Ice Melt on CO2.  Glacial ice comes and glacial ice goes.

What is concluded is that Sigourney Weaver in 2016, ex-Gov Cuomo later, and numerous others LIED when they claimed that none of today's weather events and polar cap conditions ever happened before.  Today has been no different than in days past, and the polar caps don't change all that much anyway, when measuring them on a long-term percentage basis.  This has already been illustrated at the Blue Marble Album, in 60+ discourses which did take time to research.

 It has all happened before, and even more intensely

In fact, in decades and centuries past, the adverse weather events were a modest-to-significant.  This concerns floods, droughts, hurricanes, heatwaves, cold-snaps, and any other type of atmospheric turbulence that is recorded and kept for historical purposes.  For example, in December of 1287, one "storm tide" rearranged the coastline of the Netherlands, while killing 50,00 to 80,000 humans.  

Then came a heavy extratropical cyclone's storm surge on November 18th, 1421.  It also came upon the Netherlands, killing 2,000 to 10,000.  The Grote Waard was destroyed.  Parts of the Netherlands near Holland remained underwater for decades.  

MOREOVER, there is the matter of the Blue Holes in the Bahamas.  Core samples of the sediment can detect hurricane activity of centuries past.  It was reported ... by the mainstream Smithsonian Institute ... that hurricane activity was very rampant during specific time phases in the past.  Yet, CO2 levels were NOT high.  They were much lower than today, thereby abolishing the Al Gore Theory of Climate.  CO2 was NOT causing the rise in hurricane activity between the 1720s and 1820s, as well as during the first half of the 16th Century.

As far as goes today, there are more SHORT DURATION CYCLONES and more LOW GRADE CYCLONES ... inferior to a Category 1 hurricane ... CALLED TROPICAL STORMS.  Gore was completely wrong in having stated that the rise in CO2 was going to cause more intense and more frequent (and even longer-duration) hurricanes.

Attribution here goes to the Smithsonian Institute which "considers megadata to be in the public domain," anyway.  Refer to the following link, for the article attached to this graph.  In as much, cyclone activity, at specific time spans, was eight times more than it was in 2020 or so.  In other specific time spans, the activity was twice and thrice as much as it was in 2020 or so.

Other reports from other scientific entities reported that hurricane activity was really intense in the North Atlantic 2,300 to 2,700 year ago.  These time spans were when the co2 count was much lower than it is today.  Thus, severe weather ... even weather a modest amount of percentage points worse than today ...   happened previously; decades previously, hundreds of years previously, and thousands of years previously.  

This all means that Climate Conditions are cyclical and that CO2 does NOT drive the climate.  The Sun does.  NASA stated that the Sun drives the climate years ago.  Concerning Greenhouse Gases, water vapor is 90% of all greenhouse gases, by volume.    

Perhaps you have seen videos where David Attenborough or Michael Mann say that the world's weather was peaceful for a thousand years, without any natural disasters or pronounced cyclones, until the 1700s.  Well, the Smithsonian Institute disagrees.

Then come the claim of the UN & Biden Administration Climate People, where it was stated that there was no Medieval Warm Period beyond an occasional local warming in Europe.  There are many instances of proxy evidence and recorded historic evidence that it was certainly a global warming period ... occurring while the CO2 was the low level that it was 1,800 years ago.  

The writing linked below was written in prose for the typical novice.  It's very informative, as it gives instances as to why the Medieval Warm Period certainly was a global phenomenon.

There is much to convey about the findings of the probable cause of hurricane intensity or lack thereof in specific time spans.  It deals with the Latitudinal Forcing ... involving currents ... instead of climate fluctuations which involves temperature.  This is because the northeastern US landfall hurricanes weren't in tune with the Gulf/Bahama Area cyclones, in detailed research.  Actually, it's all based on Pressure Gradient Forcing, and this scientific behavior of climate has already been explained at the Blue Marble Album.  Such a thing involves Baroclinic Stability and Instability.  BTW, "baro" means pressure, as in air pressure.

Now, a hurricane's intrinsic bio-markers are beyond the scope of this discourse.  The bottom line is that there were many weather events ... including hurricanes ... that were worse decades and centuries ago, when the CO2 count was lower than it is today.  This means that it is a complete lie to claim that the rise in atmospheric CO2 results in more natural disasters, at more intense levels.  Read the writing linked two paragraphs above this one.  It's detailed with enlightenment.   

The other lesson is that, when the world does come to the point where it's coming to an end, you are not going to need Greta to tell you.  You will know, by instinct.  In your personal life today, how bad have things been, when compared to the 1927 Mississippi River Flooding and the 1931 Yangtze River Flood, as well as numerous droughts throughout the centuries?  

And then came western American wildfires so intense that it created the need to publish the Smokey the Bear Fire Prevention Campaign.  Those fires went unchecked for miles at a time, in the 1930s, because there was neither the population nor the technology to curtail them.  In fact, 1934 was declared a few years ago ... by NASA, etc ... to have been the worst drought  year  in the past 1,000 years.  That intense amount of dryness will cause massive acreage of trees to ignite.

And when it comes to Al Gore's prediction that hurricanes will increase in intensity and number, the truth is that, since 1851 only FOUR of the hurricanes that made landfall upon the Continental United States were Cat 5 hurricanes.   A hurricane or two or three or four or five has turned Cat 5 in an Atlantic Hurricane season, in remote ocean water.  As such things near land, their intensities reduce.

The Great Deceit from Congressional-dollar minded scientists today

The great deceit of today is that Category 3 hurricanes in the Pacific Ocean are now called Super Typhoons.  This was done to scare the People into believing that only those scientists can save the world.  They are committing theft by deception.  Super typhoons are nothing more than average hurricanes and hurricanes have been a part of Atlantic & Pacific History, since the beginning of maritime history.

The early 1960s had the true Super Typhoons in the Pacific, and the world survived quite well afterward.  Only conventional war and a certain African drought made life imperiled on Planet Earth, along with the threat of Nuclear War between the Good Ole USA and the Soviet Union.  A devastating heat wave would come to Europe, in 1976.  Blizzards would hit America.  Weather fluctuates, and it does so because the Earth rotates at a 23.5 degree tolt.  That's called obliquity; a fancy word for tilt.  All in all, Al Gore turned out to be a false prophet who made a ridiculously large amount of money on his "theatrics."

And where it concerns heatwaves, places such as Athens are actually "Rain Shadow Terrains" where it has gotten up to 117F decades ago, when the co2 count was much lower than it is today.  Go and scour through the newspapers and journals of decades and centuries past.  And then learn about "Leeward mountain side adiabatic heating & Chinook Winds."  

Incidentally, Chinook Winds are the same as Foehn Winds and Santa Ana Winds, and such things involve compressed mountain top air which translates into "mountain slope heating" and which involves very dry air.  Such a heat has nothing to do with CO2.  Even when it comes to weather history, history repeats itself, even concerning Santa Ana Winds.   

This brings us to the recent claim that the glaciers are melting and we're gonna die because of it

There have been a modest number of glaciers which have been growing in this modern era, all along.  This means that glacial melt is NOT uniform.  Yet, the CO2 level throughout the Earth's atmosphere is understood to be uniform.  Thus, if CO2 is melting one mountain range of glaciers, it must be melting all other mountain ranges of glaciers.  But, it is not doing so.  This is proof that the small concentration of CO2 in Planet Earth's atmosphere does NOT drive the climate.  And the percentage of CO2 in the sky occupies a mere 0.042% of that sky.  425 ppm is not all that much CO2.  That's not enough to cause a towering inferno. 

If there are growing glaciers out there ... while there are simultaneously melting ones ... then it's proof that CO2 does NOT drive the climate.  It would then be time to identify Al Gore, Michael Mann, David Attenborough, and John Kerry as the perpetrators of Theft by Deception & the Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress.

One of the "evidentiary sources" below here ... aka reference sources ...  comes from none other than worldatlas.com.  It's "easy reading" for novices.  There are other articles linked here, too.  However, you need to take at least a quick peek at the 12 newspapers article photo-copies posted below.  Those links come afterward.

My goal is to see to it that you realize that you have been the recipient of a huge money-making lie, ever since the publication of Al Gore's non-factual movie, in 2006.  And always remember the CLIMATEGATE EMAILS of 2009.  When the news came out, everyone basically said, "Okay.  Got it.  Typical.  Fraud for money ... money from congress.  Case Closed.  Move on.  Find a better money-making lie, the next time"  

However, there was too much congressional funding to ignore.  So, the name, "Global Warming" (which was not occurring at that particular time) was changed to "Climate Change," which happens to be a vague, one-size-fits-all phrase.  It then got to the point where everything caused climate change.  As a result, hundreds of billions of dollars were tossed out to the climate activists.

There are 60+ climate discourses here, at the Blue Marble Album, which can definitely set you free of the terror that Greta endured, at the hands of activists who were emotionally abusing her.  How embarrassing for her, especially in light of the fact that the World did not come to an end, in 2023, after all!  Greta said that a certain scientist said that the world was going to come to an end, unless we hand over all of our freedom to Al Gore-approved scientists.

The #1 proof that the Al Gore, Jim Hansen, & Michael Mann Climate Disaster Predictions were completely false exists in the fact that the Maldives did NOT go underwater by the predicted year of 2018.  The Maldives is a tourist attraction with airfields and hotels.

Roll Call of the Growing Glaciers

Now, for every glacier or set of glaciers found to have been growing, there is always negative press accompanying it, so as to reinforce the belief that the CO2 which inhabits only 0.042% of the sky and which has a radiative forcing of no more than 3.7 watts per meter squared is causing a climate crisis.  There is even one case where a growing glacier was said to have been caused by none other than ... "global warming."  However, it's not a warm glacier.

A major Greenland glacier started to regrow in 2016 or 2017, and the report of its growth was followed by a prediction that the glacier will start shrinking again.  Well, in order for these heavily paid  press releasers to be believable, there needs to be numerical empirical evidence of one sort or another.  None the less, it's the Jakobshavn Glacier that was reported.  After its third consecutive year of growing, it fell off the media's proverbial radar.  None the less, it was growing recently enough to merit recognition.


Moreover, glaciers in a California mountain range were found to have been growing, while glaciers in an Oregon range were reported as having disastrously shrunk within the same general time span.  More specifically the Hotum & Wintun Glaciers of Shasta Mountain were found to have doubled in size betwen 1951 to 2002.  Meanwhile, a few Klamath mountain range glaciers were said to have significantly shrunk, between 1888 and 2013.  Well, if CO2 were the driver of climate, then both glacier sets would have responded in the same way.  Either all would have grown or all would have shrunk.

None the less, the growing glaciers are NOT located in the same general location.  They are all over the world, as in Argentina, Alaska, California, Antarctica, Washington State, Greenland, Pakistan, etc.  They prove that glaciers do NOT respond uniformly to the atmospheric CO2 level, thereby proving that CO2 is not driving the climate.   If CO2 were the driver of climate, then all glaciers would be either growing or shrinking in unison. 

Crater Glacier, aka the Tulutson Glacier.  It's the youngest in the world.  It formed inside the remaining structure of the Mount Saint Helen Volcano which is still active and which is expected to blow within 65 to 260 years.  A volcanic dome started growing there, in 2004.  Two lava domes are there now, along with the horseshoe glacier. 

The glacier within was discovered by aerial photography in 1996.  The glacier was officially reported to have been GROWING in ice volume at a rate of 135 feet per year, in length, and 50 feet per year in thickness, until 2004, when the volcanic dome started growing.  Crater Glacier was said to be 1.71 miles long & 656 feet thick.  It's shaped like a horseshoe.

 See the following, even if you're not a kid anymore:   https://kids.kiddle.co/Crater_Glacier

Hotlum Glacier and Wintun Glacier, both on Mt. Shasta, California.  Both were found to have doubled in sized between 1951 and 2002.  There are seven glaciers in all, on Mount Shasta.  All were found to be growing at some time in the 21st Century.  This includes the Whitney Glacier which is larger today than it was in 1890.

Perito Moreno, in the Argentine Patagonia.  It has been advancing at a pace of 7 feet per day.  None the less, journalists reported that the land of the Patagonia is rising at some kind of record pace, due to the lessening of the weight of ice on it.  The media stated that Patagonia is "rapidly rising up."  Well, the rapid rise has been 1.6 inches per year.   That's one point six inches ... less than two inches.  Do you see how the media and journalists lie to humanity with false light presentations and hyper-exaggerations?

Do you know how tall the three highest peaks of the Patagonia are?  ANS: 10,250 feet (Cerro Torre),  11,000 feet (Mt Fitz Roy),  9,186 feet (Torres del Plaine).  In inches, they are  123,000 inches high,  132,000 inches high, and 110,232 inches high.  Now compare them to 1.6 inches per year.

Plus, the glacier is 19 miles in length.  And this is supposed to make us believe that we are nearing the End of World?   None the less, remember that, when ice departs through melting or sublimation, the land rises.  But, it is not very high in rise of land in any one year or in any one decade.

Incidentally, sublimation is when ice turns into vapor, without first becoming liquid.  The opposite is called, deposition, as in "deposit."

One more point:  If land rises an inch and a half, then the sea level needs to rise an inch and a half, in order for the ocean to encroach upon the land and cause a climate crisis.  If you get more land, then you need more water, to cause a climate crisis on your shorelines.

21st Century photo of Saint Augustine Florida.  Show me where this Climate Crisis is here.

Sea Level

Take note that, for the time period of 19,000 years ago to 12,900 years ago, sea level rose about 280 feet or 3,360 inches.  Then, after the Younger Dryas Glacial Era (which ended 11,700 years ago) until 3,000 years ago, the sea level rose another 150 feet or 1,800 inches.  That amounts to 430 feet or 5,160 inches of a sea level rise since the end of the Great Ice Age.  

From 1880 or so until today, the sea level rose 8 to 9 inches.  The scientists claim that 4 of those inches came in the past 31 years.  But, of course, they could be lying, being that they have been caught lying previously.  

None the less, this possibly means that today's scientists claim that our "Climate Crisis Weather" will cause the oceans to rise 12.9 inches every 100 years with all this "Climate Crisis Carbon Footprint" insertion into the atmosphere, even though the atmosphere is already 99.9% carbon free.  That's one foot and one inch per century of sea level rise.  Now compare it to 430 feet.

Now, does this sound very much like the End of the World to you?  Does this sound like we all have to give our freedom to Al Gore and/or Michael Mann and/or Jim Hansen and/or Barack "Sequester" Obama and/or to Who Ever Else?  You have to tell a scarier campfire story than that one.

Hubbard Glacier, Alaska.  It's 76 miles long and 6 miles wide.  Without further ado, being that I really don't have time for these climate con artists, know that the glacier is growing.  

For more on Hubbard, see:  https://www.online-field-guide.com/hubbard-glacier-facts/

At this point, there is an important point to make.  Throughout the most recent "Quaternary Glaciation," aka Major Ice Age, Mainland Alaska (minus its peninsula & a sliver of its eastern border with present-day Vancouver) was entirely glacier-free throughout the Major Ice Age.  It was a sanctuary for life.

Bruggen Glacier, aka the Pio XI Glacier:  This one has been growing the most aggressively, except for Crater Glacier, I think.  Well, it has been a very health growth, if you call ice healthy.  It's in the southern part of the Argentine Patagonia, and it's 41 miles long.

The word one uses to describe this particular Patagonian glacier was ACCUMULATION.  This certainly shows that CO2 doesn't drive the climate, being that it is not a shrinking glacier, like many other ones.  Perhaps scientists can get Congressional funding, to find the true cause of today's glacier  retreat.  The same thing happened in the early 20th Century, when CO2 was much lower than it is today.  Newspaper articles posted below illustrate that glacier retreat ... severe glacial melting ... is nothing new, at all.  Thus, the rise in CO2 did not cause it, being that there wasn't enough CO2 in the 1900s, 1910s, and 1920s to have caused any glacier shrinkage, during that past era.  But, there were tons of melting, way back then.


The Karakoram Mountain Glaciers, in Pakistan, India, and China.

These are the glaciers that are getting the most propaganda hurled at them, in the attempt to dispel them as anomalies that should have never happened.  For example, one article trying to explain away the Karakoram glacial growth started by mentioning that an Icelandic glacier recently melted away, as if glaciers everywhere were dying all at once.

There are numerous glaciers on Planet Earth, proving that we are still in an Ice Age.  Some of those glaciers already melted away, especially during warm periods, including the Minoan, the Roman, and the Medieval Warm Periods, as well as the Modern Warm Period which actually started in 1840 and resulted in a potato famine, followed by a Civil War Era Drought between 1856 to the end of the tragic American Civil War.  

The Glaciers and Outdoor CO2 Count are NOT on the Same Page

One more time in review.  Many glaciers had significant ... though temporary ... ice melt in 1901, 1905, 1911, 1922, 1936, and 1950, as well as during present times.  CO2 levels were low back then.  So, if there is and was any Greenhouse Gas causing glaciers to melt, it can only be Water Vapor, being that water vapor is 90% of all greenhouse gases, when measuring by volume ... and 80% of all Greenhouse Gases when measuring by mass.  

New Zealand has glaciers that were significantly shrinking, until 1983.  Then came a growing phase until 2008, followed by significant decrease in glacial length.   Meanwhile, CO2 rose consistently throughout that time span.  So, how do you explain the New Zealand glacier growth episode, in light of the fact that the Al Gore Theory of Climate proposes than the glaciers should have steadily decreased in size commensurate with the rate of the atmosphere's increase in CO2?   

How do you explain any glacier than is still growing ... as well as those glaciers which had temporary growth periods during the rise of atmospheric CO2?  Well, the answer is that either the Sun or the oceans determine Planet Earth's average ... median ... mean ... usual temperature.  El Nino certainly has a definitive effect ... and that topic has already been addressed at the Blue Marble Album for viewing.

Other glaciers on Earth are outrageously gigantic.  Do you demand that those ones continue to grow until the Earth is covered completely by ice?  Moreover, even a far back as 1936 ... when outdoor CO2 was low ... receding/melting glaciers resulted in the discovery that people were "living there" in previous decades and in previous centuries.  This means that those glaciers were not a permanent part of the Earth's landscape.  This indicates that "things were just as warm back then."  

HOWEVER,  outdoor CO2 was low at the time.  So, how do you explain the melting of glaciers during low CO2 concentration.  Moreover, CO2 is still in a low concentration, being that it only comprises 0.0425% of the sky.  And remember, WATER VAPOR comprises 90% of all greenhouse gases.

Of course, this glacial-melt occurred during the first three decades of the 20th Century.  If people would only look at the weather articles of the 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s, then the common citizen would snap out of the hypnotic trance imposed upon them by Al Gore, Michael Mann, John Kerry and other dishonest people.

The last time when there was true climate change, a jungle the size of the United States was turned into the Sahara Desert ... due to the development of the 30th Parallel Convection Cell which is now called the Hadley Cell.  This was 6,000 years ago, and both hemispheres got a Convection Cell banded across their 30th Parallel.  

This 30th Parallel phenomenon is beyond the scope of this discourse.  In fact, those convection cell features are beyond the scope of most career politicians' minds.  You need to understand that you have been voting for self-seeking & mean-spirited idiots, all along, when voting for a career politician.  It also shows that humans are Creatures of Habit, not inclined to welcome change.  So, they keep voting for the same politician.

BTW, Michael Mann was NEVER nominated as "co-winner" of any type of Nobel Prize, and therefore, he NEVER was co-awarded (or exclusively awarded) any Nobel Prize in anything.  Democracy Now lied on air.  Michael Mann's lawyer lied on paper, and Michael Mann repeatedly lied, period.  In fact, Michael Mann simply lies, per se.  In as much, the weather and/or climate was NOT mild throughout the 1,000 years preceding the Industrial Age, as Michael Mann falsely claimed.  

If the atmospheric co2 level gets cut in half, as Michael Mann said it should be, then the co2 level will be very near the level where photosynthesis stops occurring.  Australia is resilient, and NOT dying, as Michael Mann said.  

Plus, Mann did NOT submit to Dr. Tim Ball the data set for Mann's ridiculous hockey-stick temperature graph, as Mann promised a Canadian court he would do.   And Mann did hide the 1960s & '70s temperature decline of Briffa's much more honest temperature graph.   And all that Tim Ball wanted was for Mann to show his methodology, in arriving at the hockey-stick graph which omitted the existence of the Medieval Warm Period and Renaissance-era & Baroque-era Little Ice Age. 

One more thing: Michael Mann is not going to get China to cease its extensive coal plant construction projects.  And concerning India, in the Years 2021 & 2022, it commissioned EIGHT coal plants with 4.49 GW (gigawatt) capacity.  Plus, 39 coal plants are already under construction there --- in India..  What is Michael Mann and John Kerry and Bill Nye and Al Gore doing about it?  

Coal releases mercury.  Mercury is obviously not good for health.  Sulfur Dioxide gets released during coal-burning.  Not good, either.  Fly-ash too, as well as certain nitrogen oxides, emit from coal when coal is being burnt.   So, instead of suing Tim Ball, Rand Simberg, and Mark Steyn for defamation, Mann should have been reaching out to India and China.  


Mann's purported "expert witnesses" were declared invalid by a DC court judge, incidentally.  They were officially declared NOT experts in the lawsuit which has been dragging-on for years.  The reason is that they did NOT show the methodology that resulted in their conclusions.  And of course, they claim that the Little Ice Age & Medieval Warm Period were only local events, and not worldwide.  They showed zero methodology for their conclusions which are contrary to chronicles, ledgers, journals, and strontium isotope analysis.


Go through newspaper archives, and you will see that Mann, Al Gore, PBS, & taxpayer-money-grabbing scientists have been lying to you, in a "false light," sleight-of-hand fashion.  They have been omitting lots of facts.

Concerning the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere, an electrical engineering major who never studied atmosphere ... because he had enough to study as it was ... said to me, "Oh, CO2 is at ten percentage (up in the sky)."  For the record, if any human is in an airspace of 10% or more of CO2, that person will die instantly; within the 15 minutes of time it takes to suffocate.  In addition, if a human is in an airspace which comprises 8.4% of CO2, then that person will die in one hour or so.  So, compare 8.4% to 0.042%.  That's 84,000 ppm vs 425 ppm.  Big difference.


The Ghost of Glaciers Past & the Ghost of Glaciers Present

January 11, 2025

1966 ... NOT 2023 ... had the lowest Antarctic Wintertime Sea Ice "Extent" ... according to NASA satellite evidence & 2014 US government officials.

It was claimed by less than honest people that the Antarctic Winter of 2023 was accompanied by the greatest amount of sea ice loss in 7.5 million years.  This was said to be the tipping point of human history.  This was now the time to hand over mankind's steering wheel to Al Gore, John Kerry, and the hockey stick graph maker, Michael Mann.  

This is the era when the sky is now full of carbon.  This is the era when the sky is now full of soot, and as a result, New York City and the Statue of Liberty will soon be underwater.  This is the time when the Category 6 hurricane will rule the high seas, racing onto shorelines and cracking in half every palm tree in the pathway.  This is a redundant horror story, entirely full of crap.  

For the record, the amount of carbon in the sky outside is no more than 0.042% of CO2 + 0.0001% of CO + 0.0002% of methane = 0.0423%.  That statistical number is less than 1/2 of 1/10 of 1 percent.  That's all the carbon that's in the sky.   

As far back as 2018, Greta told everyone that she had a sole-scientist-source who told her that the world will come to its end in 2023, if mankind didn't radically change its entire way of life.  As you can see, that was total bull crapolla, too.  

Moreover, the less than honest media networks reported that it was 99 degrees Fahrenheit in the middle of winter, in Vicuna, Coquimbe, Chile, on August 2nd, 2023.  It was no higher than 63F there, on that day. 

The same hot hot hot temps were reported by the mainstream media as having been occurring in  Santiago, in  July and August of 2023.  The media stated that the temperature hovered near 100F there.  The truth is that it was only 72F in Santiago on August 2nd, 2023.  Therefore, the ultimate truth is that the mainstream media unconscionably lies to humanity.  In conclusion, the world didn't come to its end in 2023, as Greta Thunberg asininely proclaimed it would do.

Concerning the claim that Antarctica had its greatest sea ice loss in 2023, the reality is that this scenario is nowhere near reality.  The Year 1966 was the year of the least amount of Antarctic wintertime sea ice extent ever recorded, and Planet Earth survived 1966 quite well.  So, last year only had the least amount of sea ice extent in the past 57 years only.

All in all, the Climate Hysteria People are always lying to humanity, all the while insulting the intelligences of those who studied atmospheric physics and/or pre-Holocene archeology and/or oceanography and/or weather history and/or maritime history.  

Needless to say, today's "journalists" and "activists" are nothing more than human waste, wasting our lives away with worthless projects.  These people are the Waste Deposits of Humanity.  So, let us become true revolutionary radicals by doing something called, "beginning with the actual truth, for a change."  Sounds scary, doesn't it?  Well, if you are brave enough to face the truth, then let's go to it:

                 🔭     🔭     🔭     🔭     🔭      🔭     🔭     🔭     🔭     🔭     🔭     🔭     🔭

The Satellite Era began in 1960, with the CORONA, ARGON, & LANYARD systems, followed by the Nimbus Series in 1964 ... not in 1979, as the makers of misleading climate graphs claim.

Preview:  [1] In 2014, the US government admitted to the existence of at least 250,000 satellite images photographed between 1964 to 1978.  The images were retrieved from the government warehouses in Maryland and N. Carolina.  They were then digitized and made available to researchers, historians, and the such.   Therefore, when certain propaganda-minded operatives exclaim that there is no way of proving in what condition the Polar Caps were before 1979, the person is either lying ... or is uninformed. ... or is misinformed.

[2a] The official US government's reason for calling 1979 the beginning of the Satellite Era is that the continuous monitoring & record-keeping of Polar sea ice in both Hemispheres began in October 1978.  The monitoring consisted in every-other-day observation sessions.  Thus, 1979 was the first full year of continuous Polar sea ice record-keeping.

[2b]  HOWEVER, the benefit of the Climate Misrepresentatives claiming 1979 to be the first year of satellite coverage is that, in 1979, the Arctic contained its highest amount ... its most voluminous amount of the Arctic Sea Ice in recorded history.  The falsely claim that the satellite era only began in 1979 is to hide from humanity the fact that several individual years prior to 1979 had much less sea ice extent in the Northern Polar Cap.  

[2c] When you make it falsely appear that 1979 was an average year ... instead of the year of the most sea ice covering of them all ... you make it appear that, all of a sudden, CO2 started its meltdown of the Arctic.   But, there were years when there was much less Arctic sea ice than in 1979, meaning that climate is cyclical and NOT driven by CO2 which happens to only exist at 0.042% of the Earth's atmosphere.  

[2d] CO2 only exists at 422 or so parts per million, at present.  This is less than 1% of the gaseous that comprise the sky.  This is less than 1/2 of 1% of those gases.  This is less than 1/2 of 1/10 of 1% of the sky's volume.  And the radiative forcing of CO2 is presently 3.7 watts per meter squared.  This is less than an incandescent night light.

                     🌍      🌎      🌏

We are now addressing ANTARCTIC Ice.  Don't confuse it with Arctic Ice Cover

In August of 1966, according to Nimbus Satellite photo technology, Antarctica had its lowest amount of wintertime sea ice extent in recorded history, to the tune of:             

  This equals 6.16 million square miles.

In comparison, Antarctica's wintertime sea ice extent, on September 7, 2023 was officially marked at:

 This equals 6.54 million square miles of ice.

This means that the 1966 Antarctic sea ice extent was ONE MILLION square kilometers LESS THAN in 2023.  This also means that the mainstream corporate media lies to humanity on a regular basis.

In review:  the UN reps, the US congressional reps, and the corporate media claimed that 2023 had the least amount of Antarctic wintertime sea ice extent in the past 7.5 million years.  The truth is that, in 2023, Antarctica had its LOWEST wintertime sea ice extent in the past 57 years only.  The mainstream media was only off by 7 million, 499 thousand, 943 years.  A lot of "journalists," "reporters," and "editors," needed to have been fired last year.

The notable feature here is that Nimbus Satellite technology revealed that Antarctica had it HIGHEST amount of wintertime sea ice extent in August of 1964, to the tune of:              This equals 7.6 million square miles

Significance:  There was a massive change in Antarctica in merely two years.  The 1966 Antarctic wintertime sea ice report marked it as the lowest amount in recorded history, and the 1966 record has never been broken.  The 1964 wintertime sea ice report marked it as the highest amount in history up to that time, and the 1964 record high would stand until September of 2014, when it reached:

                      20.11 million square kilometers.      This amounts to 7.76 million sq miles.

            🗽        🗽        🗽        🗽        🗽        🗽         🗽        🗽        🗽         🗽        🗽

Oh waiter.  Reality check, please.  Sure thing ma'am ... or sir.

The Antarctic wintertime near low of 2023 ... which was paraded around by Climate Scaremongers & the media as the definitive sign of the End of the World ... was 84.3% of the sea ice of the record high year of 2014.  Those are NOT end of the World numbers, because:

The 1966 Antarctic wintertime sea ice low was 79% of 2014, and the world kept functioning very well, with mankind entering into the Space Age & ultramodern culture, accompanied by Beatles music and the Cold War.  Therefore, Antarctica's 1966 sea ice square mileage area was 5.3% LOWER than the so-called "End of the World" & "Climate Crisis" sea ice low of 2023. 

Above is one of many examples of fraud on the part of the Climate Profiteer crowd who never told any of us about the 1964 & 1966 ice count.  These people have been appropriated outrageously large sums of American taxpayer dollars, in the name of a Climate Crisis which hasn't been any worse than was the weather of:

             1936, 1934, 1922, 1921, 1913, 1911, 1910, 1905, 1901, 1896, 1895, 1878, 1871 ...

... and even during the Summer of 1980, when Dallas received 69 days of 100+ degree Fahrenheit heat ... or the Summer of 1954, when  Dallas received 50 days of 100F+ heat ... or even 1909, when Dallas received 57 days of 100+ Fahrenheit heat.  All in all, it was the 1930s which had the deadly Dust Bowl.  Not the 2020s.

In addition, the Antarctic wintertime sea ice square mileage during the record low year of 1966 was 20% less than was the wintertime sea ice area, during the record high year of 1964.   In two short years the sea ice volume changed drastically.  Yet, the co2 count only changed slightly, as well as any other "greenhouse gas."  The notable loss in Antarctic sea ice in 1966 did NOT parallel the slight rise in co2.  

The 1964 co2 count was 321 ppm.  The 1966 co2 count was 323 ppm.   That's an integer difference of 0.00619.  That's a percentage difference of  0.619%.  So compare difference: In terms of sea ice area, it's a 20.000% change.  In terms of atmospheric co2, it's a 00.619% change.

Also concerning the 1960s & the Nimbus Satellite revelations is the discovery that 1969 was the year when the wintertime Antarctic maximum sea ice extent arrived at its earliest ... in the calendar year.   

The OTHER Significant Factor of 1979 Repeated, for the sake of memory retention

The Year 1979 is the year in which the Arctic sea ice covered the most area in known history.  And of course, the Climate Scaremonger Faction wants all graph-making & statistical charting of the Arctic's ice cover to begin at its highest numerical year.  In this way, every year to follow 1979 will have a lower square mileage area number attached to it, and this will make it appear that atmospheric CO2 has been melting the North Pole region for the past 45 years.  Such a thing is a very predictable trick; sophomoric at best. 

The Climate Scaremonger Crowd wants humanity to believe that every year previous to 1979 was a year of equally plentiful sea ice --- that 1979 was just an average & ordinary year when it came to polar sea ice volume, in comparison to 1973, 1974, 1975, and 1976 which had much less Arctic sea ice than did the Year 1979.  In fact, 1976 was a tragically hot Summer in France.  It was outright hot in Southern England, but not as tragic as in Paris.  In the Arctic, there was not as much sea ice as during 1979. 

According to the Al Gore & Jim Hansen Theory, no extremely cold and ice-ridden year should ever follow three warm years of less sea ice.  But, such a thing happened in the 1970s.  In fact, after the ice-ridden year of 1979, 1980 hosted a Summer of true record heat.

Climate Doomsayers want mankind to believe that the atmospheric CO2 level of Planet Earth reached a tipping point in 1979, causing the Arctic sea ice sheet to begin its  GRADUAL decline in ice-cover in 1980.  In this way, the Climate Corps could easily deceive the People of the Earth into believing in the Al Gore & Michael Mann Theory of Climate.  And of course, that theory asserts that CO2 principally drives Planet Earth and determines the surface temperatures of every square kilometer of a very divergent Planet Earth ... and that it happens gradually, in proportion to the amount of CO2 in the sky. 

 As a result, the Climate Alarm Propagandists assured mankind that the Satellite Era did not begin until 1979, and therefore, when it comes to viewing the condition of the Arctic regions during the previous nine years of the 1970s and during all of the 1960s, "there's nothing to see here, folks.  Just move on."  Propagandists do not tell the whole story.  They present their cases in a false light.

The problem is that there were a number of years preceding 1979, when the sea ice content of the Arctic and the Antarctic was notably lower than usual.  This invalidated Al Gore's Climate Theory of CO2 as Driver of the Earth's Climate.  This is because there should NOT have been a sudden rise in sea ice in 1979 and in other years of the 20th Century.  

This finding is in keeping with true atmospheric science, because 90% of all greenhouse gases, by volume, is WATER VAPOR, making co2 extremely subservient to water vapor.  If anything, water drives the climate.  But, NASA long since proclaimed that the driver of the Earth's climate is the Sun.

Let us review, for the benefit of those who have trouble reading and need to review the basics

The atmospheric co2 level was on a constant rise in the 1960s & 1970s.  But, polar sea ice was NOT on a constant decrease.  Therefore, if the Al Gore Climate Theory is true, then there should have been a constant decrease in Polar sea ice throughout the '60s & '70s.  The Polar sea ice decline needed to have been equal to the rise in atmospheric co2.  Well,  this did NOT happen.  The atmospheric co2 count steadily rose, like a department store's escalator, en route to the store's 2nd floor.  But, polar ice extent did NOT decline in proportion to the rise in CO2.

Meanwhile, the Polar sea ice area of the 1960s, when graphed by honest scientists, looked like a roller coaster's track, going up and then going down, etc, etc.  Thus, the atmospheric co2 graph and the polar sea ice graphs were NOT parallel.  They should have been a mirror image of each other.  They were not.  

Shortly After the True Satellite Era Arrived ...

Take note of the following abstract.  It was written shortly BEFORE the record breaking Antarctic sea ice high of 2014 was measured.  None the less, the finding of & the rescuing of 250,000 pieces of satellite evidence in 2014 helped to prove the present Climate Crisis narrative to be a con game.  It helps to show how non-factual the Al Gore & Michael Mann School of Climate is, in its claim that the Earth's surface temperature proceeds parallel to the atmosphere's co2 count, in present time.  

There was a lot less co2 in 1966 than in 2021, as in 320 ppm for 1966 and 411 ppm for 2021.  So, 2021 should have had the record low sea ice and 1966 should have had the coldest Antarctic winter in recorded history.  Well, the opposite occurred.  This is evidence that the Al Gore CO2 Climate Driver Theory is not true.

In as much, if you hear anyone preaching about climate, without acknowledging the existence of the Nimbus I, Nimbus II, and Nimbus III satellites of the 1960s & 1970s, then you are hearing a lying con artist who doesn't want anyone to analyze the 250,000 Nimbus satellite images ... or else you are hearing one of the many useful idiots of today who don't even know about the existence of the Nimbus satellite series.

                 📡     📡     📡     📡     📡     📡     📡     📡     📡     📡     📡     📡     📡


See:  https://www.earthdata.nasa.gov/learn/articles/new-data-from-old-satellites-a-nimbus-success-story


In the shaded pink is what the more recent Climate Profiteers try to hide from you and me.  Yes, they are still trying to ... "hide the decline."  This is in reference to the 2009 Climategate emails.
Another feature of the polar oceans that is needed to be known:  Super Cooled Water 

The Southern Ocean & the Arctic Ocean have super cooled water within their perimeters.  After all, you're dealing with salt water, and salt melts the ice on your wintertime sidewalk.  None the less, my understanding was that the polar waters get no cooler than 29.7 degrees FAHRENHEIT.  

Then, came a recent 2023 paper, by Icelandic scientists who found that 28.7F Arctic Ocean water also exists.  Thus, it's expected to find Arctic salt water that is at least 2.2 degrees Fahrenheit COLDER than the standard freezing point of water.  And some of the salty Arctic water might even be 3.2 degrees Fahrenheit lower than the typical freezing point of water.  

Super cooled water is water that does NOT melt at the usual temperature of 32F.  It remains liquid even around the 29F & 30F vicinity.  This knowledge is essential for novices to understand, due to the endless false-light propaganda which the commercial media and pushy politicians harp, concerning the Polar Caps not having the major ice age conditions of 25,000 years prior.  

If the super cooled water in the Arctic were not super cooled, then the Arctic would have had a larger white cap in recent years.  Yet, there remains an outrageously large sum of ice at both polar caps, anyway.  

A former F-4 fighter pilot whose sole job it was to shoot down cold-war Russian bombers invading America from the Arctic told me that his time of flying over the Arctic Ocean (as a passenger on a military transport plane) ... aka the Polar Route ... made him feel as if he were on another planet.  He described it as having flown over vast, desolate distances of white.   Needless to say, the F-4 didn't last too long, in the America inventory.  It wasn't needed.

That gentleman pilot is no longer with us.  He departed this realm of existence in late May of 2024.  The great irony is that his son ... as a very successful academic American ... became fluent in Russian.  Go figure.

August 18, 1960 was the actual Start of the Satellite Era

On August 18, 1960, the CIA's CORONA Satellite system successfully produced more photographic coverage of the Soviet Union in one mission than did all previous U-2 flight missions combined.  This was the turning point.  This was the start of the Satellite Era, 19 years prior to 1979.  And we have the Russian Commies to thank for this.  After all, they are the ones who inspired the Americans to develop satellite imaging during the more intense phase of the 44-year-long Cold War.

Then, in April of 1961, Yuri  Gagarin became the first man launched into Space.  In May of 1961, Alan Shepard become the second man to be so.  Then, in 1962, John Glenn orbited Planet Earth three times, becoming a national hero.  Finally, man landed on the Moon in 1969.

A Reality Check on Common Sense

You could not have had the advanced technology to land on the Moon without first having had standard Satellite Technology already accomplished.  That technology for the United States began in 1958, with the launch of Explorer 1.  It did NOT take an additional 21 years to finally arrive at the satellite era.

That is to say, you don't employ the scientific know-how to land on the Moon, and then have to wait an additional ten years, to finally get the technological know-how to launch a satellite and get it to orbit around Planet Earth, while performing the function of data collector & photographer.

Then came Pioneer 10, in 1972.  It traveled outside of the Solar System, and scientists kept track of it until 2003, when its distance of travel reached the 7.5 billion mile mark.  That was excellence in aerospace technology seven years before 1979.  Thus, 1979 was NOT the start of any technological era. The Year 1979 was the first full year of constant satellite monitoring of the polar sea ice in both hemispheres, as was previously mentioned.

Next comes the Skylab series of Space Station missions which began in May of 1973.  You don't have successful Skylab missions without having had prior success with satellite technology.  There were FOUR skylab missions done in the 1970s, all before 1979. 

Then came Voyager I and Voyager II, both launched in 1977.  Those missions and the hardware attached to the missions were such expert productions that both Space explorers are in operation today.  Voyager 1 has thus far travelled more than 15 billion miles, and Voyager 2 has thus far travelled more than  12 billion miles.  Do you still have the audacity to claim that the Satellite Era did NOT begin until 1979?

Hundred of newspaper articles, captain's ship logs, almanacs, and magazine articles proved that CO2 and the Earth's temperature trends do NOT equate with each other.  This has been repeatedly shown at the Blue Marble Album and elsewhere on the Internet.   

The atmospheric textbook chapter involving PRESSURE GRADIENT FORCING is and was the settled science long before Al Gore's movie which was made.  When the difference in temperature between the Poles and the Equator increase ... when the temperature difference between the two areas get further away from each other ... as during a cold period ... then the atmosphere gets MORE TURBULENT.  

When the difference in temperature between the Poles and the Equator decreases ... when temperatures get closer to each other ... then Earth's atmosphere gets LESS TURBULENT.  Thus, there are more turbulence-related natural disasters during cold periods and during warm periods.

Let's repeat:  When the Poles start getting colder, but the Equator stays the same temperature, the atmosphere gets MORE TURBULENT.   When the Poles get warmer, but the Equator stays the same, the atmosphere gets LESS TURBULENT.  This is why there were disastrous storms during the Little Ice Age which ranged from 1284 to 1840.  Once again:  Cooling Trend = more turbulent.  Warming Trend = less turbulent.

One picture is worth a thousand words

Below:  North Central Antarctica, on Oct 9, 2023, after it was reported in September of 2023 that Antarctica had a once-in-a-7.5-million-year significant absence of ice during its recent winter.  There were 22 hours of daylight on Oct 9, resulting in the satellite image below.  Now, you show me where this "massive, once-in-a-7.5-million-year" critical ice loss is located.  

Anyway, look and see how much ice was there, while the Climate Scaremongers were claiming that there was catastrophic ice loss at Antarctica, during its wintertime.  They kept calling it a "7 sigma event."   By the way, a 5 sigma event is one that happens every 3.5 million years.  None the less, 2023 was a once-in-a-57-year event.  It wasn't even a "once-in-a-century" event.  

Incidentally, from April 10 to September 2nd, the Sun was "down all day" everyday, at the inner continental recesses of Antarctica.  Thus, there are no daylight photos of inner-Antarctica during winter time.  

In the photo above, at the top, you will see intervals of thick & tapered black lines.  Those are Nadir Gaps, where the satellite was designed to not photograph those thin areas.  They're like grid lines, for measuring purposes ... for surveying purposes.  In fact, any nadir is a line below a certain point that travels straight to the ground and creates a 90 degree angle when touching the ground.

The 2023 Antarctic Deception

When it's a matter of record low wintertime sea ice maximums in either of the two polar caps, it is NOT a matter of ice melting during the season when -20F, -40F, & -60F temperatures dominate.  It's a matter of not as much ice forming after Summer ends at the polar cap in focus, concerning as much ice as was formed in other years.  

Let it be repeated once again, so that the realization will sink inward

If you could prove that there were years before 1979 when polar sea ice was as low or lower than today ... and simultaneously much lower than in 1979 ... then the Al Gore Climate Theory of CO2 as Temperature Driver gets automatically invalidated.   And of course, 1973, 1974, 1975 were significantly lower in sea ice area.  In other years, the sea ice was moderately lower than 1979, concerning the Northern Hemisphere's Arctic Ocean.

The realization of a unconscionable swindle of taxpayer dollars will come when it's made commonly known that 90% of all of Planet Earth's greenhouse gases --- by volume --- is WATER VAPOR.  The realization will come when the media announces the scientific fact that the amount of space that atmospheric CO2 takes-up in the Earth's atmosphere is 0.042%.  This is LESS THAN 1/2 of 1%.  This is almost 1/2 of 1/10 of 1%.  

In other words, for every 2,358 molecules that were in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere's Winter of 2023, only one was CO2.  This is based on a 424 ppm count.  That's 1 in 2,358 molecules.  That's a score of 2,358 to 1.  There is NO WAY in which co2 drives such a climate.

Incidentally, for every 10 molecules in the Earth's sky, 2.1 are the O2 oxygen molecule.  In addition, for every 5.2 molecules out there in the sky, 4 of them are nitrogen molecules (N2.)  As far as goes Argon, for every 21 and a half molecules in the sky, 2 of them are Argon.  So, we visualize the molecular content of the atmosphere:  

  CO2 ... 1 in 2,358       Argon ... 1 in 10.7       Oxygen ... 1 in 4.7       Nitrogen ... 1 in 1.28

There is Infrared Inactive CO2 and then there is Infrared Active CO2:  Not all co2's are alike.

A deeper understanding of the long-term climate con game will seep inward, when it's made commonly known that co2 exists in three modes of vibration known as dipole moments, and in one of those vibrational modes, co2 is incapable of capturing infrared heat.  

This easily explains why an ice age, such as the Ordovician Ice Age, was able to transpire, while the atmospheric co2 level was more than NINE TIMES HIGHER than today.  CO2's three vibrations have already been explained at the Blue Marble Album, at Youtube, and elsewhere on the internet.  However, at this point, take into account CO2's radiative forcing.

Today, IR Active CO2 operates at 3.7 watts per meter squared (w/2).  In 1890 or so, active CO2's radiative forcing was measured at 1.88 watts per meter squared. (That's 1 POINT 88 watts only.)  As a result, it was declared that the radiative forcing of CO2 doubled since 1890.  Time out here.  Here comes the question ... eventually:  

The vibrational mode of CO2 comes in three modes, but only  one mode at a time.  They are 1} Symmetric  Stretching  2} Asymmetric Stretching   3} Bending Motion, like the flapping wings of a bird in flight.  

Well, when a CO2 molecule is in the Symmetric Stretching Mode, it is infrared inactive (IR inactive.)  It does NOT create "a dipole moment."  It does NOT show up on the IR Spectrum.   It is incapable of retaining infrared heat ... It is incapable of causing global warming.  In fact, it can cause Ice Ages.  This is why an Ice Age can occur when the CO2 count is NINE TIMES HIGHER than today. 

So, here is the question:  Where is there a chart, table, or a graph that marks CO2's watt-per-meter-squared radiative forcing, according to its three different vibrational modes, aka dipole moments?   In other words ...

.[1] At what amount of watts per meter squared does CO2 exist, during its asymmetric stretching mode?   [2] At what amount of watts per meter squared does CO2 exist, during its bending mode?  

Needless to say, CO2 radiative forcing is ZERO watts per meter squared, whenever co2 is in its Symmetrical Stretching Mode.  An atmosphere of symmetrically stretching CO2 can cause an Ice Age.

One more thing about CO2.  While it's claimed to be the cause of Global Boiling as a greenhouse gas, when CO2 is in its solid form, it's a refrigerant.  It's a block of ice called Dry Ice.  Ironic ... sort of.  What it actually does is become a medium ... a go-between for ... heat transference (which see.)  We return to the topic at hand, though:

The lesson here is that Atmospheric Science is exceptionally involved and is NOT driven by only one variable -- one input number.  Atmospheric Science is NOT the simpleton version presented by the Al Gore People, in 2006.  Therefore, to use as your spokesperson a Swedish high school drop-out who does NOT know the first thing about 1] Atmospheric Science,  2] Weather History,  3] Meteorology,  4] pre-Holocene Paleontology, and/or 5] Oceanography is to use one of the most Useful Idiots a political faction can ever use to advance its agenda ... and to keep humanity dumbed-down with emotion-inducing diversionary tactics.  

Such a thing is not clever.  It's predictable for any faction that keeps losing the statistics and proxy evidence war, thereby necessitating that faction to hide such scientific & historic facts from humanity.  Thus, you use an emotionally unstable teenager and give her false statistics.  You tell her the opposite of the fact that the natural disaster death rate declined super significantly since the 1920s, the 1930s, and the 1940s.  

You also tell her the opposite of the fact that American yearly forest fires (wildfires) dropped super significiantly since the late 1920s and the entire 1930s, when the western population was so low that there wasn't the manpower nor the technology to put out the massive fires, during the worst drought in the previous 1,000 years.       

You then hide from this misinformed teenager knowledge of the existence of the Nimbus Satellite Series of the 1960s & 1970s.  You finally tell her in 2018 that the World is going to end in 2023.  You also make sure that your false information is channeled through the official channels of an organization controlled by 2nd World & 3rd World political operatives.  

Minus 94 Fahrenheit, in May of 2024

The time of this writing is the Memorial Day Weekend, 2024.  The place of this writing is the United States, specifically near the Three River Confluence of Pittsburgh which is located at 40 latitude & 80 longitude.

There have been constant claims that the Earth is in a state of global boiling and that there have been heat waves in Antarctica, in addition to the provenly bogus claim that Antarctica is suffering from a catastrophic amount of ice absence ... or even ice melt.  Okay then, below is the most recent temperature report from the Amundsen-Scott Base, in Antarctica.  This Accuweather report is placed here as a reality check, for those who actually believe the Antarctica is melting:

We keep being told that Antarctic ice is melting.  Of course, those who get Congressional funding, NGO funding, and other types of funding are the ones who keep saying this, over and over again.  Well, for ice to have melted at Amundsen-Scott in May of 2024, the temperature needed to have risen 126 degrees Fahrenheit.  The report above is that of May 27, 2024.
During the same May week of 2024, the famous Vostok Station dipped to MINUS 99 degrees Fahrenheit.  In order for ice to have started melting there, the temperature needed to rise 131 degrees Fahrenheit.  
During the same May week in 2024, it dipped to MINUS 96F, at the famous South Pole Station.
The Concordia Research Station is well known to the knowledgeable.  During the same May week of 2024, the temperature there dipped to MINUS 99 Fahrenheit, as it did at Vostok.  So, what justifies a person heavily compensated by various "climate funding sources" to tell humanity that Anarctica is melting and that the Statue of Liberty is in the process of going underwater? 

ABOVE:  During the same month of May 2024, Springtime America received record snowfall, at Lake Tahoe.  But, we keep being told that the sea level will rise 200 feet.  Yet, from 1880 to 2020, the sea level only rose 8 to 9 inches.  

Then,  it was recently claimed by well-funded scientists that the sea level rose 4 inches in the past 30 years.  That would amount to 0.1333 inches per year ... or 13 & 1/3 inches per century ... or 16 inches per every 120 years.  This amounts to a sea level rise equal to the width of two pennies per year.  

At today's "reported" rate of sea level rise, it will take 17,158 to 18,000 years to elevate the sea level 200 feet.  Do you have just cause to believe the heavily funded "scientist" who claimed on stage, in front of a video camera lens, that the sea level will rise 200 feet?  He's on video, sounding all so confident ... and in-your-face pushy, like a salesman.

Welcome to the CO2 Gazette:

In 1966, the atmospheric co2 level was 322 ppm.  The Climate Hysteria propaganda teams of today assert that atmospheric co2 levels below 330 ppm are quite safe and do not trigger severe ice melt or weather disasters of note.  This would mean that, in no way would there have been any time in which Polar sea ice would have reached a record low, while co2 stayed below 330 ppm.  And in no way, according to the same assertion, would hurricanes be a menace to any part of Planet Earth.  

Well, those two assertions were proven wrong, simply through reading centuries of weather history.  The 1960s saw a few years of significantly less than usual polar sea ice, and in the early 1960s, there were a couple of world-ending Pacific Cyclones.  Their pressure systems within were the lowest of the low.  They proved the 330 ppm ceiling limit theory to have been worthlessly false, as did any catastrophic cyclone that emerged before the Year 1974.   This included those that date as far back as the day after Christmas, in 838 CE.  

There is a long list of cyclones and major storm tides which transpired when the co2 count was below 300 ppm and which killed thousands upon thousands of people, as well as having rearranged the coastline of the Netherlands ... and even put cities into the history books, such as was the case with the Danish city of Rungholt, in 1362.  

The many natural disasters which occurred from 838 CE to the start of the Industrial Revolution proved Al Gore, David Attenborough, and Michael Mann to have been extremely non-factual.  It is a complete lie to claim that the weather was mild for a thousand years, until the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1760.  There have been horrendous weather events all throughout the Medieval Era, the Renaissance Era, and the Baroque Era.  This included the Age of Exploration ... and Colonization.  This included the reign of Kubla Khan.

The co2/temperature Causation Assertion was long since proven wrong, via the searing heat of 1936, 1934, 1922, 1921, 1913, 1911, 1905, 1901, 1895, 1878, and 1871.  These heated years all transpired when when the co2 count ranged from a very low 295 ppm to a low-enough 310 ppm.   

This same climate assertion was proven wrong in 1966, when the Antarctic wintertime sea ice plummeted.  In 1966, the co2 count was 318 ppm.  That's 12 points below 330 ppm threshold theory.  Yet, co2 didn't follow the rule that the Global Warming People set for it.  Meanwhile, the 500,000 year long Ordovician Ice Age proceeded while the co2 level was at 4,000 ppm.  

The details of that particular ice age is beyond the scope of this discourse.  However, shortly after the Climategate emails were revealed, someone presented a theory for that ice age, by citing the low Carbon-13 count at the beginning of that half million year ice age which came in two major pulses.  Well, it was recently found that a rise in co2 is accompanied by a decrease in carbon-13. This is called "an inverse relationship."  This was concluded through a study that involved the 1990s to the Year 2021.  

During ice ages, there is a much less supply of water vapor in the air, being that extremely cold air also equals dry air.  Being that water vapor is 90% of all greenhouse gases -- by volume -- any discussion of greenhouse gases -- in any era of climate history -- is automatically invalid, if water vapor is not included in the discussion.  

In as much, the mystery as to how a glaciation period can persist is easily solved.  Water Vapor becomes a rare commodity during ice ages.  However, there still remains the mystery as to what actually causes ice ages to commence, in the first place.  There is more to include, but not here, due to the budgeting of printing space.

Recent CO2 Scorecard

As far as goes 330 ppm, that level of atmospheric co2 arrived in 1974.  Then, in 1980, the co2 count rose to 339 ppm.  The 1990 co2 count was 355 ppm, and at the Turn of the Millennium, the co2 count was 370.  The 400 ppm marked occurred in the Year 2015.  And when the co2 count reached 418 ppm in 2021, Antarctica ended up having its coldest winter in known history.  Al Gore & Michael Mann are summarily proven wrong, yet again.  The 418 ppm level should have heated-up Antarctica, when the opposite occurred in the Southern Hemisphere.

As far as goes hurricanes, in the history of Planet Earth, voyagers and coastline inhabitants have witnessed coastline-destroying hurricanes throughout the centuries when the co2 count was below 300.  This included massive sea storms of the 1700s, 1500s, and very late 1200s.  Include the Pacific during the early 1960s, when charting the most extreme cyclones in history on a graph.  In 1962, when the Pacific Ocean delivered a handful of historically punishing typhoons/cyclones, the co2 count was 318 ppm. 

The aforementioned topics have already been detailed at the Blue Marble Album and elsewhere.  There's a search box at the top right-hand side of each of this site's pages.  Make good use of it.

Official Academic Atmospheric Science Teaching

When it comes to natural disasters and temperature, one must learn the science of Pressure Gradient Forcing, as well as Baroclinic stability vs instability.   It goes as follows:

Very simply, when the temperature difference between the Equator and the Poles gets closer to each other ... aka "diminishes" ... as when a phase of global warming occurs, then the atmosphere becomes less turbulent and there are less hurricanes and other types of turbulence-induced natural disasters on Planet Earth.  

On the contrary, when the temperature difference between the Equator and the Poles widens ... increases ... as during the Little Ice Age ... the atmospheric turbulence of Planet Earth increases, and this results in more hurricanes and other turbulence-induced natural disasters.  Once again, for clarity sake, it's the global cooling phases which result in more turbulence-related natural disasters.

As a result, there were tremendous sea storms, aka cyclones, during the Little Ice Age which occurred from 1284 C.E. and 1840 C.E.  This included the disaster of 1780, as well as Kubla Khan's naval invasion fleets being decimated on two different storm-ridden occasions.  There is a notable list of cyclones, coastline floods, and other natural disasters throughout the centuries --- long before the invention of the gasoline-powered engine.  

It was a complete lie to have claimed that the weather was mild for a 1,000 years, until the Industrial Revolution.  There were massive disasters supported by evidence and surviving witnesses which occurred when the atmospheric co2 count was very low.  In fact, numerous grave markers, the Elbe River Hunger Stone, chronicles, captain logs, and monuments of Europe prove Michael Mann and David Attenborough to have been the most egregious of liars, in their claiming that Planet Earth was a hedonist's pleasure palace that hosted no hurricanes, droughts, floods, epidemics, or famines, for a thousand years.

This pressure gradient force reflex is why jet streams only meander during wintertime.  It has nothing to do with CO2.  Plus, realizing that co2 is too small in quantity ... in the atmosphere ... to ever drive the climate, is not an element of cognitive dissonance.  It's an element of common sense.

World peace will be accompanied by the discarding and the disqualifying of many lies that line society today.  Incidentally, the TIROS-1 weather satellite dates back to 1960.  It's first photo was made on April 1 on that year.  Thus, the satellite era did NOT begin in 1979.  It began in 1960.  The full article related to the photo below ... and related to satellite technology of the 1960s ... is found at:


Below:  Now remember, the article below involves the year with the HIGHEST (the most) wintertime Antarctic Sea Ice Extent.  It's also known as "Antarctica's Sea Ice Extent MAXIMUM."  And of course, it appears to be a relative tie between 1964 and 2014.  

Below is the same article text, provided at a larger size, for readability purposes.  All in all, when the Climate Hysteria People at the UN and in the present US White House administration claim that the Satellite Record did not begin until 1979, you can now tell them that it started in 1964.  You can also tell them that you know that they are a bunch of liars, making outrageously large sums of money, by means of lying to humanity and creating fear.  Knowledge ends fears. 
                                           ★☆     ★☆     ★☆     ★☆     ★☆     ★☆
 We now adjourn to 1852                
Oh, and then there was the Year 1852.  It was regarded as the year with no winter in the northern midwest of America, while it was the Winter of Hardship, in Oregon.  The co2 count back then was 285 ppm, and the lesson from 1852 is that, on a very round, yet slightly elliptical, Earth that travels at a 23.5 degree tilt, it's absolutely true that one man's drought is another man's flood, and one man's heatwave is another man's cold snap.  And of course, Ft. Snelling Minnesota recorded zero heavy snowfall, in 1852.  Newspapers published a commentary or two about this, in latter years.

Planet Earth does NOT have one climate.  It has many climates that end up definitively butting-up against each other and then interacting with each other, to an extent.  Such various climates are affected in different ways ... not solely by co2.  In fact, co2 interaction is good for a climate ... if you want to see beautiful forests of green ... or even golden maple trees ... or vast fields of lavender and other colorful vegetation.

Most importantly, the climate is NOT the moronic simpleton version taught by Al Gore through his 2006 propaganda film.  Climate & Weather is an exceptionally intricate science.  It has many factors and variables.  The more you learn about Atmospheric Science & Weather History, the more you realize how little anyone knows about anything.  And when it happens, you are actually at peace about it.  

Yet, the Climate Con Artists then show up on screen and on magazine covers, and all peace is robbed of humanity with hyper-exaggerations of recent weather events.  These are events shown in a false light.  The result is that the younger generations get terrorized.  The undereducated think that the end is near.  Yet, those events don't come close to the massive brutal weather events of centuries past.  

Such hyper-exaggerated modern weather events are covered at the Blue Marble Album, to show what extremes money-seeking propagandists will strive to attain, simply to takeover your mind and to take your tax dollars ... along with your donation money ... under the guise that the world is on the brink of destruction and only "they" can save you.   Those geeks.  Those dweebs.  Those wedgie boys.

It's amazing how the youngest generation fell for this con game.  The established tradesman (working man) and the outdoor woman know by instinct & experience that the Climate Doomsday Blueprint of Today is not factual.  Plus, China is the great contributor of new coal plants ... of airborne substances into the atmosphere ... meaning that America & Europe could vanish tomorrow, yet the co2 count will still rise consistently ... from the factories and plants of China ... and India.

In as much, Nuclear Winter is far worse than any phase of global warming could ever be.  None the less, the most dreadful determinant of sudden climate change in history has been none other than ... volcanoes.  The irony to this historic note is that volcanoes emit a lot of co2.  Yet, their eruptions never resulted in global warming.  

Volcanic after-effects always resulted in =====> much cooler surface temperatures on Planet Earth.  After all, an Indonesian volcanic eruption in April of 1815 resulted in 1816 being the Year Without a Summer.  Such a thing is due to the sulfur dioxide being released into the air, during the eruptions.  SO2 acts as tiny mirrors than cause sunlight to be reflected back into Space.  

All in all, Sulfur Dioxide is a killer.  Carbon MONOXIDE is a killer.  Carbon Dioxide is your friend.

A certain climate condition can end your personal world, but not the whole world.  A climate condition has simultaneously ended hundreds of thousands of personal worlds in India and China, in centuries past.  A Summertime climate condition in 1911 ended over 11,000 personal worlds in Paris, alone.  But, no climate condition can end all THE world, simultaneously.  And you cannot fool all the people all the time.  

Climate Crisis Con Artists realize that the Abraham Lincoln axiom is true.  So, these people punish the ones who constitute some of the people whom you cannot fool.  This is why the Climate Crisis People harass scientists and experienced people who know that the Al Gore Theory is an exaggeration that doesn't answer more than a small percentage of any climate question ... and is incapable of being used to predict any climate future.

If you can't deceive a person into doing your will, then you will try to physically, socially (as in defamation), and/or financially harm him ... if you are engaged in taking over worlds ... or making lots of money that you do NOT deserve.  

Al Gore & Company basically said that the world will soon come to an end, if mankind doesn't hand-over Planet Earth's money supply to him, Michael Mann, and others involved in the con game.   Yet, con artists give themselves away as the frauds they are.   For example, Gore was too uninformed to know the temperature of the center of the Earth, all the while pretending to be an expert on late night NBC television.   Plus, Gore's refusal to ever debate anyone is a dead give-away that he will be revealed as the charlatan he is, if he ever engages in an academic climate debate.  

An example of Michael Mann's con artistry is that his hockey stick graph states that 1921 & 1922 are amongst the coldest years in the past millennium.  Well, newspapers, almanacs, logs, and magazines all reported on the exceptional heat of those two years which were accompanied by notable Arctic ice loss.  Thus, printed historical accounts proved Michael Mann's hockey stick temperature graph to be a fraudulent invention.  And then comes the Climategate emails which revealed enough as it was.  

As time progressed, useful idiots thinking that they could cash-in with Al Gore and Michael Mann pretended to be experts who could prove that the Climategate emails were misinterpreted.  However, pivotal scientists refused to reveal their climate data base which resulted in their climate conclusions that have been proven contradictory to weather history.  In as much, there certainly was a decline ... of temperature ... from WWII to the late 1970s ... and Michael Mann was hiding it in his straight-lined hockey stick graph.  If the temperature decline were not hidden, then his graph would have looked like a soup ladle, instead.  

That hockey stick line is contrary to recent archeological discoveries and proxy evidence, as well as to historical weather reports.  The truth is that climate is cyclical, with alternating phases --- much like the phases of the Moon.

At this stage in the conversation, enter the Year 2023.  In the Year 2023, the atmospheric co2 count was 422 ppm.  Being that the 2023 co2 count far exceeded the 1966 co2 count, the Al Gore Climate Hysteria team would conclude that the square mileage of Antarctic sea ice extent in 1966 would have been much larger than it was in 2023, and that there would have been no massive reduction in sea ice from one year to the next, at any time in the 1960s.  But, this turned out to have NOT been the case.  

There was a massive amount of sea ice loss, when calculating from the winter of 1964 to the winter of 1966.  This was when the co2 count was literally 99 ppm LOWER than it was in 2023.  

In similar pattern, there was a difference of weather between 2021 and 2023.  The Year 2021 was the coldest recorded Antarctic winter in history.  In 2023, the least amount of wintertime sea ice occurred.  

Conditions changes suddenly in both instances.  This means that the co2 content was not the driver of the drastic change that occurred between 1964 and 1966, as well as the drastic change between 2021 and 2023.  As an added note, Antarctica does have dozens of volcanoes.  This, of course, is a topic of its own, for another discourse.  Volcanic Antarctica is beyond the scope of this discourse.

Being that the co2 count was entirely different in two eras of time which yielded the exact same weather results, those similar weather results did NOT come form the very dissimilar co2 content of the Earth's atmosphere.   There is a pattern here, independent of co2.  Case closed.  Gore once again is proven wrong, along with his often televised team mates.

None the less, the media and video channel creators claimed that 2023 was the year of the least sea ice extent in 7.5 million years.  And of course, they will usually show their viewers a graph.  However, you can distort the curve of a graph without changing any statistical numbers.  Simply have the y-axis of the graph carry a small number set, with fractional numbers included.  Meanwhile, have the gridline spacing further apart than it should be.  And then, make sure that the x-axis doesn't host a long range of numbers, either.  

For example, some y-axis numerals in temperature graphs are limited to two or three mere degrees Celsius, separated at vertical gridline intervals of one-half of a degree each.  In this way, the slightest change in temperature gets ridiculously pronounced when the graph line is drawn.  Therefore, a pronounced slant ... a pronounced decline ... a pronounced angle ... a significant curve will result, IF the x-axis numerals are not plentiful.  

The more numerous the x-axis timeline numbers, the more gradual will be the slant of the graph line.  With a small set of x-axis timeline numbers (such as years), a more pronounce angle - slant - incline - decline - curve results.  The resulting graph line gets very vertical quickly.  Thus, graphs can be very deceptive.  

Your response to such a rigged graph should be: "Show me the actual satellite photos of the 2023 Antarctic continent in wintertime."  Well, some video makers will then show the terrain of a coastline that has no snow or ice on it, deceiving you into assuming that the ice there recently melted.  The truth is that Antarctic is the driest desert on Earth, and in some coastline sections ... on the terrain itself ... there has been no snowing or ice accumulation there since you and everyone else presently on Earth were born.  

Antarctica is huge, at 5.5 million square miles in area.  Thus, it has a long coastline.  A minor portion of that coastline is ice-free & snow-free desert terrain.  It only looks big in itself, because Antarctica is so ridiculously huge.  But, the iceless sections of Antarctic are tiny in comparison to the continent.  Wide patches of iceless terrain has been that way in Antarctica, for thousands of years.

The Melted Ice Cube Effect:  There is no effect thereof.

Next will come the mention of ice melt-induced sea level rise.  Well, if all the sea ice on Earth suddenly melted ... including the entire Arctic Ocean Ice Sheet in wintertime ... the sea level rise would be ZERO.  It's the same effect as when all of the ice cubes melt in your large glass of iced tea.  The tea remains at the same height within the glass, whether its ice cubes are all melted or not.

Moreover, the existence of penguins show the need for some of Antarctica's terrain to be ice-free.  Penguins need ice-free terrain to bring forth their young.  Antarctica is 98% ice-covered; 2% ice-free.  Now, Antarctica is also 5.4 million square miles in area.  2% times 5.4 million sq miles = 108,000 ice-free square miles.  A con artist can play ruthless fraud games with that 2% terrain.  However, the reality is this:         Ice-covered Antarctica = 5,292,000 sq mi.                                                                                                                            Ice-free =    108,000 sq mi.   Big difference.                            

          Below:  September 23rd, 2023; a few weeks after it was asserted that Antarctica is suffering from missing ice like it never has done, in the past 7.5 million year.  Okay then, where is all of this Once-in-a-7.5-million-year End of the World Ice Melt?

CO2 does NOT drive the climate, and it is NOT causing any "Global Boiling."  Rather, it has been causing the greening of Planet Earth.  After all, if you want to go green, then increase the level of atmospheric co2 without adding any airborne pollutant in the process.  As far as goes coal burning plants, the coal MUST be filtered definitively.  Plus, science should start studying Tidal Power, Geothermal Power, etc.  

All in all, co2 is not the environmental disaster at hand.  It's the glut of synthetic chemicals spread throughout human societies which is.  The previous disaster was leaded gasoline, and addressing that problem was a much needed cause, in decades past.  In fact, in going back further in time, the great environmental disaster & challenge was none other than Small Pox, the great killer.  

Concerning 90% of all greenhouse gases by volume, being WATER VAPOR, you have probably heard the expression, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity."  Well, the humidity is the heat.  

Water Vapor is the Great Infrared Heat Retainer.  So too are Cirrus Clouds --- only because they are positioned at a high altitude.  The further away a cloud is from the surface of the Earth, the better its ability to capture IR light.  IR light and IR heat are synonymous.

The Sun drives the climate, in combination with air pressure, as well as the tilt of the Earth, the high pressure Convection Cells, and ye olde Coriolis Effect which has been explained at the Blue Marble Album and in every atmospheric science book known to mankind.  In fact, the Tilt of the Earth is the only reason why the seasons exist on Planet Earth.

Penguin Woodstock

At the end of Antarctica's Summer, there always is massive sea ice loss.  By the end of Antarctic winter, there is always a massive amount of sea & land ice ... larger than the landmass of Russia which is huge.  Russia is 6.6 MILLION square miles in size.  

Climate is Cyclical

That which has occurred in the climate realm on Planet Earth in the 2020s has happened previously.  For example, in 1977 it reached 118F in Athens, when the co2 count was 331 ppm.  There were 42 consecutive 100F+ days in Dallas, in 1980, when the co2 count was 338.  A number of deadly droughts occurred in India and China, when the co2 count was below 308 and even below 300.  America had its worst flood in 1927, when the co2 count was 306 ppm.

There is nothing new under the Sun.  Climate has thus far been proven to be a cyclical trend.  In fact, the last time when there actually was non-cyclical Climate Change was 6,000 years ago, when a lush & plush jungle that spanned throughout northern Africa started to become the Sahara, due to the emergence of a Convention Cell ... now called the Hadley Cell ... which now exists at the 30th Parallel in both hemispheres.   Hmmmm.

The Hadley Cell constantly sends downward to the Earth's surface high pressure dry air.  Incidentally, the Sahara is larger than the size of the   ... aka the contiguous ...United States, at 3.6 million sq miles.  (The contiguous US is 3.11 million sq mi.)  That's a massive desert.  Antarctica is a much larger desert ... at 5.4 million sq mi ... with high pressure dry air descending upon it, from the ceiling of the Troposphere.  Note:  "High Pressure" and "dry air" is redundant.

Every scientist ... and every journalist ... is morally obliged to also include into the Climate Conversation the polar sea ice records of the 1960s, as well as those of the first eight years of the 1970s.  The Polar Caps always have outrageously large areas of ice.  However, at least 85% of the wintertime Antarctic sea ice is gone at the end of Antarctic Summer.  This has already been illustrated at the Blue Marble Album, and there does exist a search box at the top right-hand corner of every page, for your convenience ... for the sake of evidence-supported truth finally being viewed.  

And remember, the author of this site works alone.  He has thus far ... as of 2024 ... never been funded by any corporation, any NGO, any 501C charity organization, or any private citizen, in his research, writings, weblogs, and websites which cover multiple topics.   This includes any oil company anywhere on Earth.  Zero dollars and zero cents have come from such entities.  And there has been no grassroots funding either.  Not a penny.  So, you can can it with the "climate racketeering claim" & "the oil company funding claim."

In as much, the end of your personal world will arrive a whole lot sooner than will the End of THE World.  This whole "Climate Crisis" thing is a money-making con game, being done at your expense, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars thus far.  In the end, you will get the bill, and you will NOT be able to pay it.