January 15, 2025

The Roll Call of Kamala's Other Lies

Concerning Kamala claiming that the Trump Tax Cut only lowered the tax rate of the wealthy:

The middle class ... the lower income bracket people ... had their income tax rates decreased also, in 2017, and this was made effective as of January 2018.  It was found that 80.4% of taxpaying Americans had their income tax rates lowered ... under Trump.  Kamala lied ,,, yet again.

The ABC moderators committed dereliction of duty, in not correcting the lies of Kamala Harris.  She repeatedly lied throughout the debate, and the moderators repeatedly kept silent throughout her lying to the American People.  This made the ABC moderators co-liars.  They should be fired from ABC immediately.

The question at hand is if whether or not revenue will be generated more via raising taxes or lowering taxes.  This involves the Laffer Curve, Price Elasticity, and past tax revenue records.  Thus, that question is beyond the scope of this post.  So, we move onward.

The Lie where  Kamala Harris & her ABC allies denied that Harris supported the plan to spend taxpayer dollars on illegal alien prison inmates, for transgender surgery.

Below is the excerpt of a recent KFILE report.  It's here to show you that an assertion which was made by Trump, and then declared a lie by the two ABC moderators, turned out to have been TRUE

The belittling of Trump will continue until the next person gets so angry that he/she will try to fire a bullet into Trump's head.  And ABC will let this hatemongering happen.  Now, it already happened for a second time, as of Sept 15, 2024. 

Some law enforcement people somewhere need to file criminal charges on mainstream media personnel for defamation and the incitement to rioting, as well as the incitement of assassination.  Criminal courts have novel construction to the law, just as civil courts do.

Quick note:  In most states, Defamation is a civil court matter.  However, in some states defamation is a criminal offense.  And the way the mainstream media has been defaming Donald Trump has been a matter of inciting assassination ... or inciting a riot.
Also in 2019, Kamala supported the defunding of ICE.  For further affirmation ... aka "concurrence" ... of the above KFILE report, refer to the link directly below:

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Her claim to have been friendly to fracking since 2020 proven to be a lie, as of Jan 2024.

Fracking was banned by the Biden-Harris administration in January 2024, in a predictable sleight of hand way.  It prevented the products of fracking from being exported.  More specifically, Biden & Company halted "temporarily" all export permits for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG.)  It was typical stonewalling.  This is why no one can trust Harris, the unchaste & mortally sinful WHORE of Willie Brown who is no model of virtue for young ladies ANYWHERE.

The freeze on permits was a great way to cost frackers a lot of business.  It caused a proverbial LNG traffic jam.  It required a federal judge's intervention, in July of 2024.  This proved Joe & Kamala to have been nothing more than lying sneaks.  Click on the link below and become enlightened ... and liberated from Hair Sniffing Joe and Kamala the Whore.



Housing Costs became too high, thanks to the Bidenomics which was praised by Harris

She admitted that current housing costs in America are too high.  Yet, she didn't admit that this rise in price occurred under her watch.  She acts likes the outsider, when she is actually the incumbent.  Likewise, she acted as if Trump is the incumbent, when he has no governmental post, at all.  

A detailed critique on Harris' economic platform, as well as details on Trump's economic policy during his presidency, is linked directly below.  It IS informative:


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Those particular ex-employees were the ones fired by Trump, and therefore, they were committing revenge with their mouths and/or emails

And by the way, the ex-employees of Trump who damned him with their mouths were people FIRED BY TRUMP.  Their defamation of Trump was their act of revenge.  They were also speaking out of pride, giving excuses for why they were fired by a Donald Trump made famous for saying, "You're fired."  Some of these were military personnel.

Kamala's denial about her disrespecting Israel

The most disgusting part of Kamala's conduct was when she would shake her head "no," while Trump would be speaking a known truth.  The most obvious example involves Israeli head of state, Benjamin Netanyahu.  

It is well known that Kamala refused to meet with him.  She refused to talk to Benjamin Netanyahu.  She went to a sorority get-together, instead.  It's a very well known fact.  None the less, Trump mentioned this undeniable fact, yet Kamala kept shaking her head, "no," while bearing a very arrogant expression, as if Trump is too stupid to know the truth.  

The Economics Term, Bleeding Money, as it applies to the auto industry, is what Trump meant

The Bloodbath comment was meant economically, as a derivative of an economics term, "bleeding money."  Trump spoke of an auto industry economic bloodbath ... aka financial rupture.  Trump did not threaten physical violence.  Kamala LIED about that.  Kamala has the maturity level of a twelve year old.  

Once again, when money is chronically being lost, one is bleeding money.   When it's a massive loss, it's an economic "bloodbath," figuratively speaking only.  Kamala already proved that she is a Economics Moron, evidenced by all the money you having been loosing during her tenure as vice president.  Trump proved that he knew something worthwhile about Economics, evidenced by the low gas prices and fuel independence enjoyed by Americans.  

That fuel-independence and those low gas prices were only lost under Kamala's watch.  A vote for Kamala the Adulteress is a vote for your poverty.  She lived in luxury, while numerous people suffered.  She lived in safety, while Laken Riley was being murdered.  A vote for Kamala is a vote for death.

Tax Deduction Pointless if you don't first get Start-up Money, for a small business

In her first solo interview, after the rigged debate, Kamala showed herself to be a complete airhead, talking about her neighborhood lawns, in a diversionary tactic.  Kamala had no idea how to answer the question of how she would reduce prices.  So, she literally changed the subject, thinking that you are too stupid to have noticed that she has no idea how to lower prices.

Kamala eventually said that she was going to give small business start-up entrepreneurs that which was needed for them to start a small business :::: a tax deduction.  Uhmmmmm, excuse me, but you first need something called Start-Up MONEY, to start business operations.  

A tax deduction only comes into play AFTER there has been an entire period of having been engaged in business.  In America, it's known as the quarterly tax return.  

Without start-up money, there is no business income.  Without business income, there is no small business income tax deduction.  Kamala was a completely airheaded moron, in her trying to talk about things-economic, in her solo interview.  She was a full-blown idiot.  Only an idiot would vote for her.  So, the question is, "How many registered idiots are in America?"  We will see on election day, taking into account the fact that some measure of modern-day ballot box stuffing will occur here and there. None the less, if you want to know how idiots live in America, wait for the November 2024 election results to be posted.

Concerning Economics, Donald Trump built an empire, comprising large physical infrastructures which required the services of architects, structural engineers, accomplished tradesmen, subcontractors, dedicated laborers, etc.  Kamala did no such thing in the past 21 years of her being an officeholder.

To speak to Putin's representatives is to speak to Putin

Kamala the Hateful wanted to ridicule Trump for having said, "when she went to Munich to talk to Putin..."  Well, to talk to a representative of Putin is to talk to Putin.  It's the act of talking through the chain of command ... or through the channels of command.  

When speaking to Putin's reps in 2022, Kamala was speaking to Putin.  Kamala tried to make Trump look like an idiot when he stated that she spoke with Putin.  She wasn't in Munich talking the Munich Motor Club.  She was talking to Putin, through representation.  Case Closed.  

The Insulin Thing

Oh, and concerning the "insulin price cap,"  that law does NOT go into effect, until 2026.  Kamala makes it sound as if it has been happening, already.  In fact, seniors have had a co-pay of only $9 dollars, relatively recently.  To have claimed that there was a Nevada grandmother showing bills of a thousand dollars a month for only insulin was ... to state it politely ... misrepresented and wildly misinterpreted.

That arrogant & snide face of Kamala shows how much of a creature of hate she is.  Those are the types of people who orchestrate malicious prosecutions, along with over-the-top raids, on Catholic families and political opponents during an election year.  Kamala Types are the people who start civil wars, by pushing a faction into a corner, and causing a self-defense response from the bullied faction.  

Someone as hateful as Kamala is no uniter.  She's a vicious little feisty runt who causes division.  After all, Tulsi was instantly placed on a Terror Watch List, as soon as Kamala became the UNELECTED & UNDESERVED democrat party presidential nominee.  Well, Tulsi was the one who ended Kamala's 2020 campaign.  Kamala was committing revenge.

In re:  Kamala's BLATANT LIE in claiming that she didn't promote the banning of guns

She is on video repeatedly advocating a "buy-back" program, by which, by law, Americans must give up their guns.  She is also on video for "defunding the police."  So remember, she is a pathological liar, in that she confidently speaks while she lies to millions of people.

And yes, I am a faithful subscriber of Devory Dawkins.  He is as sharp & impressive as Viv Ramaswamy, personality-wise.  Vance, too.  Well, below is a Devory Dawkins Video, addressing Kamala's stance on gunneries.


The Price Gouging Accusation against Big Oil and its insult to one's intelligence

Very simply, if operating costs go up, retail prices go up.  Now, two days before Trump left office, in January of 2021, the price of a barrel of  Brent Crude Oil was exactly $54.75.  Under Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, the price of Brent Crude sky-rocketed to $122.01, on June 6, 2022.  This should be enough to explain the cause of the rise in prices, during the Biden-Harris years.  

See for yourself:  https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/oil-price?op=1

If price gouging is the corporate way, and if Donald Trump is all buddy buddy with corporations, then why were they no notable price rises during the Trump years ... before COVID and the rise in construction material?  The Years 2017, 2018, and 2019 were solid years for the economy.  No ridiculous price hikes then, as there were under Biden & Harris.  No transportation hindrances then, as there were under Biden & Harris.  No shortages then, either,

Meanwhile, Mr Masculine, Tim Walz, keeps looking like the Pillsbury Doughboy.

BTW,  Tim Walz is a worse liar than Kamala.  And why?  It's because Tim Walz is smarter and more articulate than Kamala.  So, he uses his gifts from God to lie to the People.  Concerning this, remember:  Your talents are God's gift to you.  What you do with those talents is your gift to God ... or it's your refusal to give any gift to God.