March 1, 2024

Michael Mann was never even nominated for a Nobel Prize. He's a con artist, and scientists looking for congressional funding keep silent about it.

Contrary to his public claim and the claim of Democracy Now, Michael Mann is NOT recognized by the Nobel Foundation as any type of Nobel laureate.  This was confirmed by the official Nobel Foundation Office, itself, in an audio recording.  Michael Mann was NEVER nominated for a Nobel Prize, in the first place.  Being that he was NEVER on the nomination list, he surely was NEVER on the laureate list.  Case Closed.  He's a con artist.  The only question that remains is if whether or not the personnel of Democracy Now were a bunch of dupes or contributory con artists.  They are very prejudiced and agenda-driven.  So, do the math.

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Audio Proof that Michael Mann's Nobel Prize Claim is a fraudulent misrepresentation (aka lie) 

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That particular recording assures us that Michael Mann is NOT on the list of Nobel Prize sole-winners or co-winners, in any category.  So, you do NOT have to submit to him, no matter what he says or writes.  And you surely don't have to submit to the present-day media who happens to be filled with personnel not known for common sense, honesty, reason, diligence, ... or humility.  BTW, stubbornness is not diligence.

NEITHER has any group affiliated with Michael Mann won or co-won the Nobel prize in Physics ... or in Chemistry ... or in Physiology, aka medicine ... or in Literature ... or in the Economic Sciences.  

There is one and only one group which co-won the Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, in 2007.  That was the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  

Take note that they did NOT win the Nobel Prize in Physics.  The Nobel Peace Prize is only one of the several yearly prizes awarded by the Nobel Foundation, and Michael Mann's name is NOT on any of those peace prize awards ... or any other Nobel award.

All in all, Mann is fraudulently passing himself off as the ultimate end-all scientist of his particular field of study which happens to be "surface temperatures."  

In addition, he's a notably dull and boring speaker.  If you have insomnia, simply go to a Michael Mann talk, and voila!  No more insomnia.  He makes the End of the World sound all so boring.  Therefore, the best thing to wear to a Michael Mann talk is pajamas.  Bring a pillow. 

The great self-negating feature to Michael Mann, decline hider extraordinaire, is something known as evidence.  Take notice:
Above:  Introducing ... in printed legacy ... the Temperature Decline that Michael Mann was hiding, yet which was declared to fully exist, by an unanimous field of specialists ... as far back as 1961.

At this point, it's also important for you to realize that Al Gore NEVER co-won the Nobel Prize in Physics or in Chemistry or in Physiology or in Economic Sciences or in Literature.  Al Gore, at best, is a remedial science student who went on Conan O'Brien's talk show and confidently stated that the center of Planet Earth is millions of degrees.  Try 9,800F to 10,800F, instead.  If the core of Planet Earth were millions of degrees, vaporization & annihilation would have occurred long ago. 

BTW, do you remember reading-of or hearing Michael Mann's doomsday predictions about Australia soon becoming a "climate refugee" nation?  Well, 2022 was a year of record high crops in East Australia.  Also in 2022 was the announcement that  two of the three major sectors of the Great Barrier Reef was replenished to the point of having the most coral cover in 36 years.   The guy lied about Australia, probably assuming that Americans are too stupid to find out what's going-on on the other side of the planet.  Michael Mann is a protected jerk.  One day the protection will suddenly vanish.  The puppeteers will cut the strings.  For now, stay away from the guy.

All in all, Michael Mann is the ultimate Climate Denier in having denied the existence of the Medieval Warm Period & the Mini-Ice-Age, not to mention part of the 1940 to 1979 temperature decline, with all of his "math trick" talent.   See: climategate emails.  

See:  =====>   The Climategate Emails w/ introductory narrations.   <=====

Now, concerning the 1950s (in part), the '60s (in whole), & the '70s (predominately so), the cooling trend had gotten to the point where England's growing season was shortened by two weeks.  No matter what today's lying propagandists publish, it was very cold back then.  In fact, as American schoolchildren walked toward their homes, they had to turn around and walk backwards, so that the bitter cold wind would not directly stream down their shirt/blouse collars.  

It was assumed at the time that Winters were to be bitterly cold, as a rule.  This is why the warming trend of 1983 & 1984 surprised people.  In fact, February 1998 was so nice that it scared people, including radio icon Paul Harvey.  Then, when the coldest winter in 40 years arrived (in 2014), humanity realized that the climate is cyclical.

See:   New York Times, May 21, 1975

Briffa (2000) Reconstruction (before fitting to temperature). Left-version from Briffa (2000); right-varying the Tornetrask and Urals versions to newer versions.
The proxy evidence showed a decline in surfaces temps from the WWII period to the new millennium.

Enter Keith Raphael Briffa (1952 - 2017).  He was the quintessential tree ring proxy advocate.  This means that he was an aficionado in Dendroclimatology.  His climate "reconstruction" of the past 1,000 years -- abridged into 600 years -- goes as follows:
The red section above is what Mann was praised for hiding, in the Climategate emails.

Below: Look at the YELLOW LINE, toward the right side of the predominately blue graph.  Look closely at the "0.0C" temperature anomaly X-axis.  If the Briffa reconstruction were not deleted, Michael Mann could not have drawn a steeply upward sloping line to represent drastic warming. 

Now, the Y-axis scale on the chart below is not remarkable, because the whole chart involves no more than 1.5 degree Celsius in variability.  Thus, the chart only deals with small increases or decreases in the temperature anomaly (aka temperature changes.)  Using smaller increments exaggerates the slope of a graph and serves to deceive people, instead of enlightening them.  It makes that which is little look much more pronounced than it really is.

BELOW:  Look at the Briffa Reconstruction again, in a more clear view.  It's based on tree ring density only.  The Briffa line is green and it starts at the Year 1400 or so.  

As far as goes Mann, he has two lines on that graph.  The thinner line is dark blue and it doesn't begin until 1580.  That was ever-so-coincidentally after the great heatwave & drought of 1540.  None the less, that thinner dark blue line only involves temperatures from Latitude 30N to 70N.  This means that it does NOT involve global temperatures.  After all, no southern hemispheric temperatures are involved, and no northern tropical temperatures are involved.  

The Tropics are 23.5 degrees latitude, north & south.  Yet, Michael Mann's math doesn't begin until the 30th parallel north.  Welcome to Michael Mann's real math trick.  It's the trick where you leave numbers out of the equation.

The other line of Mann, the black one, involves all Northern Hemispheric temps from 1000 C.E to 2000 C.E.  However, it's the dark blue "30N-70N" line which is the one able to hide the decline.

Note that the slope of the temperature decline was very pronounced.  So, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change simply cut off the decline at the Year 1960.  Then came Michael Mann and his bag of tricks. The disappearing act ensued.

The MBH Hockey Stick Graph--- was never test driven or tested for cracks.  (M=Mann, B=Bradley, H=Hughes)

Michael Mann, Decline Hider Extraordinaire, never revealed the data sets that he used to justify the drawing of his asininely ridiculous hockey stick climate graph.  Thus, he never justified why he deleted the historically known Medieval Warm Period and the very well chronicled Mini Ice Age.  

Rumor had it that Mann dropped the use of proxy evidence as soon as it showed a decline in surface temperatures.  He then included thermostat stats, in its place.  This is the act of mixing apples with oranges.

The irony to that graph was that it was a straight declining line for 1,000 years, by a half degree, as if Climate were in a perpetually stagnate coffin, except for handful of upticks.  One uptick on his very fraudulent graph was during the Wolf Minimum.  Oops.  He denied the Little Ice Age at its historic beginning. 

The Wolf Minimum came in 1280 and preceded the Great Plague of 1348.  The Great Plague is often regarded as the start of the Mini Ice Age.  Actually, 1280 C.E. can be regarded as the start of the 550 year age of Ice Dominance.  

None the less, the Briffa reconstruction had temperatures that were higher at the start of the 20th century.  Thus, the real decline was a sharper downward slope. Mann decided to make the slope much more gradual.  This meant that, according to Michael Mann, there are no natural mechanisms to create weather variations on an upward temperature trend more than half a degree.  According to Mann, upward trends can only be accomplished by the use of the combustible engine.   Yet, drastic weather changes occurred throughout history ... long before the invention of the combustible engine and the Mack Truck. 

Well, there were a number of climate change scenarios in the past 4,000 years, when there were no combustible engines or coal power plants.  In some cases, there weren't even chariots.  Michael Mann's graph is an insult to human intelligence.  Well, all of Michael Mann is an insult to human intelligence ... not merely his hockey stick graph.

During the Renaissance Era Ice Age, there were still occasional warm Summers and hot days throughout that time.  One example was the June 28, 1778 Battle of Monmouth which involved 25,000 troops.  It was fought in present-day Freehold New Jersey.  That was a huge number of soldiers for the American Revolutionary War.  The June 1778 battle ended with the British withdrawing its troops at night, incidentally.  

In addition, there were droughts during those centuries, including the 1540s Tudor Drought.  There were catastrophic hurricanes, too, even though the atmospheric co2 count was very low, when compared to today.  As an example, 1780 was a catastrophic year with hurricane damage being its highlight.  One hurricane killed 22,000 people, in 1780.

The 2nd most asinine thing Michael Mann ever said in front of a camera.  

Michael Mann was asked how much CO2 must be removed from the atmosphere.  Mann confidently said, "Half the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in ten years," ... in order to prevent a 1.5C catastrophic temperature rise.  Stop there.  That spoken line shows that Mann either knows nothing about the new findings in atmospheric physics or he is just not thinking when he talks.

Proxy history showed that not even a 2C rise is catastrophic, but rather, a 2C rise accompanied the rise of the great & historic Roman Empire.  For the record, it was scientifically & professionally surmised, via Mediterranean proxy material, that the Roman Warm Period was TWO degrees CELSIUS warmer than it is today.

Plus, the temperature rise helped the Romans finally conquer the hard hitting Gaul army of Chieftain Vercingetorix, in an eight year-long war --- in a land known as present-day France.  Thus, a 1.5C rise in surface temperature is NOT anywhere near catastrophic.  

For the record, the Gauls used to terrorize Italy ... demand tribute, take Italian gold, etc.  So, Julius decided to stop the terror attacks and bring back to Italy the Roman gold that had Vercingetorix's fingerprints on it.

None the less, here is the supreme asininity of that one Michael Mann assertion, concerning deleting half the CO2 from the atmosphere:

{1} Half of today's level of co2 = 210 parts per million (ppm).  That constitutes 50 ppm LESS THAN during cave-man days.  That constitutes 73 ppm LESS THAN the start of the 19th Century, aka the Napoleonic Era.  Both time periods occurred when the human population was much smaller than today.

See for yourself:  ***>  Atmospheric CO2 graph, starting at 1800  <***

{2a}  Today's population is 8 BILLION in human beings, meaning that much more crop harvesting is needed today than during the Napoleonic War Years when the world population was approximately 1 billion.  Thus, much more CO2 is needed today, and coincidentally enough, the atmosphere is presently providing the extra needed amount of CO2 for our era.  

{2b} CO2 is the KEY to PHOTOSYNTHESIS.  When CO2 goes below 150 ppm, all photosynthesis halts.  Life on Earth soon follows suit.  Dropping the CO2 count to 210 ppm is irresponsible.

{2c} NASA has already reported on the added greening of the present-day Arctic Circle during the Summer months.  Extra CO2 increases photosynthesis throughout the Earth.  In as much, IF you want to "go green," the first thing that you have to do is INCREASE THE ATMOSPHERIC CO2 LEVEL.  Growers do this to their greenhouses, as a rule.

See:  NASA's Satellite Technology shows the greening of the Earth 

          NASA reports a greener Earth of recent

           CO2 levels making Earth Greener

            Added co2 and added plant growth demonstration

The asininity of Michael Mann and his fellow racketeer, Al Gore, is that they are doing the opposite of what it takes to "go green."  This anti-co2 mindset is the Supreme Asininity of the climate doomsayers.

In as much, pursuant to the NY Times vs Sullivan case law authority, I, a private citizen, state my opinion of public figure, Michael Mann:  

Michael Mann is a contrived fad.  He's an artificially propped-up mouthpiece, presented as the wisdom of the ages. 

Mann is only famous, because of the hockey stick graph.  Yet,  he never showed the public the data sets upon which his neon-lighted hockey stick climate graph came to be.   He could have made up that graph as much as some people made-up record breaking high temperatures in those parts of Africa which had NO WEATHER MONITORING STATIONS.

Thus, the one hockey stick graph which made Mann a contrived news show icon has never been tested for cracks.  It has never been test-driven.  Would you buy a car you never test-drove?  Of course not.  So, we the People of the United States do NOT buy Michael Mann's untested climate change hockey stick graph.  

This is especially true for those of us who worked outdoors, year after year, and decade after decade.  This is because we are experienced enough to know that ====> Climate is cyclical.

Plus, Michael Mann has a very financial conflict of interest in the promotion of his hockey stick graph which omits the historically supported Mini-Ice-Age which included:

{1a} the great frosts, great floods, crop failures & mass starvation often mentioned in the Bristol Chronicles.

{1b}, the Sporer Solar Minimum which has now been concluded to have actually existed from the starting point of 1460 C.E.

{2} The irony & counter-intuitive hot year of 1540, followed by the cold account of 1640, in showing how Mann's virtual straight-lined graph needed more spikes in it, to reflect historic climate reality.

{3} The North American drought year of 1580, showing more of the need of upward spikes in the Mann Hockey Stick graph.

{4} The Grindelwald Fluctuation of 1560 - 1630, which even included out-of-season snowfalls.

{5} The well-known Maunder Solar Minimum which included warm Summers, in addition to ice-ridden Winters.

{6} The Dalton Solar Minimum of 1790 - 1830 which included the 1816 Summer That Never Was.

All in all, the "Mann, Bradley, & Hughes" graph is typically Orwellian, in that it rewrites history. 

Why don't the newscasters ask Michael Mann how much personal money he personally made since the publishing of his hockey stick graph?  Why doesn't Michael Mann simply come out and let us Americans know how much currency was transacted into his financial portfolio in the form of taxpayer dollars?

None the less, for the past 4,000 years, climate change has literally been occurring every 124 to 600 years.  Climate is a long-term roller coaster ride.   Climate is cyclical.

Ah, yes.  Michael Mann.  Hiding the Decline Since 1999.

Michael Mann proved himself to be utterly heartless, if not an indifferent psychopath, against an elderly retired Air Force pilot, on account of the pilot saying that, even though Michael Mann was teaching at Penn State, he should have been at the State pen (penitentiary), instead.   One sentence was spoken, and a ridiculous amount of Canadian civil lawsuit attorney fees ensued.

The retired & elderly pilot who earned a doctorate degree let me know how much suffering Mann put him through, and he informed me that he intended to let the world know about those sufferings after the lawsuit ended.  Well, the lawsuit ended.  There was no communication between me and the Canadian gentleman since I left Chicago, in 2019.  He recently passed-on into eternity.  His videos are his legacy.

And remember, pursuant to NY Times vs Sullivan, a private citizen may publicly state his opinion of a public figure, in the United States.  I'll be politely reserved for now.  I only stated half of my opinion thus far.

It suffices to state that some people in this world are really sick jokes, and for long periods of relative time, it appears that they will get away with every wrong they have ever performed.  But, appearances are not all what they appear to be.  History repeats itself.  

Do the math on this one ... on the person who caused schoolchildren dread, and who caused gasoline prices to skyrocket, in his role as an advisor to the Dementia-ridden president.  The same person caused an elderly former air force pilot the loss of his life savings and the gain of accompanying dread.  Justice, in the end, prevails.

For now, be like a charming Latin gentleman, even if you hate us Latins to the marrow of our beings.  Do NOT write to Michael Mann.  Only address his superiors and the Court of Public Opinion, as well as a RICO court.  Do NOT walk up to Michael Mann in a restaurant.  Let him have a relaxing time.  Do NOT picket in front of his house, his office, etc.  Be as charming as a Ricardo Montalban.  Charm doesn't hurt anyone.   Meanwhile, simply boycott Michael Mann.

The goal is to see to it that humanity clearly sees that Michael Mann and the less than brilliant Al Gore have been lying, in sleight-of-hand deceit, all along.  In order to achieve this goal, it is NOT necessary to harass anyone in a restaurant or to picket in front of a domicile.

People like Michael Mann are necessary to avoid, because he's a liar who will claim that you threatened him, if you get anywhere close to him ... or he will tell some lie about you.  So, stay away from Hockey Sticks Mann.  Simply boycott him.


                        Private US Citizen #40,801,958.

                      There is a meaning to that number                                        

February 28, 2024

The UK in 2022: Increased crop yields, and NO "End of the World," "Climate Crisis," "CO2 Tipping Point," "London's-on-fire" crop failures.

Cauliflower field, Isle of Wight, southwest of Portsmouth, Sept 2022 (by "ITookSomePhotos")
Perhaps you remember the July 19, 2022 reports out of London.  [1] Pursuant to the media mouthpieces, the atmospheric CO2 level reached a tipping point.  CO2 was now causing Greater London's fire numbers to escalate, even though, in 2014, it was reported that yearly fires in the 607 square mile London vicinity were at least half of what they were in each individual year, from 1969 and 2008.  [2] None the less, the less-than-honest media mouthpieces said that England was undergoing heat like never before.  [3] Simultaneously, journalists were stating that the heat would cause crops to dry-out, turn brown, and die in massive volumes of acreage.  

A killer famine was now inevitable ... all because of that darn co2.  The Year 2022 was declared a founding date for Climate Enlightenment.  But, the reality was that it was nothing more than another year of climate activist lies, taken from a page in the Climate Con Game Handbook.  

For starters, Greater London's number of fires decreased significantly from 2008 to today.  And in 2021, Greater London had the LEAST number of yearly fires in record-keeping history.  The Year 2022 was the year with the fourth lowest yearly fires.

Keep in mind that certain journals would headline their climate doom articles with photos of a parched stalk of corn or a dried-out patch of grains.  Thus, it is always a prediction that crops will dry and die, due to the present level of co2 which is less than 1/2 of 1% of the atmosphere.  However, in the middle of July 2022, that which England was experiencing was a Sirocco Wind, and NOT a co2 attack.  A Sirocco Wind is a wind that comes out of the Sahara.  Such winds are dry.

The Year 2022 has passed, and record-keeping has continued.  This included the UK's 2022 crop yields report of December 2022.  Now, according to the climate hysteria people, England was going to have low crop yields, due to the Summer of 2022.   Well, it is once again proven that the Climate Hysteria People have no idea what they're talking about.  The UK had crop yield gains across the proverbial board.

The two photo-copies below are from an official United Kingdom government site.  Those two photo-copies illustrate yet again that the Climate Doom People spent the last 35 years failing in every one of their doomsday climate predictions.  Contrary to the theatric "dire-consequence" predictions about 2022, it turns out that wheat production, barley production, total cereal production, and oilseed production were all up, in the United Kingdom, in 2022.  

As far as goes Oats, there was a "per capita" gain at harvest time; a gain "per acre planted."  You see, in 2022, 13% less acreage was used in planting oats.  On a per capita basis ... concerning the lesser amount of land used in oat farming ... there was a 2.9% increase in the harvesting thereof.  Therefore, the only reason why the UK had 10% less oat production than in 2021 was because less land was used in the planting of oats.  All in all, these 2022 UK Crop Yield Gains are the opposite of the dire predictions of the Global Warming People ... of the Climate Change People ... of the Climate Crisis People.

In addition, the 2022 harvest of British wheat & Winter barley both contained, on average, 93.7% of the 14.5% UK moisture content standard.   Spring Barley contained, on average, 92.4% of the moisture content standard.  Oats contained, on average,  91% of the British standard.  And oilseed contained 84.4% of its  9% moisture standard content.  Thus, parched crops waving in the Autumn air throughout British farmland was not occurring in 2022.

And of course, people of reason instinctively know that an increase in atmospheric co2 will cause an increase in crop harvesting, instead of it causing the End of the World.  The UN climate activists are people from Second World and Third World countries.  Thus, they have third world minds.   It's super-easy to catch them when they are lying.  But, the big question at present is:  When are they ever telling the truth?  Well, directly below is a public transmission from a department of the United Kingdom's government.

Now for the irony of 2022:  There was one crop which yielded 18% less than in 2021.  HOWEVER, the cause of this was ...  none other than ... cold and NOT heat.  The crop was sugar beets.  

"The first two weeks of December were the coldest start to the winter since 2010, according to Britain's Met Office.  Farmers have said the cold weather damaged sugar beet crops which were still in the ground."  (Nigel  Hunt;  Reuters)

Usually, the UK produces 7.5 million tonnes.  But, in 2022, it was approx 6 million.  That's not an end-of-the-world crop failure.  

In as much, the hysterical theatrics of the media in its climate reports don't come close to the reality you see when you do something called, "go outside and look around" ... or when you study crop reports ... or hospitals admissions ... or any number of things that the media never reports above and beyond a fleeting & token amount.  

February 27, 2024

Crop harvest record highs in 2021, ~the deception of the July 2021 temperature claim, ~Antarctica's coldest Winter was 2021.

Greater London had
. . . Also in 2021, Greater London had its least number of yearly fires in its record-keeping history which goes back to 1966.  In fact, Greater London had at least twice as many fires that it did each year, from 1969 to 2005, than 2021 had.  Moreover, 1976's 60,000+ fires were three times more than 2022's 19,297 fires.  And 2022 had the fourth lowest number of yearly fires in Greater London's recorded history.  Yet, the year prior, namely 2021, had the least number of yearly fires, to the statistical tune of 14,929.

Certain scientists of varying fields, as well as politicians and activists, make surprisingly large sums of money promoting the "Sky-is-Falling-due-to-Man-Made-CO2."  Therefore, they have a massive conflict of interest.  Doubly therefore, you will NOT hear the truth or even counterpoint from them.  

Incidentally, did you ever wonder why Al Gore refuses to debate anyone on atmospheric science?  Well, the answer is summed-up in the following instance:  Al Gore once went on the late night NBC talk show (hosted by high IQ bearer, Conan O'Brien) and Gore proceeded to state that the center of the Earth is millions of degrees.  Try 9,800F to 10,800F.  If the Planet Earth's interior were millions of degrees, it would have long since vaporized, literally.  

Anyway, that one video clip shows how entry-level and how lazy in education Al Gore is when it comes to any of the Earth sciences.  He's simply a con artist who holds an obscenely high amount of money that he didn't have in his possession, until after his very non-factual movie came out in 2006.  That movies' assertions (aka declarative statements) are easy to pick apart ...chess piece by chess piece.

Needless to say, the goal in all the climate exaggerations and in  all the censorship of climate whistleblowers, is this:  To keep all of mankind convinced that a rise in the co2 level will automatically result in a rise in temperature and a rise in "weather disasters;" --- and to simultaneously have mankind believe that all of the weather disasters are caused by industrial factories and the operating of combustible engines, instead of decadal ocean oscillations and/or the Sun Spot Cycle (aka the Milankovitch Cycles) and/or orbital forcing (the slow change in the earth's degree of tilt.)

BTW, the end of the last Glacial Maximum (aka Major Ice Age) came about from heat rising from the oceans.  It took that heat 1,300 years to rise to the top.  To understand that long length of time, you need to understand Eckman Transport (kind of a cork screw rotation of the layers of ocean water, due to the Coriolis Effect) ... and you have to understand the behavior of an ocean layer called the Pycnocline and "density gradients."  All in all, atmospheric science and oceanography are not as simplex as Al Gore made them out to be.  Al gore is what is simplex; not the oceans and definitely not the atmosphere.

Even in mentioning coal, the media only mentions its emission of life-giving co2 in a demonizing fashion, all the while omitting from the conversation the true pollutant in coal --- namely, deadly airborne mercury.  Coal needs high tech filtration processes --- or coal needs a clever natural filtration process that only the common-sensed worker can conjure.

The great outrage of obsessing over man-made co2, in a Troposphere that contains less than one half of one percent of co2, is that the true environmental enemies of mankind are ignored and neglected for the most part.  Today's great environmental enemy is ===>  

. . . the irresponsible distribution & use of synthetic chemicals, as well as the dissemination of any petrochemical that goes unfiltered or unregulated. Add to this short list, the use of toxic construction material and furniture-making material.  Fracking liquid need to be audited and then amended, too. Plus, lead lateral lines count too as toxic enemies of mankind and life on Earth, along with the aggravation of leaded gasoline residuals.  CO2, however, is the friend to life on Earth.

BTW, it was found that the largest cause of diesel particulate pollution was engine part abrasion.  The larger particulates simply succumbed to gravity, while the more light weight particulates floated about.  So, it wasn't a fossil fuel problem as much as a metal abrasion problem.   None the less, petrol requires filtration.

Even at that, before you replace a major commodity of society, you first arrange of its replacement to be made available in abundance.  You do not cut mass populations off of the needed commodity, and expect them to buy things too expensive for the average human, as well as not in an inventory abundance equal to the population.  The most asinine of people are presenting running society.

A review of the contradictions of the corporate advertising media, in its collective man-mad-co2 doom predictions, includes the following:

{1} CO2 levels having been 9+ times higher during the Ordovician Ice Age than today.  {2} The graph presented by Al Gore at the start of his first movie having been narrated backwards, in that ice-cores showed that a rise in global temperatures came first, followed by relatively a small rise in the co2 level.  Plus ===>

{3} The atmospheric physics rule of pressure gradient forcing which means that warm periods do not have hurricanes and other low pressure storms in high numbers.   {4} The Year 2021 having been a year of record high crop harvesting and record high agricultural exportation for India, Australia, and the United States, thereby proving wrong Al Gore's predictions of crop disaster in any heightened co2 environment.

In fact, growers purposely add co2 to their greenhouse air.  Those growers proved that, if you want to go green, you must increase the co2.

Another great irony in co2 is that, in its liquid states, co2 is commercially used as ... a refrigerant.  

Zero major hurricanes made landfall in the U.S. between Wilma (2005) and Harvey (2017)

In fact, the great irony about the first Gore movie is this:  The year after the movie was released, the U.S. did NOT have a major hurricane making landfall on its shores for 12 consecutive years.  The opposite of what Gore predicted in that movie occurred.  It's now 18 years later, and there still has NEVER been a Category 6 hurricane.  Plus, NO hurricane ever rose to the speed of an EF4 or EF5 (T10+) tornado.  Hurricanes did NOT become more intense, in any capacity, as Gore's predicted. 

The hurricane record, alone, proved that Gore was and is a lying & thieving  charlatan.  None of his doomsday predictions ever came true. 

Failed doomsday predictions:::  1} The Maldives did NOT go underwater, but instead, became frequented by financially affluent Arabians who are apparently really really happy with the place.  

2} The Arctic Ocean has not even come close to an ice-free Summer.  The closest to Gore's prediction was 1.32 MILLION square miles of ice remaining intact at the end of the Drought Year of 2012.  That's the lowest. 

3} The previously mentioned "Category Six Hurricane" prediction & the general intensification of hurricanes prediction.   Include the previously mentioned fact that never in known history was there any hurricane equal to an F4, EF4, or an F5, EF5 tornado.

4} Gore predicted that lower Manhattan would go underwater.  Everyone in New York, New Jersey, and everywhere else knows that it didn't do so.

The true carbon footprint left behind by co2.  CO2 is the "going-green" molecule.

Now, there was the relatively recent change of data numbers of past charts, tables, and grafts related to climate and weather. They are now the amended charts & graphs, done in the name of "homogenization."   Thus, the record heat that was reported in hundreds of newspapers in the 1930s is now recorded by NOAA as not worth our attention.  And even though research scholars proved, via proxy evidence, that 1934 was the worst drought in one thousand years, it will no longer indicate this on certain adjusted government graphs of recent.

The De Facto Original Climate Record

Keep in mind that the newspapers of old (as in the weather disaster Years 1871, 1878, 1911, 1913, 1921, 1922, 1934, 1936, etc) additionally reported on the human pain experienced, as well as the heat deaths, the fire deaths, the crop losses, and the mass exodus from cities during heat waves; not just the temperature numbers.  Thus, the newspapers are the original climate record.  

This means that, if today's amended numbers in the charts, tables, and graphs of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration fail to reflect the newspaper reports of the actual temperatures, the pain, and the loss reported at the time of the actual weather disasters, then you have yourself a case of massive fraud, with the motive being the predictable ploy for Congressional money, NGO money, publishing prestige, etc.  

Let us review a couple of these weather disaster allegations which either qualify as outright frauds or as gross misinterpretations of valid data or erroneous data --- and therefore they constitute artificially created media hype designed to capture higher ratings:

Sample #1 of the endless end-of-the-world climate hysteria being once again disseminated throughout the airwaves ===>

August 2021:  Media giant CNN & US government administrator NOAA reported with full certainty that July of 2021 was the hottest MONTH for the entire planet in our collective lifetime.  Now, this would infallibly translate into guaranteed crop failure in major proportions, by September or October of 2021, according to the Al Gore Pretend School of Atmospheric Physics.  This would have also guaranteed that there would be no positive record-breaking crop success anywhere in the same year.  

 Newsflash:  The 2021 American, Indian, and Australian harvests were the opposite of the type of harvest that results from disastrous heat.  NOAA's Rick Spinrad has a lot of 'splaining to do.

Undeniable Fact #1:  The United States Department of Agriculture officially reported that the soybean harvest of 2021 resulted in the United States' all-time record HIGH.  The same USDA reported that the corn harvest of 2021 was near the United States' all time record HIGH.  In fact, 2021 cotton production was up 21% from 2020.   Thus, there was no heat-related weather disaster in the American farmlands, in 2021 ... especially in July.

See: soy at record high, corn near record high, cotton up 21%.

Moreover:   In the Year 2021 . . . in the year that was reported to have had the hottest month of July ever, and which would have infallibly resulted in widespread crop disasters . . .

 The USDA furthermore reported that the United States of America's "AGRICULTURAL EXPORTS SHATTERED RECORDS IN 2021," "eclipsing the previous record, set in 2014, by 14.6%."

 See:  U.S. agricultural exports shatter records in 2021.

In re: India's record rice production 

See:  India's rice exports up 46% in 2021

See also: India's 2021 rice production, 121 million metric tonnes.

In re: Australian Agriculture

 See:  Australian farmers harvest record wheat crop

Antarctica had its Coldest Winter in Known history in 2021

Yes, the supreme asininity of NOAA's doomsday heat claim of July 2021 consisted in the fact that Antarctica ended up having its coldest Winter in recorded history in 2021.  July 2021 was during the coldest Antarctic Winter in history.  This negated everything that the NOAA asserted.

The reason why July 2021 was claimed as such by NOAA was this:  In May & June of 2021, Greenland underwent winter conditions which was the undoing of the co2 Global Warming theory.  Then, in July, Greenland's surface temperature went up significantly.  So, the NOAA used the July temperature record to hide the cold temperature record of the preceding months.  This is a form of deception.

We continue with the sham report (or else the heavily misinterpreted report) about July 2021.  Now, it was reported to have been the hottest month worldwide, in the lifetimes of everyone alive.  Well, observe the temperature reports of the entire month of July 2021, in the following sample of international cities.  So, where is all this man-made co2 driven temperature anomaly doom?

Ladies & gentlemen, I first present to you Mexico City, a place far south of the hot hot southern states of the United States.  Looking at its July temperature record instantly makes you ask, "Where are all the hideously high Summertime doom temperatures, during the hottest July of our lifetime?"   During July 2021, a person literally had to wear a light jacket at night, in Mexico City.

Let's now go to the capital city of the African Congo.  It's called Kinshasa, and it should have been exceptionally hot in that African town, during the hottest month in human memory.  Right?  Well, there was nothing to write home about.  All July 2021 days there were in the 80s Fahrenheit, except for three days in the low 90s.  Two days were at 90F and one day was at 91F.  This does NOT constitute the kind of weather disaster you would expect to witness during the hottest month known to living beings.   

]In all honesty, the hottest of the hot years were 1931, 1934, and 1936.  In fact, the hottest daily temperature ever recorded occurred during 1913.  Hottest months should be located within those years.

We now travel to the African capital of Kenya, Nairobi City.  It should have been super hot there, during the hottest month in human memory.  Right?  Not even close.  In July 2021, there was NOT a day over 75 degrees Fahrenheit.  So, where is all this Kenyan Global Warming doom that Al Gore mentioned in his 2006 movie?  It looks like someone was committing pretty intense fraud, in the making of that movie.

Let's take a look at Los Angeles, in July of 2021.  LA should be a high temperature place during the hottest month known to all the living.  Well, it wasn't.  It was average Summertime temperatures.  Nothing epic. Nothing apocalyptic.  Only one out of 31 days in the low 90s.  You could find this kind of weather up north.

We travel further eastward, to the modernized megacity of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.  It's located at the center of the Western Indian coastline, next to the Arabian Sea which, too, is supposed to be undergoing ocean warming at the hands of evil evil man-made co2.  

Plus, Mumbai is a Northern Hemispheric city, at the same latitude as is Mexico City.  Well, in July 2021 not a single day was over 92 degrees Fahrenheit, and after July 7, 2021, there was not a single day over 89F, in Mumbai.  And remember, there are cities, such as New Dehli and Phoenix Arizona, where temperatures are habitually over 100F, two weeks in succession, even with temps going into 111F or 112F for consecutive days at a time.  Mumbai is not one of them.   July 2021 was a typical month there; not the hottest in memory.

We continue our rotation around the Earth and land in Quito, Ecuador.  Now, this is a place where the angle of the sun makes a direct hit.  So, the hottest month in the memory of every living human should have been one where Quito was absolutely cooking.  Well, there was no heat wave in Quito that month.  Throughout that entire month (July 2021) in Ecuador, it was Autumn coat weather.

I can go further, with numerous examples.  But, hopefully you get the message.  You have been the recipient of distortion and dishonesty, at the hands of power abusers.

February 21, 2024

Climate Hysteria now includes lies about Mediterranean temperature history

Climate Hysteria is a diversion that prevented true environmental ills to be remedied

The over-riding intent of this post is to remind the under-informed public that the Number #1 environmental mission is to rescue humanity from the effects of unfiltered SYNTHETICAL CHEMICALS & the such.  This includes [1] Forever Chemicals, [2] certain petro-chemicals, [3] Sulfur Hexaflouride, [4] hormone disruptor chemicals, [5] clastogen chemicals, [6] respiratory sensitizers, [7] dermal sensitizers, [8] respiratory irritants, [9] hepato-toxins --- aka liver cell killers --- such as certain P-450 cytochrome inducers.  And of course, there is also the matter of [10] carcinogenic chemicals to address.  In summary, co2 is your friend.  To sabotage co2 is to sabotage Life on Earth.  (BTW, a clastogen is a molecular substance that severs DNA strands.) 

The Mirror Image of Time

It's Deja Vu Time, 117 years later in one instance, 122 years later in another instance, and 145 years later in yet another one.  Directly below is a 1906 newspaper article that reads a lot like an internet post of today.  It highlights an individual who would be disrespectfully called a climate denier, by the useful idiots of Al Gore & Michael Mann.  In 1906, he was regarded as a Harvard University assistant professor of climatology and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

His name was Robert DeCourcy Ward, and his task was to assure people that no weather event of any type that was transpiring in the early 1900s was part of any apocalyptic package.   History repeats itself, even when it comes to weather events.  This includes heat waves.  This includes mild winters.  This also includes droughts, Chinook Winds, Foehn Winds, cold snaps, blizzards, floods, cyclones, tornadoes, deadly air stagnation, dust storms, ice stacking, glacial melt, glacial gain, and algae blooms that date 
back to Ponce de Leon.  Additional evidence is included herein, dating back to publications of 1901 & 1878, to prove the aforementioned point.

The only difference in today's climate and that which transpired from the late 19th to the mid-20th Century is that the weather events of the past were often (but not always) more intense, and many more people died from them.  Some of the weather events were epic, in as far as went the death toll and the time duration of the disasters, as well as water weight ... and even water height.  

Some of the disasters have already been stated in a list at this Blue Marble Album.  Enough of them were listed at this site, to prove a point.  The point is that Al Gore, David Attenborough, and Michael Mann are blatant liars.  The other point to prove is that Americans and Europeans are very easy to deceive, due to the arrangement of power & influence in the modern world.  

For those unaware, David Attenborough and Michael Mann both publicly stated that the weather was mild for the past one thousand years, until the Industrial Revolution advanced in Europe & America.  However, the Hunger Stones of Central Europe's Elbe River, alone, proves this assertion to be a sick joke.  There were numerous natural disasters, sometimes on a massive scale, in the past thousand years.  It all happened while atmosphere co2 was at a very low level.  Many disasters are already cited at this Blue Marble Album.  That's why there's a search box at the top righthand corner of this site.

Climate is cyclical.  Every type of weather event that transpired in the past 3 years, past 30 years, and even in the past 130 years has repeatedly occurred before --- within intervals of time.  In fact, the Hunger Stones in Central Europe's Elbe River attest to the revisitation of disastrous droughts throughout multiple centuries that each had very low atmospheric co2 numbers.  Yet, in 2016, as if she never read a history book in her life, Sigourney Weaver went on live network television and spoke of recent storms and other weather events, by concluding that, "This we have never seen before."  She was completely out of touch with historic fact.  See for yourself. 
Let us confirm that the weather was brutal 122 to 133 years ago, when the atmospheric co2 count was quite low.  Below is a 1901 newspaper article that gives some details on what life was like, during the heated years that transpired over a century ago.  
Below:  A deja vu of 122 years ago.  Even when it comes to weather events, history repeats itself.  That which transpired in the land of my ancestors in July of 2023 transpired there 122 years prior, when my ancestors were actually living there.  It occurred during several other years too, in intervals of time.  

Below: News article covering an epic heatwave of 145 years ago, when the co2 count was very low.  The newspaper photocopy below is not a mere newspaper article.  It's an obituary.  It's a requiem.  
By now you should understand the message, unless you're an avowed liar with an ulterior motive.  

The Global Warming Scare simply replaced the Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction Scare

The claim that climate today is unprecedentedly brutal and is quickly driving us toward the End of the World is a sophomoric con game designed to obtain billions of American taxpayer dollars and millions of NGO grants.  Atmospheric Science is intricate & involved.  It cannot be written off as a simpleton's subject the way in which Al Gore presented it in his very non-factual 2006 movie.  

The first gamble of the Climate Scam people was that you would be too lazy to confirm their doomsday assertions and familiarize yourself with basic weather theory ... or at the very least ... familiarize yourself with weather event history.  

The second gamble was that the mainstream media would help the climate scam people, by hindering all people from presenting to the public the evidence which proves the Al Gore Theory of Climate to be so lacking in bio-markers & climate benchmarks that it was less reliable than a fortune teller's crystal ball.  Limiting all considerations of climate to co2 is a superstition.  It's equivalent to flying a jet without looking at the dashboard of the jet.
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             The following description is that of the mindset of the Millennials' Gen Z subset:

They stand upon the very false concept of Weather Gradation.  It's the concept of Accumulative Effect.  It's the idea of a "tipping point."  It's the concept of temperature or rainfall increasing, segment of time by segment of time, until there comes a storm or heatwave or even drought, where a certain number is reached.  That number then qualifies the world as being in a climate crisis. 

This tipping point number would constitute "a turning point" where the climate activists see themselves as having the right to take control of all national governments and rule the world through the UN.  

Weather Gradation ... or Weather's Accumulative Effect .. or the Tipping Point Number ... is the belief that a rise in atmospheric co2 (all one-half of 1% of it) is causing higher temps and longer rains, as well as higher wind speeds which will kill tremendous amounts of humanity.  It's the belief that weather disasters are increasing commensurately with the rise in co2 --- that the frequency of weather disasters are rising parallel to the rise in co2.  This is super easy to prove false.  But, the mainstream media won't let any of the numerous pieces of evidence be seen.

None the less, the actual word that describes "severe weather events" in academic & research venues is ======> Turbulence.  This is where the law of Pressure Gradient Force comes into play, along with Baroclinic Stability/Instability & Barotropic Stability/Instability.  Severe weather is turbulence.

Here is the fatal error in searching for a tipping point event:  Climate is a trend ... NOT a one-time event.  And it certainly is NOT a "once in a thousand year event."  In the recent hyped-up news reports, weather events were placed in the spotlight.  But, none of those events repeated themselves.

Tipping Point Events are one-time only occurrences, as in once every 5, 10, 20, or 30 years.  Politically minded climate activists look for that one weather disaster, so that they can say, "Gotcha."  They believe that one event will give them license to make all energy grids and sources of power illegal.  Then mankind can resort to burning wood and re-polluting the air in mass quantities, as was being done in the 1800s and half of the 20th Century ... before the 1970s filtration systems were installed.  

Being that it's guaranteed that Communist China will NOT comply with the climate activists, coal will become the most used fuel source.  Cityscapes will then be called, Smogscapes.  Activists are not deep thinkers.  They are emotional powder kegs.

Well, in the Summer of 2023, the Bill-Gates-funded media outlets have been hysterically claiming that the Summer temperatures of the Mediterranean have recently risen beyond anything imaginable ... beyond mankind's ability to survive.  They are claiming that the temperatures of 2023 have never happened previously, meaning that the world has reached a turning point, where you must submit to Bill Gates and the climate activists, thereby allowing them to take over the world and rule you without question.

Now for the truth.  

The Summer temps of 2023 are common, when comparing them to the known history of the Mediterranean.  Now, at this Blue Marble Album, it has already been illustrated (with 32 pieces of evidence) that parts of Africa, parts of Spain, parts of Italy, parts of Mexico, etc, have regions where the temperatures are moderate and even mild.  That which needs to be shown now is that the regions where the temperatures are commonly higher --- aka, the Hot Spots --- are presently hovering around the long-term average, in this Year of 2023, for the majority of the days.  A two-week heatwave does NOT define a landmass & its climate.

Very simply, Rome, Madrid, Athens, Beirut, etc, have all seen 100F, 102F, 103F, etc, time and time, again.  In fact, 1964 was the year of a heatwave so severe in Rome that water rationing was ordered by the local government.  And Athens went as high as 118.4F, in 1977.  So too did nearby Elefsina.  Then, in 2003, the southern Portuguese District of Beja went as high as 117.3F.  Greece also endured notable heat in 1955 and 2007.  In fact, Lamia reached 117F in 1973, and Rome reached 109F in 1901.  So, the heat of 2023 is nothing earth-changing for the Mediterranean.

Being that high temperatures are nothing new in Rome ... or Greece ... the media had to become ridiculously unrealistic with its temperature predictions in 2023, so as to ensure that the Body Politic would be a frightened public.  The media claimed that temperatures in Italy were going to reach 110F and 113F.  Well, Italy is a peninsula surrounded by sea breezes, and inland are mountains.  In fact, Italy hosted the 2006 Winter games.  Thus, in Italy there is the matter of altitude in addition to sea breezes.  

Athens is near water, too.  So, how did it reach 118F in 1977?  ANS:  Athens is in the rain shadow of the Prokletije and Pindus mountains.  It's on the Leeward Side thereof.  This translates into "Orthographic Lifting" & "Adiabatic Heating," from time to time.  Adiabatic Heating and Chinook Winds (aka Foehn Winds and Santa Ana Winds) are already explained here, at the Blue Marble Album.

For the Purposes of this Internet Post

The example for here & now is a city well known for hot Summertime temps --- Madrid.  Showing that Madrid's temperatures of ten, twelve, and fourteen years ago are basically the same as in 2023 will shut down the Bill Gates's con game, at least in the minds of people who have not yet been brainwashed by the Climate Hysteria propaganda.

One more thing:  Climate is cyclical ... like the spherical Earth ... actually like a roller coaster.  And and and, that which causes the seasons is the 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth.  Thus, if you want to change the seasons, you have to change the tilt of the Earth ... not the already-low co2 content in the atmosphere.  In as much, 423 parts per million is 1 part per 2,364.  At 3.7 watts per meter squared, while only 2 of its 3 vibrational modes can capture infrared light, co2 is NOT the king of greenhouse gases.  Water Vapor is.  In fact, Water Vapor is the Emperor of Greenhouse Gases.


The blatant proof which shows that co2 in no way drives the climate is found in the deserts on the 30th parallel, north and south.  It shows that water vapor is the determinant of temperature.  It's quite simple to explain.  In a desert, there is only 0.2% of water vapor in the air.  There is 20 times more water vapor in the Tropics.  Now, during daytime, deserts are oppressively hot.  Yet, when night comes, deserts get colder than one would expect.   

This firstly shows that the only true heating source for 30 degree parallel deserts is insolation --- the sun's rays.  If co2 ruled the atmosphere, then those deserts would remain warmer than they usually are at night.  Very simply, they get cold in the dark, sunless hours, because there is no insolation & hardly  any water vapor there.  This always shows the co2 does not have the warming power that Al Gore claimed it did.  CO2 is a catalyst for photosynthesis and the greening of the Earth ... and even the shallow parts of the oceans.  It's not the flamethrower of doom that Al Gore made it out to be.  Atmost, co2 is a back-up singer.  Water Vapor is the headline singer.

Once again, if co2 were a powerful warming agent, then the deserts would be relatively warm at nights.  And if that's the case, the water vapor would be a nuisance causing more warming than is beneficial.  But, the truth is that there is simply not enough co2 in the sky for it to be a heating system.  Thus, the deserts are deprived of heat at night, because that there is only 0.2% water vapor there.   BTW, cloudlessness at night causes what is known as "radiational cooling."


Concerning Madrid, we begin with the last five days in July of 2010.  That was thirteen years ago.  Q: What do you see?  ANS:  Two one-hundred degree Fahrenheit days, a 99F day, a 97F day, and a 93F day. 

BTW, it never goes above freezing on Mt. Kilimanjaro.  The highest temp to expect there is 20F ...  -6.67C.  Mount Kilimanjaro's condition is based on sublimation, and not melting.  Sublimation is already explained at this Blue Marble Album.

Now, the atmospheric co2 level in 2010 was 390.10 ppm.  As of July 16, 2023, the present co2 level is 421.99.  In 2010, the co2 level was 31.8 ppm lower than today.  However, the temperature of July 2010 was NOT tremendously lower than in recent years, generally speaking.  According to Al Gore and Michael Mann, it should have been lower. 

Let's now go to early July 2010, concerning the days July 6 to July 11..  Q: What do you see?  ANS: Three 99F days, one 100 degree Fahrenheit day, a 95F day, and a 91F day.  Is July 2023 much worse than July 2010?

Let's jump to July 17 to July 22, in the Year 2012.  Q: What do you see?   ANS: One one-hundred degree Fahrenheit day, two 99F days, two 95F days, and a 93F day.  Is this much lower than July of 2023?  Is July 2023 much worse than July 2012?

Now for the 4th of July to the 9th of July, 2013.  That was ten years ago.  Q: What do you see?  ANS: One 102 degree Fahrenheit day, one 100F days, two 99F days, and one 97F day.  Now, is this much different than today?  And . . . did the world come to an end after July 2013?
Let's next jump to July 12 to July 17, 2015.  This was eight years ago, when the co2 count was 18.77 ppm LOWER than today.  Q:  What do you see?   ANS: Two 104 degree Fahrenheit days, two 102 degree Fahrenheit days, and two 100 degree Fahrenheit days.  Now, is 2023 any worse than this?  And, was there a mass extinction event in 2015?  

The climate propagandists are acting as if this type of weather didn't start until 2023.  We survived 1878, 1896, 1901, 1911, 1931, 1934, 1936, 1954, 1976, 1988, 2003, 2012 and 2022.  We'll survive 2023.

Now, in 2015, Antarctica had its largest sea ice extent.  The Winter of 2014 was declared the coldest winter in 40 years.  Somewhere around this time was when New Zealand scientists discovered that the bottom of the Ross Ice Shelf was crystalized and NOT smooth.  Smooth is a sign of melting.  Crystalized ice is the opposite.  All in all, climate is as cyclical as a roller coaster.

Let's now proceed to February 18, 1925, when it was reported that the Gulf Stream's temperature rose 3 to 4 degrees "Centigrade" higher than it was in 1900.  Three degrees Centigrade = 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit, and 4 degrees Centigrade = 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit.  Now, certain media outlets regarded it as the eventual end of civilization if the global temperature rose 2.7 degrees Celsius by the end of the 21st Century.  Well, this temperature rise was surpassed in the first 25 years of the 20th Century, in the long-traveling Gulf Stream.

And of course, the early 20th Century temperature increase was as temporary as a rollercoaster ride.  It's simply not noticed anymore, because Michael Mann hid the decline.  The decline he hid was the temperature decline of the 1940s to the late 1970s.  It's the temperature decline clearly posted on the Briffa Temperature graph which has already been addressed & taught at this Blue Marble Album, with a photo of the Briffa graph, itself.  Also reported in 1925 was that glaciers were shrinking at a total length of 3 to 4 miles.  

This 1925 news report looks exactly like the ones of 2023 ... 98 years later.  Climate is a cycle.  Climate repeats itself.  When it comes to weather events, "it" has all been done before --- especially those events which the modern news outlets claim to be unprecedented and new ... or unprecedented and not seen for a thousand years.  In as much, the April 12 Fort Lauderdale rain was seen as recently as 1950 in Tampa, Florida when it rained more than it did on April 12.  

A number of places in 20th Century America had more rainfall in one setting than did Ft. Lauderdale in April of 2023.  This included Pennsylvania, Texas, and California.  And then there are places where it rained as much (or almost as much) as it did on April 12 in Fort Lauderdale. 

Once again, absorb into your mind the fact that this 1925 newspaper article sounds like (looks like) a 2023 report ... or several 2023 reports.  In the grand pattern of earthly existence, nothing has changed.  It's the same old long-term cycles that keep appearing on Planet Earth ... within alternating intervals of time ... over and over again.

Nothing has changed in over 100 years.  Climate is cyclical.  Period.