December 19, 2024

NYC did NOT come close to breaking the New York State Rainfall Record

September 29, 2023, at 5:00 pm.  Posted pursuant to the U.S. Fair Use Act (17 USC Section 107)
1 of 3} The media kept calling it the "record rainstorm."  It was now the new normal caused by the burning of fossil fuels.  The reality is that it was caused by El Nino's predictable effect on the Atlantic Ocean.  It was the New York City rain of September 28 & 29 (2023), and it was the result of the remnants of a sub-hurricane phase cyclone, called a tropical storm.  The tropical storm's name was Ophelia.

2a of 3} The New York State rainfall record is 13.57 inches in 24 hours of time.  That event occurred on August 12-13, 2014 (nine years ago), at Islip, New York.  The notable feature of that 2014 rainstorm was that five inches of it came down in one hour's time.  

2b of 3} The highest recorded rainfall amount for the recent September 29th (2023) rain storm was 8.64 inches.  This occurred at JFK International Airport.   Now, 13.57 minus 8.64 =  4.93.  Therefore, the  24-hr rainfall total for Friday, Sept 29, 2023 was 4.93 inches BELOW that of the New York State record.  It was 36% lower than the 2014 rainfall.  Furthermore, the Sept 29th rainfall was also below the 24-hr rainfall record of 44 American states.   Thus, it was no major Doomsday event in any capacity.

Intro 3 of 3} Keep in mind that this is an El Nino year and that El Nino carries with itself the power of wind shear.  In 2023, Hurricane Lee was the prime example of El Nino's wind shearing power.  Tropical Storm Ophelia was not immune to El Nino, as well.  Being that physical matter can neither be created nor destroyed, the water formerly carried by Tropical Storm Ophelia had to go somewhere in the physical universe.

Time for a Reality Check 

The irony at hand is that, on September 29th, Islip NY received only 1.13 inches of rain.  That amounts to 12.44 inches LESS THAN Islip's record-setting rain day of 2014.  In addition, the distance between Islip and the JFK International Airport is 29 miles.  Thus, the "Great New York City Rainfall of September 2023" wasn't that widespread of an event, when you count area ... when you count square miles or even square kilometers.

At this point, compare NYC in late September 2023 to [1] Alvin Texas' (Houston area)  42 inches, in 1979 ... [2] Massies Mill Virginia's 27.35 inches, in 1969 ... [3] Hackberry Louisiana's 22 inches, in 1962 ... [4] Kauai Hawaii's 49.69 inches, in 2018 ... [5] South Port North Carolina's 23.56 inches, in 1999 ... [6] Saco Maine's 19.19 inches, in 1996 ... [7] Hogees Camp California 25.83 inches, February 1943 ... [8] Dauphin Island Alabama's 32.52 inches, in 1997 ... [9] Americus Georgia's 21.1 inches, in 1994 ... [10] Hurricane Jean's effect on Florida, in 1980, to the tune of 23.38 inches.  

Let's do the One-Picture's-Worth-a-Thousand-Words thing, with the following photo

The photo below --- which happens to be posted pursuant to the U.S. Fair Use Act --- is said to be that of New York City, on September 29, 2023.  Yet, it looks similar to a part of Chicago I used to drive-through.  None the less, in the grand scheme of existence, NYC did have above-average rain, for a day or two, this past September.  But, it did NOT have anything epic or legendary.   Yet, the Climate Hysteria People were using this very temporary event as a part of their propaganda.

In light of the present-tense weather propaganda, can you see what's blatantly wrong with the photo below?  Can you see what's wrong, in light of that fact that the photo was posted to show "massive NYC flooding?"  
Well, look at all the cars and trucks in that photo, other than the dark blue one on the righthand side which is submerged in water, almost up to its headlights.  Other vehicles in that same photo are not underwater, except for maybe an inch or less of rain water.  Other vehicles there are not underwater, at all.  Plus, there is the four inches of rain water covering the tire sidewalls of the red pickup truck in the center of the photo, making a splash as it makes a lefthand turn.   Yet, you could still see the license plate on that pickup truck.  This means that the water was not at a high level.

You can also see the license plate on the white VW located directly behind the dark blue car.  It's certainly not submerged in rainwater.  The row of vehicles on the lefthand side of the photo are not underwater, either . . . except for maybe a quarter-inch of rain.  There is even a human being on the street, on the righthand side of the photo --- near a row of parked cars ---  who is NOT submerged in rainwater.   She is standing somewhat near those two white SUV's in the background --- a car width or two away from the two white SUVs which are not at all submerged in rainwater.  In fact, the cars parked behind the white VW --- on the righthand side of the photo --- are also NOT submerged in rainwater.  So, what's the big deal here?

All in all, the terrain that was photographed was entirely uneven, and publishing such a photo as something indicative of NYC on September 29 was & is entirely DISHONEST.   Not much is underwater in that photo, when you look at the background of it ... and everywhere else on the photo. The general rule is that, if you can still see the license plates on most of the vehicles in a photo, then you're not looking at much of a flood.  New York City is not Venice, Italy.  So, quit acting like it is.  

This is amazingly petty, when comparing September 29th to real floods.  Yet, schoolchildren are told to fear such incredible pettiness.  Real floods are the He Huang Floods of 1887, 1931, and 1938.  Epic floods include the Saint Mary Magdalene Day Flood of 1342 (which see) and the Saint Elizabeth Day Flood of 1421.  They also include the Saint Lucia Day Flood of 1287 which killed 50,000 to 80,000 people in the Netherlands.  Epic floods do NOT include the September 29th, 2023 New York City rain.

BTW, the Catholic Church calendar had a number of saint's memorials each day, for each of the 365 days of the year.  Thus, a weather disaster would be named after the most famous memorialized saint of the day.  So, don't get superstitious over the fact that every weather disaster in the Medieval Period and Renaissance Era was named after a saint.  It was a way to tell time ... to keep time ... to record time ... to archive events.   Let us continue: 

New York City did NOT have anywhere near the rain that fell during the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 --- or the 71.8 inches of rain that fell on Reunion Island, in 1966.  But, it was above-average rain, for NYC.   For example, in an approximate 36 hour period, Brooklyn got 7.34 inches of rain.  Midtown Manhattan got 6.09 inches.  Central Park received 5.80 inches, and Harlem got 5.21 inches of rainfall.  And, as was previously mentioned, JFK International Airport received 8.64 inches, and 4.82 inches of rain fell on La Guardia Airport.  

The "record breaking rain" of September 29 only broke a few LOCAL RECORDS.  At the least, New York City schools should have been shutdown for that day, for the safety of schoolchildren & teachers.  

The Climate Con Artist Photo Gallery

That photo is reminiscent of a certain CNN reporter who walked into a water-filled ditch, up to his waste, in order to deceive people into believing that the town he was visiting was still flooded.

It's also reminiscent of a certain Weather Channel reporter looking like the wind was blowing him over, while two youths suddenly entered the scene (on the street behind the reporter), walking very casually, showing that it was not windy at that moment, at all.  None the less, the Climate Change People ... and the news reporters ... have become a gang of fictional actors.  They have become a cast of liars.

All in all, 8.64 New York City inches of rain is not going to make the cut, in the grand scheme of things.  So, you can quit claiming that the "burning of fossil fuels is drowning New York City."  NYC will have less than an 11% chance of rain in the next three days, with a 43% and a 58% chance of rain four and five days from now.  Thus, 2023 did NOT come close to the 1927 Great Mississippi Flood.  The news reporters should not act like it did.  

BTW, the flood water of the Great Mississippi Flood reached a depth of 30 feet.  New York City in 2023 didn't compare to the American Midwest in 1927.

And then there was the matter of the Great Flood of July 1916 which devastated North Carolina.  Again & again, we see that the NYC September 29th, 2023 rainstorm was inconsequential chump change in comparison to a number of other rainstorms and/or floods which actually did bring devastation to such an extent that the lives of numerous people would never be the same again.  

Adding the September 29, 2023 NYC rain to the list of epic rainstorms is an intense insult to human intelligence.  In as much, as far as would go the quintessential "thousand year flood," the candidates would include [1] the Mary Magdalene Day Flood of 1342 (which see), as well as [2] the 1887 Yellow River Flood (China).   

Add to the equation the flood & famine the Year 1315.  Such events were major league floods which occurred when co2 levels were very very low.  The years of sheer tragic climate disaster included 1274, 1281, the 1300s, the Tudor Drought Days of 1540, 1588, the 1600s, the great hurricanes disaster of 1780, the Potato Famine, numerous Medieval & Renaissance famines, numerous Medieval & Renaissance droughts, as well as the Plague years.  The one-thousand year period before the Industrial Revolution were NOT centuries of mild weathers.  There were numerous epic climate tragedies.  The NYC Rain of September 29, 2023 was NOT an epic event in any category.

The "record NYC rain" of Sept 29 didn't  surpass  very many states.  It did NOT even surpass the numbers of its own State of New York.  The media has to hyper-sensationalize everything and terrify schoolchildren in the process.