August 20, 2024

KGB Defector gave precise blueprint of today's propagandists, 40 years ago.

It were as if he made a detailed prophecy of today ... or at the least ... a long-term game plan that is still being observed by the faithful devotees of Idealogical Subversion & the Overthrow of all natural structures of human existence.  
Above:  a 1965 Watts Riot Report.  Rioting has re-emerged in America throughout the decades.  Such violence was regarded as Phase 3 of the Soviet Communists' cyclical phase of Idealogical Subversion.  It were as if a conductor ... or a succession of conductors ... were repeatingly directing the Subversion Symphony on the American streets, all along.  Very Coincidential.
Idealogical Subversion.  A definitive synonym of it would be Mass Brain Washing.

The KGB:  Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti ... Russia's Committee for State Security.  
                   It was replaced in 1991 with Russia's Federal Security Service
       CNN:  A brainwashing network that presents life in a false light, thereby inciting 
                  violence, such as at Minneapolis and Kenosha.  It has edited out the truth.
                  'tis operated by a small percentage of humanity who is out of touch with 
                  the common citizen and the venues of the common man, woman, & child.
                  Is obsessed with promoting abortion on demand, in a psychopathic degree.

 MSNBC:  A more arrogant & dictatorial insult to the intelligence of the common-
                  sensed citizen.  It has suppressed exculpatory evidence and edited out
                  the truth.  It's run by a very small percentage of humanity who is out 
                  of  touch with the common citizen.  It's psychopathically obsessed with
                  promoting abortion on demand, in using very rare antecdotes as if they 
                  were common occurrences during pregnancy.  A network of mockers.

       ABC: A powerplay of thought control.  Freedom of speech has been suppressed 
                 on air there.  'tis controlled by a small cadre of humanity out of touch with
                 the daily lifestyles of the common citizen.  Has been supportive  of abortion
                 on demand, to the point of literally screaming at a certain pro-life celebrity.   
                 It has suppressed exculpatory evidence and edited out the truth, just like CNN.

Enter one Yuri Aleksandovich Bezmenov, alias Tomas David Schuman who died in 1993.  He was a member of the Novosti Press Agency, while being assigned to a KGB mission in New Delhi.  After all, he was an expert in Indian culture.  His job was to "plant propaganda."

In February of 1970, while in India, he defected to Athens Greece.  He started the defection dressed as a 1960s hippie, blending in with real hippies.

Yuri outlined the four stages of Idealogical Subversion by which you conquer an enemy.  Ever so coincidently, all of which he described 40 years ago has thus far become reality in the United States, as if he were a prophet predicting America's future.

According to Yuri in 1984,  "The time bomb is ticking." 

"The highest art of warfare is to not fight at all ... but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such time when the perception of reality of your enemy is screwed up to such an extent  that he does not perceive you as an enemy ... and that your system ... your civilization ... and your four ambitions (four stages of idealogical subversion) look to your enemy as an alternative ... if not desirable."

In addition, according to Yuri, subversion consists in four periods, timewise.   

[1] Demoralization, a 15 to 20 year process.  It's the time sufficient enough to educate one generation of students or children.  It consists in infiltrating those areas where public opinion is shaped.  Demoralization sounds a lot like brain washing an entire generation.

[2] Destabilization of the Economy, Foreign Relations, and Defense Systems.  The sleepers become the leaders.

[3] Crisis:  Changing power structures and the economy via violence.  It was said that it takes about six weeks to bring a nation to a stage of crisis.

[4] Normalization.  The abnormal is made the new norm.  Note:  The violent stages come in cycles.  

There are six areas of influence to be infiltrated:  I} Religion  II} the educational system  III} "social life administration," including media  IV} the Law Enforcemnent System  V} the Military  VI} Labor & Employer Relations.

In re:  I} Slowly erode religious dogma and take people away from the original purpose of religion which happens to be getting in touch with the Supreme Being.  Next, replace real religions with fake ones.  

In re: II} Dissuade people from learning anything constructive and pragmatic.  Get people to attend ridiculous-sounding classes that are a vain & empty waste of time.

In re: III} Replace traditionally established institutions with fake organizations.  Take away from people i} initative and ii} a sense of responsibility.  Separate people from naturally established links and replace the links with artificial & bureaucratically controlled bodies.  

Instead of society being in direct contact with elected officials and those appointed by elected officials, let those unelected people infiltrate and influence society.  In as much, who elected the media newscasters, commentators, talk show hosts, editors, and script writers of today?  

The goal is to replace society with bureaucracy.  In as much, the true insurrection is being done by ... the Mainstream Media who, today, tells you what to think ... the media who tells you who is to be cancelled ... cut-off ... rejected ... declared a denier.  It consists in people put into positions of influence who had NEITHER qualifications NOR the will of the People ... NOR the consent of the People.  

In this scenario, the People are all wrong and must listen only to the enlightened ones ... aka the awakened ones.  But of course, the usurpers act as if the People are so stupid that no one in their ranks can pronounce the word, "awakened."  So, they repetitively say, "woke," when announcing to you that they are the enlightened ones and your are not.

In re: IV} Make the police officers appear to be dumb, rude, and abusive, as well as so deadly that they must be removed from society.

In re: V}  The same as IV, in making the Pentagon generals and their allies look like maniacs.

In re: VI}  The Economy is such that everyone in society is interdependent upon each other.  This means that the economy has a dominoes effect.  Thus, when there is a dissatisfied rank of workers, flood the media with "headlined" ... "one-line" ... class struggle propaganda.

You are not to stop an enemy.  Rather, you are to help him go in the direction you want him to go.  You want to help your enemy destroy himself.

Below are videos of Yuri Bezmenov.  They are more enlightening than they are educational.  The striking thing about them is that they sound more like prophecy for today than a general blueprint for any time in history.

Directly below:  Part of a 1984 interview with Yuri.   Yuri explains Idealogical Subversion.


Directly Below:  Another part of the interview.  Mention is made in the video's description of "Mitrokhin."  This refers to Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin.  He defected in 1992 and died in 2004.  He was a major archivist for the Soviet Union's Foreign Intelligence Services.


Directly below:  Yet another part of the 1984 interview where Yuri mentions whom he was to recruit, who was the useful idiot ... and who was targeted for "execution."


Below is a 1983 classroom lecture, by Yuri


Below:  Yuri's mention of certain American useful idiots who influence other Americans.  America's acceptance of influencers was based on naivity, and it helped with the Demoralization of the American culture.


Below:  Yuri explained what he actually did for the KGB.