Kamala's Greatest Asininity, in terms of foolishness
πKamala Harris' greatest asininity is that she and Joe imposed all sorts of Draconian "Climate" measures upon America, only for it all to result in the HIGHEST LEVEL OF ATMOSPHERIC CO2 IN HUMAN HISTORY, as of May 2024.
It reached 426.9 parts per million (ppm). As of Oct 13th, 2024, the co2 count was down to 422.25 ppm. When it's harvest season, the co2 count diminishes from Springtime planting season. The difference between Planting-season CO2 and Harvest-season CO2 is about 4 parts per million.
It's granted that the human body can easily take four times the amount of CO2 found in today's atmosphere ... without any adverse reactions. Adverse reactions are expected at 3,500 parts per million for anyone not a submarine crew member. Some sources say that irritation symptoms start at 2,000 ppm. Fair enough. None the less, death will occur at 84,000 ppm, after an hour's exposure of CO2. Thus, there's a huge difference between 84,000 ppm ... 3,500 ppm ... 2,000 ppm ... and today's outdoor CO2, at 422 ppm.
Therefore, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Michael Mann, and John Kerry are pretenders & failures who wasted tons of American taxpayer dollars, causing the price of fuel and food to sky-rocket. The curtailing of the oil SUPPLY caused the sky-rocketing prices. |
BTW, the atmospheric CO2 count on air-compressed Venus and on very cold Mars is over 900,000 ppm. Moreover, the compressed air factor is what makes Venus hot; not CO2. After all, the 900,000+ ppm of CO2 on Mars surely didn't make it hot. So, do the math on this one. The Russians have been on Venus, and provided some invaluable information, even though the Russian landing crafts and monitor systems didn't last very long on Venus. Those vehicles got crushed, due to the compressed air at surface level ... literally.
Today's indoor CO2 on Planet Earth is said ... in the official readouts ... to be between 600 ppm and 1,000. Okay. But, 1,200, 1,400, and even 1,700 is fine. Greenhouse operators purposely insert co2, being that it truly does make the world go green. So, 1200 to 1600 ppm is to be expected in greenhouses.
Of course, there is the matter of C3 plants, C4 plants, and a substance called Rubisco, in relation to the atmospheric CO2. The University of Illinois explained this well. So, feel free to learn from the Univ of Illinois People.
Reducing CO2 will NOT make society "go green." It will cause the opposite effect. Instead of concentrating on CO2, society must address mercury, fly ash, lead, arsenic, beryllium, and the glut of synthetic chemicals that were allowed to flood humanity like a plague of locusts. This is where Robert F Kennedy Jr enters the scene ... to champion the cause against flooding humanity with synthetic chemicals.
The first CO2 overload symptom that was clinically found was the inability to perform decision-making. This was at 3,500 ppm. The exceptions were the submarine crew men of the US Navy who did NOT have impaired thinking, at all. I have nothing on Russian submarine crewmen, though.
In addition, it's furthermore granted that there was an Ice Age when the CO2 count was nine times higher than today, due to probability that "Symmetric Stretch" vibrational mode of CO2 took precedence at the time. Of course, it is that particular vibrational mode that makes CO2 incapable of retaining infrared heat ... even today. There are three vibrational modes of CO2, and they were already explained here, at the Blue Marble Album. There's a search engine up top and to the right of this page.
Moreover, the CO2 level needs to be 199 times higher than today's outdoor level, for it to be deadly. Now, as far as concerns today, there is the matter of China and India constructing a notable number of coal-burning power plants. This, alone, is the cause of the drastic rise in CO2.
Now, I can post the chartings which show that CO2 emissions have been lowered in America, Europe, and elsewhere in the past decade. However, if you were to evaporate all of the Americas and Europe, the rise in CO2 would stay on pace, due to China & India, in their coal-fired power plants. Kamala, Joe, Michael Mann, and John Kerry failed at being diplomats, when it came to convincing China and India to change over to an alternative energy source.
0.042% of Planet Earth's atmosphere is CO2. 78% Nitrogen. 21% Oxygen. 0.93% Argon. |
Even though humans can easily tolerate four times the amount of CO2 in today's atmosphere, the Earth's outdoor co2 level still reached the highest point in human history ... as of 2024, three and a half years after Kamala & Joe Biden assured us all that being Draconian will reduce the CO2 count. However, it's more important to deplete from the air mercury, cadmium, beryllium, lead, fly ash, and other less than healthy airborne molecular substances.
CO2 is your friend. Most of the other chemicals which emit from coal are not your friends. This includes mercury. In as much, the Number 1 objective for environmentalists is filtration, filtration, filtration. As far as goes CO2, the only concern would be the rate of increase in its presence. So, the Chinese and India coal-fired power plants require lots of diplomacy and incentive.
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π Below: In re: CO2 levels
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
The other asininity of Joe, Kamala, and the Mainstream media is that the recent weather events have previously happened 9, 12 and even 24 times before, in the past 150 years ... depending on the specific weather event. There is nothing new, and there is no crisis outside of the glut of synthetic chemicals flooding the airspace and water supply used by Planet Earth's inhabitants.
Some weather intervals are nice. Some weather intervals are tragic. And some other weathers events were caused by volcanoes, being that volcanoes cause the temperature to decrease in large affected geographic areas of Earth. From volcanoes come sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide in the air is like tiny mirrors, reflecting sunlight back into outer space. This causes cooling. In the past, this has destroyed certain civilizations which then needed to rebuild.
When the CO2 Count was very low, the following natural disasters occurred, proving Michael Mann & the aged David Attenborough to have been long-term LIARS, in their claim that the weather was mild for a thousand years:
There was -the 1034 & 1048 Yellow River Floods. -the 1091 London Tornado. -the All Saint's Day Flood of 1170. -Kubla Khan's two 13th Century fleet disasters (at the beginning of the Little Ice Age). -the St. Lucia Day Flood of 1287 (also at the beginning of the Little Ice Age).
And then, when the Little Ice Age was well underway, as the CO2 level remained low in the atmosphere, the following disasters occurred ... and those disasters CANONT be attributed to the outdoor CO2 level of Planet Earth:
-the Great Famine of 1315-1322. -the Black Monday Hail Storm that killed 1,000 British soldiers, in 1360. -De Grote Mandrenke of 1362. -Britain's Bitterly Cold Winter of 1407, when birds froze to death in flight. -St. Elizabeth's Flood in 1421. -the Great Tudor Drought of 1540-41. -the Spanish Armada disaster of 1588. -the Super Famines of the 1590s. -the 1607 Bristol Channel Floods. -the Great Frost of 1683-84. -the Great Tempest of 1703. -La Grand Hiver of 1709. and the list goes on. Incidentally, the coldest winter in the past 500 years for Europe was 1708-09. This was before the start of the Industrial Age.
This claim of one thousand years of mild weather was the most dishonest & asinine thing that was ever claimed by Michael Mann ... and by the non-factual David Attenborough. This was especially the case with the depth of the Little Ice Age, when sunspot activity got to the point of being effectually dormant. The years of the least amount of sunspot activity went from 1645 to 1710.
The entire Little Ice Age, itself, went from 1284 to 1840. It started with the Wolfe Minimum and ended shortly before the European Potato Famine which changed the destiny of Ireland. Incidentally, the HERB-1 strain of the phytophthora infestans came out of Mexico, and when it became warm enough for it to survive in Northern Europe, it found its way into potatoes and even tomatoes there. Instantly, potatoes were native to PERU, and not to Ireland.
Climate is like a cyclical roller coaster, when it's not being affected by volcano blasts. As of recent, there has only been climate fraud in existence, done for the sake of deceiving the American taxpayer into not objecting to shelling-out an outrageously high amount of money to certain scientists, to certain NGOs, and to certain government agencies.
Example of the Bid Lie which states that the storm seasons have never been like the recent ones:
There are years in the distant past when there were as many cyclones on the North Atlantic Ocean as there were in 2023. Plus, in recent years, it has only been a matter of more low-level cyclones, called Tropical Storms. There is not any trend .... or any appearance ... of the Cat 6 hurricane out there. In fact, only four Cat 5 hurricanes ever hit the US, since 1851. There were uniquely powerful hurricanes in the past, such as in the early 1960s in the Pacific Ocean. But, there has been no long-term repetitive trend.
Now, look at the two US government illustrations below. One is of Hurricane Season 2023, and the other one is of Hurricane Season 1933. The Year 1933 was 90 year prior to 2023, when the co2 count was 112 parts per million lower than today. Both 2023 and 1933 had twenty storms. 1933 had 6 MAJOR hurricanes, and 2023 only had three. The total deaths ... due to cyclones ... in 1933 was 651. The number of cyclone-caused deaths in 2023 was only 21.
In addition, the only reason why there is more hurricane infrastructure damage today than in the 1920s, 1940s, and even 1960s is because there are far more buildings and homes situated along coastlines vulnerable to hurricanes. Human population increased. So too did human dwellings and places of business.
You and the rest of America ... as well as Europe ... are being deceived hideously, by Kamala, Joe, the mainstream media, etc. Playing Chicken Little and crying out, "the sky is falling," is very profitable. Con artistry is profitable ... when there is no one to proverbially blow the whistle and toss a penalty flag in the air.
The con artists' technique in shutting you down is done by calling you a denier. But, the truth of the matter is in historical texts. Some of those texts are called newspapers.
Example: 1921 ands 1922 were reported at the time as the hottest years ever, next to 1911, 1905, 1901, and 1895. Well, the hockey stick graph that Al Gore presented in his first movie marks 1921 & 1922 as the coldest years in hundreds of years. Numerous newspaper articles and government records ... and ship records ... prove the hockey stick graph to be a fraud.
Here is your test
Can you tell which government illustration below is Hurricane Season 2023 and which one is Hurricane Season 1933 without cheating? Once again, the 1933 Hurricane Season = 6 major hurricanes. The 2023 Hurricane Season = 3 major hurricanes. The 1933 Hurricane Season = 651 deaths. The 2023 Hurricane Season = 21 deaths. Have fun with your Reality Check.
And remember, both years had 20 storms each. In 1933, the co2 count was 309 parts per million. In 2023, the atmospheric co2 count was 421 parts per million. In 1933, the co2 count was 112 parts per million LESS THAN in 2023. Yet, 1933 hosted as many North Atlantic Ocean cyclones as did the recent Year of 2023. CO2, in itself, gives no significant changes. CO2 gives only minor temp changes in a laboratory setting.
As I said long ago, and as RFK, Jr said via his litigation & courtroom experience, the great environmental crisis of today is the glut of synthetic chemicals that have flooded humanity's air space, water supply, construction material, lawn furniture, clothing, AND FOOD. Moreover, the true greenhouse gas to dread is Sulfur Hexaflouride. If this becomes commonplace, then and only then, WILL Planet Earth's atmosphere be in trouble.
Concerning the wrecking of the American Economy in the name of lowering atmospheric CO2, Kamala couldn't even get that task correct. Well, she did wreck the economy ... with Joe Biden ... but she did not lower atmospheric CO2 which only exists at much much less than 1/2 of one percent in the atmosphere, at 421 or so ppm. That is an exceptionally low level, objectively speaking. Thus, it was fraud to orchestrate the "Carbon Footprint Scare." The atmosphere today is already 99+% carbon free.
For illustrative purposes, know this: Today CO2 comprises 1/2,369th of the atmosphere. That is ONE over two thousand, three hundred, and sixty-ninth of the air outside. That's also 0.042% of the atmosphere outdoors. 422 ppm is quite low, when compared to Nitrogen which is 780,000 part per million in the sky ... and Oxygen which is 210,000 part per million in the same sky.
And concerning the tragedy of Tennessee, Georgia, etc, as of Sept 2024, when people are unprepared ... and when people are stubborn ... death ensues. And of course, a Tennessee employer refused to let its employees leave work early, in time to avoid the flooding rains. Some of the employees died. In the South, there is the motto, "I'm gonna do what I damn please," which is the motto of the Church of Satan. Stubbornness kills. Plus, Biden and Harris did not show-up soon enough with their agencies, etc.
One more thing: Climate is average weather. If something only happens once every 20, 40, and 60 years, it's not climate. The media uses a lot of hype to get you to submit to their associated politicians. The mainstream media lies for certain politicians.
None the less, there are 63 or so Climate Discourses at the Blue Marble Album. Those people who are absolutely certain that we are in a Climate Crisis only read trickles of literature. Concerning this, only after you read all 63 or so of the Climate Discourses here, then you can talk to me ... if you have no conflict of interest. A conflict of interest exists if you make outrageously large sums of money selling the Climate Crisis Hysteria. Samples of Blue Marble Work include:
Or or or, you let me first give you ... in front of a camera ... a simple 15 question oral exam on simple Weather Theory, to prove if whether or not you are a fraud who knows nothing about Atmospheric Physics and/or Weather Theory.
If you fail, the video goes on YouTube, for the world to see what a fraud you are. In as much, is Kamala willing to do this? Tim Walz? Numerous mainstream media news anchors?
A completely different person can ask her the questions. But, it must be an oral exam with zero cheat sheets and NO teleprompter. Or is it that Kamala fears that the world will see that she a complete fraud in yet another subject? Oh, in reality she is a total fraud in that particular subject, and I can easily prove it, if given the opportunity.
Kamala speaks of Opportunity Economics. She does not speak of Opportunity Climate Science ... or Opportunity Talking-things-out. It's obvious that she's hiding the apparent observation that she doesn't know anything about anything outside of her professional trade.
Concern her cliche, "Opportunity Economy," as if it's new idea:
For decades on commercial television, at the end of many commercial, there would be the following statement: So-and-so is an equal opportunity employer. Every school and company was required to be an equal opportunity employer. That statement was redundant. None the less, Kamala was already caught committing plagiarism over two dozen times, in one book alone. Well, her "Opportunity Economy" is a plagiaristic rip-off of 1970s television.
When it comes to explaining bonding in Criminal Procedural Law, she sounds like she knows what she's talking about. When it comes to her talking about anything else, she's clueless and only pretends to be concurrent with the subject at hand. She basically knows one trade well. She needn't act like a memory of any High IQ society. She is very fake, and she lies.
And she continues to tell blatant lies. Example: She very falsely said that Trump has no plan. Super Big Lie. Donald Trump already was a very successful president in three of his four years as president. He had a plan as president, and it did succeed. Millions witnessed it.
Kamala is nothing more than a liar, and she is clueless in every subject except her own professional trade. There is nothing remarkable about her that she should even be a senator or House rep or governor. I already went into detail about her, and I can go further into detail. But, I have to go and fix something ten miles away that just broke. Later maybe. Even at that, why do I have to waste my time on her. She is utterly worthless at best, and she's a living nightmare at worst. Trace her recent history.
Concerning history, observe the most powerful hurricane seasons. Now, one would expect all of them to have occurred when the CO2 level rose above 400. Not at all.. Amongst the most powerful hurricane seasons were ones that ruled the Autumn Atlantic in 1933, 1893, 1926, 1950, and 1961 ... when the atmospheric CO2 level was quite low. This alone proves that CO2 is NOT the driver of climate.
Above: Take note that this list includes low co2 years, along with high co2 years. Thus, there is no correlation between co2 levels and hurricane energy forces. ACE means Accumulated Cyclone Energy.
Concerning high energy years The low energy years were
The Low co2 years included 1893, 1926, 1933. 2015, 2014, 2013, 2009, 2007, 2006, Mid-level co2 years included 1950, 1961, 1995, 1998. 2002, 1997, 1994, 1993, 1991, 1987, The high co2 years included 2004, 2005, 2017. 1986, 1983, 1982, 1978, 1977, 1973,
1972, 1970, 1968, 1962, 1956, 1946, etc.
The Year 2010 receives an Honorable Mention as powerful hurricane year, at 165. And as far as concerns 2024, Beryl was a monster, carrying an Accumulated cyclone Energy measurement of 35.1 Milton was powerful, but nowhere near Beryl, at 23.5. Helene, on the other hand was relatively low in energy, at 7.1. Its nightmare existed in the fact that a precursor rain was in the Asheville area, before Helene passed through. None the less, six of the thirteen 2024 cyclones has an A.C.E under 5. Some where under 2. So, the claim of Al Gore, in asserting that future hurricanes would be a series of Car 6 cyclones was a false prophecy ... false scientific prediction ... far away from reality.
None the less, this happened previously to Asheville, in 1916. The French Broad River crested at 17 feet above flood stage, and the width of at river expanded to 1,300 feet. It was normally at 380. Eighty people died. Thus, history repeats itself and climate is cyclical. In fact, cyclones are cyclical, always rotating counter-clockwise when in the Northern Hemisphere, due to the Coriolis Effect.
Moreover, there were apocalyptic weather disasters in the early 20th Century, the 19th, 18th 18th, and even 14th century. For example, England lost one-third of its Imperial Navy in the Great Storm of 1703. This was before the Industrial Revolution even began.
View the cyclones of the 1600s which were recorded ... logged. And remember, this was before the industrial revolution, when the CO2 count was lower than it was in the Year 1000, at 275 ppm.
Anyone who says that the storms today are stronger than in centuries past is completely full of crap and is an egregious liar ... like Tim Walz ... like the plump and not-at-all macho Tim Walz.
BTW, the guy looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Yet, the media is full of male-haters who are intimidated by real men. So, they showcase as the quintessential males of masculine excellence two totally dweebo, nerdo, geeko jokes. And you know who they are.
As far as goes Asheville and Vicinity in 2024, here are the rain stats:
Busick --------------- 30.78 inches The FEMA response has been a vicious form of an SNL skit.
Spruce Pine ---------- 24.12 inches Vice President Kamala Harris is a vicious form of SNL skit.
Hendersonville ------- 21.96 inches Existence does not end with MSNBC, ABC, CNN, & CBS.
Davidson River ------- 18.02 inches There's more out there, such as truth and reality.
Mountain Home ------- 17.09 inches It's all there, for the listening and for the reading.
Candler -------- ----- ----16.18 inches Go view & go read, before censorship rules your life
Grandfather Mountain - 15.42 inches
Highlands ---------------- 14.86 inches Kamala & Mayorkas must be held criminally liable for
Mount Mitchell ---------- 11.22 inches the rapes & murders of Americans caused by unvetted
Waynesville --------------- 11.14 inches & illegal immigrants they allowed into this country.