November 22, 2024

Antarctica 2021: Coldest 6 months. 6 months later: Lowest Ice Extent. 6 months more later: Healthy monthly ice gain, after lowest ice reading.

antarctica, snow, ice, landscape, south pole, polar, panorama, frozen, north pole, cold 

The news of it was liberating, because it was the opposite of the 30 year long encroaching doom predictions of ~ non-scientist Al Gore, ~ Michael "Hockey Sticks" Mann who should know better, and ~the Jim Hansen whose June 1988 senate pre-hearing antics were revealed by former Senator Wirth.  

The unexpected news came three years after most of the pending doom predictions were supposed to have come to pass.  In fact, the news came one year after the glaciers at Glacier National Park were supposed to have melted away.   

The news of this event made its way to the tunnel-visioned CNN.  At present, the news of it is being smothered by other climate-related coverage.  Newer news reports have reported conditions opposite of what happened for a six month period in 2021:

                     ***   Antarctica had its COLDEST winter on record.   *** 

Antarctic winters are six months long.  Therefore, Antarctica had its coldest six month period in known history.  More concisely . . .

At the Amundsen-Scott Station, the 2021 April to September temperatures averaged MINUS 78 degrees Fahrenheit.  That amounts to 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit LOWER than the station's 30 year average.

Now, with all the climate disaster propaganda being constantly released, did you assume that the Global Warming profiteers would sit idly and re-assess their belief system, upon hearing that Antarctica's coldest winter had just transpired?  ANS:  Of course not.  They went into hyper-drive, ramping-up the Global Warming, man-made-co2, burning-of-fossil-fuel, cap-and-tax, carbon-tax propaganda in geometric progressions.  And there were outrageous sleight-of-hand deceptions amidst actual news events.

The message always was that the world was going to soon end, if you did not shell out hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars and corporate donation dollars to them --- to the Climate Change People.  

There were outrageously high amounts of taxpayer dollars that were already appropriated during the final two years of the Obama administration.  The money was appropriated in the form of  "Climate Change Adaptation" & "Climate Change Research."

But, the Year 2022 was the year of far more tax dollar appropriations.  The tax dollars are simply added sums to the already overwhelming National Debt.  

The outrage is that, instead of spending time and money on life-giving CO2, efforts should have been made in remedying the ills caused by synthetic chemicals and their inundation into every realm of life.  And of course, these synthetic chemicals includes those "Forever Chemicals" such as polyfluoroalkyl substances (aka PFAS,) for starters, followed by many more of the synthetic realm.

BTW, the weather in 2022 wasn't that much different than the climate conditions in very hot and very dry 2012.  I went on a 12,000 mile road trip in the Summer of 2012.  I am well familiar with that type of heated landscape.  I was in the Mojave Desert at 102F.  I was in Oklahoma, when it was 106F.  I remember Arkansas at 104F, and it wasn't all that bad. 

In fact, I remember crossing over the Mississippi River, en route to Vicksburg Mississippi, in late August.  The river's width thinned-out considerably.  That's what alarmed me.  That's when I thought, "yikes."  But, the Mississippi River did get replenished.

I am also familiar with the Winter of 2014 --- the coldest winter in 40 years.  As I recently stated, climate is a cyclical roller coaster ride.  So, spend your money on countering PFAS chemicals, not on life-giving co2.  To combat CO2 is to combat life itself.

Climate Man say, "We're all gonna dry-up soon."  No, wait . . .
Climate Man say, "We're all gonna drown, when the salty seas rise over the piers."

The illustrations directly below concern the sea ice extent surrounding Antarctica in June and July of this year ... 2022.  The red fluorescent circle around the Antarctica ice extent is the average (actually the "median") amount of ice which is usually present there in June and then in July.  

While looking at it, the ice extent looks boringly average ... typical.  No big loss of ice through the years.  No big deal.  In fact, look at the numbers at the horizontal bottom of each illustration:

Total extent for June 2022 was 12.1 MILLION square kilometers (which is 4.67 MILLION  square miles.) 

Total ice extent for July 2022 was 14.9 million sq km (which is 5.75 million square miles of ice extent there.)

This means that, in 30 days, Antarctica gained 2,800,000 square kilometers of ice.  That amounts to 1,080,000 square miles of added ice extent, in one month's time.  That amounts to 36,000 sq miles of added ice per day ... added by nature.  This equal 93,333 square kilometers of new ice per day, added naturally.

In all that gain, the news simply stated that the July 2022 Antarctic sea ice extent was the lowest since 1979, for any month of July.  Incidentally, 1979 was the year of the highest Arctic sea ice extent.  

In having the Sea Ice Extent starting date the same as the year with the highest volume of sea ice, it guarantees that every year to follow will have a lower ice content number than the "benchmark year."  That is deception in action, being that the unfamiliar person will instantly assume that 1979 was an average ice year, instead of the year with the most ice on record.


Previously, in late February 2022, the report was that Antarctica had it lowest ice extent in ultra-modern history, meaning "since 1979." It was exactly like the report of July of that year.  At the least, the Space Magazine author who did quote the U.S. National Snow & Ice Data Center in an article, stated that:

"However, the amount of Antarctic sea ice varies considerably each year and climate change is not necessarily to blame." ...

... "The shrinking is likely natural, and partly due to strong winds pushing some sea ice farther north into warmer waters, Nature reported.  I think much, if not all, of the event can be ascribed to natural variability," said Walt Meier, a senior research scientist at the NSIDC.  NSIDC stands for National Snow & Ice Date Center.   Furthermore . . .

 "Antarctic sea ice varies considerably from year to year, and the NSIDC has not found a statistically significant trend in one direction or another using satellite data. This year was the lowest minimum sea-ice extent on record, but the highest minimum sea-ice extent was recorded in 2015." 

Of course, a Climate Con Artist will present this 2022 event in a false light, and then apply intimidation tactics, telling you that it's your fault for burning fossil fuels, and you have to pay the carbon tax, to make up for your sins..  When you don't buy what the guy is asserting, you end up intimidating the climate con artist.

Driving on an amount of ice as large as the July 2022 ICE GAIN is equivalent to driving from Washington D.C. to the outskirts of Miami Florida --- (the square root of 1.08 million miles is 1,039.  Miami to D.C. is 1,050 miles.)  Yet, July 2022 is supposed to have been the least amount of July sea ice extent in modern record-keeping.

All in all, that's a lot of ice accumulation.  Yet, it resulted in the lowest ice extent number on the chart, as far as concerns the month of July.  The remedy is to compare the more recent years, as you search for a trend or the absence of a trend.  Study wind conditions, air masses, the jet stream, air pressure, Etc.  Things are never what they seem to be to an inexperienced novice.

In addition, check for the writers'/speakers' financial interest in the matter upon which he/she speaks.  If the person making the report stands to gain (or has already been payed) tremendous amounts of taxpayer dollars, in a climate-related government contract, then he/she has a conflict of interest and cannot be brought into the conversation.

The lesson:  Don't let yourself be deceived by your failure to recognize proportionality.  Such proportionality is translated into numbers, charts, tables, and graphs.  A person can take numbers and twist them in such away that he makes a doomsday scenario.  If someone is looking for sensationalism and ratings, doomsday will be described, and this is irresponsible to do. 

July 2022 is supposed to be the month of the least sea ice extent for any July month.  It does NOT look much different than any other Winter month.  It still had a lot of ice.  The red line, of course, is the median amount of sea ice extent for July ... the typical amount ... the expected amount.

June 2022:  Antarctic sea ice extent was 12.1 million sq km.  That's 4.67 million square miles.  July 2022:  The ice extent expanded to 14.9 sq km, aka 5.75 million sq miles.  That was an INCREASE of 1.08 million sq miles, aka 2.8 million sq km, between June and July.  That's an increase of 36,000 sq miles of new ice per day (93,333 sq km per day.)  So, where's the End of the World in all that ice accumulation?

Comparison: June 2021: 13.5 million sq km (5.21 million sq miles.)
                      July 2021: 16.4 million sq km (6.33 million sq miles.)
                         30 day ice extent increase = 1,120,000 sq miles;
                        an increase of 37,333 sq miles of new ice per day.
The June to July ice gain for 2021 (when there was a record cold winter) is virtually the same for 2022 (when the July ice extent was the lowest since modernized record keeping began in 1979.)  It was 36,000 sq miles of new ice per day vs 37,333 sq miles of new ice per day.  The Year 2020 wasn't too far behind, at 32,333 sq miles of new ice per day.   It was not all that different.  The lesson:  Con artists use numbers to scare you.   

June 2020: 13.2 million sq km (5.09 million sq miles)
July 2020:  15.7 million sq km (6.06 million sq miles)
                               That was a 30 day increase of  970,000 square miles.                                 That was an average of 32,333 square miles per day of new ice.