December 1, 2024

A passing cloud mass of wisdom

                             1} It isn't that the good die young.  It's just that they die too soon.

                      2} The mystery of love is that of transforming into the object of your love.

               3} The first sign of being in love with someone is feeling emotional pain when
                    the person is absent.

         4} The greater a person's capacity for love, the greater the person's vulnerability
              for hurt, the greater his ability to sacrifice, and the greater his ability to suffer.

  5} An individual whose priority in life is to possess chronic comfort is an individual
       entirely void of love and equally devoid of compassion.

  6} The opposite of Love is NOT Hate.   It's indifference   ...   It's apathy.

  7} If you happen to be a male and a woman describes you to your friends as "that
       interesting guy," it means that she is interested in you ... personally.

  8} The greedy seek to kill off people.  The merciful seek to kill pain.

  9} A woman who marries for money is no different than a prostitute.  When the
       money is gone, so is she.

 10} Evil is NOT an essence unto itself.  It is privation.  It's the absence of a good
       which ought to be present but is missing.

 11} Beauty is an absolute.  It is the phenomenon of Harmony and Proportion.

 12} If you permit the existence something that you know can kill someone, then you
        have committed Murder by Negligence.

 13} In similar fashion, if you can prevent an evil and then do nothing to stop it, you
       are guilty of the evil not prevented.

14} Where you have bookworm nerds in white lab coats intermingling with money-
         grabbing Big Pharma reps, you have the inability to heal numerous diseases,
         due to the lack of insight and compassion, as well as the absence of natural

  15} Forbidding a terminally ill patient to partake in experimental treatments, because
         of the treatment not being officially approved by the powers-that-be, is the act
         of ordering that person to die.   If the person is going to die anyway, give that
         person the chance to survive, no matter how slight be the chance  ...  even if it
         means that the cost of the treatment will not go into the pockets of Big Pharma.

  16} A terrorist is a person who tries to intimidate you into giving into his demands
         through deadly forms of improvisation.

  17} If a person answers, "I don't know," after having been asked for a favor, he/she
         means, "no."  Don't waste your time.  Take your request to someone else.

  18} The rich never create jobs.   Shoppers do.   Demand creates jobs.

  19} People obsessed with abortion claim that no woman ever carries a human life,
         because the fetus cannot exist outside the mother's womb without assistance.
         Well, you cannot exist on your own when you are underwater.  According to
         the logic of the abortion-obsessed, you are not a human life whenever you are
         scuba diving.

  20a} Martin Luther's religion was based on Luther citing a passage in an Epistle of
         Paul in which Paul stated that he no longer follows the Law.  Paul was talking
         about the 600+ rules and rituals of the Law of Moses.  He was not referring to
         the Law of Morality.  

20b} But, Luther made it look this way.  Luther failed to note that, in another Epistle, 
         Paul wrote,  "Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulter-
         ers nor boy prostitutes nor sodomites nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards 
         nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God."   1 Cor 6:9.

A British bridge built in London and then moved to Arizona.  And yes, I was there.

  21} The Church of England's existence was solely due to the fact that Henry VIII
         wanted a divorce, and he only wanted a divorce because he saw that Cather-
         ine was not able to bring forth the much sought for son.  A male heir, Henry
         supposed, would prevent England from returning to its warlike state.  The
         quest for the male heir, in order to prevent war, is what caused war.

  22} TV Evangelists teach the Gospel of Pampered Comfort and Selfishness, while
          having the audacity to call it Christianity.  Notice that their hairs are all in place.
          The background of their sets looked like funeral homes at times.

  23} Gandhi once said, "I would become a Christian if I ever met one."  This is
         the same reason why millions want nothing to do with Modern Christianity.

24}  Being that a tree is known by its fruits, the definition of the Protestant Work Ethic
         is evident.  It consists in Protestants getting African Slaves, Chinese Sweatshop
        Workers, and similar victims to do the Protestants' work for them.  While beating
         slaves, they believed that they were saved.  Saved from what?  Not their sins.

  25a} If governments were secretly given technological knowledge from extraterrestrial
          UFO travelers, a couple of space shuttles and a few rockets would never have
          blown up.  The fact that modern inventions have evolutionary time lines attached
          to each one of them shows that man, and not UFO aliens, invented the technolo-
          gy that exists on mankind's Planet Earth.  

 25b} That is to say, trial and error, as well as accidental discoveries, with the occasional 
          disasters, mark the path to modern technology.  If extraterrestrials  gave technologi-
          cal knowledge to governments in secret, mankind would have immediately started 
          with advanced technology.

  26}  Invading Iraq empowered and emboldened Iran.  It was counter-productive.  No
          matter what any pushy propagandist says, George Bush II turned America into
          a vampire already nailed in his coffin.

  27} The ones too cowardly to go to war are the ones who end up waving the pro-
          military flag.  War heroes know how devastating war is to the human psyche.
         They are inclined to advocate peace and understanding.  Chicken Hawk flag
         wavers are patriotic with the blood of others.

28a} People who say that the U.S. Constitution is the greatest writing of all time nev-
         er read the constitution.  In addition, they create controversy in claiming that the
         Bible is second-ranked, whenever the flag waving pseudo-constitutionalist is a 
         "Bible-Only" Protestant.

28b} If the United States Constitution is the greatest piece of literature in history, then
         why is there a provision to amend it, taking into account that it wasn't something 

28c} Those who have read the United States Constitution will never give flag waving
         praise of it.  They will actually talk about the constitution's contents instead, and
         engage in something known as intelligible conversation.

28d} The same land that gave the world Martin Luther gave it Adolph Hitler.  (This
         refers to the overweight white guy of 16th Century Wittenberg, Saxony.) 

28e}  St. Francis of Assisi literally brought peace to his environs.  Martin Luther
          brought war to his environs and to Europe in general.

29a}  The two historical figures that Hitler hated the most in history, according to his
          "table talk," was Saint Paul and Mohammad.  He accused them both of spread-
           ing the religion of the Jews.  And yes, it is admitted that there is no historical 
           and no archeological evidence for the existence of a 7th Century Mecca or an
           ancient Mecca.  It is also admitted that none of the Jewish prophets were born 
           anywhere near Mecca, due to the fact that no such artifacts or records exist to
           prove so.

29b} Hitler's grandmother was a housekeeper for a Jewish family.  While working for
         the family, she became pregnant.  Yet, she wasn't married at the time.  She was
         simply dismissed.  Therefore, it was wondered if Hitler were part Jewish.  The
         Nazi Party eventually wrote off the suspicion.  The bottom line is that the most
         severe persecutor of a people is usually the one who feels most betrayed by the
         people he persecutes.

29c} The other type of heavily persecuted person is the designated scape goat.

30a} The more arrogant the person, the more clueless the person is to the simplest
         of realizations.  Perfect praise comes from the mouths of babes; not from the

30b} The person who assassinates other people's characters in front of you is the
         same one who will assassinate your character behind your back.

31}   Greed kills and the greedy don't care.