January 5, 2024

An Available Literary Credit

Concerning writing, I was influenced at the academy, at a young age.  It was one 
teacher who brought it out.  Then, at a private university, it was one professor who 
refined it ... a Renaissance scholar and laureate published thousands of times.  

You have to be in control of your senses and perception as a matter of instinct, in
order for you to notice what needs to be conveyed or expressed in writing.  You
can't do it by a rigid set of mechanics.  You still need to possess the sensitivity to
notice things that others overlook, no matter how many teachers are involved in
your education.

If you can feel it, whatever it is at the time you are feeling, you can communicate it;   
if you're in control of your senses while communicating.  If you're not in control,
then your writing will become melodramatic, sickeningly sweet, or rigidly starched.