January 7, 2024

I didn't stop traveling after the 12,000 mile road trip; nor stop learning.

For those unfamiliar, in the Summer of Year 2012, I road traveled solo for six-
ty days, covering 12,000 miles in the process.  My travels didn't end with the
12,000 road trip, even though I intended it to be so.  I eventually ended up in
the Shenandoah Valley early in 2013, for a couple of months, after a stay in
Pittsburgh.  I then went to the Midwest, in the general Great Lakes vicinity,
and next back to Pittsburgh, only to take an unplanned trip into Florida.  In
fact, my trip to the Shenandoah Valley was due to the death of an individual
whose longevity evaporated, due to a medical condition that accompanied him
at birth. 

The Long Distance Learning Session

In having covered the distance that I did, I learned things that aren't learned
by politicians who show-up at airports, in order to stay in comfortable hotels
and give campaign speeches on what needs to be done in today's world in a
world to which they're completely out of touch, outside of listening to lobby-
ists who don't lobby for the common good, but only for self-seeking interests.

Below are photographic mementos of my recent travels, after the 12,000 mile
road trip of 2012.  If time permits, I'll include those one-line lessons I learned
on the road which I wouldn't have learned otherwise.  It's that which the Newt
Gingriches & Rush Limbaughes, as well as the John Kerries & the Joe Bidens
of this world, won't otherwise perceive & absorb.

As a score-keeper's note:  I traveled as far north & east as Boston/Cambridge,
as far west as Oxnard California, and as far south as the Space Coast of Florida.
My travels took me through:  1} Massachusetts, 2} Connecticut, 3} New York,
4} Pennsylvania,  5} Maryland,  6} West Virginia,  7} Virginia,  8} N.Carolina,
9} South Carolina,  10} Georgia,  11} Florida,  12} Alabama,  13} Mississippi,
14} Louisiana,  15} Tennessee,  16} Arkansas,  17} Texas,  18} Oklahoma,
19} New Mexico,  20} Arizona,  21} California,  22} Missouri,  23} Iowa,
24} Illinois,  25} Indiana,  26}Ohio.

If I ever come to have the time do so, I guess that I could state which state had
the best & worst of this, that, and the other thing ... personalitywise.  For now, prudence.
The northeast coast of Florida.
Downtown Saint Augustine, oldest city in the United States.
At port, in downtown Saint Augustine.
The land of the Shenandoah Valley
Metropolitan psychedelia, via sunlight & plate glass, Downtown Pittsburgh.
More psychedelia in the Pittsburgh region.
Progressive Field, Cleveland, in contrast to ...
... Heinz Field, in Pittsburgh
The Space Coast of Florida
The famous race track is on the main highway, in plain sight.
Take note of the palmetto tree in the background
Baltimore trolley
East Florida
Pittsburgh, the land of many technological firsts.
Cuyahoga National Park in Ohio
20 miles northwest of Pgh, along the Ohio River
Gettysburg was a meditative place.
A Chesapeake area suspension bridge
One of my alma maters: Located at the Gulf coast of Florida.
Add Chicago to the equation

No introduction needed here.
Northern Illinois
                                    Below:  We need to add Wisconsin to the equation, also.
Same area
Inside a Milwaukee Museum