The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind bag's airheaded backroom meeting rooms.
How is it that a politician who earned ZERO DELEGATES in the 2020 & 2024 primary elections, as well as zero primary votes in 2024, is thrusted to the pinnacle of American political power? As far as went actual primary election votes, Kamala received 844, in 2020 and ZERO in 2024.
How does she get rewarded with having spent consecutive years falsely telling humanity that the feeble & demented Joe Biden is/was an alert, strong, & clear-minded mentor making all the decisions? In fact, who made the many executive decisions reserved for the White House occupant, from January 2021 to July 2024?
How is it that a voter who did NOT vote for the Tamil-American, Viv Ramaswamy, is not a racist? But, a voter who did NOT vote for Giggling Kamala is?
And how is it that a voter who did NOT vote for Samoan-American, Tulsi Gabbard, is not a racist & a sexist? But, a voter who does NOT vote for Giggling Kamala is?
You now see why I left the very undemocratic Democratic Party ... and why Tulsi left the Democratic Party, along with many others who have a lot more melanin in their cells than does the stereotypical registered Republican. After all, in one recent poll, Donald Trump had/has 30% of the African-American male vote. In the previous election, Trump had only 7%.
A long-term sample of Kamala's way of doing things:
In addition, Kamala achieved the lowest approval rating of any vice president in American history, at 28% This happened in November of 2021. People were already "on to her," figuratively speaking. In fact, those familiar with her as California AG, remember her years of obstructing an US Supreme Court order, involving the California prison system's overt violation of the 8th Amendment's "no cruel & unusual punishment" clause. It involved over 9,000 California prisoners. The details of this case is found through the following link. It's very revealing:
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Kamala the Clueless
Furthermore, Kamala identified herself as a champion of "the Green New Deal." This means that she claimed to be dedicated to reducing atmospheric CO2. Well, as of May 2024, Planet Earth's atmospheric CO2 level reached the highest amount in the past 14 to 19 million years.
Moreover, the rise in CO2, from May of 2023 and May of 2024 reached a record high, for yearly increase thereof. The Biden Administration, co-starring Kamala, was been a thoroughly incompetent administration.
The added incompetency of Biden and Harris is that humanity can endure four times more of the level of CO2 than exists in the atmosphere today. So, the Draconian measures to reduce CO2 were unnecessary. CO2 is your friend. The most potentially harmful green house gas is sulfur.
Kamala's way of looking for more lucrative employment
Below: This "affair with a married man" who had big-wig political connections was occurring while Kamala was a deputy DA. The concept of being a model of morals was non-existent with her.
Giving sex to a big-wig political wheeler & dealer, for a launch into political power, is still prostitution. It's in-kind prostitution. At the least, it's the mortal sin of adultery, when NOT involving an eligible bachelor, and it definitely makes Kamala no model of virtue for any self-respecting young lady anywhere.
From a certain California big-wig, Kamala was appointed first to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, and then to the Medical Assistance Commission. That's political corruption, because it was not fair to the other women. They didn't get a chance to spread their legs for the political power broker.
Kamala earned ZERO DELEGATES, during the 2020 & 2024 primaries. Thus, it was financial oligarchs and behind-the-scene entities who thrusted Kamala to the pinnacle of American political power. This is the true INSURRECTION. This is the true THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.
The above photo shows that Kamala is nowhere nearly as "black" as the media makes her out to be. She is part white, and she is ALLEGEDLY the descendant of a major white slave owner. She is also part Tamil. Viv Ramaswamy is also Tamil, in a more significant percentage thereof, and he was my choice for president. So, you can cut out the "white supremacy racist" bull crap.
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This sends the meaning of the phrase, "political whore," to a whole new level. |
When Kamala dropped out of the 2020 presidential campaign, she had only 2% of the vote. In fact, she dropped out of the 2020 campaign even before the Year 2020 arrived. Yet, at her roll-out ... when she entered the presidential race ... she had 15% of the voters polled. As time progressed, voters got to see and hear her. Voters then looked elsewhere.
Beginning in October 2021, Kamala has had far more people disapprove of her than approve of her. Her lowest approval rating occurred on November 13, 2023, and equally so, on March 9, 2024. The July 9, 2024 rating was almost as low as was the March 2024 rating. And then, on July 13, Trump became the target of assassination, ever so coincidentally.
Next came an outpouring of one-sided mainstream media commentaries & reports on Kamala. They became cringeworthy when the one-sided media called the rapidly wrinkling Kamala of basset-hound facial tendencies a raving beauty. Even in her younger years, she was nothing to "write home about." None the less, at the end of July ... 2024 ... Kamala's approval rating rose as rapidly as did her rate of wrinkling, to the tune of 46.2%. Joseph Goebbels literally couldn't have done a better job.
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Sieg Heil, Kamala |
The great hypocrisy of this is that Kamala is the present ruling class, as in the vice president. Her campaign would only endure at this level, if she were not the one who was the "last one in the room with Joe" each time Biden made a disastrous decision. She is basically saying that she is the only one left to replace herself, being that she has been a disastrous adviser to a disastrous president, since 2021.
As far as goes numbers, this is what counts, at present: A consumer product which cost the consumer $100 in January of 2021 now coast $120 in July of 2024. That which cost the consumer $10,000 in January of 2021 now costs the consumer $12,000 today. This is one of the fruits of the Biden/Harris administration.
In addition, as the tie-breaker vote in the Senate, Kamala Harris voted for the "American Rescue Plan" and "Inflation Reduction Act" which both cause a type of inflation called, "Demand Pull Inflation." The vote count on both bills, voted-on at different occasions, was 50/50. Kamala, in both instances, was the 51st vote which put into process two Congressional acts which caused inflation to skyrocket. No one in the world is more responsible for the inflation that America suffered under Biden than his vice president, Kamala.
Inflation did reach the 9% under Biden. When combining the "aggregate" (accumulative) inflation rate, since Harris became vice president, the cost of goods & services increased 20%. Kamala is directly accountable. Yet, the mainstream media makes her out to be the greatest candidate ever. The same media told us that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ... and that the Hunter laptop was a Russian hoax ... and that Joe Biden's mind & mental health was better in 2024 than it ever was. There are many more examples of the mainstream media lying to humanity.
Adding further econ stats requires a lot of additional paragraphs, in order to be fair to both sides of the issues. It would take three or four discourses to address the stats of Jan 2021 to July 2024 fairly. The bottom line here is that a presidential election is NOT a popularity contest, NOT a vote for the homecoming queen, and NOT the vote for the prom queen.
Kamala seems to think that, as soon as she's elected she can retire and gloat. No. After being elected is when everything begins. The sign of a wise leader ... instead of a gloating buffoon ... is that the wise leader thinks to himself, "May God have mercy on my soul, being that I could make mistakes that will cause millions to suffer." Kamala is too arrogant ... and stupid ... to think that way. Such is the deadly mindset of a Narcissist.
Example of why Americans should dread this election: A black female is on video boldly claiming that she is going to vote for Kamala, only because Kamala is black. Yet, Kamala is also Tamil and Western European white. None the less, the black male monitor then interjected economic stats into the conversation, telling the racist black girl that Kamala has been a high government official during an American economic disaster, and to vote for Kamala is to prolong the disaster.
Those who claim to be the victims of racism, after decades of affirmative action & equal opportunity hiring laws, are the real racists. They are nothing more than con artists, looking for easy money.
Going from Black to Green
Kamala paraded herself around America as the Champion of the Green New Deal. The goal was to reduce Planet Earth's atmospheric CO2 count. So, she advocated Draconian measures that caused the working class hardship.
In June of 2024, it was announced that Planet Earth reached its highest level of atmospheric CO2 in the past 14 to 19 million years. Moreover, the one-year increase of co2, from May 2023 to May 2024 hit a record high. This was under Kamala and Joe.
The May co2 measurement is called the Keeling Curve Peak, named after the scientist who started record-keeping on atmospheric CO2, in 1958. The bottom line is that all of the Going-Green sacrifices of the poor and middle class was all for nothing, because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don't know what they're doing. They are complete frauds, and Kamala really is an idiot.
Acknowledging the disastrous economic stats of the past 3.5 Biden/Harris years negates the new stat below. The Democratic Party should have looked toward an entirely new candidate. Then again, the Democratic Party should let democrats vote and have their votes count. There is no democracy in the Democratic Party, as long as there exists "super delegates" who are immune from the Will of the People.
The Democratic Party nominating system is a rigged system which mocks democracy. Remember, Kamala earned ZERO DELEGATES throughout the 2020 & 2024 democrat party primary seasons. Kamala Harris being the party's nominee is a super sick joke.
Ever-so-ironically, Kamala Harris has thus far only won over to her side 57% of the African-American male vote. Donald Trump now has 30% of the African-American male vote. This is according to the HarrisX/Forbes Poll.
In the 2020 election, Trump only received 7% of the black male vote and 5% of the black female vote. In addition, in Reagan's 1984 landslide victory, he only won 9% of the black male vote. In 1980, Reagan won 14% of the African-American male vote.
Biden was the one who praised a former KKK wizard. So, Kamala should be sued for large sums of money, for claiming that white Republicans and white Independents are racists. We condemn Joe Biden as equally as we condemn Kamala the Killer ... of babies. And the Joe Biden we condemn is very white ... an embarrassment and disgrace to whites everywhere.
Very White Yankees in Blue Uniforms Freed the Black Slaves.
And remember, it was white men in blue ... from the Northern States ... who freed the black slaves. In fact, it was the Creoles who freed the Haitian slaves, and Creoles were/are half-white people born in America.
The important thing here is that my instincts told me to formally withdraw from the Democrat Party, and I did so shortly before the July 13th confrontational bloodletting and attempted assassination, in Butler PA. At the very least, July 13, 2024 was an exhibition on how thoroughly incompetent is the Secret Service under Joe Biden. In fact, everything under Joe Biden & the Giggling Airhead Kamala Harris is marked with incompetency, except for Kamala viciously berating people.
Then there is the false claim on how Biden met Jill ... and the falser claim that a Catholic priest married Joe & Jill at the UN ... without Jill first getting the required annulment, etc. This has already been explained ... by more people than me. Joe Biden is one continuous lie. Biden moved-in on the wife of one of his campaign volunteers. That wife of another man was Jill. She apparently is one of those women who get "turned-on by power."
Plus, Biden STOLE classified docs, so that he could get an eight million dollar book advance. In fact, Biden is the thoroughly inconsiderate one whose violent dog attacked and harmed over two dozen human beings.
Then comes the LLCs which absolutely prove money laundering, on the part of the Bidens. And let us not forget the Chinese Spy Balloon that Biden let sail over some of the most sensitive parts of the United States. Such a thing literally amounts to treason.
The denial of the appointment as "border czar" which actually did occur on March 24, 2021.
The turkey-necked, folded-necked, flabby-necked Kamala Harris is no sex symbol and no fitness queen. Yet, she is so arrogant. She was appointed "Border Czar," but the border has been in a state of anarchy throughout her tenure. Women were raped and murdered because of the dereliction of Kamala ... Killer Kamala.
She is definitely not philosophical or inspiring. She is not reassuring or informative or consoling. Rather, to her doom is here, because pro-life voters and politicians-for-life are in America. And even though they care for humans, Kamala makes them out to be the most deadly of people. No. Abortion People are the deadliest people. They literally kill babies like psychopaths kill anything they can.
Now, proof that the United States is a very Pro-Life Nation, when compared to Russia, is blatant. It deals with the population of both nations. The population of a Russia which was very Pro-Abortion a few decades ago is 144 million. The population of the United States is 340 million.
The vast majority of adult Americans ... of those not brainwashed by the public school system and MSNBC ... are pro-life. It's only a small cadre of anti-human humans, in their network studios, who exaggerate the stats. One way to rig the poll stats is to add "in cases of rape and incest" to the abortion question. It then makes America look like a nation who wants an abortion clinic on every corner.
The population of the United States proves that American women ... for the most part ... give life, instead of take it away. A very small number of people with cameras and studios make themselves appear to be the statistical majority. They do not even come close.
The Contrived Kamala
Kamala looked like a hyped-up buffoon, when she addressed a contrived set of child actors, telling them about seeing the moon and/or Mars close-up and in person, sometime in the future. Well, she showed herself to be entirely out of touch with space science, because the #1 topic mentioned in long term space flight was omitted by her. The Number 1 topic is:
===> the fact that the lack of gravity in long-term space flight makes the astronaut unable to walk for a period of time, when he/she returns to the gravity of Planet Earth. Kamala definitely does not have an engaging personality ... or a mind for science.
Something like that would be a caveat and warning given by a wise leader. Baby Killer Kamala came off as a Saturday morning cereal commercial, instead of a wise leader. A wise leader would tell you how to "get there" and how to "get back to Planet Earth." Kamala basically said, to the effect, "Oh wow! Golly gumba. You get to go to Mars. Wuuuuuuuu." Zero dialogue. Zero monologue. Zero conveyance of information. Zero tips. Zero advice. Quit frankly, there's more value in landing on an asteroid than landing on Mars.
Kamala Harris never says anything interesting. She either sounds like an airheaded buffoon or she tears into people with ad hominine attacks. That amounts to a gossipy hag. She is extremely uncharitable, and thusly, she has no leadership skills. In my opinion, she has a severe personality trait disorder which involves Narcissism. And remember, pursuant to NY Times v Sullivan, 376 US 254 (1964), a private American citizen may publicly give his opinion on a public figure.
Also remember Kamala's second greatest lie of the past four years or so: She claimed that Joe Biden was sharp minded, articulate, mentally engaged, an alert detective type, a Jeopardy champion type, a professor type, and a mentor to others. Of course, she should have mentioned that Biden had two brain surgeries in the past, and that he graduated from law school at 76 out of 85 students.
Joe Biden, as president, is literally a danger to society ... and to the Butler Area Trump fans. Kamala warned no one of Biden's demented feeble state. Thus, Kamala allowed Americans to be endangered. She lied about the border too, allowing Americans such as Laken Riley to be endangered. Thus, Kamala Harris is a danger to society who, in my private American citizen's opinion, has a severe personality disorder which involves Narcissism.
There are 340 MILLION Americans. Is Kamala the only choice that Americans get for president, when it comes to the endless mainstream media propaganda? She earned ZERO delegates in the 2020 election, and she got ZERO votes in the 2024. Yet, she has been propped-up to be our assigned leader.
The Most Recent Lie about Kamala, the Energy Vampire who Sucks the Life out of You
It was repeatedly denied by the small cadre of humanity, called the mainstream media, that Kamala was ever assigned to do the duties of a border czar. The answer to this is simple:
The date when Kamala was assigned with the border task was March 24, 2021 |
March 24, 2021. In July 24, 2024, the mainstream media went on a lying campaign. |
Liars, liars. The media's pants are on fire. |
March 24, 2021. This proves that the media lied yet again, in July 2024. |
Plus, Kamala is aging rapidly. Thus, she is no health-food guru. She's no health mentor. She's neither an expert on Autophagy nor Senescent Cell Recycling. None the less, such rapid aging in a politician was not seen since Jimmy Carter. His rapid aging in the 1970s was a topic of conversation in itself. It was assumed to have been stress-related.
As far as goes Kamala, it's assumed that she is stressed ... stressed over the disasters which mark the Biden presidency ... which is a reflection on her. None the less, neither Biden nor Giggling Kamala admit to the pain they caused Americans, especially the working poor, female students, Jewish students barricaded in libraries, female athletes, certain rape & murder victims such as Laken Riley, homeless vets, first-time home buyers, etc.
Through their lack of action & their arrogant comments, Kamala and Joe have been figuratively saying, "Pain? What pain? I don't feel a thing." Kamala needs to understand that there is a massive difference between being president (or VP) and being a prom queen who only needs to stand there, as airheaded as she may be. Quote one line of wisdom or clever wit or inspiration that Kamala ever said? She rambles. Do you feel secure over the idea of her being in possession of the nuclear codes?