October 24, 2024

About the Puerto Rico Joke and the 13 landfills ordered closed by the EPA

                           Above ::: The Flags of the US & Puerto Rico, by Arturo de La Barrera

If you are short on time or short of patience, then start with the news reports on the actual physical trash build-up in Puerto Rico which resulted in 13 of it 29 landfills being ordered CLOSED by the EPA.  The October roast comedian was referring to those landfills and NOT to the Puerto Rican people.  In fact, that comedian said that he appreciated Puerto Rico so much that he goes on vacation there.  He at least went once, recently.
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The Environmental Blog   :::    Puerto Rico Trash Problem

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The first thing that you must do is acknowledge that I have an Hispanic last name, even though my paternal grandparents came from the Mt Vesuvius region of Italy.  All in all, I have "Latin" in the paternal side of my family tree.  And I definitely know what it is to be called a wop (il quappo) and even a Spic.  So, I'm qualified enough to speak about that Don-Rickles-type of joke without being labeled a Nazi Racist.  Plus, my dad fought directly against the Nazis, to the point of seeing his fellow-airmen get engulfed in spheres of orange fire, while flying over Nazi German airspace.  When your family tree includes a decorated combat vet who helped destroy the Nazi War Machine, you don't become Nazi.

Below are two photos of the guy who wrote this post.  He doesn't look very white supremist.  Therefore, concerning that Puerto Rico joke, everybody cool it!!!

The October 27th Madison Square Garden Rally endured for hours, and only a small part of it was reminiscent of a Dean Martin Roast, starring Don Rickles on steroids.  The problem with such a thing is that everything spoken by a roast-comedian goes over the head of low information watchers.  None the less, I personally believe that whoever booked that roast comedian should have been immediately fired.  A reasonable person can assume that Donald Trump lost at least 500,000 votes of low-information & low-intelligence voters, as well as people too lazy to research the internet and read=up on things.

Kamala, Joe, the mainstream media, and the Dems in Congress present everything pertaining to Donald Trump in a false light.  Such a thing is known as "taking it out of context."  In other words, the campaign against Trump has been one continuous lie, designed to make him look like a monster.  

And of course, Kamala is in a panic, because she fears that some DOJ in America, somewhere, will start investigating government corruption and learn how much Kamala was involved in trumping up charges on Trump, while sending SWAT teams to the home of Kamala's political opponent and to Middle Class Americans who happen to be pro-life.  

Kamala's actions show that she will be the dictator who will ignore the Constitution, because she already disobeyed Supreme Court rulings.  She is liar who claims that she tried hard to stop the flow of unvetted immigrants into America.  Yet, she greenlighted ... and did NOT oppose ... the many orchestrated flights that flew into the United States these unvetted aliens, in violation of Congressional Law.  She IS a dictator who disobeys all law..  She is the lawless one who is now afraid that she will be uncovered as a criminal.  

Everything went wrong under Kamala Harris, even the Secret Service who became so incompetent that Trump came one inch from Death.  That, also, is a reflection on Kamala.  Her tie-breaking votes also make her directly accountable for the economy which went into dire straits, due to the incompetency of today's Congress and Executive Branch which needs an overhaul.

The Landfills are overcapacity

Those landfills have toxic liquids seeping into ... leaching into ... becoming one with ... the ground and ground water of Puerto Rico.  A government less incompetent than the one of dementia-ridden Joe Biden and pathological liar, Kamala Harris, would have accomplished some measure of rescue, concerning that trash which Puerto Rican residents actually can smell, to their torment ... their annoyance ... their detriment.  The same news items are linked a second time on this post, for the readers' convenience.

Here is a confession:  

When I first heard the Puerto Rico joke, I was sooooo outraged that I wanted to take hold of a baseball bat and play Tony Soprano on that Don-Rickles-type of comedian's head, smashing homeruns across his skull, repeatedly.  I then did due-diligent research on the plight of Puerto Rico ... caused by the dereliction of duty of United States' career politicians which includes Kamala 'the liar' Harris.  

I then lost all respect forever, for every mainstream television media commentator and TV talk show host, in America.  Zero respect now and forever, amen.  Every single one of them is a Human Waste ... a waste of our time.  This is because they dedicate themselves to making diversionary tactics, in order to hide the true news from Americans everywhere.

Now, the mainstream television media ... as well as the 21st Century American public school system ... succeeded in making millions of Americans low information people.   This is ironic for the Internet Era where history videos and math videos, as well as Weather Theory videos and Music Theory videos are abundant and well enough done, to convey knowledge.

The Real News

Concerning the October rally, it has been hidden by the mainstream television media that ... for years ... the United States government was negligent in helping Puerto Rico assuage the stock-piled "refuse" in its 29 landfills.  The EPA ordered 13 of those landfills to be closed.  Trash and toxicity was building-up throughout Puerto Rico.  In as much, where are the liberal democrats when you need them?

The smell, the smell, and the smell alone is torturing nearby residents.  However, there are toxic liquids leaching into the ground.  The Don-Rickles-type comedian, therefore, was making fun of the worthlessness of Kamala Harris and the Democrats in Congress, in their never lifting a finger to help Puerto Rico in its greatest need.  When he mentioned trash, he meant real trash.  He was not referring to Puerto Rican people as proverbial trash.

In as much, what did the deified Biden-Harris regime do, to aid Puerto Rico's environmental disaster?  In conclusion, a comedian who should not have been at the October rally made a quick comment about it, without explaining to people the actual news constantly hidden by the mainstream media.

The news is linked directly below, here.  It is a must-read.  If you don't read it, then keep your mouth shut, when it comes to the Puerto Joke Issue.  If you don't read of the EPA landfill shut-down orders, then you have no right to speak on the issue.
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The Environmental Blog   :::    Puerto Rico Trash Problem

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IN ADDITION, one scientist long ago conjectured that, maybe, there was an island of human-generated trash the size of Texas floating in an ocean, somewhere.  Environmental Fanatics acted as if this were a scientific fact.  Well, satellite technology proved this to be ENTIRELY FALSE.  No ship ever reported sailing past any such island.  By now, some ship somewhere would have seen this trash island.  Thus, no such thing exists.  Thus, the "roast-comedian" used this hoax in his quick joke about a Puerto Rico abandoned by Kamala Harris.  

Being that there doesn't exist any kind of island of trash floating in any ocean the size of Texas, the roast-comedian acted as if the island was finally discovered ... and that it was the Puerto Rico which has been having serious landfill problems.  Now, once again, its the landfills of Puerto Rico about which this roast-comedian was referring ... not to the Puerto Rican people. 

That same comedian made fun of Kamala Harris' mental illness obsession with abortion which happens to be murder, as Bill Maher once personally said.  Maher said that he thinks that abortion is murder, but he's "okay with it."  Likewise, German citizens knew that the Nazi Party was murdering Jews, by the trainload.  But, they were okay with it, just like Bill Maher is okay with abortion.  But, that joke wasn't mentioned of TV ... yet.  It apparently went over everybody's head.  

Now, there are a number of revelations about Kamala and her statistical lies, as well as her paranoiac claims about City Slicker Donald Trump who built a infrastructure.  Meanwhile, Kamala praised those in Minneapolis who kept burning down as much of the city that they could destroy.  Trump builds-up.  Kamala tears-down.  Trump is the Builder and Kamala is the Destroyer.   Meanwhile, the American People are the ones easily fooled by a complete economics moron whose tie-breaker voting caused prices to sky-rocket in America.