October 9, 2024

Officers & Other Officials who were unable to win America's recent wars endorse the Kamala Harris attached to America's WORST military failure.

Concerning Kamala's MSNBC interview, more people watched the WNBA than Kamala.  Once again, she lied and she beat around the bush, never cutting to the chase.  Media personnel call it "word salads," as in tossing around words, trying to sound deep and intellectual, when she is literally saying nothing.

However, when she did her "holistic routine," speaking of making housing affordable, she described welfare housing near bus stops.  She was not talking about the American Dream.
Gettysburg:  History repeats itself.  Give Kamala the presidency and she will give you a civil war.  It will have nothing to do with "MAGA vs Wok."  It will comprise a new cast of characters that Harris will not be able to control.
The Military Industrial Complex has endorsed the Kamala Harris who received ZERO VOTES during the 2024 primary season, and who was simply given the democrat party nomination without even a floor vote, at the Democrat Party National Convention.   

The military industrial complex people endorsed the one nominee who was NOT democratically elected, in all of United States history.  Yet, the military spokes people claimed that Kamala will protect the very democracy that she bypassed and discarded.  At present, she is now in a position to be elected in the way Putin and Saddam Hussein repeatedly were elected.

It's no mystery as to why US military was unable to win a military operation and/or war longer than a short duration duration, since the First Iraq War, in 1991.  Grenada and Panama were short in duration.  Since 1991, this military industrial complex fleeced the American taxpayer for trillions of dollars, with no victories to show for it.  None the less, 741 former officers, agents, secretaries, etc. officially endorsed Kamala, as if it's a sign of prestige ... as if it's impressive.

That retired GI Joe endorsement was similar to having been endorsed by the IRS union which was appropriated a lot of money and agents to perform a massive witch hunt on tip earners.  It is also reminiscent of the "51 Intell Agents" who called a probable Russian hoax the Hunter Biden Laptop which turned out to be so real that it became federal court evidence.  

This is a Kamala Harris who saw 91% of her VP staffers RESIGN, just to get away from her.  In fact, TWO assassination attempts against her political opponent, Donald Trump, occurred on her watch.  In as much, Kamala, Joe, the Military Industrial Complex, the mainstream media, and sectors of "social media" have been doing nothing but dehumanizing Trump which amounts to the Incitement of Assassination.

Even the White House cocaine fiasco occurred on Kamala's watch.  Then comes Laken Riley and similar victims, compliments of the Kamala Harris who performed gross dereliction of duty, concerning the border.  And she shows no remorse for the violent deaths that she caused.  That is indicative of a heartless psychopath.  In as much, the Military Industrial Complex endorsed a psychopath.   


The 741 people showed this endorsement to have been some type of a mechanical and ungenuine choice, through one blatant observation:

Not a single one of the retired military officers called Kamala out for LYING about her claim that not a single American military man or woman is in a combat zone and/or a war zone, for the first time this century.  Well, a military operation was undertaken on the day of the debate.  A military operation where four Americans were wounded ... and 15 terrorists were killed ... occurred three days after the September 10 debate.  

Moreover, the US Navy underwent its most intense naval battle since WWII, in late August 2024, against heavily armed Yemen rebels.  Americans have been engaged in military actions in 2024.  Kamala is once again shown to be a liar.  Yet, 741 people who are paid pensions by the US taxpayer didn't tell the American taxpayer that Kamala LIED.  

When you endorse a liar you become a liar.  The military industrial complex people are giving the American taxpayer the wrong advice, by endorsing Kamala Harris who really is an idiot when it comes to economics and military science, as well as transportation logistics, and the passing of time which Kamala asininely called "the passage of time."  

Well, Kamala gave free passage into America to millions on unvetted immigrants.  And like a third grader who was too lazy to do her homework, and who then claimed that her dog ate her homework, Kamala blamed Donald Trump for the widespread border passage fiasco which Kamala and Joe caused.

                Above:  Halloween Face Harris               Above:  Commander, Airhead National Guard

Let's cut to the chase and show why and how this military endorsement is a farce and an all-around insult to one's intelligence:

A certain retired rear admiral was quoted as having said that the Sept 10 debate showed Miss Afghanistan Withdrawal Tragedy as having all the Leadership qualities to be a strong commander in chief.  Well, the Sept 10th debate showed Kamala to be a psychopathic liar in an interrogation room or in front of a room full of gullible cult members.  All that she did on Sept 10 was tell lie after lie after lie after lie.  That was an outrage.  Thus, it's an equal outrage to cite the debate as the cause for endorsing a liar.  Apparently, the US military intensely desires liars.

Now think!!!  This is the Kamala Harris who, jacking-up your cost of living by means of TWO foolish Senatorial tie-breaker vote, let the United States be invaded by MILLIONS of uninvited and unvetted immigrants, some of whom raped and murdered, while others amongst them committed personal theft, retail theft, assault, adverse possession, etc, etc, etc.  Kamala is endangering everyone by her gross dereliction of duty.  Yet, a retired military man makes her out to be the great protector of the People.  And that is a complete lie and that military retiree needs to have his pension revoked.

We have 741 military, diplomatic, and Intell personnel who have joined in on a major act of False Light Defamation against Trump, as well as the Incitement of Violence against him. Election Interference is the byproduct, by cause of this Defamation & Incitement.  At the least, the 741 should all be stripped of their pensions, and repeatedly subpoenaed to House hearings, if not criminally indicted for this election interference.

Kamala brings the opposite of life and living.  
Of course, these 741 people collectively accused Trump of being impulsive and ill-informed.  Well, the blatant evidence which shows that Trump is in no way impulsive & ill-informed consists in the fact that he built a major financial EMPIRE!  You do not build something so financially powerful, with notable pieces of infrastructure backing the finance part of your empire, if you are impulsive and ill-informed.  None of those 741 Kamala-supporters were able to build anything nearly as powerful as did Donald Trump.  And Kamala Harris sure as Hell did not come close to accomplishing this, either.

PLUS===>  Trump already was president.  He proved himself.  He erased from Planet Earth certain terrorist leaders.  He made America energy independent, and that was a tremendous effort that none of the 741 defamers ever accomplished.  

Two Nobel Peace Prize Nominations

The additional piece of evidence which makes this crew of 741 military industrial complex people exceedingly defamatory is the fact that Donald Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize TWICE!  Thus, Trump is a man of peace.  Or, at the least, Trump is not inclined to bang on the war drums, as is the case with many a civilian businessman.

Plus, there was the generous Black college fund appropriations, under Trump, as well as a "second chance" program, concerning certain inmates who earned their freedom.

Meanwhile, Kamala proved herself to be a lazy and incompetent buffoon, evidenced by the Afghanistan Withdrawal fiasco, the outrageously high inflation, the outrageously high fuel prices, the invasion of unvetted immigrants, and more.  Plus, ever so coincidentally, it was under Kamala when there came the Kangaroo Court malicious prosecutions of Trump, of Roman Catholics, and literally of grandmas.

Oh, and then there is Kamala snubbing the Roman Catholic Cardinal of the New York Archdiocese, in her refusing to attend the traditional Al Smith Charity Dinner which had in attendance JFK, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Barack Obama, etc.  So, we see that Kamala is not classy enough to attend the dinner, and that she racks much lower in character than the aforementioned famous people.  None the less ...

The surmise in Kamala's rejection of the Catholic Church Charity Evening is that Kamala is one of two possible things:  1} She is such an airhead incapable of improvising in front of a microphone, and feels lost without a tele-prompter ... and does not want to make a fool out of herself yet again,

2] Or, as it has already been cited, Kamala is filled with such seething hatred toward the Catholic Church that she cares to do no more than to dehumanize the Church and then star a sneaky version of yet another PERSECUTION against the CATHOLIC CHURCH which is more famous for its INTERNATION CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS throughout the centuries than its all too occasional scandalous infiltrators who brought chaos to Europe ... to America ... and to the Church.  

Concerning the Catholic Church. keep in mind that, whenever you have a large organization such as the United States, the USSR, and the Catholic Church, you attract the most lust-ridden power-grabbers who want all that power for themselves.  The Catholic Church also attracted the most self-giving people you can find.  And once again, the vast history of Catholic Church Charities prove this to be true.

The Military Officers who were a part of the Afghanistan failure endorsed Kamala, the one who put the final nail in the coffin of that war which was mostly fought for nothing.

The 741 signers included those who were too incompetent to win in Afghanistan ... as well as those too incompetent  to win the Iraq II War which began in 2003 and kept dragging-on into the Year 2011.  The list of 741 included those too incompetent to have completed their mission in Syria and Lebanon and Yemen and elsewhere.  And then there is Libya which established the Slave Trade, after Obama and Hillary targeted it for Regime Change.  Oh, the regime there changed ... for the worse.

Someone needs to cross examine these 741 accomplices of Kamala, to see if they are merely following along, like sheep.  This is because, those who studied statistics know that the probability of that number of Trump Condemners is entirely unreal without a number of those military industrial people having a different opinion.  In the real world, these is always dissenters.  In this endorsement, it seems that all involved are puppets.

And how many military Trump Supporters are out there who are not being reported by the mainstream media?  Well, the soldiers who were actually in the field, one after another after another, utterly praised Trump.  That praise is like Exculpatory Evidence that the media is not showing ... and which the 741 are not mentioning.  This means that this whole endorsement is a rigged insult to one's intelligence.  

Simply go to a Trump rally, if you want to see honorably discharged American military personnel supporting Trump.  Thus, this election shows the disconnect between those in charge of the American military and the underlings who did the fighting, the transporting, the surveillance, the medical field work, the logistics, the guarding of posts, etc.  Apparently, the non-commissioned officers are at variance with those commissioned officers.  The regular GI has a disconnect with the US military officers, showing why America was been on the losing end of wars for an extended period of time.

Concerning the number of military vets that Trump gets at his rallies, can you deny Trump's popularity?  He did NOT have to bus-in to his rallies people from a neighboring state.  He did NOT have to hire child actors, to talk about outer space in front of cameras.  And concerning that filming, Kamala proved herself to have been entirely clueless about Space Flight.  

The 741 failed to come up with some answer as to why Trump attracts so many people to his rallies, including military vet after military vet.  For those officers to have defamed Trump as they did, it's equal to having defamed their own soldiers who served under them.  If Trump is so evil, then their honorably discharged soldiers must be as evil, too.  Thus, those 741 would be complete failures.  This makes those military officers condemning Trump look not too good.

This Gang of 741 includes people who let North Korea advance its nuclear weapon capabilities, by means of their complete negligence & dereliction of duty in the matter.  Then comes Iran.  They failed at curbing and/or curtailing Iran's ability to advance terrorism throughout the world.  Trump did the opposite.  He cut off Iran's finances.  It was the lack of finances that resulted in Iran's inability to attack and attack again and attack some more.

Then comes October 7th, 2023.  It was a major anniversary.  How could not the Biden People know that a retaliatory strike ... for the Yom Kipper War ... was likely to happen directly to the Israelis?  That was when everyone should have been on their guard.  but, under Joe and Kamala ... they were sleeping.

The real reason for defaming Trump and endorsing the thoroughly incompetent Kamala

So, what was the motive behind the 741 who were attached to America's military failures ... one after another ... even since the end of 1991's Desert Storm?  ANS:  These people are afraid that Trump will activate "deep dive" investigations which will lead to the discovery of several criminal acts or tort offenses or civil rights violations or thefts by deception committed by a number of military personnel in the past 33 years ... or even longer.   This includes the 741.  Thus, the 741, in endorsing Kamala, were covering their own backs, in fear of criminal investigations that will uncover some criminal activities amongst them. 

Here's a related question:  How many other Abu Ghraib torture scenarios occurred?  How many times did US personnel take a prisoner to an allied nation which legalizes torture, for the purpose of torturing the prisoner?   What do the 741 have to hide, and how much do they really know about a Kamala Harris who was repeatedly caught lying to the People?  Do they really have the needed knowledge to make an assessment of her?

The 741 officers and officials want Trump out of the picture ... and Kamala in power ... so that no investigations of them will transpire.  This large endorsement of a failing military industrial complex which couldn't even win the war in low-tech Afghanistan was a very red flag.  

In looking back, it appears that the officers involved in Afghanistan were purposely prolonging the war ... for financial gain.  After all, during Congressional hearing after Congressional hearing, these military "leaders" were always saying that , "Victory is right around the corner."  Each one of them lied to Congress, and therefore, to the American People.  Their endorsing of Kamala is a continuation of their lies.

And think,  the Afghan Taliban did NOT have aircraft carriers nor state-of-the-art jet fighters nor state-of-the-art bombers nor high tech surveillance jets nor high tech satellite surveillance.  Yet, America could not win that low-tech war, in 20 years of time.  One reason why this is so might be because the US military did NOT want to win the war there, but only wanted to prolong it, for financial profit.

America needs to vote for Trump now, simply to see what today's 741 members of the Military Industrial Complex are hiding from the American People.  There are matters of torture, for example, and that is something that was discovered during the Dick Cheney years.

Donald Trump was reasonable enough to have amassed a financial empire to which actual buildings of high quality are attached.  Kamala Harris never came close to doing such a thing.  In conclusion, Trump already proved himself  to be reasonable enough to once again be president of the United States.  

More important than this realization is that America needs to understand the concept of "Anyone but Kamala" ... the whore of Willie Brown ... the obsessed abortion activist ... the giggling bimbo ... the Afghanistan Withdrawal advisor ... the immigrant invasion accomplice ... the high cost-of-living vice president ... the high inflation vice president, and so many other things that make a person cringe and/or fall into a state of despair.

It's very simple.  A vote for Kamala really is a vote for death.  Ask Laken Riley.