October 23, 2024

Joe Rogan proves Kamala & the MSNBC anchors to be total liars.

After all of her hyper-theatrical lies about Donald Trump which constitutes the Inciting of a Riot and the Inciting of an Assassination, can anyone trust Kamala Harris with the US Nuclear Codes?  And after she hyper-squandered of 1.4+ BILLION campaign dollars, can anyone trust her with the US Economy?  A person so impish, arrogant, & deceitful cannot be trusted with any Life-or-Death responsibility.

The link to the Trump/Rogan Interview is posted at the beginning and the end of this post.  Yes, it's posted twice on the same one post:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMoPUAeLnY    

Now remember, Kamala and the MSNBC people all said that Donald Trump had become an unhinged, irrational, & unstable danger to society.  A crazed maniac.  A proverbial loaded gun with the safety off.   A wild man speaking incoherently and violently.  ABC Television personnel played this same charade.

Kamala also said that Donald Trump was getting too old and too tired to be president of the United States.  She claimed that Donald had to take a day off when he did NOT.  She kept saying that Trump "is exhausted."  Thus, Kamala insinuated that Donald Trump was too old, too weak, too demented, and too stupid to do a three hour interview.    

And then, shortly thereafter, Kamala took a couple days off.  This was followed by Donald Trump doing a three hour interview with Joe Rogan, followed by him attending a rally and speaking well.  Thus, Kamala LIED about Donald Trump's reservoir of energy and vivacity.  Okay?  Got it?  Kamala continues to deny Joe Biden's mental decline, while claiming that a clear and articulate enough Donald Trump is in the feeble state that Joe Biden actually is.

The Joe Rogan interview of Donald Trump lasted two hours, fifty-eight minutes and forty-nine seconds in length.  The fact that it was a 3 hour long interview, it proves that KAMALA is not to be trusted in anything she says.  Trump proved that Kamala was at least 95% wrong in having claimed that her political opponent just doesn't have the energy or the mental acuity to be president ... that he doesn't have the mental clarity to be president ... that he doesn't have the demeanor & emotional maturity to be president.  

Throughout the 3 hour interview, Donald Trump was completely poised, completely stable, completely rational, and completely clear, as well as very courteous and well-mannered in his demeanor.  He was very peaceful and soft spoken.  After all, Joe was sitting close to Donald.  Therefore, Donald Trump did NOT have to yell, in order to be heard.  Donald did not have to raise his voice.

14 Million views in 15 hours, and 22 MILLION views in the first 24 hours

The Joe Rogan interview also proved General Mark Milley to be a complete and total liar.  Trump was not at all unhinged.  General Milley needs to be sued for a form of defamation once called, Invasion of Privacy in a False Light.  Today, it's merely called, "False Light."  

And of course, I already illustrated why General Kelly should be sued for millions of dollars, for false-light defamation, as well as a form of calumny which is actionable under the Restatement of Torts, in Common Law.  In fact, Kelly should have his pension revoked.

Kelly was basically provoking hatred against Trump, as well as another assassination attempt against the same Donald Trump.  Kelly was inciting an assassination.  In as much, keep in mind that Trump fired Kelly.  So, Kelly was doing little more than revenging Trump.  

Okay then.  The Joe Rogan interview of Trump is linked directly below here.  I defy you to show me where Donald Trump gets "unhinged" during the interview.  I defy you to show me any slurring, any shouting, and any point in time where there is a lapse in comprehension. 

All in all, Kamala was knowingly and willingly lying to Americans everywhere, when she defamed Trump as theatrically as she did.  She went way over the top.  She exaggerated so wildly that her obsessive talk about Trump was all too ridiculous to believe.  

Concerning Kamala living the Life of a Liar, the following link takes you to a video which details what Kamala was like, when she was in San Francisco.  It goes into detail, and it is enlightening.  This is NOT the link to the Rogan Interview.  The link to the Rogan Interview is at the very end of this post.  None the less, the video linked below is also a must-see.

I personally believe that Kamala Harris should be criminally indicted for Incitement (riot & assassination), as well as conspiring to orchestrate malicious prosecutions against an election opponent and treason itself.  She must be tried ... and definitely found guilty ... and guess what comes after the guilty verdict.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOAuImgHGOk   <=== Also a "must see."


Now that the Joe Rogan interview is evidence against Kamala, it's a certitude that she is psychopathically malicious and should have legal action taken against her.  This includes criminal indictments, as well as court-ordered psychiatric counselling.  It is Kamala who is the danger to human life ... maybe even your human life.  After all, the endless defamation against Trump provoked anger toward him, resulting in a couple emotionally unstable people attempting to kill Donald Trump by violent means.

Plus, keep in mind that the fact that thr MSNBC, ABC, and CBS anchors refused to allow Donald on their TV shows & podcasts, to defend himself, is the sign that those TV news commentators knew that they were lying about Trump.  They showed their psychopathic natures in their absence of empathy for a human who came an inch away from a gore-ridden death, similar to the death of JFK.

It's the Kamala People, the MSNBC People, the ABC People, and the CBS People who are the unhinged fringe of society.  Zero civility and zero charity.  They manipulate uninformed people.  They manipulate low information people.  They employ scare tactics, after their intimidation tactics fail.

The Joe Rogan interview proves that Kamala is nothing but a liar, and that the strategy she decided to employ, in order to win the 2024 American presidential election, is to lie, lie some more, and lie again.  Deceiving you is her route to the presidency.  The millionaire, Kamala Harris, thinks that you are stupid and gullible.  At this point, I present to you, via internet linking, the Joe Rogan Interview of Donald Trump.


