October 7, 2024

20,000+ see Bruce Springsteen with Tyler Perry, Samuel L Jackson, & Barack

    UPDATE:  Former Senior Staff member avers that General Kelly is a deliberate LIAR!!!

If those four horsemen did not appear, very few people would have attended the Kamala rally.

The pro-Kamala People  seem not to care about the sky-rocketed prices AND bankruptcies of the past three and a half years.   They are bragging ... about the Kamala Harris who was the tie-breaking vote in two Congressional Acts which caused Inflation & the Cost of Living to sky-rocket.  

They make note that Kamala Harris recently had her highest number of rally attendees, in her 2024 campaign.  The rally was held in Clarkston, Georgia, of course ... a town that advocates the concept of sanctuary city.  Thus, the Georgia Rally was NOT indicative of the average American rally for Kamala.  This is because the attendees were not average Americans.

We begin with a sample of Kamala Harris, as a Clueless Economics Fraud

Kamala is an economics moron who will destroy your personal finances, if you give her any power over you.  Oh, and the concept of OPPORTUNITY Economy is also plagiarized.  Trump had OPPORTUNITY ZONES, during his presidency.  Plus, in the 1970s and 1980s, numerous TV commercials of local television ended with So-and-so "is an Equal Opportunity employer."  By law, every business had to be an Equal Opportunity Employer.

When I was in government contract construction ... for every project being bid ... there was a chart and then a form for .... HUB ZONES.  Those were the OPPORTUNITY zones from which a percentage of minority employees had to be hired by the contactor.  The concept of Opportunity is nothing new.  It's not Kamala's creation.

Now for an example of the utterly pathetic Biden-HARRIS economy:  1]  Bankruptcies:

Concerning Kamala claiming good success about the Biden Economy, the tale of the tape for any economy is in its rate of bankruptcy filings.  Well, in the entire Year of 2023, total bankruptcy filings INCREASED by 16.8%.  Business filings rose 40.4% for the same year, to 18,926 filings.  Also in the Year 2023, non-business filings rose to 434,064 filings, from 374,240 filings in the Year 2022.

That which is alarming about the Biden-Harris years was the sharp rise in business bankruptcies from 2022 to 2023.  In 2021, there were 14,347 filings.  In 2022, there was a slight increase of 13,481 business filings.   Then, in 2023, boom!  There were 18,926 business bankruptcy filings, while Kamala was calling Bidenomics "a success."

Next on the chart was the statistic of the time span between Apr 1, 2023 and Mar 31, 2024.  There were 20,316 bankruptcy filings, and this was a slight increase.  Then, the number of filings started to ratchet upwards, again.  Deja vu.  This shows that Biden & Harris got nothing under control.  This shows that the name "Biden-Harris" belongs to a clown show.  Below is a link to a Reuters news report on 2023 bankruptcy filings, along with mention of how 2024 was promising to be a year of increased filings.


More importantly:  American corporate bankruptcy filings in June of 2024 reached its highest level, since early 2020.  Likewise, between January 1 to July 1, 2024, there have been the most bankruptcy filings than there were in any half-year period, since 2011.  In as much, bankruptcies are once again on the rise, proving that Biden & Harris were failures to America ... or frauds who had no idea what they were doing, in the first place.

United States Bankruptcy Filing Update, as of June 2024

According to the number of bankruptcies which were filed between June 2023 and June 2024, bankruptcy filings increased 16.2% from the previous year.  We are back to the days of an unsuccessful economy, under Kamala Harris whose Day #1 started over 1,300+ days ago.  She doesn't know what she's doing.  She is a guaranteed disaster.

Now for the Georgia Rally

The same people claim that Trump Exaggerates his rally numbers.  They also claim that people who are turned away from Trump's capacity-seating rallies are actually leaving out of boredom.  Well, Trump had much much higher attendance at a number of his rallies than Kamala ever had, even when one gives a humble attendance estimate.  Trump had rally attendance numbers that some classic rock bands enjoyed, in their outdoor concerts.

Oh BTW, concerning the claim that Trump is the re-incarnation of Hitler, know that Trump has Jewish grandchildren and that his daughter practices Judaism.  Moreover, Trump's Number 1 adviser was/is a Jew.  Plus, Trump championed the Abraham Accords and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.  So, you show me where this Trump Antisemitism is.  

Moreover, Donald Trump received TWO nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize, while president.  That Hitler claim is defamation, as well as the act of Inciting an Assassination.  Yet, the Israelis know that Trump is their best political friend.

Here is your Reality Check, Kamala Promoters, concerning the Georgia Rally:  

The people went to see BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN.  The people went to see Barack.  The people had an added benefit of seeing a very famous movie star, named Samuel L Jackson.  And the people went to see Tyler Perry.  

If those those four horsemen did not attend the rally, then Kamala's attendance numbers would have been low.   If the rally were not held in Clarkston ... a de facto sanctuary town ... Kamala's numbers would have been super pathetically low.  In an average American town, Kamala would not have drawn as many attendees as the local little league team usually gets.

The Irish-Italian American from Jersey, namely Bruce Springsteen, sold over 120,000,000 records.  He sold the rights to his 20 albums ... aka his entire catalogue to SONY for $500 million.  If you had an event which only featured Bruce Springsteen, you would get a crowd of 20,000+ people, easily.  Kamala remains to be a fraud ... and a farce .. who cannot draw a crowd as Bruce can.  You might as well wave posters that say, "Bruce Springsteen for President, on a last chance power drive."  

Kamala doesn't hold a candle to Bruce.  Kamala doesn't hold a candle to Sam.  In as much, you should never put on stage at your rally anyone greater than you.  This is because it makes you look weaker and lesser in significance.  In fact, it makes you look like a Wanna Be.  Greatness speaks for itself.

See for yourself: https://bestsellingalbums.org/artist/1863

As for Samuel L Jackson, he is in the Guinness Book of World Records as having the TOP-GROSSING movies in history.  See for yourself:   https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/7/king-of-the-box-office-samuel-l-jackson-has-most-top-grossing-movies-in-history-754876

And as far as goes Tyler Perry, his worldwide box office number is $625 million.  See for yourself:  https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/production-company/Tyler-Perry-Studios

If you need to bring the King of Audio Recording and the King of the Silver Screen, to get people to attend your political rally, then you are extremely hard-up and desperate.  At rallies, except for hosts or local heroes, candidates should only have those people appear on stage who will be nominated in the candidate's cabinet.  For Donald Trump it is RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Viv Ramaswamy (my original choice for president, for 2024.)  

Moreover, in Trump having JD Vance as vice president, one can rest assured that America will be in good hands, should Trump's enemies finally get their way.  Walz is a buffoon.  BTW, how much money was Bruce, Sam, and Tyler paid for their attending the Kamala Rally?  

One more thing:  Neither Bruce nor Samuel L nor Tyler were educated by one of JFK's Economic Advisors, even to the point of scoring a 100% ... in 1982 ... on a National Standardized Accounting exam issued and scored by Harvard Univ ... as was yours truly.  So, those three gents are at a disadvantage, in advocating for America its fall into chaos, at the incompetent hands of Kamala. She is completely bull-crapping, while talking economics, prices, etc.   Kamala makes everyone look bad ... even Bruce Springsteen.  She has the opposite of the Medias Touch.