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Now is NOT the time for Kamala, as circumstances throughout the world illustrate. |
In as much, according to my opinion, Allan Lichtman's 13 Keys to the White House only apply to candidates who actually went through the traditional American primary election process. It does not apply to hand-picked candidates, through backroom dealings, by a very small cadre of politicians.
That is to say, the Lichtman Test is limited to those who actually were in the primary election process, and who engaged in debates, in campaign speeches, and in interviews which were done without the candidate having an Emotional Support Animal sitting next to her, during the interviews.
Let us review: Kamala Harris performed ZERO campaigning and received ZERO votes, during the 2024 primary election season. She was simply appointed, in the middle of Summer, as if we were living in China, in 1912 ... or as if we were living in the Soviet Union and being presented with the "new" Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
In fact, the concept of "democracy" left the Democratic Party, upon the creation of "super delegates." It were as if a supreme race of voters were put in control of the Democratic Party. And remember, I formally left the Democratic Party on July 1, 2024, becoming an Independent. Enough was enough, to state it lightly.
In 2024, we are in the process of a coup d'etat, where the Lichtman Keys are superseded by another key to the White House. That key is this:
The Mainstream Media endlessly lies in favor of one candidate, while telling damning lies about the opposition candidate, to the point of inciting attempted assassination against the opposition candidate ... and and and the voters do not recognize the media's lies before the November Election.
If the aforementioned key remains in tact, then Kamala wins. If the American public realizes that CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and PBS having been lying all along, then Donald Trump wins.
Times change. Thus, White House keys change too, when the election process changes. And with Kamala Harris, we went through an anti-election process.
Remember, she had 2% of the vote, for the Iowa 2020 primary. She then ran out of money and closed-down her campaign, in December of 2019. She later became the vice president with the lowest approval rating in the history of approval polls. But now she's Joan of Arc, Eleanor Roosevelt, & Madame Curie in one.
Of course, there is a huge difference between Kamala and Joan of Arc. For starters, Joan of Arc was never a slut who gave sex in exchange for a launch in a political career.
Get ready for the American Gulag Days, compliments of Kamala & her band of merry dictators. |
This whole campaign is based on one thing: Are the American People stupid enough to fall for the endless lies being aired 24/7, in favor of Kamala and against Donald Trump, by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, etc, etc, etc?
Let us now review why so much hated toward Trump was spewed out. I state this as an ex-democrat who knows. Trump was hated, because he was advertised by the Republican Party as the ultimate pro-life candidate. The entire matter was based on abortion. Period.
Now, Trump has stated his willingness to co-exist with "abortion-on-demand." In as much, very recently, one CNN newscaster revealed an evil about Kamala Harris, not caring if this would send numerous voters toward Trump. This is because that one CNN newscaster was current in the most recent information, and she knew that Trump was acquiescent toward abortion ... and that Trump would not oppose abortion. Thus, the newscaster knew before all other people that Kamala Harris is no longer needed. Kamala was only being used to procure or prolong the practice of abortion-on-demand in America.
Kamala is as much of a clueless idiot when it comes to Economics & the Environment as Biden is demented & senile. Now that Trump will allow abortion to enter through a political side door, no one in the abortion world needs to prop-up Kamala. After all, Kamala was the last one in the room with Joe, when the decision to pull out of Afghanistan in the most moronic way was made. In addition, Kamala did cast the tie-breaker vote on two Congressional Acts which caused all the inflation , in the first place. That type of inflation caused is known as Demand Pull Inflation (which see.)
Remember, when Trump left office, the inflation rate was 1.4%, and the price of food didn't begin to sky-rocket until after Kamala took office. Until then, during the covid pandemic, it was the price of construction materials which hiked upwards. And concerning that pandemic, more people died of covid under Biden & Harris than under Trump.
If time were available, this discourse could cover all of the lies Kamala told about the economy. She is blaming every evil on Trump, when most of the evils we endure today were caused by Kamala, Joe, Schumer, Nancy, Goldman, AOC, etc. This includes the border.
Ironically Kamala used for one of her campaign commercials a part of the wall built under Donald Trump. The commercial made it look as if Kamala were the one who constructed the wall. Simultaneously, Kamala is acting as the challenger who is not in power, while making it sound as if Donald Trump is the incumbent. Harris is beyond bizarre. She is beyond an insult to the common man's intelligence.
We live in a time of extenuating circumstances where former metrics in predicting elections no longer applies. Once again, the only key that matters is if whether or not the American People are stupid enough to believe the lies which were endlessly spewed from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, etc.
Trump already was president. There was no Nazi dictatorship coming for the White House during the Trump Years. Trump already proved himself, receiving TWO Nobel Peace Prize nominations in the process.
Plus, the seething hatred toward Trump was because he was seen as the pro-life candidate. In fact, when it was assumed that Trump might be unable to win the 2024 election, Ron DeSantis came forth. And of course, a democrat party political operative went on air and said that DeSantis was worse than Trump. This is because DeSantis is pro-life. So, the dems had to instantly demonize him.
It's ironic how the most vile, vicious, selfish, ruthless, gory, repulsive, and intelligence-insulting of acts ... such as abortion on demand ... is made to look like the holiest act ever committed by any human. Well, a God does exist, and this Eternal God is not mocked. It's merely that this Eternal God is patient.
Moreover, just because you and Bill Maher do not believe in God, it doesn't automatically make God stop existing. You have no power over God's existence. You didn't create God. The opposite is true, no matter how much you deny it.
And of course, abortion, when the mother's physical life is in direct medical danger, becomes an act of self-defense. Self-defense is morally permissible.
More can be stated in writing. Pages more. But, I don't have the time. It's an imposition as it is that this Kamala was thrown in front of our faces and then shoved down our throats, without any voter's consent above and beyond the few backroom dealers who fund the democrats, in the first place.
Concerning Kamala, it appeared that her image has been photo-shopped as a matter of habit or policy. This is because, when you see her in real life, you notice a vein protruding from the lefthand side of her head. You don't notice it in most of the photos online or in print.
And of course, Kamala had the lowest approval rating of any U.S. vice president, in the history of approval polls. In fact, even Joe Scarborough condemned her once, as an incompetent vice president. Well, he politely wrote her off as worthless, long before she became appointed as the NON-ELECTED Democratic Party presidential nominee of 2024.
Now remember, this has been written by an individual who was taught by one of JFK's econ advisers who scored a 100%, in 1982, on a national standardized accounting exam authored and processed by Harvard Univ. In as much, I can assure you that Kamala Harris is a total fraud & moron who knows little to nothing about Economics & Accounting.
PLUS, she is a totally clueless fraud when it comes to climate, atmospheric physics, oceanography, etc. After all, as of May 2024, Planet Earth's atmosphere obtained its highest level of CO2 since mankind came into being. This means that, throughout the Biden-Harris Administration years, CO2 sky-rocketed. This also means that Planet Earth will NOT meet "net zero carbon" by 2030 or 2040, as Kamala said.
The rise in atmospheric CO2 is caused by China and India constructing coal-fired power plants. Even at that, humans are easily able to tolerate a CO2 level four times higher than today. Today, outdoor CO2 is 422 ppm. This means that CO2 levels at 844 ppm, 1,266 ppm, and 1,688 ppm are easily within toleration for humans and other mammals.
Things get conditionally noticeable at 3,500 ppm. This is where adverse reactions begin with those of weaker or untrained physiques. In fact, the CO2 count for U.S. submarines is understood to be around 3,500 ppm.
None the less, human health will start to get bad at 5,000 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. And at present, the Earth's atmosphere is 4,578 ppm away from that number. At today's rate of yearly CO2 rise, it would take 1,526 years to reach 5,000 ppm.
As far as goes the lethal level of airborne CO2, I'll go by memory here. If my memory is still in good shape, one hour of CO2 exposure at 84,0000 ppm will kill you. All in all, the Al Gore & Michael Mann CO2 hype is simply hype that makes a lot of money for those crying, "wolf."
BTW, make sure that you don't mistake CO for CO2. Carbon Monoxide, at 800 to 900 ppm, can be deadly. CO2 isn't deadly until it reaches 84,000 ppm. Even at that, 10,000 ... 20,000 ... 40,000 ppm isn't a fun time, either.
None the less, Kamala is a clueless fraud when it comes to atmospheric science. I could prove this by writing out a 15 question oral exam and have some famous newscaster pose the questions. They will be easy questions. However, if you did not study "weather theory" or "atmospheric science" or even geology ... and oceanography, you will not pass the simply oral exam.
Update: Six hostages murdered and Kamala flees the Press shortly thereafter