October 1, 2024

I left the Democratic Party 12 days prior to the Butler PA shootings ...

... because it's a violence-inciting,  greed-stricken,  lust-ridden, & defamatory political party
that markets fear & terrifies youth, under the assumption that "fear sells" and gains votes.
I'm here in Pittsburgh ... Steeler Country ... 29 to 33 miles south of Butler PA, where Donald Trump ended up in someone's "bullseye," on Saturday, July 13, 2024.  Of course, 5 days prior to the rooftop gunfire, Joe Biden ALLEGEDLY said that it's time to "put Trump in the bullseye."  

For starters ... as a thesis statement ... the following is stated:   Whether it was done intentionally or whether it was done by accident, the Biden Administration effectively set Donald Trump up for a straight-line, clear-viewed, unobstructed head-shot kill.  Someone was killed, that day.  It simply wasn't Donald Trump.  Trump came a centimeter or a millimeter away from death.

IF anyone were to have planned Donald Trump's assassination at the beginning of this Summer, no one could have planned it better than the way in which the circumstances unfolded, in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, July 13, 2024. 

Below:  Keep in mind that Joe Biden said that he's not going anywhere.   This is ironic for a guy who is not-all-there.  Anyway, some of us who were registered Democrats did go somewhere, in response to Biden's clinch-fisted greed.  Actually, it was our way of telling Joe Biden & Kamala Harris to go to Hell.  We went as far away from Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and company as an American can go, proverbially speaking ... figuratively speaking.
ABOVE:   If you cannot figure out what day it was when I left the Democratic Party, then you're a product of the American public school system ... fer sure.  As a tip, look at the enrollment date on the lower card.  The higher card is the old card, and it has my ex-address.  If you want to do me harm, don't waste your time going there.
Now, for continuous years Joe Biden has been calling Donald Trump an existential threat to existence itself:

[1] despite the Trump Era's mercifully low fuel prices & nationwide energy independence, [2] despite black colleges receiving more taxpayer dollars under Trump than under any other president, [3] despite Trump putting out of operation certain terrorists, [4] despite the Abraham Accords, and [5] despite Trump's TWO Nobel Peace Prize nominations.  

Biden and the rest of the democrats demonized Trump WITHOUT empirical evidence ... the same way in which the Nazis demonized the Jews ... simply to amass power.  They did this without giving Trump a chance to defend himself in front of his on-screen TV defamers. 

All that CNN, MSNBC, democrat party politicians, and leftist activists have been doing is the committing of calumny.  Calumny has resulted in lynching.  CNN & MSNBC should be banned from the airways, due to their obsessive incitement of violence against Trump.  Trump came a centimeter from such deadly violence.

Biden's Literal Attack Dog

And do not forget about Joe Biden's attack dog who attacked multiple secret service agents, time after time after time after time and again.  Biden is the worst host the White House ever housed.   Serving as a Secret Service agent in Delaware was no bargain, either.

The  links ... and even government paperwork ... related to the Biden dog attacks ... are posted near the end of this post.  For now, it suffices for you to understand that someone so feeble & demented as Biden has been the generator of violence, even violence done to the humans protecting him.  

Harmless is something that Biden has not been.  Protective of others Biden has not been, either.  If you think that he ever cared about you, think again.  In addition, did Kamala ever complain about the Biden dog endangering Secret Service agents?  Did Kamala ever admit to Biden's feeble degree of dementia?  Kamala is a proven liar.  She now stands to become the Liar-in-Chief.

Let it be reminded that certain "witnesses" against Trump were caught "contradicting themselves," in pivotal moments.  Such persons are usually ... and for the most part ... called "liars."  The only exception is when they are witnesses used in kangaroo courts.  And of course, today we have the American kangaroo court system.

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Twelve days after my July 1 departure from the democratic party, in Butler, PA; from 5:52 to 6:12 PM:  Donald Trump was literally in the bullseye ... actually in the iron sight of an AR-15.

In re:  Thomas Matthew Crooks.  The weapon found near the failed assassin was an "AR-15 style" rifle.  It proved to be a deadly weapon, being that the failed assassin was an accomplished murderer of an Italian-American audience member who recently retired from fire fighting duties.  Two other gents were severely wounded as well, and Donald Trump's right ear was pierced by high speed ordnance.  

Donald Trump came a centimeter or so from death ... or at least a lifelong incapacity which would have forced him to have dropped out of the 2024 presidential race.  The failed assassin's rooftop was attached to a privately owned storage building.  It was and is the American Glass Research Building #6.  It's extremely close to a collection of similar metal rooftop buildings, and it literally provided a clear view to Donald Trump's head.  Adjacent to that array of storage, research, & administrative buildings was a spacious asphalt parking lot.  

Not My Job, Man ... says secret service's most public figure.

And of course, the Secret Service officially stated that none of its agents performed any kind of sweep on the building where the attempted assassin was perched.   However, that building was used as a "staging area" for local police.  While the assassin was on the roof, police department employees were in the building.  It was said that two counter-snipers were in the building also, where one photographed the attempted assassin and sent the photo out to fellow security personnel.

The local police were in charge of traffic detail only ... not security.  Thus, the shooter's building apparently was no one's responsibility.  This is evidenced by the fact that he had no problem getting on the roof with a rifle in hand.  

Center is the Dick Cheney who caused the 2nd Iraq War, by his lies.   Dick and his daughter Liz Cheney spoke so ill of Donald Trump that it constituted the Incitement of an Assassination.  In the photo above, standing next to him in the photo is the woman who was in charge of the Secret Service during the July 13th attempted assassination of Donald Trump.  Quite a coincidence. 
The question of the moment is, "How was he able to walk through the grounds with a rifle unnoticed?"  Or did he plant the rifle the day before?  One answer is:  A folding stocking.  That is a feature to the AR-15.

No guard of any kind was posted on any roof top, on that summer day.  After all, metal and summer don't mix very well.  If you want to use a rooftop during daylight Summer hours, for whatever reason, you have to be fully dressed, to prevent burns.  Even at that, you're gonna feel the heat of the roof.  In as much, was Crooks on any kind of a drug that enabled him to ignore the rooftop heat?  He looked clear-minded ... and even determined.  So, he didn't appear to be drugged.  Yet, a former drug rehab worker mentioned that Adderall might have been involved.

It was also stated that Crooks was "a gamer" and that crystal meth is a gamer's drug of choice.  This was stated by someone who used to work in drug rehab.  Whatever be the case, Thomas Crooks was on that roof when it was notably hot. 

Ironically, the amount of time that Gunman Thomas Crooks spent on the roof, from the time he walked on to it, to the time he fired his rifle, was 26 minutes.  He was on that roof for 20 minutes before Trump began to speak.  In all that time, no one chased him off of it.  In fact, at 5:10 pm, Crooks was first identified as a person of interest, by law enforcement, while he was still at ground level.

Meanwhile, at 5:40 PM

A police officer noticed a man at the entrance of the Trump rally, holding a range finder.  It has the technology to give you the distance between you and a designated point.  It can let you know how far away is your target.   The holder of that range finder, of course, was Thomas Crooks.

The man with the range finder did NOT go through any metal detector, into the rally stands.  He was reported as pacing-around outside.  A police officer did put out a message over the radio network, about this individual.  The message made its way to the Secret Service agents.  Then, officers lost sight of Range Finder Man, in the crowd.  Police kept looking for him.

Eventually two officers found him ... on the metal roof.  One officer was said to have been hoisted up  to the edge of the roof, to peek over it.  The gunman then pointed his rifle at the officer, and the officer immediately jumped to the ground, to protect himself.  

Shortly thereafter, Thomas Crooks fired away.  This meant that Crooks knew that he was discovered and was soon to be hit with government security guard ordnance and die.  What was the "cause" that Crooks stood-for, enough to die for it?  Did he think that he was saving the world from a man whom Joe Biden, MSNBC, & CNN said was the most evil man in the world?  Was he venting emotional pain, by shooting others and spreading emotional pain?  Did he equate this task with a video game?

The Final Summary

The entire Butler case of July 13, 2024 is easily summarized as follows:  There was the need to have some kind of guards on the rooftops, be it Secret Service or State Police or Local Police or private bodyguards ... or even firemen and boy scouts.  Concerning this, while in Tampa in 1963, JFK literally walked through two indoor sections which were literally guarded by firemen in one sector and boy scouts in the other.  This occurred four days before he was assassinated in Dallas.

The nearby water tower in Butler equaled a rooftop, in terms of security responsibility.

Concerning mention of a ladder, Crooks did buy a ladder that fay, at a Home Depot, between 9 and 10 AM.  But, he did not take it with him to the Butler Farm Show complex.  Yet, he would soon be seen climbing toward the American Glass Research roof with weapon in hand.

Colors Worn by the Shooter

In addition, the shooter wore a greenish gray shirt, somewhat close to the color of the nearby summertime tree leaves.  He also wore whitish pants, the color of the metal roof.  This was premeditated.  Trump was not a mere "target of opportunity."   In fact, in an online post, Crooks stated that his "debut" was going to be on Saturday, "July 13."  

Yet, what was the motive of the shooter?  Was it the same motive as Mark David Chapman who killed John Lennon for the sake of killing someone famous?  Or was he indoctrinated by the stereotypical anti-Trump propaganda that you hear on MSNBC & CNN?

The officer who saw the shooter should have had an emergency comms channel and called out, "Shooter on the roof.  Shooter on the roof." ... followed by the secret Service agents immediately taking Trump off the stage, instead of waiting and waiting and waiting for the shots to ring-out and kill a 50 year old retired fireman, as well as severely wounding two other gentleman, and grazing Donald Trump.

At the least, the secret service agents near Trump should have instantly pulled him off stage, thereby giving a counter-sniper time to perceive if Crooks were an actual threat.  Instead, the Secret Service let Trump stand at the podium and give his speech, when he was moments away from an assassination attempt.

Plus, the nearby water tower in or near the Butler Farm Show grounds was also another suitable shooting platform, for an assassin.  It was neglected, too.

Distance from Target

The shooter fired at Donald Trump from 148 yards away.  One report was that it was 130 yards away.  The shooter had a clear & direct view to Donald Trump.  However, hitting a target 390 to 444 feet away, while on a metal roof in summertime, is not an easy task, unless you were an army marksman or a gun club member.  When you are a gun club practitioner, it becomes a chip shot.  Yet, the shooter did make high speed contact with Trump and a few audience members.  He was at a deadly enough distance, even though he used an iron sight and not a scope..

In fact, the longest rifle shot ever made was 7,774 yards ... 4.4 miles.  A 390 to 444 yard shot doesn't compare.  So, there was a security breakdown.  Those campaign stage floors need a trap door ... an escape door ... like in a magician's act.  Some campaign stages already do have bulletproof podiums.

Guards were on Rooftops, during the previous Butler Rally.

The difference between the 2024 Butler rally and the previous Butler rally hosted by Donald Trump was that, at the previous rally, there were guards on each roof.  At the 2024 rally, there was no one standing on any roof.  Thus, Mayorkas, in denying the Trump Campaign its requested extra guards, was setting Donald Trump up for a possible kill.  At the least, this was negligence on the part of Mayorkas. 

The shooter was 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel Park, a rustic and slightly rural Pittsburgh suburb.  He is counted as one of the dead.  One former classmate alleged that Crooks was bullied in high school.  However, Crooks' senior-year guidance counselor said that no mention of Crooks being bullied was on any record.  Yet, that high school actively addressed bullying, to the point of seeking to end it, as a matter of record-keeping policy.  The counselor said that he did not notice any bullying of Crooks ... which is different than being teased.

A fellow classmate of Crooks spoke on camera, also.  She said that she didn't see Crooks get bullied.  She also said that Crooks wasn't a loner.  He was simply in a smaller than average clique.  He would have a small number of companions, aka buddies.  So, the idea of him being a bullied loner was not true.  However, he would show up on school grounds in military garb ... or hunting clothing.

A third fellow classmate ... a male ... stated that Crooks mostly kept to himself.  So, we have four witnesses on this matter, and two narratives.  There was also the revelation that Crooks had three encrypted "oversea accounts," concerning "social media.

My Experience with Bethel Park

Now, I did perform extended construction work in Bethel Park and know it to be a town of very nice and well mannered people.  In fact, it has a charming tram track & terminal in the center of town.  So apparently, Thomas Crooks was a well mannered man who was deceived into thinking that he was doing humanity a favor, by killing Donald Trump.  

Or else he was silently filled with animosity over his past.   If not that, then he would have had a motive similar to the Mark David Chapman who killed John Lennon, only for the sake of killing someone famous.  However, his attempt on Trump involved him performing pre-shooting details.  A person who kills for the sake of killing someone travels light and waits for an opportunity. He doesn't follow a checklist.

None the less, Crooks obviously became disappointed with Biden, in 2022.  That was when he registered as a Republican, as a teenager.  Prior to that, he made a poor man's donation to a Biden support group.  However, he might possibly have registered Republican, to enable him to vote against Trump, in the 2024 Pennsylvania primary election.

In addition, Crooks did appear in a Blackrock commercial, in 2022.  So, the concept of Manchurian Candidate will probably need to be scrutinized by someone professional, being that there was no manifesto left behind, by Crooks.  He simply mentioned once that his "debut" will begin (will have begun) on Saturday the 13th.

For those not American, at the voter's both, you can vote for whomever you please, no matter what be your party affiliation.  And of course, in America, many people do not belong to any political party.  So, it still remains a mystery as to the motive of Crooks' attempted assassination upon Trump.  Thomas Crooks' thought processes still remain undetermined.

Yet, a type of "depression" is suspected, being that Crooks googled that subject, when online.  Also through googling, Crooks sought to know the distance between JFK and Lee Oswald when Kennedy was hit.  Well, today's media causes a lot of depression amongst the very inexperienced youth.  The youth are too young to realize how full of crap the mainstream politicians and news commentators are.  They weren't told that the television used to be called the Boob Tube and the Idiot Box.  

The clue that the mainstream media has little credibility in the eyes of millions of Americans is in the reality that millions of people frequent alternative sources of news.  Millions go to social media accounts and to YouTube channels operated by those who started as no-name people or as moderate TV or recording celebs.  You've seen the names.  These people are no longer seen as "alternatives."  They are seen as "necessities" in a world where the media and politicians are outright liars ... in an ongoing insult to the intelligence of every American who actually thinks.

Thomas Matthew Crooks:  Butler, PA, shortly after 6:00 pm, Saturday, July 13, 2024
Assisted Care Facility

Crooks worked at an assisted care facility, as a nutrition expert of sorts.  He did ask for Saturday (July 13) off ... as a vacation day.  Plus, Crooks was going to attend a nearby college this coming Autumn season.  So, the idea of him being suicidal was not evident.  

The question is how often did Crooks watch CNN & MSNBC.  All that those two networks did for years was defame Donald Trump and incite hatred towards him.  The constant demonizing of Trump is why I believe that CNN & MSNBC should have each one's FCC licensing revoked ... for starters.   Such a thing is the act of inciting rioting or inciting assassination.  It's called calumny.  When it came to the topic of Donald Trump, CNN & MSNBC ignored to FCC Fairness Doctrine and acted as kangaroo courts.

Plus, proof that Trump's television defamers did not believe the nightmare scenarios they told of Trump is in the fact that none of those people ever invited Trump on to their TV shows, to debate ... or to defend himself ... or to show the world his true personality.  

If you believe that a politician is evil, you are going to prove it to your audience.  You are going to bring him on your show and then examine him ... and then cross-examine him, thereby revealing the true him.  But, the television condemners of Donald Trump did not do this.  This is called cowardice.  This shows that they are con-artists.  

And remember, a certain CBS 60 Minutes interviewer called Trump delusional, and he turned out to have been 100,000% correct in what he claimed in that one assertion.  He boasts beyond factuality.  But, he didn't strategically lie about policy like Biden did ... and Mayorkas ... and Pelosi ... and others who will be politely not mentioned here.  All in all, it would be nice to have a government not run by lying criminals.

Keystone Cops ... the Fumbling Fumbelinas ... Bumbling Buffoons

It was stated that it took what seems to have been a lifetime to get Donald Trump off the stage.  Well, things appeared under control, being that it was clearly heard that the shooter "was neutralized."  Plus, there was no message of any second shooter.  None the less, the stage security agents looked like the Keystone Cops.  One question is, "Why didn't "they" provide a bulletproof podium?"   Why do those stages not have trap doors ... aka escape doors ... as magician stages do?

Incidentally, the female Secret Service director of Joe Biden previously worked for Pepsi Cola.  Before that, she was a secret service agent, on Vice President Dick Cheney's detail.  Cheney's daughter publicly declared that Trump was/is the most evil man in the world ... without giving Trump the opportunity to defend himself.  Thus, the reasonable man regards her defamatory words as BS, spoken in order to prevent Trump from being re-elected.  

After all, Cheney is embedded in the Military Industrial Complex, while Donald Trump prefers peace and no more 20 year wars. How much of an anti-Trump influence did the Liz Cheney have on today's secret service director?  The secret service incompetency on July 13 was literally deadly.

An Unusual Outcome ... came from what is supposed to be "an elite secret service."

Concerning target practice, an anti-white, hate-filled black racist staff member of the hate-filled, anti-white, black racist Rep Bennie Thompson of Mississippi wrote and posted the following:

Apparently, the hate-filled black racist didn't know that the shooter is now too dead to take "shooting lessons" and get "a next time," to kill Trump.  When you kill the killer, the killing stops.

Plus, that anti-white black racist needs to remember that it was white men in blue ... from Michigan and Maine, from Wisconsin and West Virginia, as well as from Indiana, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey ... who freed the black slaves.  Blacks in America did NOT free themselves.  So, blacks owe Northern whites gratitude.  Where is it?

Being that Donald Trump did get a bullet through his right ear lobe ... and being that he came within a centimeter or two from death ... the US came one or two centimeters away from Civil War.  After all, the working man and the common man do get tired of political bullies terrorizing a nation.  They do have the population numbers to put it to a stop.

If the working man gets pushed into a corner by riotous bullies & anti-white black racists, you will see for yourself what the working man can do in tandem with other working men.  So, you don't need to read about it from me or anyone else.  

BTW, the "working man" is of any race, any color, and any ethnicity.  The working man does not want to see the riotous thugs burn down his work.  So, there will be confrontations if and when the street bully faction crosses a certain line.  History will be made.  Enough is enough is enough is enough.

Rep Mike Waltz

Concerning the suspicion that Mayorkas was trying to set up Trump for a possible gunman attack, it was House Rep Mike Waltz who confirmed that Homeland Security Head Mayorkas denied extra secret service protection for the Donald Trump campaign.  It were as if ... ALLEGEDLY ... Mayorkas was deliberately setting Trump up for assassination, even if only on a low probability.  

And of course, the blatantly hate-filled anti-white racist Rep Bennie Thompson of Mississippi introduced a bill, on April 19, 2024, which would take away from Donald Trump his secret service protection.  Seven co-sponsors seeking to set Donald Trump up for assassination included Reps Barbara Lee of California,  Troy A Carter Sr of Louisiana,  Frederica Wilson of Florida,  Bonnie Watson Coleman,  Jasmine Crockett,  Joyce Beatty, and Steve Cohen.  Such a thing is how you set a political opponent up for the kill.  

This is why, from time to time, there are Nuremberg type trials and Andersonville type trials that hang people who were formerly in political power.  Those eight people must be held accountable ... in true legal courts of law ... as opposed to those fraudulent democrat party kangaroo courts of lawlessness.  But of course, after civil wars and after world wars, such courts do arise and prevail.  It's important to get haters out of government.

Lack of Attention on the Part of Security

It's curious as to how this happened directly before the Republican National Convention, as if to intimidate Trump and to disturb his mind's ability to think clearly.  It were as if to give Trump a warning.  

Or else it was the desperate attempt to kill Trump before the convention started.  Yet, the Mark David Chapman type of motive has not been ruled-out.  Whatever be the case, it was very close to a "kill shot" that did graze Donald Trump's ear.  The present Secret Service director should have the character to resign.  But she, instead, is doing a Joe Biden ... refusing to go when it's obvious that she needs to go.

One Pennsylvania witness ... with a clear mind ... mentioned how the police were clueless.   But remember, the local police there were only there for traffic duty.

Geopolitical expert, Dr. Roger Gewolb was recently interviewed, after the Trump assassination attempt, and he said the following:

They trumped-up ridiculous charges against Trump, too.  It's a violent political party.  It's basically a lynch mob;  the party of Death ... of ritualistic death.  So, it's par for the course, for today's very violent and twisted democrat activists, to set Trump up for assassination.  After all, a high-speed bullet did make contact with the Republican Party presidential nominee.  So, this is not conjecture.

Biden's Attack Dog ... attacking secret service agents

Proof that Biden is NOT the caring & loving man that his propaganda machine claimed his to be is in his attack dog, Commander.  Even Secret Service agents were in danger, when around Biden ... at the hands of Biden Indifference.  At the least, this makes the Bidens hideously rude people.  See for yourself:                                      


                  Government docs on the Biden dog attacking Secret Service agents:  

In addition, Biden needs to be prosecuted for the classified doc theft, the Money Laundering LLCs, and even treason, as far as goes his service to Chinese Communist payors to the Biden LLCs.  Thus, there is the matter of Bribery & Influence Peddling for which Biden must answer.  

Now, there have been trials held in absentia, in American history.  Thus, Biden's many lawyers would be doing all the speaking, writing, and filing.  Biden never has to speak a word or write a sentence.  He can be tried in absentia.  He needs to be brought to trial with his lawyers on hand, but not also on trial.  Whether Biden gets acquitted or convicted, his lawyers get to go home and do other stuff, after getting paid, of course.

Biden, CNN, MSNBC, the View, etc must be held accountable for calling Trump a Nazi and a threat to democracy, due to the effect of calumny, the inciting of rioting, etc.  The demonizing of Trump was a complete lie in light of [1] the low fuel prices rendered by the Trump Administration, [2] black colleges getting more taxpayer dollars under Trump than under any other president, [3] Trump ending the killing spree of two committed terrorists & Isis, [4] Trump appointing a Jew as a close advisor, [5] Trump having a daughter who practices Judaism, [6] Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, [7] Trump making America "energy-independent," [8] Trump getting TWO NOMINATIONS for the Nobel Peace Prize, etc,  etc,  etc. 

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Eric Swalwell, Merrick Garland, and certain TV stars are the Nazi dictators ... and very rich ones, too.  Joe Biden must be held accountable for calling Trump an Existential Threat to Democracy, as well as having done the other intimidation tactics that Brain Surgery Biden employed.  Biden's defamation against Trump was the repeated act of inciting violence ... of provoking an assassination ... of triggering civil war ... or mass rioting.  

For the record, the United States was designed to be a bicameral federal republic, and NOT a democracy.  And quite frankly, the US Constitution is that of a Constitutional Monarchy, being that the US president has far more power and freedom than does the typical European prime minister who serves at the "pleasure of the parliament."  Plus, the US media covers any president so inordinately that the media treats the US president as a monarch ... even as an emperor.
For those with short memories, here again is proof that I really did leave the Democratic Party.
Above:  I saw it to be a moral obligation to leave the democrat party.  Now, everyone who knows me knows that I live in the Jewish Section of Pittsburgh.  But, I'm not going to advertise online which street it is.  I live a few blocks from the synagogue that underwent a sudden massacre, in 2018. 

Plus, I'm a real member of the House of Colantuoni and rightfully use it as my online ID.  But I'm a Colantuoni on my paternal grandmother's side of the family.  My last name traditionally & predictably came from my paternal grandfather who came from Avellino Italy, near Mt. Vesuvius.   Ironically, my Greek ancestors came from Macedonia, somewhat near Mt. Olympus.  Deja Vu.

As of Saturday afternoon, July 13, 2024, you can easily see why I officially left the Democratic Party 12 days prior.  I was raised to be a JFK Democrat.  But, that type of democrat is now the forgotten minority.  Today, the democrat party is the party of blood.  It's the party that incites riots and provokes assassination attempts, including character assassination.  

Extremely perverse defamation is the modus operandi of the modern democrat party.  Such people seek to attain power by lying, lying, and lying some more.  I can go into detail, but not now.

Incidentally, I was also raised to be a peace, love, and flower power Beatles' fan ... Donovan Fan, etc.  I was also raised to be infatuated with Space Age technology ... and American muscle cars ... and baseball ... and football ... and women a guy could trust and consult for advice, as opposed to an airheaded, giggling bimbo obsessed with yakking about abortion every time someone puts her in front of a podium.

TV Stars who are Whirlpools of Seething Hatred

I can go into detail about the pro-democrat-party TV personalities who are nothing but whirlpools of seething hatred and lies.  They are pits of violence and oppression, operating under the guise of being ultra-holy civil rights champions.   But, I won't name names, right now.   

Yet, there is one thing in common with them all ... for the most part.  They are obsessed with yakking about abortion as if it's a sacrament and not a gutless cowardly bully's act of murder upon the most helpless members of humanity.  

Do these women ever have anything else to talk-about?  It's the same-old same-ole, spoken over and over and annoyingly over again.  We heard you, already.  Take a hike.  We ain't buying your product ... which is an anti-product ... which happens to be "human life dead and literally torn to shreds."  That's Gross Out City.  

Interesting how women who see themselves as sooooo glamorous advocate something so repulsively & nauseatingly gross & unglamorous.  Plus, America is a Pro-Life country, evidenced by it's population of 340 million.  Meanwhile, Russia was the Pro-Abortion country, evidenced by its population of 144 million.

None the less, CNN & MSNBC endlessly incited hatred toward Trump, and therefore, violence against him.  CNN & MSNBC provoked the deadly & incendiary rioting of the Year 2020, also.  Both networks should have their FCC licenses permanently revoked.  Their commentators and talk show hosts need to be prosecuted, as was Tokyo Rose ... and as certain Nazi propagandists.  Biden and his mouth of teeth-gritted hatred must be held accountable too.  And he can be tried in absentia.

Deface the Nation

Concerning Biden & Company calling Trump a Nazi tyrant seeking to end "democracy,"  if Trump were such a tyrant, then he would have taken power and cancelled all elections.  Trump is trying to re-become president, by being elected.  That's not Nazi tyranny.  

Biden having anti-Biden writers deleted from the Internet is Nazi tyranny.   A real man would have answered the anti-Biden complaints and critical analysis.  Biden was NOT man enough to do so.

Trump was already president, previously.  When, during Trump's presidency, did you see him cancel elections and impose Nazi rule, for the sake of keeping power, as opposed to seeking the safety of people in a pandemic?  

What you saw from Trump was low fuel prices and food prices ... and black colleges getting more money under his presidency than under any American presidency ... and terrorists suddenly meeting their maker ... and the Abraham Accords. 

The democrats lied on purpose, in demonizing Trump, assuming that you are so stupid that you will fall for the democrat party lies.  They believe that you would easily be suckered into voting for the feeble & demented Joe Biden who was caught committing felonies such as stealing classified docs.  

Super Reality Check:  Statistics, alone, proved no Russian Collusion  in 2016

As far as goes the claim of "Russian Collusion" in the 2016 election, Trump got as many votes as did the most recent winning Republican presidential candidate, namely George Bush II, in 2004.  Once again, Trump and Bush got practically the same amount of votes, thereby showing a trend.  

In fact, Trump was within the vote count range of the two Republican candidates who lost to Barack Obama.  This shows a consistent 13 year trend.  Being that Trump's vote count was in the general trend of the three recent Republican candidates who preceded him, there was no collusion of any kind.  He generally scored the same vote count as did the Republican candidates of 2012, 2008, and 2004.  

If there were collusion, Trump's vote count would have been drastically different.  Democrats lie, and now you see why I left the democratic party.   And always remember, the slave owners were democrats.  The Jim Crowe People were democrats.  Abe Lincoln was a Republican.  And Bill O'Reilly is an Independent.

Concerning the policy of demonizing Trump, the trick in such a TV network policy is to make people mad enough at Trump to want to kill him.  Then, you add directors such as Mayorkas, to provide the openings and clearways to get Trump killed ... by an easily deceived CNN viewer who has access to a rifle.

The clear view was made possible, in Butler, PA.  It happened.  Trump got grazed.  A piece of his ear literally was shot off.  Another person got killed.  Two others got critically wounded.  Trump was one centimeter from death.  Thus, we have fact and not mere conspiracy theory.  Yet, what was Crooks' motive?

CNN & MSNBC only incite hatred and violence.   They performed the incitement of violence in 2020.  That was criminal of them, and they must pay for the violence that they incited.  This is why Nuremberg-type trials arise, from time to time ... after a major war.

Today's Democratic Party:  Lies, Injustice, and the Un-American Way

Today, the democrat party will NOT allow dialogue.  It's the dictator party.  Thus, it's the Violence Party.  It's the Burn-Down-the-City Party.  After all, the first thing I ever wrote about Biden, in 2019, to warn you about Biden being a guaranteed catastrophe, was taken offline, by the American version of Nazi dictators.

In my youth, on national TV, policy disagreements were addressed by  1} Point ... and then  2} Counterpoint ... and then  3} answer to counterpoint ... and then 4} "rebuttal" ... or the second speaker's right to speak a second time.  

It was known as civility.  But today, the democrat party is the name-caller party, calling everyone else a "denier," all the while refusing to debate on the merits of the topic in focus.  A prime example of this is Con Artist Extraordinaire, Al "Tobacco Road" Gore.  He refuses to engage in climate debates, because such debating will reveal how much of an undereducated fraud he is on the topic.

Today's political tactic is that of demonizing the political competition as much as Hitler demonized the Jews of Germany, Poland, & elsewhere.  It was also the way in which Roman Catholics were demonized by American Protestants, especially by members of the Know-Nothing Party of the 1840s. 

Concerning the demonization of Trump, Biden did not inherit an inflation rate of 9%.  He received an inflation rate of 1.4%, in January 2021.  Biden is a pathological liar, whenever you can hear properly pronounced words, instead his unintelligible slurring, as if he were drunk.

Summertime in Western Pennsylvania.  Assassination Season.  Bloodletting Season.
The point to this July 2024 post is that I want to be on record ... as if to have been prophetically inspired ... for having left the Democrat Party twelve days prior to the Butler PA assassination attempt, when someone climbed on to a roof and went after the proverbial jugular vein of the 2024 Republican presidential nominee.  

In review, the malicious prosecutions against Donald Trump were acts of violence, too.  I shall NOT be voting for any democrat this November ... and probably never again, during any November.  And in being an Independent, I'm not qualified to vote in my State's primary election.

BTW, I did NOT join the Republican Party.  I re-registered as an Independent.  Even at that, for decades I have been a constitutional monarchist.  The closest friend of my life can confirm this, being that she is actually a subject of the British Crown.  I knew to never say anything disrespectful about the Queen of England, in front of her.  

None the less, we are both monarchists, and she has the most beautiful voice I have ever heard, in person, in my life.  The point to mentioning this is that all the monarchists I ever encountered in my life had something classy about them.  There is something artistic about them, too.

Dishonest & Greed-stricken politicians such as Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Schiff, Swalwell, Waters, etc are good arguments for monarchy.  Any career politician who was in government for 30 and 40 years ... and who has amassed millions of dollars for his/her selfish little self ... is no different than a Dictator for Life.   Those politicians are the ultimate hypocrites and tyrants.  

Moreover, there is a huge difference between being a tyrant and a being a constitutional monarchist.  As an example, you might have noticed that monarchists don't go around setting off bombs ... or setting buildings on fire ... or blocking traffic with protest signs.  And concerning construction professionals of every and any political persuasion, no self-respecting construction worker wants to see any building that he worked-on be burnt down.  Violence is for pro-abortion democrats who have no craftsman talents ... and who are too lazy to develop a talent.

None the less,  being that the Biden/Harris Administration is the true Nazi dictatorship, I will refrain from stating lots and lots and lots of things that need to be stated ... but only for now.  As far back as 2019, I mentioned in typewritten word how stupid Joe Biden was ... and is.  

As a result, the 2019 writing of mine was deleted from the Internet, proving how much of a Nazi dictator Biden is ... and how rigged the 2020 election was, in addition to the Philadelphia evidence ...  and the 380,000 Georgia ballots' missing photo-copies ... and the Wisconsin admission of someone having had assistants manufacture thousands of ballots.  And of course, the aforesaid is stated as "ALLEGEDLY."


For those who are Roman Catholic, keep in mind that July 13, 1917 was when the three Fatima Children saw the famous Vision of Hell.  Quite a coincidence.  July 13, 2024 was Vision of Hell Day once again.  But, CNN & MSNBC have been two Visions of Hell, day after day, for several consecutive years.

Shooting Trump for Kamala and Joe is a great way to go to Hell.  Are you willing to go to Hell for the Airheaded Giggler?  Are you willing to kill Donald Trump for Brain Surgery Biden & for Baby Killer Kamala?  A number of her former staff members were not so willing.  They were NOT willing to stay anywhere near Kamala's toxic presence.  They had other complaints about her, too.  Refer to those people.  They personally knew her.

Yet, concerning Kamala's viciousness, she claimed that Trump was selfish & out-for-himself.  This is the ultimate liar's hypocrisy, because Joe Biden has undoubtedly proven himself to be the ultimate selfish politician, in clinging to power with clinch-fisted greed, after having had power for 48 of the past 52 years.  He sees himself as the center of the universe.  He's worthless.  Kamala is worse.

The Smoke of Hell is symbolic of the good works never done by the souls burning there.  Smoke is unburnt fuel.  Well, the soul has the fuel needed to do good works.  But, there were many a person who were too cowardly or selfish or lust-filled or greedy to have used the fuel to do the good works that needed to be done around them.  Those good works went undone.  Thus, those in Hell are the Undoers of Good Works.  

Joe Biden was an Undoer, too ... just to make him look better than Trump.  And then, life in America turned into a living Hell for troops in Afghanistan, the working class, the working poor, vulnerable females, the first-time home buyers, female athletes, vets, and others, all thanks to Classified Docs Thief & All-Around Liar, Joe Biden.  Apparently, the longer you are in the United States Congress the more stupid you become.

May God now save us from Joe Biden ... and Eric Swalwell and Nancy Pelosi and Jill Biden and Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff and Kamala Harris and Maxine Waters and the rest of the cast of characters in the Theater of the Absurd known as the Democratic Party.