March 20, 2024

From the Ghost of Glaciers Past: Glacier melting also occurred when atmospheric co2 was much lower; 70, 86, 95, 117, and 120 years ago.

The regrowth of the Jakobshavn Glacier made national news.  Yet, scientists are always making climate out to be a horror story, so as to get funding.  They're the dorks, the dweebs, the nerd-boys, & the wedgie boys you thought were so weird in high school.  Well, they're still weird, and thoroughly vicious, in hyper-exaggerating everything, causing severe anxiety.

Report from the Ghost of Glaciers Past

This post is for all of you who have read or heard that the world is undergoing "unprecedented" glacier melt and the subsequent End of the World.  The reality is that all weather events and melting scenarios happened before --- long before --- over and over again --- and sometimes in greater intensity --- when atmospheric co2 was very low, such as during the early 20th Century's 297 to 312 ppm.  In comparison, 2022's atmospheric co2 count has been 417 ppm.  Glacier melt made the papers, back in the early 20th Century, when the co2 count was much lower than today.  Therefore, it's not unprecedented.  Go look it up, yourself. 

The photocopies of twelve archived newspaper articles of varying length are located below, for evidentiary support purposes.  Their datelines are  1902,  1903,  1905,  1907,  1910,  1912,  1927,  1934,  1936,  1939,  1950, and 1952.  Their topics are Melting Glaciers, Shrinking Glaciers, and Vanishing Glaciers.  It has been the same old story, all along, within intervals of time, being that Climate is Cyclical.

Now, there's a lot on this subject to convey.   The point at present is to show you that this phenomenon occurred WHILE ATMOSPHERIC CO2 WAS LOW --- from 297 to 312 ppm. 

 Below:  Braidwood Dispatch & Mining Journal, New South Wales; Weds, Sept 28, 1910, pg 4.

NOW REMEMBER:  This was when the co2 level was much LOWER than today.
The co2 count in 1927 was 306 ppm.  Today it's 417 ppm. 

This was published 72 years ago, when the co2 level was 312 ppm.

Above: Prediction that the SVARTISEN GLACIER of Norway would be gone by the Year 2000.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 Below:  Today, in 2022, the Svartisen Glacier is the 2ND LARGEST in Norway, at 142 sq miles in size.  It certainly did NOT disappear by the Year 2000, as was predicted by experts of the era, and as was reported by AAP-Reuters.
This is only a small part of the glacier which did NOT vanish in the Year 2000.

Below is a super important lesson in how fast glaciers form.  In 1916, there was no glacier there, in Mounta Danello, Italy.  Rather, there were 15 Austrian soldiers there.  Twenty years later, a glacier melts and reveals the soldiers' remains.  It didn't even take twenty years for the glacier to form.  Thus, glacier size is quite flexible over relatively short periods of time.  Glaciers can form quite rapidly.

Below:  A receding glacier in 1912, when co2 was at 301 ppm.  It was receding a mile a year.  Thus, we have yet more evidence that the 2020s are not unprecedented or unique, in any capacity at all, whatsoever, in the least.  Even the lying scientists and lying media members of today is nothing new.  It's all the same old same old.  Greed.  And the American taxpayer gets to be the swindled sucker.

Below: Newspaper report of  January 14, 1939, when the co2 count was 311.  That's 106 ppm LOWER than today.  Yet, it states that "geologists all over the world" were puzzled by the continuous retreat of ice glaciers.  That worldwide glacier retreat occurred 83 years ago.  Thus, any glacier retreat reported today, tomorrow, or next year is NOT something unprecedented.  It's the same old same old.  So, don't let Michael Mann's false science provoke you into suicide ... or even clinical depression.  

BTW, Michael Mann was NEVER nominated as "co-winner" of any type of Nobel Prize, and therefore, he NEVER was co-awarded (or exclusively awarded) any Nobel Prize in anything.  Democracy Now lied on air.  Michael Mann's lawyer lied on paper, and Michael Mann repeatedly lied, period.  In fact, Michael Mann simply lies, per se.  In as much, the weather and/or climate was NOT mild throughout the 1,000 years preceding the Industrial Age.  

If the atmospheric co2 level gets cut in half, as Michael Mann said it should be, then the co2 level will be very near the level where photosynthesis stops occurring.  Australia is resilient, and NOT dying, as Michael Mann said.  

Plus, Mann did NOT submit to Dr. Tim Ball the data set for Mann's ridiculous hockey-stick temperature graph, as Mann promised a Canadian court he would do.   And Mann did hide the 1960s & '70s temperature decline of Briffa's much more honest temperature graph.   And all that Tim Ball wanted was for Mann to show his methodology, in arriving at the hockey-stick graph which omitted the existence of the Medieval Warm Period and Renaissance-era & Baroque-era Little Ice Age. 

One more thing: Michael Mann is not going to get China to cease its extensive coal plant construction projects.  And concerning India, in the Years 2021 & 2022, it commissioned EIGHT coal plants with 4.49 GW (gigawatt) capacity.  Plus, 39 coal plants are under construction there --- in India..  What is Michael Mann and John Kerry and Bill Nye and Al Gore doing about it?  

Coal releases mercury.  Mercury is obviously not good for health.  Sulfur Dioxide gets released during coal-burning.  Not good, either.  Fly-ash too, as well as certain nitrogen oxides, emit from coal when coal is being burnt.   So, instead of suing Tim Ball, Rand Simberg, and Mark Steyn, Mann should have been reaching out to India and China. 

Mann's purported "expert witnesses" were declared invalid by a DC court judge, incidentally.  They were officially declared NOT experts in the lawsuit which has been dragging-on for years.  The reason is that they did NOT show the methodology that resulted in their conclusions.  And of course, they claim that the Little Ice Age & Medieval Warm Period were only local events, and not worldwide.  They showed zero methodology for their conclusions which are contrary to chronicles, ledgers, journals, and strontium isotope analysis.

Go through newspaper archives, and you will see that Mann, Al Gore, PBS, & taxpayer-money-grabbing scientists have been lying to you, in a "false light," sleight-of-hand fashion.  They have been omitting lots of facts.

Below:  Swiss glaciers shrinking in 1907, when co2 was 299 ppm; 118 ppm LOWER than today.

Below:  In 1905, Swiss glaciers were known to be shrinking.  Yet, the article had a global reach to it.  It mentioned "the fact seems to be that glaciers all over the world are shrinking," even though the co2 count was only 298 ppm; 119 ppm LOWER than today.

Below:  This article mentions that Swiss glaciers were shrinking since 1922.  And of course, I called 1922 "the Year of the Great Meltdown."  None the less, did you ever hear about the 36 year glacier cycle by which a glacier waxes and wanes, like the phases of the moon?  Well, it's mentioned here:

This article was truncated ... cut ... for the sake of space.
Below:  As far back as in 1902, people were noticing the gradual shrinking of the Alpine glaciers, to the demise of the tourist industry there.  That's 120 years ago.  So, this phenomenon is NOT new.  It's apparently cyclical, because, during that general time span, glaciers were mentioned as having a waxing and a waning to them, a lot like the phases of the moon.  

All in all, glacier melt is NOT a new 2022-only phenomenon, or even a 21st-Century-only problem.  It was happening as far back as the beginning of the prior century, and one can logically deduce that glacier melt was rampant during the [1] Medieval Warm Period, [2] Roman Warm Period, and  [3] Minoan Warm Period, as well as the Eemian Warm Period (when seas level was 8 to 12 to 16 feet higher than today.) 

The media was completely wrong about Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction, and it was wrong about several other things, including climate doom predictions.  The media is not the Eternal God.  It has been repeatedly shown to be wrong, time after time.  It's an industry run by people looking for ratings and profit ... or sizable Congressional (Public TV) funding.   Let's be really honest here:  Truth & Justice is NOT the American Way, Superman.

In 1902, the co2 level was 296 and a half ppm, 120+ ppm LOWER than today.

  Below:  At the very least, look at "July 27, 1903."  Then look at, "MELTING GLACIERS."  This is a report that the famous Jakobshavn Glacier of Greenland was receding --- 119 years ago, when co2 was 297 ppm.  Well, in the vicinity of 2016 to 2019, the same glacier was reported as having had three consecutive years of ice gain.  Climate is cyclical, much like the phases of the moon.  It waxes and it wanes.

70 years ago, when co2 was 312 parts per million, 115 ppm lower than today.

All twelve of these samples should help you realize that you have been told a long line of lies about climate history and the present climate.  Look through newspaper and magazine archives, yourself.  The recent claim of a "climate crisis" has all been a con game, played by the media, fund-raising scientists, money-grabbing politicians who want re-elected, ex-politicians who want a second or third home. The doomsayers all have a financial conflict of interest.  Thus, they are NOT unbiased.  You don't have to submit to Mind Dictators.  Go and be free.


The Ghost of Glaciers Past

March 19, 2024

March 18th Antarctic plateau temperature rise: Warm Australian winds. Not caused by co2, as is evidenced by high (sunlight reflective) snow albedo.

NASA photo of none other than Antarctica
Let's take a few moments and look at the March 18, 2022 media reports on the Antarctic Plateau temperature rise, as was reported by the French and Italian scientists at the Concordia Dome C Research Station.  The temperature reading was conveyed as "provisional."  That denotes conditional ... contingent ... yet to be confirmed ... definitely not final.  

The report was that the Antarctic Plateau (located 10,607 feet above sea level) reached an extremely unique high of 11.3 degrees Fahrenheit (It should have been marked at 10.76F, by the way) and MINUS 11.8 Celsius. 

The average temperatures of the Concordia Dome C region for that day are -62F for a high and -75F for the low temp.  In addition, March 18 is the coldest day of the month for that area, statistically speaking.  THUS, it was a temperature anomaly wave, as opposed to a heat wave that occurred for about five days there.  Yet, it involved big numbers, relatively speaking.

This March 18 temperature did get news coverage, but it would have been an insult to even the average intelligence to have blamed the temperature on co2.  This is because the Antarctic Plateau is shear white, and the Albedo of ice/snow is 85, meaning that 85% of all the sun rays which hit a sheet of snow/ice reflect back into outer-space.  That means that . . .

. . . there simply isn't the presence of infrared light at the Antarctic Plateau to affect or effect temperature there.  

Now remember, greenhouse gases have no power in the absence of infrared light.  Therefore, greenhouse gases are instantly ruled-out as a cause of anything decisive where there is there is the whiteness of a snow-scape or an ice-scape.  

As was proven via the many heatwaves & droughts of centuries past (when co2 levels were 108 to 138 ppm LOWER than today), CO2 is NOT the driver of climate in any capacity.  Rather, CO2 is the driver of PHOTOSYNTHESIS, and without photosynthesis, life on Earth eventually ceases.  To kill off co2 is kill off mankind.  This explains why pro-abortion activists are obsessed with the Al Gore "Climate Change" doctrine.  They hate humanity and want to kill it off, as much as possible.

They claim that mankind is killing Planet Earth.  But, the statistics are that Planet Earth has been killing humanity very successfully throughout the centuries, via:

{1} hurricanes, {2} tornadoes, {3} droughts, heatwaves & crop failure, {4} plagues, {5} tsunamis, {6} volcanoes, {7} cold spells, {8} lightning strikes, {9} wild animal attacks, {10} shark attacks, {11} blizzards, {12} avalanches, {13} allergic reactions, {14} poison mushrooms, {15} poison plants. {16} heavy metal contamination, {17} forest fires, {18} floods, {19} pestilence, and {20} EARTHquakes.

It's a mystery that any human is still alive on Earth.

Now, the co2 levels of 2021 were the same as 2022, and 2021 is when Antarctica had its coldest winter on record ... in all of known history.  Thus, if you have two drastically different types of climate while having the same one co2 level, then co2 did not cause the drastically different climate events which occurred in less than 8 months' time.  The case is closed on this.  However, the students of the American public school system, having been as brainwashed as any students of centuries past, will hold on to that belief.  This includes the stubbornness and insistence of Hitler's Youths.

The higher than usual temperature of March 18 on the Concordia Plateau was said to have been caused by warm Southeastern Australian winds and "an atmospheric river." That phrase is new to me, UNLESS it's meant to describe the reality that the air above oceans is LATENT HEAT.  But, apparently, it didn't mean that.

None the less, a review of the Specific Latent Heat of Vaporization is essential for all beginners-novices.  Therefore, the following will help, after the following quick intro:

Q:  What is heat?  ANS #1:  It's energy.  ANS #2: It's transferable energy.  ANS #3:  It's transferable energy in motion.  More Specifically:  It's transferable kinetic energy.

Q2:  How does it transfer?  ANS: Via convection or conduction or thermal radiation (which involves electromagnetic radiation.) 

In as much, hot air rises.  Cool air descends.  Low pressure rises.  High pressure descends.  Plus, wherever you have cold air, you have dry air.  For now, that which matters is the Latent Heat of Vaporization (aka Enthalpy)  There also exists Latent Heat of Fusion.

See:  Latent Heat Tutorial

Also see:  Additional Latent Heat Tutorial for beginners

Now, an atmospheric river is described as something that carries a tremendous amount of water.  Well, it was NOT humid in Concordia on March 18.  

I simply assumed that the Australian winds rode the Latent Heat altitude above the Southern Ocean and then traveled inland for 680 miles, up the incline that leads to the Antarctic Plateau.  

Maybe the winds were of the Chinook variety ... the Foehn variety ... the Santa Ana variety ... downsloping.  However, downsloping winds compress as they rapidly heat.  The Concordia Plateau was low pressure city.  Yet, there was a climb up an incline that was the height of a mountain.  This translates into Adiabatic Heating and Orographic rain.  Such a thing is usually followed by instant heating of compressed wind going down a mountain.  

The difference with March 18, 2022 was that the wind was NOT traveling downhill in a compressed state.  It was crossing a plateau at low pressure.  But, it was exceptionally hotter than expected, even though it still remained well below freezing temperatures.

After all, if it were a matter of orographic rainfall following the path of the 10,607 foot  incline, the report would have mentioned at least a token amount of rain.  Did it?  I didn't see any rain report.  Well, it should have rained in the desert called Antarctica, being that, when air rises, precipitation falls.

If orographic rain were involved, then this was a typical adiabatic heating event, and there had to have been an actual atmospheric river floating across Antarctica.  Yet, it was such a rare event for a typical action to have caused the rarity.  None the less, the Global Warming Lobbyists made a spectacle out of this event.

The most important factor is that co2 did NOT cause this, evidenced by snow's high albedo and therefore it's high reflectivity of sunlight back into outer-space.  Period. 

Latent Heat

Concerning the oceans emitting latent heat, this phenomenon is what happens when "super-cooled" water has it's temperature raised to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  As the temperature rises to the usual freezing point, heat is released.

Incidentally, super cooled water is that which remains liquid even though it's below 32F.  As the super cooled temperature rises, calories of heat are released into the air above the ocean surface.  Did anything like this happen between Australia and Antarctica on March 18, 2022?

One question at this point:  Why is super cooled water still liquid when below 32F?  ANS:  That water has not yet released its calories.


Anyway, a recessed front was present in Antarctica on March 18, and such a thing enables a wind to insert itself.  It is similar to those openings in enemy formations that Alexander the Great always searched to find and penetrate.

The temperature anomaly lasted until the 21st of March.  Yes, -22F was a heat anomaly.

BTW, Antarctica has dark desert land which can allow sunlight free-rein.  But, Antarctica is 5.5 million square millions and mostly white.  Albedo prevails there.

None the less, the "apparent" ... the "seeming" ... record high temperature of March 18 was amended on a couple record-keeping data sheets.  The MINUS 11.8 degree Celsius number was changed to MINUS 17.7C in one data set, and MINUS 20C on another set.

This translates into -4 and 0 degrees Fahrenheit which doesn't look as apocalyptic as originally reported. 

Below is an illustration of the Australian wind (green colored border) inserting itself into an Antarctic front (blue) on March 18, 2022.  It arrived at a low-pressured 850 hector-pascals.  This would translate into 12.32 psi --- aka 25.1 inches of mercury, in terms of air pressure, and it was following the Coriolis Effect for a low pressure system in the Southern Hemisphere.  (Incidentally, standard surface air pressure throughout the Earth is 14.7 psi.)  

The Vostok Station got similar temperatures at the same time.  Incidentally, Vostok means "East"in Russian.  Vostok is 350 miles from Concordia.  It's close to the distance between Pittsburgh and the New Jersey border.  In mid-March 2022, they shared similar temperatures, 350 miles apart.

Speaking of Jersey, while the media endlessly harped on heat waves and decreasing water levels, the Jersey shoreline water was exceptionally chilly.  And why?  

ANS:  Because of Upwelling ... because of water rising through the Pycnocline layer of the ocean, making its way to the surface.  It brings with it rich nutrients for the ocean dwellers.  

The average temps for Jersey ocean water, for August, is around 70 - 75 degrees, and it has made it to 79F.  This August, it was found to be 58F and similar temps.

This is pertinent, in light of the Resplendy-Keeling paper of recent years, where it was claimed that the ocean is heating 60% faster than assumed.  Well, the paper had mathematical errors in it that invalidated it.   

At Jersey this Summer, that Resplendy paper was doubly invalidated, being that the upwelling water is soooooo cold.  I stated previously that the majority of ocean water is dark and 39 degrees Fahrenheit.  Well, the Jersey shoreline concurs.  It was Brrrr City there.

Jersey ocean water 12 to 18 degrees Fahrenheit colder this summer

Back to the Concordia Station

The bottom line is that co2, n2o, & methane (ch4) had NOTHING to do with the March 18, 19, 20, 21 temperature rise which still stayed mostly 30 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit under the melting point.

Moreover, Antarctic March is equivalent to Northern Hemispheric September when there are temporary returns of Summer temps.  Take note of the change of ... the adjusting of ... the amending of ... the March 18, 2022 temperature.

 ~  ~  ~

Below:  Take note of the barometer reading for March 18.  It's 28.5 Hg.  That translates into 965 millibars.  That's a category 2 hurricane pressure.  None the less, an anabatic wind is dependent upon solar irradiance, instead of pressure... so say the writers of the textbooks.  That's the opposite of a katabatic wind which is a Chinook Wind and a Foehn Wind and a down-sloping wind.

The low humidity makes things believable enough in this case.

Looks like the end of the world has been postponed.  The world needs consolation more than theatrics & hype.  Easily bored people need theatrics and hype.  Easily bored people are boring people.  So, they market hype, instead of hope.

Boring people are void of true intrigue, such as how things work in nature.  Closed minds learn nothing, especially those in brainwashing chambers (called classrooms) where they repeatedly heard, "co2", "greenhouse gases," and "the burning of fossil fuels."


The media simply wants to see people hyped-up ... as in sensationalism ... as in running wild in the streets, setting fires.  This is done in search of higher ratings.  That wild-in-the-streets pyromania has been done before.  Nothing new or intriguing there.  Try to solve some of life's mysteries, instead of ending life.  Intrigue is built into the human system.

March 18, 2024

1913: co2 = 301 ppm --- 116 ppm LESS than today. Year of record heat --- killer heat.

As far back as 109 years ago, the experts ... the observers ... the seafarers conjectured that many glaciers would vanish in soon enough time --- mostly, by the middle of the 20th Century; 72 years ago.  This is because, at the beginning of the 20th Century, the ice was getting thinner.  The seafarers were literally noticing Glacier Retreat, firsthand.

As far as goes Glacier National Park, it was first predicted that all of its glaciers would disappear by 1948.  It's now 2022, and those glaciers are still there.  The rates of glacier retreat were miscalculated, because the approaching temperature decline that Michael Mann would hide was not taken into account.  That decline was predominately in the 1960s & 1970s, with some of it in the beginning of the '90s. account.  As far as goes the more recent predictions of all the glaciers being gone by 2020, that was scientifically unfounded.  That was a political ploy, to create enough fear amongst the citizens, to have them plea for scientist intervention, to keep the glaciers in tact.  No human needs a glacier.  Humans need warmth, and so too do their crops.

The bottom line is that it is 100% false to claim that the world is going through "unprecedented glacier decline."  Being that this exact same thing occurred in the 1910s, '20s, and '30s, it's not unprecedented.  This has been occurring, on and off, for over a hundred years.  It's the same old same old, illustrating that Climate is Cyclical.
Hottest Day, Thursday July 10, 1913, Greenland Ranch, Calif, presently called Furnace Creek.

Always remember that the scientists claiming "a clear & present climate crisis" have a financial CONFLICT OF INTEREST that will cost the American taxpayer even more than the present $31 trillion national debt.  Firstly, the scientists make their money on claiming that a crisis is occurring somewhere in United States Taxpayer Jurisdiction that only they can solve, provided that you pay them lots and lots of taxpayer dollars.  They say what they say with the intended goal of getting YOUR TAX DOLLARS into their pockets.  That's how they make their money.  

Only people who have no financial interest in stating "it's-true" or "it's-a-scam" have the right to assess the credibility of the present greenhouse gas assertion that [a] 2 per parts per million of methane is going to cause the world to come to an end, along with [b] one part per 3 million of Nitrous Oxide, [c] co2 which exists at less than one-half of 1% of the atmosphere es  of either yes or no, as true the credibility of that hysteric and overly exaggerated assertion.  At this point in time, the two things which are 100% sure is that 1} Planet Earth is NOT at a point of no return, 2} Climate is cyclical.  Within that cycle are very nice weather seasons and very deadly ones, depending on the stage of the cycle.

Secondly, in order to get your dollars into their pockets (via congressional funding or ngo funding), they have to create a catastrophic disaster that will result in the immediate end of the world, without their taxpayer-funded services.  Third, they constructed a narration of pending doom which is really easy to refute, concerning what was stated in congressional committee & subcommittee meetings.  Her is an example of the Climate Change Movement being a total farce:

A certain individual who should be prosecuted for lying to Congress stated that the added atmospheric co2 will soon make all the ocean corrosive, killing all the ocean life.  He said that this will happen when the ocean water's PH reaches 7.7.  STOP right there.  This was a blatant lie that even someone as clueless as an American politician could catch.  Observe . . .

A 7.7 PH is alkaline, also known as BASE.  Neutral is a 7.0 PH.  At present, the ocean is 8.1.  PH does not acquire corrosive properties until it reaches either 4.0 to 11.0.

Newsflash:  Planet Earth can survive without them.  What mankind needs is freedom from the which will injure, impair, or even kill the body over time.  That would be synthetic chemicals of varying sort.  Money needs to be invested in that scandal ... not in going to war against life-giving co2.

 Let's review once again:  Claims of melting glaciers were in progress as far back as over one hundred years ago.  This is NOTHING NEW.  The concept of "global warming," "climate change," and "glacier retreat" existed over a hundred years ago.  Yet, all of those glaciers are still with us to one extent or another, except for the Okjökull glacier in Iceland.  One missing glacier isn't the End of the World.  In fact, it's cold temperatures that kill humans, wild animals, pets, crops, leafage, etc.

March 16, 2024

2022 was the Year of the Great Deja Vu of 1922

Concerning the claim of 2022 being the year of doomsday heat: {1} Australia went through record cold weather in June of 2022, and two of the three sectors of the Great Barrier Reef were reported to have replenished very successfully.  The third sector was dinner for hungry crown-of-thorn starfish.  {2}   In fact, Australia enjoyed one type of record crop yield in 2022, while enjoying a record high yield in another type of crop in 2021 (already covered at the Blue Marble Album.) {3} Ireland reported record crop yields for 2022, as in:


{4} Brazil went through record cold weather in May 2022.  {5} The Midwest of the United States went through record cold in October of 2022.  {6} And in the middle of November 2022, the South Pole went through back-to-back-to-back record cold temperature days, thereby negating the claim that Antarctica is on a crash-course to catastrophic ice melt and a sea level rise that will drown humanity.   In fact, Antarctica had the coldest Winter in its recorded history as recently as 2021.  Observe the most recent news from Antarctica, as of November 2022:

This Stefano Di Battista is not to be confused with the jazz musician who has the same name.

But of course, the focus was on the heated areas of Planet Earth, during the SUMMER of 2022.  The fact is that the equally hot summers of 1900, 1901, 1903, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1921, 1922, 1931, 1934, 1935, and 1936 all transpired when the atmospheric co2 level was much lower than today; at only 296 to 309 parts per million.  That is 108 to 121 parts per million LESS than today.  In fact, during the heatwave years of 1871, 1878, and 1896, the co2 level was even lower.  So, how could co2 be the cause of heat waves during heat waves that transpired while the co2 level was too low to effect a change?   Cirrus clouds have more heat retaining capacity than does co2, and water vapor is 90% of all greenhouse gases.  Thus, water vapor is the determinant greenhouse gas, and it's carbon-free.

Meanwhile, the 1880s, the 1940s, the 1960s, and the 1970s were generally perceived as "Decades of Cooling."  The 1910s, the 1920s, the 1950s and the 1990s were regarded as half-and-half.  For example, 1921 and '22 were ferociously hot years, while 1928 & 1929 saw some of the coldest winter weeks in history.  And of course, the 1930s were years of ferocious warming and even drought, as were the 1870s, a decade that transpired shortly after the end of the Mini Ice Age.

In sequence, 2012 was a year of heat waves.  Yet, 2014/2015 gave humanity the coldest winter in 40 years.  And 2015 was the record year of the most Antarctic sea ice extent.  Then came heat in 2016, followed by cold blasts in 2017 & 2018, followed by heat yet again.  Once again, over and over again, climate has been shown to be cyclical, like a roller coaster.

The bottom line is that the media and grant-seeking scientists stated that the weather of 2022 was "unprecedented."  They are complete liars.  The events of 2022 were very precedented.  It all happened before, tragic time and tragic time, again and again ... all when co2 levels were very low.  Casualties were still high, despite the low co2 count.  Far more people died during natural disasters in 1922 than in 2022 and several other years combined.
CO2 was 304 ppm --- 113 ppm LESS than today.  This typhoon killed 50,000-100,000.

Plus, on September 13, 1922, El Azizia Libya was reported to have undergone the hottest temperature ever  measured on the surface of the Earth, at 136.4 Fahrenheit --- 58 "Centigrade."  That temperature was put into doubt, being that El Aziza is 520 feet above sea level, in semi-arid land.  However, the Jabal Nafusah mountains (located northwest) are 2,500 feet high, and this translates into the Adibiatic Heating phenomenon called the Santa Ana Winds, the Chinook Winds, and the Foehn winds.  

Such winds come from "Orographic lifting" which renders an air parcel (air quantum) dry, when the air reaches a mountain top.  Then, as the air parcel (air quantum) travels down the "leeward side" of the mountain, it compresses, it heats-up, and this process results in the sudden arrival of high temperatures at the lower surfaces of the Earth.  In Libya, they are called, Ghibi Winds.  So, that particular 1922 temperature reading has credibility too it.  In fact, in 1923, the same region recorded a 135F temperature, when the co2 level was at 304 ppm; 113 ppm LOWER than today.

Despite the obvious cycle of climate between 1922 and 2022, the refrain was sung once again ... by the usual singing suspects, namely the less than factual Al Gore and the less than honest Michael Mann.  Once again, youths are being used as useful idiots.  History does repeat itself ... far too often.   

Yes, mommy and daddy won't buy into the con game.  So, schools get invaded by a predictable con artist politician bearing a very non-factual movie that told the children that massive flooding and Category 6 hurricanes would invade their homes, if they did not follow an Al Gore who was caught expending outrageous amounts of electricity at one palatial domicile, alone.  In the end, the children get recruited, in place of mommy and daddy.  And all that you have to do, to make it happen, is turn teaching into the dissemination of propaganda.   It's the Hitler Youth, all over again.

Gore's energy-consuming hypocrisy goes as follows:

      "The Associated Press reviewed the Gores’ energy bills and reported that the family consumed 191,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006. This was considerably more than the amount of electricity used by the typical house in Nashville, about 15,600 kilowatt-hours a year.

       An older version of the e-mail claimed that "Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359." That figure was just about right, according to the numbers crunched by the AP."

 Take a free look at: 

Of course, in all of the propaganda that transpired, the teachers forgot to tell the students that the $31 TRILLION debt accrued by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, all the "going-green" myna birds, and the military industrial complex is debt for the youth to pay ... in maybe 62 to 93 to 124 to 186 years.  Or else all Americans will be caught in the middle of the nationally catastrophic bankruptcy of a worthless dollar, all caused by big mouths who were constantly given sound byte time on commercial & subscription television.

The accruing of an outrageously high debt was either an ongoing act of incompetency or outright theft done under the guise of lawfulness.  In either way, the youths pay, while the co2 level keeps on rising, anyway.  

Meanwhile, the politicians ignore the true enemies of Life on Earth, namely Mercury, Sulfur Dioxide, Lead, and  even forms of fly-ash, along with those synthetic (high volume production) chemicals not yet under the laboratory scrutiny of the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act.  For those unfamiliar, the Lautenberg Act is as effective as a band-aid in a four car collision.

Next to be addressed is the commercial media networks' claim that mankind has to aggressively rid the atmosphere of the industrial "carbon footprint."  You need to understand the following facts:  The Earth's atmosphere is already at least 99.93% carbon-free.  The atmosphere is made of 

[1] 78% carbon-free Nitrogen, [2] 21% carbon-free Oxygen, [3] 0.93% carbon-free Argon.


        The prevailing amount of carbon-free water vapor which ranges from 0.1% to %4.

The same atmosphere additional contains minute amounts of Hydrogen, Helium, Neon, and Xenon, all of which are carbon-free.  And of course, 90% of all greenhouse gases (by volume) is the carbon-free water vapor which comprises as much as 4% of the atmosphere in the Tropics, while comprising very low amounts in deserts such as Antarctica and the Sahara.

Do you detect the con game that has been played with humanity since 2006?  2006 was the year of the first Al Gore movie which was an insult to the intelligence of anyone even slightly familiar with Atmospheric Physics ... especially in what was falsely said about Lake Chad.

At this point, keep in mind that Cirrus Clouds have more infrared heat retention capacity than does the trace gas co2.  Also keep in mind that it is generally understood that, if the man-made compound, Sulfur Hexaflouride gets mass marketed, then there will be a dreadful measure of man-made Global Warming.  Sulfur Hexaflouride is a world apart from co2, in heat retaining capability, because it's so stable.  In review, CO2 is fine.  Sulfur Hexaflouride is potential grief.  Period.

CO2 easily becomes plant food, tree refreshment, and phytoplankton subsistence.  Thus, it will not build-up to the point of disaster, any time soon.  And 417 ppm is not anywhere near the End of the World.  After all, Venus and Mars have co2 levels at 965,000 ppm & 953,000 ppm.  Meanwhile, CO2 is in great demand on Planet Earth, because it empowers nature's oxygen-making machines ... and because it is the key to photosynthesis.  The co2 levels of Venus & Mars prove that there is no life on those two planets.  There's nothing on those planets that consumes co2 and changes it into another molecular structure.

File:Venus from Mariner 10.jpg File:Hubble's Closest View of Mars in 60,000 Years- August 27, 2003.jpg

Back to Planet Earth:  Now, 2022 was proclaimed to be the hottest, most ice-dissolving year of them all, by media members who have no experience in atmospheric physics or meteorology or geology or in working outdoors for decades ... or in being honest.  The untrained folk with microphones and computer keyboards used the word, "unprecedented."  They claimed like faithful Nazi Party members who do not allow dissent that never before in the history of mankind have the weather events of 2022 been seen.  Well, for starters, try the Year 1922 .... one hundred years prior.   One certainty is that there was much more Arctic Ice in existence today, in 2022, than there was in 1922.  In fact, 1922 actually was the Great Melt-down.

In addition, the Years 1910 & 1911 were also far worse than 2022, as is illustrated in a previous post, with photos of 1910 & 1911 newspaper articles included.  The Year 1913 brought record heat, in fact, until 1922 broke it.

And then there was the trio of 1934 to 1936, with 1934 having been declared by NASA to have been the worse drought year in 1,000 years.  In sequence, the Year 1936  hosted the hottest Summer of the 20th Century --- far worse than anything that the 21st Century thus far had to offer, including the heatwave year of 2012, 2016, and the overly exaggerated 2022.

Observe the examples below which prove this to be very true about the Years 1922 & 1923, as well as 1923 & 1925.  We begin with the 1923 news report that Glacier National Park was melting at a rapid rate.  At the time, the prediction was that all of the glaciers at Glacier National were going to be melted-away, by the Year 1948.   It was an ongoing false prophecy.   The most recent failed prediction was that the glaciers were going to be gone by 2020.  They are still there.  
 None the less, the articles posted below show the severity of heat during the 1920s.  This shows that it is a complete falsehood to claim that there were no severe heat years until recently.  The heat and the forest fires were far worse in the 1870s, 1890s, 1901, 1910, the 1920s, and the 1930s.  As far as go droughts, the worse ones were in the later part of the 19th Century in addition to 1934.  
And as far as goes the worst flood year, it would be 1927, for sure.  Yet, in the same 1927, there was also a brutal drought.  In as much, on a planetary globe that is tilted at its axis, one man's drought is another man's flood.  
And then there is the matter of the worse of winters.  That was definitely the Winter of 1880-1881.  There was also the Great Blizzard of 1888.  The 1880s did not have the heat experienced in the 1870s and 1890s.  The Winter of 1928-'29 was brutally cold, too.  The winters of the 1960s were physically painful events, as well.  I should know.  I was there.  The 1970s were painfully cold times, too.  I was there, too.  Thus, climate is cyclical.

Needless to say, newspaper archives of decades and centuries past contain the evidence which shows that the recently altered climate graphs and charts of the U.S. government are outright fraudulent misrepresentations.  
The government has a conflict of interest here, being that members of governments throughout the world advocate imposing "the carbon tax" upon humanity.  Thus, their "sales pitch" is that there never was weather like the weather of 2022, when the truth is that many years were far worse --- and when the truth is also that 2022 was greatly exaggerated.  Yet, 90% of all greenhouse gases, by volume, is Water Vapor.  Water Vapor has no carbon footprint.  So, why put a carbon tax on air that is 99.93% carbon-free?
In review, the atmosphere is 78% carbon-free Nitrogen, 21% carbon-free Oxygen, and 0.93% carbon-free Argon.  This equals a 99.93% carbon-free atmosphere.  Do you sense a scam amongst the Carbon Tax Lobbyists, yet?  No?  Well, enjoy paying the massive national debt that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer dumped on you.  In fact, even enjoy the day when, suddenly, the American dollar will no longer have value.  After all, when you keep printing dollars, you keep devaluing dollars, and you can't get lower than the number ZERO.  
So, have fun in all the chaos to ensue, all because you listened to Al Gore, Michael Mann, and Nancy Pelosi, as well as other people who were not fit for leadership posts.  There is a difference between being a leader and being in power.  Non-leaders in power always abuse their power and pocket large sums of money in the process. 
The Year 2022 brought nothing new; not even the predictable con artist media personalities who told the citizenry yet another science fiction horror story, all the while neglecting to tell the public that the Year 2022 also had record cold temperatures within it, along with a restored Great Barrier Reef.  Huge news.  But not for the con artists. 

All of this coincides with the presidency of known liar, Joe Biden.  For the record, his lies, as much as his public hair-sniffing, are on video ... and on film.  This was especially the case during the 1988 presidential campaign, when Joe Biden became Liar Extraordinaire.  Only later did he become Hair-Sniffer Extraordinaire.

All of this also coincides with the $174 million worth of grant dollars given to a multiplicity of media outlets, compliments of none other than Mr. Microbe ... Bill Gates.  My!  What a coincidence!  BTW, take a look at:  

                   Bill Gates rigging the media at a discount price of 174 million "grant" dollars.

All in all, in 1922 and 1923, it was reported that the Arctic was melting severely.  Well, Arctic Ice replenished in the 1960s and 1970s, indicating that climate IS cyclical, and not at all driven by the trace gas co2 ... or by methane which only exists at 2 parts per million in the atmosphere ... or by nitrous oxide (N2O) which exists at ONE part per THREE million.

Keep in mind that this is the report of 1922 ... NOT 2022.  There is much more ice on Earth today than there was in 1922, when the atmospheric co2 level was no more than 304 parts per million.  Today, co2 is at 417 parts per million.  

When I polled people, asking them what percentage of the atmosphere is CO2, the common response was, "I would say 30%."  They were only off by 29.95%.  Only one person gave me an answer that was almost correct, concerning the co2 level, and that was while I was in Chicago.  One person east of Ohio, incidentally, gave the answer of 70%.  Yet, he was a very rational person who assumed that the level had to be ridiculously high or else Al Gore wouldn't have been obsessively harping about it for decades.  

None the less, the visual aid which helps the co2 count be understood is the one which compares the various atmospheric molecules to a Rose Bowl audience.  In as much, if the atmosphere's constituents were Rose Bowl fans, 78,000 of them would be Nitrogens.  21,000 of them would be Oxygens.  930 of them would be Argons, and only 42 of them would be CO2.  

As far as goes methane, there would be one methane for every FIVE Rose Bowl stadiums.  Methane is only 2 parts per million in Planet Earth's Troposphere.  That's it.  N2O is only one part per THREE million, in the same Troposphere.  That amounts to one nitrous oxide molecule for every 30 Rose Bowl stadiums.

This shows the failure of the commercial media and the American public school system, as well as Al Gore, Bill Nye, Michael Mann, and Bill Gates.  Then again, it shows the success of those people spreading misinformative and disinformative propaganda, thereby deceiving anyone too lazy to read & check things for himself/herself.   Add to the contributors of disinformation certain personnel of the United Nations who are simply trying to con American government officials out of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

In addition, when Obama's EPA chief was asked the percentage of atmospheric co2 during a congressional hearing, she did not know the answer.  This is beyond pathetic.

© Patrick Anthony Pontillo, taken during the coldest winter in 40 yrs.

The journalists' ironic contradiction

A great irony in co2 climate reports is that one type of journalist describes co2 as causing humid and sweltering days, while another type of journalist describes co2 as causing hot, brittle dryness.  So, which one is it, journalists?  In can't be both.  In fact, there are weather disasters which require low pressure systems, and there are weather disasters which require high pressure systems.  So, which one does co2 cause?  It can't be both.  As you can see, when it comes to scientific details, journalists are not on the same page with each other. 

Moreover, in 1922, there were official reports that amounted to far less Arctic ice in 1922 than in 2022.  After all, in the middle of September 2022, when the Arctic Summer came to a close, there was still 1.8 MILLION square miles of ice remaining in the Arctic Ocean.  In 1922, there was a scarce amount of ice up to the 81st parallel.    

As a reference point or two, the North Pole is the 90th Parallel, while Helsinki and Oslo are near the 60th parallel, with Moscow being near the 56th Parallel.  Stockholm is near 60 degrees parallel, also.  Thus, 1922 was the Great Meltdown, when co2 was only at 304 ppm (parts per million).  Therefore, co2 did NOT cause the Meltdown of 1921, 1922, & 1923.  Nor did it cause the heatwaves of 1871, 1878, 1896, 1901, 1910, etc.  Therefore, it didn't cause the heatwaves of 2012 or 2022, either.   Water Vapor is the Greenhouse Gas that rules Planet Earth, and it has ZERO carbon-footprint.  After all, Planet Earth IS the Water Planet, so do the math on this one.

The truth is that, if you want to go green, then increase the level of atmospheric CO2.  It's quite simple.  It simply doesn't make as much money as does claiming that CO2 is going to wipe out humanity, unless you give hundreds of millions of dollars to Al Gore.  Meanwhile, hundreds of billions of United States taxpayer dollars were appropriated to those activists and "scientists" who found favor with Al Gore, compliments of congressional "leaders" who dwell in mansions and who do all so exceptionally well in their stock investments.  What a coincidence that the most successful investors are U.S. congressional members!!!  But of course, no insider trading is permitted.  Or is it?

March 15, 2024

There was only ONE Northern Russian Arctic Circle Anthrax Outbreak. None were in 1941. The media lied again, through false light exaggeration.

Reindeer herders camp in the polar urals natural park
Arctic Russia. Newsflash: Non-modernized nomads do NOT seek to sleep on permafrost. 

Person 1:  There was one anthrax outbreak in Russia.  It occurred in 2016, in the northernmost part of central Russia, in an area known for its lucrative oil production.  One outbreak only.  One person died ... in all of Russia.  Approximately one hundred got infected.

Person 2:  Well, okay.  Conceded.  But, the bubonic plague and other microbiological disasters will strike Siberia, through the melting permafrost.  

Person 1:  The Bubonic Plague did strike Madagascar recently.  But, that's in Africa ... not in Siberia.  The Bubonic Plage also struck India, in 2014, killing 56.  India is nowhere near the Russian permafrost, frozen or unfrozen.  In order to emerge from melted permafrost, you have to be an endospore.  The Bubonic Plague bacteria (Yersinia Pestis) is not an endospore. 

Siberian Architecture is the issue

Microbiology isn't the issue of most concern, in the areas of receding permafrost.  Architecture is.  This is how you separate a Climate Change Fraudster from an honest person.  If a person presents him or herself as a climate expert on permafrost, and doesn't mention "stilts," "thermopile," and/or "thermosyphon," the person is a fraud who is pretending to be an expert.

The first reality is that melted permafrost freezes-up real fast come Autumn in the Northernmost regions of Russia.  Melted permafrost is frozen throughout most of the year.  And, it only take two contiguous years for a frozen substance to be classified as permafrost; not 2,000.

Quick Tips, for detecting sleight of hand deceptions

Firstly, if you are looking at a photo with any kind of grass in it, you are NOT looking at a permafrost landscape.  Secondly, if you are looking at Russian architecture over true permafrost (frozen or melted), you will see a concrete lot around the building, and stilts attached to the house, going into the ground.   Thirdly, if you are being shown a photo of Arctic nomads, know this:  They don't want to sleep on ice.  Do you?

Then comes the thermopile (providing a shadowing effect on the ground below, to keep things cold) or thermosyphon (to extract heat from the ground below the structure.)  This is in addition to house stilts.

Now, if there truly is a melting permafrost involved, as opposed to other varieties of snow & ice, it does NOT automatically mean that co2 or the minute level of any other minor greenhouse gas is doing the melting.  Water vapor is the master greenhouse gas.

Concerning CO2, it's super easy to illustrate that it hasn't been causing a melting in the Arctic Circle, even though there has been melting there.  Observe:

Firstly, atmospheric co2 is mostly uniform (mostly the same) with little variation throughout the Earth's Tropospheric altitudes.  Even though some regions of the Earth emit much more industrial co2 than other regions, co2 generally evens itself out throughout the entire atmosphere, per altitude layer. 

Thus, that which is occurring in the Arctic would be occurring in  Antarctica, if co2 were a driver of climate & air temperatures.  After all, Global Warming deals with the Globe ... not merely the Arctic Circle.  So, the South Pole should have its melting, too.  And Antarctica is the same size as the Arctic Ocean; 5.5 million square miles.

Newsflash:  The Year 2021 was the year of Antarctica's coldest known winter on record.  

Double Newsflash: The gigantic Ross Ice Shelf in Western Antarctica was found to be crystalizing at its bottom, and not smoothing-out.  Smoothing-out denotes melting.  Thus, the Ross Ice Shelf was doing the opposite of melting. 

Directly below is a National Geographic video on the Ross Ice Shelf crystalizing at its bottom, after a super deep hole was cut into it, by New Zealand scientists in 2015.  The name, National Geographic, makes it a prestigious video.

See:     Ross Ice Shelf Crystalizing and NOT melting.

Oh, by the way, concerning the report that Antarctica had a recent record high of 64.9F, that place was 1,840 miles away from the South Pole, and 206 miles outside of the Antarctic Circle.  It was 700 miles away from the southern tip of South America, where Chile and Argentina have borderlines.


In review, the official definition of permafrost is anything frozen for two consecutive years, including rocks and boulders.  You do not need co2 to effect the melting of (or the sublimation) of permafrost.  

CO2 is only 0.042% of the Troposphere, with the radiative forcing of a nightlight.  Water vapor is the dominant greenhouse, comprising 90% of the Earth's greenhouse gases ... by volume, of course.  So, you need to widen your panorama and quit being tunnel-visioned by an Al Gore who claimed that the center of the Earth is millions of degrees.  The center is 9,800F to 10,800F.  Gore is a fraud.

One more thing:  It's very much possible for ice to turn directly into vapor, thereby bypassing the melting and liquefying phase.  It's called sublimation.  A prime example of this sublimation is on Himalayan mountain tops.  Strong winds are required.  So, if you see missing ice, it doesn't automatically mean "melting."  And if you have melting ice, it doesn't automatically mean co2, when the co2 level is merely 21/50,000th of the atmosphere; that's "twenty-one, fifty thousandth" of the Troposphere.

Concerning the building of any structure on permafrost, that's a conversation for another article or discourse or video.  So, an article written by a member of an Alaska firm (on the permafrost topic) was posted directly below, should you be curious.

See:   Building on permafrost, aware that the permafrost might melt. 

If there is vegetative life present, you are not on permafrost

Permafrost has melted previously and the world did not come to an end.  Evidence as to the absence of Northern Permafrost in ages past is artifacts found under present Permafrost ... or under recently melted permafrost.  This includes human-made skis and a few mummies designed to be preserved for a really long time.  Other evidence includes rooted tree stumps positioned closer to the Arctic Ocean than is today's more remote tree line.  Therefore, the Zombie Apocalypse is on hold.

In fact, there's an irony with Arctic coastline permafrost.  Firstly, it comprises 30% of all coastlines on Earth.  Secondly, Arctic Ocean water has repeatedly been found to be super cooled, meaning that it is still liquid even though it's temperature is below 32F ... or 0C.   This presents a question:  Does permafrost ever become super cooled, turning into liquid without a temperature?

The variables in this equation would be ~frazil ice, ~anchor ice, ~turbulence, as in kicking-up eddys (those gyres ...  slow-motion spinning tops).  Well, this subject is for a series of articles.  It's beyond the scope of this discourse.

All in all, Arctic Ice starting slowly going downward in 1968 or so.  Then, after 1979, when there was the highest accumulation of Arctic sea ice, it diminished more efficiently.  It stared its return in 2017.  None the less, all of the Arctic Ocean is on salt water.  The Antarctic is desert land, and the ice accumulation on that land is equal to the ice accumulation during the latest maximum glaciation (aka Ice Age) of  North America.  

Moreover, the massive ice shelves of Antarctica are mostly submerged in saltwater ... and are not floating on top of it.  None the less, the Antarctic Ice has been found increasing within the past 10 years, especially in 2015.  Meanwhile, Arctic Ice has not been doing so ... except for this year, in 2022, and 2017, as well as 2018.  A return of ice started in 2017. 

In as much, being that the Poles are under the same atmosphere, and yet are behaving differently from each other, the atmospheric co2 level is NOT an answer to this question, in any capacity.  Having obsessive recourse to co2 levels as the answer to every atmospheric question is pathetic.  CO2 is the key to photosynthesis.  It's an answer to agricultural questions; not to atmospheric ones. 

That which might be an answer is found somewhere in the observation that sea ice isn't forming above Northern Scandivania or west of Russia's Arctic seaports.  After all, you can draw a line from the Gulf of Mexico to Western Russia's Arctic seaports.  That might mean something useful.  None the less, that topic is beyond the scope of this article.

Yet, concerning 2022, the year of France's heat wave, there has been a generous allotment of ice in the Arctic.  Yet, Scandinavian and Arctic Russian aren't getting the ice.  None the less, there is more ice now than in the past couple decades.  And and and, ships still get caught in Arctic Ice. 

Greenland is what is exaggerated by the Climate Doomsayers.  After all, if all the Arctic Ocean completely melted, it would have the same general effect as your iced tea ice cubes melting away.  The water level would not increase.  

Actually,  when snow melts, the water level decreases.  Anyone who worked outdoors for years, knows this via experience.  So, the climate doomsayers must attract the public's mind to Greenland and then create a horror story via false light, sleight of hand misrepresentation.

None the less, the aforementioned question still isn't answered.  For now, it would suffice to state that climate hysteria has gone overboard, because the Biden people are using it for inspiring high amounts of Congressional funding.  The Congress is the keeper of the purse.  So, the executive branch in DC has to inspire Congress to spend.

Endospores is the other issue 

When it comes to the claim that pandemics will bloom from the melted permafrost areas, it's a matter of "endospores" which can sit crystalized and dormant for a few consecutive centuries, but NOT for thousands of years.  

Now, there are aerobic endospores and anaerobic ones.  Aerobic endospores activate in oxygen "mediums" and anaerobic ones activate as soon as they're in an environment free of oxygen.

An example of an anaerobic endospore is Tetanus.  When it gets into a cut, into an oxygen-free zone of the human body, it's activated.  If left untreated, tetanus mostly turns into "lock-jaw" which happens to be fatal.

An example of an aerobic endospore ` (in part only) is Anthrax which happens to be in the bacillus family.  A bacillus is a rod.  Anthracis refers to coal, as in the mark on the skin caused by anthrax.  It looks like a lump of coal, one-dimensionally speaking.  None the less, there are two types of anthrax.  One is vegetative. 

Bubonic Plague doesn't operate that way

That which proves asinine the assertion that "bubonic plague will come out of melted permafrost" is the fact that bubonic plague bacteria (yersinia pestis) is "non-spore-forming  coccobacillus."   It is NOT an endospore.

However, it is a "facultative anaerobic" bacterium, meaning that it can survive in oxygenated and oxygen-free mediums.  Thus, it even feels at home in untreated cuts.  BTW, coccus means sphere, and bacillus means rod.  Coccobacillus means short and oval in shape.

Anthrax needs a non-oxygen environment to enable itself to sit crystallized for a few centuries.  Snow is NOT oxygen-free.  Ice is NOT oxygen-free.  Anthrax has to get kicked-up out of the Earth, though only at near-surface depth.  Wind or heavy precipitation or a military invasion kicks it up the earth ... not melting.  Melting doesn't kick up anything.  After the melting, something else must do the kicking-up.

Now, anthrax is NOT spread from human to human.  It is NOT a contagion, unless there is cut-skin to cut-skin contact (subcutaneous contact).  Anthrax mostly infects living beings by "aerosol dissemination;"  breathing it in while it floats through the air.  

One can also contract anthrax via eating something infected with anthrax.

Permafrost still frosts-up in the Wintertime.  So, why does it seem that anthrax only hovers around the snowy cold places of the Earth?  Well, it doesn't.  Only the Climate Doomsayers make this appear to be so.  

Anthrax came out of Africa 3-6 thousand years ago.  How did it get  up to Russia, in the first place?  In order for anthrax to have landed on Northern Russian ground, there had to have been a snowless time span in Russian, in the first place.  Thus, permafrost is not a hallowed relic.

Now, the Arctic Circle anthrax infection issue is yet another FALSE LIGHT MISREPRESENTATION.  The media made it sound as if this type of thing was happening on a regular basis.  The media made it sound like something that had now become common.  In as much, answer this question:

Q: Except for Lake Nakuru Park In Kenya, when was the last time there was an anthrax outbreak?

ANS 1: July 2022 in Croatia. Dozens of cattle died.  Six humans hospitalized.   Croatia is far away from Russian permafrost.

ANS 2: June 2018, in France.  Zero humans died.   Cattle got infected.  Approximately 50 cattle died.  France is far away from the Arctic Circle and Russia in general.

ANS 3: 2009, in Scotland.  Drug addicts contracted anthrax through needle sharing.  This definitely has nothing to do with melted or unmelted permafrost anywhere on Earth.  This was indoor anthrax.   The drug addicts were not shooting-up outdoors, in Northern Russia.

Climate Doom Propagandists have to insert lie after lie, in between pieces of actual historic fact.  For example, the 2016 media reported that Russia's SOLE anthrax outbreak as the first one "since 1941."

There was no anthrax outbreak in 1941.  That was during WWII, when Nazi Germany had invaded Russia.  The outbreak was an Influenza Epidemic amongst the Nazi German troops.  It was the 1918 Spanish Flue (Kansas Flu;) not anthrax and not the bubonic plague.  So, do you once again see how the Climate Activists lie and lie and lie again, via sleight of hand, false light misrepresentation?

Concerning Climate Doomsayers stating that Russia would not only be infected with anthrax, but also by bubonic plague, etc  rising out of the melted permafrost:  

Well, between 2014 and 2017, there most certainly was an outbreak of the Bubonic Plague --- in Madagascar, Africa --- far far away from the Russian permafrost.  In Madagascar,  2,348 people became infected, and 202 died.  In Russia, none.

In 1994, there was a Bubonic Plague outbreak that killed 56 people --- in India, far away from Russian permafrost.  Bubonic Plague, aka Yersinia Pestis, is NOT an endospore.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Q:  Why does the Lake Nakuru anthrax outbreak not matter in this conversation?

ANS:  It's because Lake Nakuru is in Kenya, and Kenya is at the Equator where there is NO RUSSIAN PERMAFROST, melted or unmelted.

Q: So, when was the last time an anthrax outbreak resulted in at least one human death anywhere on Earth?

ANS: 2016, in North-central Siberia.  One 12 year old human unfortunately died.  One hundred other humans got infected.  About 2,300 animals died, mostly reindeer.  That was six years ago.  Nothing since then. 

Q: Were there any other anthrax outbreaks in the 21st Century, other than the 2001 mail-delivery anthrax attacks?

ANS:  Only one other ... in Jharkhand Inda, in 2014.   Seven people died, and the anthrax was traced to one deceased cow.  Some people made dinner from that infected cow.   

Jharkland is a warm weather region.  It's coldest winter weather is usually in the upper 40s Fahrenheit at night.  Therefore, melted permafrost was NOT an issue in this case, either.  There was no permafrost there, in the first place.

The conclusion is that the media took one and only one cold climate anthrax event that occurred in the 21st Century and hyper-exaggerated it to the point where it sounded as if anthrax outbreaks were regularly occurring year after year after year, month after month.  No.  Not at all.  The media once again lied via sleight of hand false light misrepresentation.