January 25, 2024

More of Pittsburgh in Pictures

The Union Trust Building, in the Heart of Downtown Pittsburgh.
       Below is the third pictorial of the metropolis built on terrain etched at the end of the
       Great Ice Age, after the glaciers as nearby as Moraine State Park started to melt.
       The post Ice Age deicing of melt water came through the Three Rivers Confluence
        under which exists the Wisconsin Glacial Flow ... 54 feet below.

    Pittsburgh was once the City of Glass, in having had 40 manufacturing outlets in its pre-
    cincts.  The same Pittsburgh was once the King of Steel.  Furthermore, it was coined
    the City of Champions after the Steelers and Pirates won the Super Bowl and World
    Series in the same calendar year.

   Pittsburgh remains the City of Bridges and the Western Hemisphere's most celebrated
   aquatic triplicity, with a bonus subterranean river included.  Pittsburgh was also a heavy
   impact zone during the Industrial Revolution.  It was so much a keystone of America's
   Industrial Age that it was once called, Hell with the Lid Off.  In fact, the snide, yet
   honest, joke about Pittsburgh at the time was, "Six months in Pittsburgh is grounds
   for suicide."

   The influx of Eastern European immigrants, with their Catholicism & Orthodoxy, ended
   up changing the motif of Pittsburgh, shifting it away from the Hell image, as is illustrated
   below, in the Ukrainian Catholic Church built on the busiest street of the South Side.
  Yet, the image of a Hellish Pittsburgh wasn't changed until long after the Homestead
  Riots lefttheir brutal etchings on Pittsburgh history.  The riots were consisted in immi-
  grant Slovaks vs Pinkerton Detectives who arrived by river barge.  The outcome was
  brutal and bloody.

A bit of Plate Glass Psychedelia
Actual rainbow ivy in the autumn.
Inside the Fort Pitt Tunnel.
The top of the Union Trust Building, from a different angle.
The ground level front entrance of the same Union Trust Building.
The view from the North Side, near Heinz Field.
The Gulf Tower
A few blocks from where I live,
at the time of this writing.
One Oxford Center.  It looks like the Sphinx
Mount Washington, close to the Overlook Platforms and the Inclines.
Polish Hill
Gateway Center as seen from the Blvd of the Allies.
Close to Duquesne University and the downtown.
The general vicinity of my place of birth ... the South Side of Pittsburgh.
The general street where I was born;  Carson Street on the South Side of Pittsburgh.
My place of birth; 2117 East Carson St., Pittsburgh.
This is located across the street from my place of  birth.
Creative environs, to say the least.
This shop, built in 1889, is a couple blocks from where I was born.
Marked 1913, it's four to six blocks or so away, on the same street.
This sign is located  a block or two away from the former Saint Joseph's Hospital.
One of the inclines, transporting people to and from Mt. Washington.
The Smithfield Street Bridge; a bridge between downtown Pittsburgh and the South Side.
This is the Shadyside sector of Pittsburgh, somewhat near the Pitt campus.
Night along the Monongahela River.
A photo of downtown Pittsburgh where all three rivers are hidden from sight.
                                          The following is an involved lesson on the Ice Age: