Showing posts with label Biden's alleged temper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden's alleged temper. Show all posts

March 28, 2024

Classified Doc Theft, Kamala's Staffers, the Biden Temper, and 1988.

Many someone's lied to you and everyone else.  The National Debt soared high, under Biden.

FRED stands for Federal Reserve Economic Data.
The operative question for any voter to answer is:   Did you have an easier time "making it through the month" ... and in affording things in general ... during the Trump years or during the Biden years?  Very simple.  Did you feel safer when the Trump Policies were in tact or when the Biden Policies prevailed?

Biden's #1 goal throughout his career was that of getting re-elected ... in a small state that predictably has no competition ... and also in getting re-elected after he won the Vice Presidency during an election when any Democrat would have soundly beaten the Republican nominee. That election was during the Bush Economic Meltdown, in 2008.  

The Republican candidate, John McCain, guaranteed his loss, when he said that the economic indicators at the time were fine & dandy.  In stating this, McCain was denying that people were suffering and in need of economic rescue.  All that McCain was really saying was the he was leading a comfortable and pleasurable life and didn't feel your pain. 

Concerning the 2012 election, Republican Mitt Romney was a financial predator.  His presidency would have been one of economic oppression toward the middle class & working poor.  Any democrat party nominee would have won that election, also.  

And concerning, 2020, the Covid Disaster helped Biden greatly.  The rioting did too, concerning a career crimnal & undisciplined drug addict who had a very lethal 11 ng/ml of Fentanyl in him, at the time of death.  And of course, his death was immediately preceded by him trying to escape from police custody.  

It was also preceded by him screaming that he couldn't breathe, even when he was standing outside of the police car, next to the left rear door, while standing untouched ... and while no one was holding him.  The Race Card was dealt, and the big lie was in the claim that blacks were getting murdered by white cops, left and right.  

Well, in the year prior ... in 2019 ... the number of unarmed black men who died at the hands of police officers was a grand total of NINE.  That amounts to one black citizen for every 5 and a half American States.  Incidently, the number of unarmed white men who died at the hands of police in 2019 was 19.  That was twice as many as the black citizenry.  

CNN & MSNBC incited the rioting, arson, and murder of 2020, in false light news reports.  Then, both networks worked 24/7 defaming Trump.  That was in-kind campaign donations to Biden.  That amounts to TWO major corporations working for Biden 24/7 for consecutive months.  Those people are the reason why the Nuremberg Case Law Authority exists throughout the world.  After all, Hitler rose to power on a pile of media lies, too.  As far as goes Biden, he IS a pile of lies.

Back to March 7, 2024

The greatest insult was in Biden claiming that America became safer, since he became president.  Well, national guardsmen were called to the NYC subway, in 2024.  Crime became a sport in America.  So, you need to admit that Joe is a complete liar.  If you are exceptionally dimwitted, you will fall for his speech-making.  Thus, half of Joe's base is Stupid People ... People who are Easily Tricked.  The other half of Joe's Base are the people who like to do the lying and who like to do the tricking.

Now from Reality Check Central:  Joe Biden

Firstly, Joe Biden had TWO brain surgeries in 1988, and he never did have a stellar intellect.  In fact, he graduated toward the bottom of his law school class, to the tune of 76th out of 85 grads.   So, don't expect Joe Biden to perform Shakespeare in the Oval Office any time soon.   You are more likely to get plagiarism spoken from him.  You most certainly got lie after lie from him.  <== Biden's 1988 Campaign of Lies, by the NYT.  <=== Biden as PLAGIARIST.

The American Censorship Club; Mockery in the Name of Democracy

But of course, the Biden People were taking away people's Freedom of Speech, in the name of saving democracy.  In fact, that which I wrote in 2020 ... in warning people that Biden is exceptionally stupid ... was officially deleted.  That which I stated was said to have violated someone's "guidelines."  But, it was NOT Ben Franklin's guidelines that were violated.  

America in the Year 2020 became Soviet Russia of the 1950s.  Suddenly, America had a zombie at Center Stage, in charge of the whole nation and the nuclear football.   Ben Franklin and the Philadelphia framers of 1789 were overthrown.

This present president is a zombie so out of touch with reality that his pet dog would come to engage in 24 biting sessions, even to the point of necessitating stitches for the victims.  This president couldn't figure out what needed to be done after the third episode.  It required 21 more inflictions of pain for things to finally be resolved.   If he can't run a house free of chaos, he certainly cannot run a nation free of chaos.

A Presidency in Review

Then came the discoveries of numerous Limited Liability Companies attached to the zombie politician and his family members which had no assets and no employees.  They simply had money transfers transacted through them much like train stations of old.  Money came from various foreign lands, including China & Russia.  

Speaking of China, a gigantic spy balloon originating from there which was the size of a trailer house was allowed to float over the United States, from sea to shining sea.  It was not shot down until it reached the Atlantic Ocean.  The zombie president allowed its mission to be fully accomplished.

Meanwhile, Afghanistan became a surrealistic joke.  Inflation became a sick joke, accompanied by sky-rocketed fuel prices, where none of America's poor were laughing.  The extremely high national debt ratcheted up all the more.  Wars of the most destructive nature broke-out.  Fentanyl became more deadly than firearms.  America's Number 1 import became human beings who performed disappearing acts in the midst of the American population.  

Also under this zombie, crime rose.   In fact, crime was being imported.  Criminals were constantly being released.  Yet, this zombie's only viable political opponent kept getting indicted and/or sued, as if he were the only criminal & tort-feasor in America.

Despite the need for change, major news networks continued to be propaganda machines for this zombie, giving in-kind political donations to him, in the form of Air Time All the Time.  The newscasters themselves were his political spokespersons.  

And then came discoveries of the 40+ years of taking classified documents as senator and Vice President, and then retaining them, even while a civilian.  He was then declared to be afflicted with mental feebleness ... in his zombie state ... and could not stand trial.  Yet, he could remain president in charge of the nuclear football, in his state of dementia.
Classified DocGate & Ye Olde Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

Concerning the many classified docs which Biden smuggled out of US government facilities, his mind was enough in tact ... while he was senator & even VP ... for him to have been accountable for having violated the classified docs laws of the United States.  Those docs had to have been deliberately taken from a SCIF on each occasion.  A SCIF is a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, pronounced skif and NOT shif (which is more proper).  No one accidentally takes a classified document from a SCIF.

Concerning the special counsel report, it was asserted that a person could not discern beyond a reasonable doubt if whether or not Biden intended to keep those documents, even though he had thus far kept them for ten, twenty, and thirty consecutive years.   The concept of absent mindedness and forgetfulness was brought to the front of the thought line.  

Plus, it could not be discerned after 40, 30, 20, and 10 years, if Biden intended to pass the classified information to a "hostile actor."  It was affirmed, however, that Biden shared classified info with his ghost writer.  Directly below is the link to the entire report.

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Concerning the assertion that Biden was too mentally deficient to stand trial, Biden's law team would be doing all the mental work & research work.  In fact, you can put Biden on trial, in Absentia.  You literally don't need a defendant appearing in person, in order to have a trial. 

Joe Biden was basically given a get-out-of-jail free card, by Special Counsel(er) Robert Hur.  Thus, the rest of America got the booby prize.  Meanwhile, Laken Riley got the Nightmare of Elm Street Award, all thanks to a Joe Biden who proved himself to be a callous & uncaring psychopath, during the Afghanistan Debacle alone.  

There was also a matter of Biden's own White House Terrorist, Commander the Dog.  Those agents should get hazard pay, for working at the Biden White House.   All in all, Robert Hur did America a great disservice.

You can hear the unfolded events of Biden's Classified DocGate in the video linked below here.  For those in the American public school system who have been dumbed-down to the point of Functional Imbecility, this concerns Biden's classified document retention & storage thereof.  

Biden did share classified info ... ALLEGEDLY ... with his ghost writer.   Well, it's "on tape."  Therefore, it's more than "allegedly."  Thus, Biden is someone who believes himself to be above any law.  Or else he simply ignores the law as something optional.  

And concerning Joe Biden's ghost writers, did they, by any chance,  include Francois Mitterrand & Helmut Kohl?  After all, Mitterrand & Kohl are both dead, and Biden did claim to have spoken with them some time, after his 2021 inauguration.   Mitterrand left this realm of existence in 1996, and Kohl departed company with Planet Earth in 2017.

The  Newsmax video linked directly below here basically reviews the lies Biden told in February 2024, after he was found to have knowingly & willingly taken possession of classified documents, and kept them in his personal homes, even while he was a citizen recently out of office.


                           ===>  <===


The following video directly below here is that of Megyn Kelly and Ben Shapiro reviewing the same February 9, 2024 press conference, where hair-sniffing Joe once again lied to America.  Also in the video is an illustrated conversation about Jeffry Epstein.  Two photos of post-mortem Epstein are there.

Now, he who claims to know everything is full of El Crappiolio.  Thus, no comment about Epstein will be made here.  You have to get your info from someone who studied the case more than did the average bear.  That case appears to be an overly time-consuming one, and the Blue Marble Album already presented enough topics, as it is.  Maybe Mark Groubert & Eric Hunley made the deep dive into the Epstein case.  You can try them. 

Being that there are two photos of post-mortem Epstein in the Kelly/Shapiro video, it serves as educational material, in a nation that sometimes still gets to be the Land of the Free.  No full censorship of that video as of yet.  So, get your info while it's hot.  

One quick note:  Epstein died during Donald Trump's tenure.  So, don't include Brain Dead Biden in the conversation about this case ... I think ... maybe ... unless Biden's people are obstructing the investigation into Epstein's death.  If that's the case, then we have a super problemo.  

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As a serious note:

As a registered democrat, I am going to purposely vote AGAINST Joe Biden.  This includes voting against any member of Biden's political clan, aka "administration," if the opportunity presents itself.

Airheaded Harris ... Space for Rent 

And remember, a certain CIA agent who retired in good standing publicly called Kamala Harris "an airhead."  I concur.  In fact, that which is called Kamala's "cackle" is actually reminiscent of a Bimbo's Airheaded Giggle.  So, you can refer to her as Airheaded Harris.  A cool breeze ... of mindlessness.

The Goal of Genocide Zipped Over Her Head

Even when she addressed the effort to get a six-week truce at Gaza, in her trying to look all so focused, the entire point went zip ... over her head.  Very simply, the followers of the Hamas religion are taught that you must kill every single Jew on Earth, in order to bring about the End of the World and their version of an Apocalyptic Paradise.  

To them, the killing of Jews equals Travelling the Road to Paradise.  Thus, if you give Hamas a six week truce, Hamas will regroup and rearm, even to the point of breaking the truce in such a way that they can blame it on Israel.  

If you give Hamas a six weeks truce, this will equal six weeks to prepare for the massacre of ... the annihilation of ... the extermination of every Jew on Earth.  For some reason, Kamala Harris missed this entirely.  However, if she would have read the Hamas Covenant of 1988, she would have known that Hamas will NOT stop attacking & seeking to kill every Jew its fighters can target.

HAMAS stands for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya which means Islamic Resistance Movement.                                               📖     📖     📖     📖     📖     📖     📖     📖        

             =====>    THE HAMAS COVENANT OF 1988; ALL 36 ARTICLES   <=====
                                          Click above.  Get informed.  It's an internet link
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Kamala Staffers left through a Revolving Door of Attrition.  Office said to be Toxic.

Proof that the idea of Kamala Harris becoming president would be another sick joke exists in the UNDENIABLE STATISTIC that numerous staffers of her exited her office/department.  This is the sign of an intolerable human being.  The list of "leavers" include the following.  Go and look up each and every former staffer, yourself.  

Callie Patteson                 Meghan Groob                 Rohni Kosoglu                  Vince Evans            Childs Graham                 Symone Sanders              Tina Flournoy                    Peter Velz          
Michael Fuchs                 Sabrina Singh                   Karly Satkowiak                Rejan Kaur                    Ashley Etienne                Nancy McEldowney        Gabrielle DeFranceschi      Kate Childs Graham

When you do familiarize yourself with each member of  the Exodus from Kamala cast, remember this:  It's proof that Kamala's unpopularity is NOT due to racism, being that Sub-Saharan African-Americans and South Asian Americans departed company from Kamala, also.  

Moreover, keep in mind that Kamala's voter popularity in 2020 was at an embarrassing 2%.  She had to drop out of the presidential race, before the first primary/caucus.  After all, a candidate usually stops campaigning, when people stop sending that candidate enough campaign donation funds to campaign.  So, go and familiarize yourself with the partial list of Kamala Company Departers ... of the Kamala Exodus Staffers ... of the Bye-Bye Kamala Crew.

Now, read the linked articles below, so that you will not be deceived into believing the latest lie which claims that the less-than-focused Kamala is unpopular due to this alleged nationwide racism which is said to still exist, despite the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and trillions of dollars of Affirmative Action Projects.  HOWEVER, before reading them, take into account the following:

If America were still flooded in racism, then the following things would not have existed:

[1] a black president twice ... [2] black supreme court justices ... [3] two black secretaries of state, one of whom was/is a virtuosa at the piano ... [4] several black corporate officers ... [5] several black physicians ... [6] a number of black attorneys ... [7] a number of black mayors ...[8] multiple black military officers, including the rank of Chief of Staff ... [9] numerous black multi-millionaire TV and Silver Screen stars ... [10] numerous black multi-millionaire recording stars, including comedians ... [11] numerous black multi-millionaire athletes throughout professional sports ... Plus ...

[12] the Repeal of segregation in the former Confederate South which means no more 'colors only' water fountains ... [13] Trillions of dollars worth of Affirmative Action programs which included [14] HUD renovation projects and [15] URA renovation projects ... [16] Four African American senators simultaneously serving in a nation that only comprises 12.9% African American, in the first place ... [17] Sixty African Americans simultaneously in the House of Representatives, as of 2023.   

Ladies & gentlemen, this is the opposite of systemic racism, when the race involved is only 12.9% of the population, in the first place.  Moreover, the population of blacks in the NFL and NBA far exceed 12.9%.  In 2022, 56% of the NFL players were black.  In 2023, 70.4% of all NBA players were black.  

It's NOT 1861 anymore.  It's NOT 1961 anymore.  Nor is it 1941, 1921, or 1901.  You have to find a new topic to persuade voters in your upcoming campaigns.   The Race Topic has been overdone, and it's a sign that Americans in politics are uncreative and low in perception.  In as much, the true Kamala issue is based solely on the content of her character which amounts to her lack of character.  

Concerning how Kamala's absence of character goes, she was assigned to be the BORDER CZAR.  Negligence and Deliberate Indifference defines her.  LAKEN RILEY is dead because of Kamala Harris and her dereliction of duty.  At this point, you cannot deny, without being a liar, that a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for death.

Do you still doubt Tara Reade's accusations?  Note: the lady herein isn't Tara.  This photo is meant to show Joe Biden's trend, habit, tendency, tenacity, etc.  Was he not aware that people would see this?

March 27, 2024

Joe Biden: The man who sniffed more people than his dog.

Those two gentlemen should have been issued flyswatters.  Photo posted pursuant to Fair Use Act.
There is also the matter of the Hunter Biden laptop and the 51 "American Intel Agents" who deceived millions of Americans into believing that it was one big Russian con game, aka "disinformation."  Well, the Russians would want someone as incompetent and buffoonish as Joe Biden in office.  So, Russia would have joined the 51 American Election Interference Accomplices, when it came to the Hunter Biden laptop embarrassment.  After all, Putin said that Joe Biden was preferable to Trump, because Biden is predictable.

And of course, a recent report from an NY Times best selling author  reported that Brennan and his CIA kept hidden from America the intell product which found that Putin and Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 presidential election.  This report furthermore throws the Russian Collusion Hoax deeply in the proverbial trash dumpster.  

Two important links:                       🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐

The Russian Hoax Hypocrisy

There is one publicly seen factor ... on the wide open plane ... which instantly shows that there was no "Russian Conclusion" between Trump and Russia.  Now, keep in mind that the claim is that Russian Conclusion took away votes away from Hillary ... giving them to Trump ... preventing Hillary from being the "Ceiling Smashing" first woman president of the United States.  

Well, the evidence that this collusion did NOT happen in any capacity is in front of everyone's face.  It consists in the fact that HILLARY CLINTON WON THE POPULAR VOTE, in 2016.  She received 2,864,974 more votes than did Trump.  She even won over 225 electoral votes.  If there were this mystical collusion in process, then Hillary would NOT have gained so many votes.  

Now look & perceive:  Hillary received 65,844,610 votes, in 2016.  This is almost the exact same number of votes that Barack Obama received in 2012.  He received 65,899,660.  The trend of 2012 remained the same in 2016, showing no alteration of the political trend of American politics.  Plus, Hillary received 2.9 million MORE votes than did Trump.  Thus, no collusion.  No tampering.  Simply the same old of same ole.   Adam Schiff lied to America.  Maddow lied to America.  The mainstream media lied to America and should be stripped of FCC licensing.  The mainstream media also incited riots in 2020.

2016 was a predictable election, in light of the fact that Hillary ignored Wisconsin and Trump appealed to the rural voters who felt that their votes didn't count.  Trump's campaign managers only cared about the Electoral Vote.  They got the votes needed ... which came from the rural states and from the Wisconsin surprise.  But then again, Wisconsin has a lot of rural folk living in it.

Likewise, Trump received almost the same amount of popular votes that the most recent Republican president did.  In 2004, George Bush II received 62 million votes.  Kerry received 59 million, in 2004, as well.  Then, in 2016, Trump received 62.9 million.  All were very similar numbers, showing no suspicious activity.

Even in 2012, the insufferable Mitt Romney officially received 60,932,153 votes; almost 61 million.  Thus, there was no pronounced alteration in the nationwide voting trend.  Thus, there was no colluding with any nation, including Russia, in 2016.

Then comes 2020.  If Russia colluded with Trump, to beat the democrat party opponent of 2016, then the same colluding would have happened in 2020.   Well, Biden officially received 81,283,501 votes.  That's enormous.  In fact, Biden received 7 million more votes than did Trump.  

The 2020 election had an unnaturally higher number of votes than did 2016, 2012, 2008, etc.  It was out of the ordinary, and did NOT match any trend.  In 2020, 155,507,476 votes were counted between the two major candidates.  In 2016, 128,838,342 were counted  That was 26,669,134 less votes than in 2020.  

In 2012, 126,849,299 were counted amongst the two major candidates.  That was a number close to 2016.  Then, in 2008, 129,446,839 were counted, and this is also close in number to 2012 & 2016.  In addition 121,069,054 votes were counted in 2004, and this too is within the same general trend.

The math tally of 2020 can compel you to suspect that something extremely unusual occurred.  That would be the added number of mail-in ballots.  Now, mail-in ballots cannot be monitored as to their authenticity and honesty.  Thus, it was a propagandist's LIE to have claimed that the Election of 2020 was the safest one ever.  You cannot prove this, when it comes to the mail-in ballots.  If you can do so, then have CNN and MSNBC make TV documentaries, showing all the proof.  

The 2020 election was above average in the margin of victory, but it was no record.  The record holder in the popular vote margin was Reagan, in 1984, over Walter Mondale, to the tune of 16 million more votes than Mondale.  None the less, Biden was credited with the most popular votes in US history.  This indicates that NO Trump/Russia Collusion against the Democrat Party nominee occurred in 2020, showing that there was NO TREND of Russian interference benefitting Trump.  Any Russian interference that year was ineffective & pointless.  These facts were in front of everyone's face, all along.  Therefore, MSNBC & ABC are an insult to the typical American voter's intelligence.

The Common Trait of the States Trump Won, in 2016 ... generally speaking

In the 2016 election, the common note amongst the states which Trump won was that a significant number of people in those states [1] went to church on Sundays, [2] and believed in the moral code which saw Abortion on Demand as a serious sin against God, equal to murder. Trump won all the  States statistically recognized as the Most Church-going States.  Wisconsin was an exception, being that it's regarded as a low-numbered church-going state.  However, Hillary ignored Wisconsin, not visiting it in 2016.  She snubbed Wisconsin.  So, Wisconsin snubbed her.

Even the northeastern State of Pennsylvania has numerous Italian and Eastern European Catholics in Philadelphia, as well as numerous Eastern European Catholics & Orthodox Church adherents in Pittsburgh.  Elsewhere in Pennsylvania were the country folk or "Podunk residents."  Country folk are known to go to church on Sundays and to vote for pro-life candidates.   

Trump won Florida, Texas, and Arizona.  Those are Hispanic states, and Hispanics are occasionally known for Catholicism and their respectful devotion towards Our Lady of Guadalupe.  All in all, Sunday church-goer states are inhabited by people who have the mindset of Forgiveness & Amendment ... of conversion ... of the Mercy of God.  This means that these people did not care about Trump's past.  They only cared about his future policies.

BTW, the least church-going states were New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts.  Those are cold weather states, when it comes to wintertime & Sunday.  Those are also wooded states, where people equate cities and industrial settings with the Church.  Thus, they view the idea of "church" as evil.  Do the math on that thought, as to why N. Hampshire, Vermont, etc, have a lower than average number of Sunday church-goers, per capita

Hillary would have won in 2016, if . . .

All in all, the determining factor of the 2016 election was one issue:  Abortion.  The Pro-Life candidate won.  If Hillary Clinton ran on a pro-life platform, she would have become the first woman president of the United States.  She sabotaged herself by adhering to Abortion-on-Demand.  Therefore, in reality, it was Pro-Lifers and NOT "Russian Colluders" which determined the outcome of the 2016 election.  Only an imbecile would believe the mainstream media mouthpieces who obsessively tooted the "Russian Collusion" hoax.

And of course, the hypocrisy of it all was in Joe Biden imposing ZERO SANCTIONS on the RUSSIAN woman who sent a large sum of money in the direction of Hunter Biden.  Trump was NOT colluding with the Russians.  The Biden Family was.  How stupid do the mainstream corporate media's editors & board members think that Americans are?  

The Real Russian Collusion

A transfer of money from Moscow was located on bank records too, allegedly from Elena Baturina.  But, there was a cash transfer from her allegedly made to Rosemont Seneca Bohai.  The sifting & filtering of funds comprise money laundering, and it literally takes a map to show the public how the money was laundered.  This is the job of Representative Comer.  Below is only one sample page of evidence, showing that Hunter really did get $83,333.33 a month for a while.  Read it.
This is only one of many pages available free to the public, at the US House Oversight Committee.  The docs show that the economic windfalls of the Bidens also occurred while Joe was VP.  Joe was VP from 2009 to 2016.
Above:  This explains the establishment of Rosemont Seneca Bohai which is not to be confused with the shell company, Rosemont Thornton.  In review, money to Rosemont Thornton came first.  Then came Rosement Seneca, ALLEGEDLY for laundering purposes.
Yes, in 2016, Hillary would have won if she ran on the pro-life platform.  HOWEVER, she has ALLEGEDLY been on the take ... as in $12 million from Morocco, etc.  She might not have been able to have sheltered all unaccountable funds into the Clinton Foundation 501C.  She might have gotten caught, anyway.  Then again, she would have had the power to prevent deep dive investigations.  

None the less, billions of dollars designated for Haiti performed an amazing disappearing act, and no one in the media brings it to the fore, anymore.  Well, Bill Clinton and George Bush the First (the CIA Bush) were in charge of the money which went missing.  Bill Clinton has Media Immunity.

Of course, the one thing we all learned from this political corruption is that the crime a corrupt politician accuses his/her election opponent of committing is the crime that the accuser politician is committing, himself.

See:  Hunter Biden's Russian business associates spared by US sanctions ---again.  It's found at:

And then there was a recorded phone call ... with Joe's voice on it ... talking about the conditional $1 billion loan guarantee which was only going to become a reality upon the Ukrainian powers-that-be terminating the services of a prosecutor general who was allegedly investigating Burisma.  Listen for yourself:

There is also the matter of former Biden Family business associate, Tony Bobulinski, whom the mainstream media belittled with a seething disrespect:

There are a number of damning allegations against the Three Bidens and their incomes which need sifting and assessment.  However, such a thing takes time, and such time is not available at present, for the Blue Marble Album. Representative Comer and Company can take care of it.  

But of course, Comer will be endlessly mocked by CNN, MSNBC, Goldman, Raskin, etc, etc.  None the less, there is much more of the fraudulence of Joe Biden to convey which has been mostly ... but not completely ... ascertained.  Example below:

In addition to discovered & uncovered bank records, the suspicion that Joe Biden was on-the-take ... as in bribery & influence peddling ... is prima facia plausible, based on the fact that Biden has been observed living beyond his financial means.   And remember, we are dealing with a senator's salary, and NOT a Dupont inheritance.  Yet, during his third year as senator, he obtains a Dupont Mansion that was acquired at a very low price, when it comes to mansions in the 1970s.  

None the less, that price was still four and a half times a senator's salary.  Needless to say, the media of today made the acquisition of 1974 sound like the purchase of a dilapidated "fixer-upper" house in total disrepair.  Concerning this, keep in mind that, in the 1960s and 1970s, a couple would buy a house relatively equal in price to one and a half year's yearly income.  Then a 20 year mortgage would be obtained, at a low monthly price.  Then, after Reagan took office, a young couple buying a house became rarer and rarer, due to the inability to afford the rising costs.  Monthly mortgages became much higher than in the 1960s.

There's more to convey about Joe Biden obtaining a Dupont mansion at a young age, while he was a very new senator.  Q: What was going to guarantee that he would be able to afford the house and the needed renovation, in the first place ?  What was to guarantee in his first term that Biden would become a career politician with 36 years in the senate and 12 years in the two highest posts in the executive branch of the American government?

There is something about Biden's acquisition of the mansion which needs added confirmation, such as life insurance policy cash values used as currency for the purchase of a mansion 4 and a half times the  yearly salary of a senator.  Concerning this  ...  if true  ... 28 year old senators don't have much cash value in any life insurance policy to use as currency.  So, who's insurance policy was Biden using, if life insurance policies were involved in the Dupont Mansion purchase?  Thus, there is more to come in the Biden financial saga, if time and circumstances permit.  

All in all, to deny that Joe Biden is a pathological liar is an additional insult to the American intelligence.  He's  an 81 year old who acts like an eleven year old, blaming everything on Trump.   But, the details of his immaturity are beyond the scope of this discourse.  

Then comes USA Today, in it reporting a little of what the Oversight Committee thus far found:

"The committee has already obtained bank documents showing a company owned by Walker received a $3 million wire transfer from a Chinese energy company two months after Joe Biden left office as vice president.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars were then paid to members of Biden’s family, according to Comer."   (Simply refer to the Oversight Committee Report.  It's link is eight paragraphs above here.)

As a quick note, bank documents equal several smoking guns.  So, quit insulting America's intelligence by claiming that there's no evidence against Biden.  

One of the allegations does NOT make sense

There was the allegation that a Burisma exec paid Hunter and Joe $5 million each, for corrupt services to be rendered to Burisma.  HOWEVER, this does NOT make sense.  Hunter was already getting an alleged $83,333 per month from Burisma.  Why would he also get a large lump sum which would serve as a bright red flag, for bank officials?  

Multiple assetless LLCs (aka shell companies) are beneficial for money laundering which involves sifting and dividing sums of money in the distribution thereof . . . in the distribution to people who carry the name, Biden.  Therefore, the accusation of a $5 million lump sum payment per Biden ... unfiltered to each of the two principle Bidens ... CANNOT be trusted.  

HOWEVER, 5 million dollars did end up in the account of Hudson West III LLC; a company jointly owned by Owasco and also Coldhabour, and ultimately owned by the Biden Family ... aka the Biden Racketeers.
This is here, because the mainstream media recently reported the arrest of Alexander Smirnov, for lying to the FBI about Hunter & Joe each receiving a $5 million bribe.  Well, Smirnov was close to being correct.  Yet, that story can help bury the true fact that one $5 million bank transfer was made to one of the Biden LLC shell companies.  So, see for yourself above.
The bank record evidence gathered thus far is super compelling against the Biden Players.  This means that Raskin is an unconscionable liar.  Goldman is an unconscionable & intolerable liar, too.  And then comes Maddow.  She can be suspected of mental illness, in her sickening obsession with Russian Collusion.  Of course, her hatred of Trump stems from Trump being pro-life.  She appears to want the expulsion from government all persons who care about protecting the most helpless of human life ... of the human life who have not yet seen sunlight.

            From the US House of Representatives' Committee on Oversight and Accountability    

               🌟🌟     ======>   The Bidens' Influence Peddling Timeline   <======   🌟🌟
