Showing posts with label more of Kamala's lies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label more of Kamala's lies. Show all posts

October 5, 2024

Kamala Harris & a Requiem for a doomed nation, run by a wrinkled woman who thinks that she's running for prom queen or homecoming queen

                        Wherever Kamala goes, Death is soon to follow.  Just ask Laken Riley.
Remember, the 60 year old Kamala cannot control her emotions, evidenced by her sudden stops and instant elongated smiles, whenever an audience member says, "I love you, Kamala."  She absorbs the narcissistic pleasure of it all, to the point of entirely stopping.  

This is a woman who does NOT have a poker face ... or constraint.   Thus, this is not a negotiator, evidenced by the Munich Failure, followed by the very explosive Ukrainian-Russian War.  She could have prevented that war, but failed.  She failed as Joe's Afghanistan advisor, too.  She failed Laken Riley, also.  So, America wants a failure, you say?  Kamala is your man.

Those extreme & sudden smiles are actually "sudden outbursts," as were each of those giggling bimbo moments.  And then, the 60 year old candidate has to use the younger photoshopped picture of herself, in her wrinkled state of aging, to be the timeless definition of herself.  In control of her emotions she is not.  Due to this, you can tell that she is on an ego trip ... at our expense.

After years of holding office in San Francisco, Kamala did NOT leave it a better place.  In fact, Kamala looked the other way, when it came to holding molester priests accountable.  She gave those molester priests a get-out-of-jail free card.  Her motive was to politically stay in the good graces of the influential higher-ups of the San Francisco Archdiocese.

After years of being California AG & Federal Senator from California, Kamala did NOT leave California in a better place, especially with the cartels, other types of drug merchants, smash-and-grab shoppers, and everything else criminal in California.

After 3 years and 8 months of being Vice President of the United States, she did the opposite of leaving America in a better place.  She had very little to brag-about.  However, she went about bragging.  All in all, Kamala Harris has proven herself to be a sick joke for a vice president.  Why do you think that she will be any less of a sick joke, while being president? 

No-Vote Kamala

She is the ultimate threat to democracy, being that she became the Democrat nominee without winning a single primary election vote in 2024, and without the traditional floor vote which has been done during Democrat & Republican conventions throughout the decades.  

Plus, Kamala was in power & influence while American courts were turned into Kangaroo Courts.  And due to Kamala's dereliction of duty, Laken Riley and other youth, as well as moms, are now dead, in having been the victims of the ILLEGAL immigrants that Kamala allowed to waltz into the United States, at the expense of overly-burdened taxpayers.  

No matter what you think of Kamala's debate performance: 

[1] prices sky-rocketed under her, [2] young ladies were brutally murdered by ILLEGAL immigrants, [3] the Afghan Withdrawal was a tragedy, [4] the atmospheric CO2 count hit a record high, [5] smash-and-grab shoplifting theft became a pastime,  [6] suicides rose, [7] unintentional Fentanyl deaths rose,  [8] the cost of housing rose, [9] Military recruitment quotas were NOT met.

[10] the US Trade Balance Deficit reached a yearly all-time high,  [11] The National Debt rose EIGHT TRILLION dollars under Kamala's watch, [12] The nation of Ukraine is nowhere near ending its war, as its number of casualties has already been a disaster.  [13] The Chinese spy balloon the size of a bus floated over American Terrain without Kamala's intervention.  [14] The imposition of large numbers of immigrants upon  small towns which do NOT have the resources to accommodate them, ... now proven via Charleroi Pennsylvania ... including the inability of these immigrants to drive and not crash.

Again, the recent Charleroi Pennsylvania findings changes everything pertaining to how much Trump was mocked for mentioning Springfield Ohio.  See for yourself here:

Do I need to state any further?  If you want a continuation of this in America & in the Ukraine,  you need to go to a phone directory and look up the category, "psychiatrist."  This is because, if you want this to continue, and you live in America, then you're nuts.  

And if you think that Kamala is going to do anything differently than what she has already been doing throughout the previous four years, then you are completely nuts and need more than a psychiatrist.  This is because Photoshopped Kamala is in power at this very moment, and she can do, right now,  all of the things she is promising not to do until January 2025.  Why is she doing nothing when she has the power to do them, at this very moment?  ANS:  It's because she has no intention to do them.  She's a lying con artist, waiting for you to make her president which is equal to getting caught in her spider's web.

As far back as January 2021, Joe Biden had the power to officially close the border.  Kamala is a whore and a baby-killing fan who lied about Donald Trump being the cause of that which Joe, Mayorkas, and Kamala caused.   Joe can close the border right now, and Kamala can coax him into doing so.  In fact, Kamala could threaten him ... with revealing his past dealings which involved those LLC shell company accounts.

Concerning that "immigration" congressional bill, it allowed 3,500 illegal immigrants to cross into American per day, before the president gets empowered to close the border.  That Congressional Act would have weakened the president's power to close the border.  Observe: 3,500 x 365 =  1,277,500 uninvited & unexpected immigrants per year.   Times four and it's 5.1 MILLION immigrant walk-ins that Kamala gets to bring-in during someone's presidency.

The "border bill" that Trump had no power to vote-on was yet another one of Kamala's big lies, as she blamed its failure to pass on a Donald Trump who presently is NOT in office and who has no voting privileges in Congress.  Kamala's lying, in this campaign, has reached the point of criminal acts.  It is campaign interference and the incitement of rioting, being that she is hideously defaming Donald Trump.  

And remember, this is being written by an ex-democrat whose choice for president was Viv Ramaswamy.   Being that Viv is not white, you can cool it with "white supremacy" accusations about this site.   At this venue, it goes as follows:  by the content of his/her character and NOT by the color of his/her skin.  And quite frankly, after all these decades, we are super tired of the Race Card Grifter Game.  Racist this and Racist that.  How about you shut up here and you shut up there.  We're so damned tired of it.

One more thing:  Where are the results of any possible Kamala DNA Test?  A certain super obnoxious and totally annoying celeb said that it is absolutely proven that Kamala is not white.  Well lady, the burden of proof is on your big mouth.  Where is the Kamala DNA test results?  

Do you remember when Sunny Hostin, in all her racial hatred, guaranteed America that she was 96% Black, Sub-Saharan African?  Well, she turned out to be a descendant of Spaniards who processed and transported very black African slaves.

But of course, we don't hold it against her, as much as we don't hold against Ben Affleck his slave-owner ancestors.  It wasn't his fault.  He was very intriguing as Batman.  People kept watching him, in his other movies, as well.  The only thing that I hold against Ben Affleck is all those Chick Flicks he made in his younger days.  Oh, how embarrassing!

Back to Kamala the Blatant Liar

A tree is known by its fruits.  A tree keeps producing the same fruit.  Photoshopped Kamala produces toxic fruit ... figuratively speaking, of course.  In addition, Kamala is a WHORE, and this is LITERALLY SPEAKING.  Kamala was the vicious little whore who clawed her way into political power and then manipulated her way to the top with ZERO PRIMARY ELECTION VOTES, in 2024 ... and only 844 primary election votes in 2020.  This election is being done, to take away democracy completely, at the hands of the democrats who will have to change their name.

Do not be deceived.  Kamala the Adulteress is as vicious as she is lawless.  Kamala will break the law, in order to be in charge of the law ...and in charge of you.  And keep in mind that, if you gain political influence by engaging in sex, then you are being paid IN KIND for sex.  The means that you are a profiteering WHORE.

Concerning the very unchaste Kamala, do the math and get into reality.  Kamala stole away from moral women political posts that the moral women would have performed more effectively and more properly than the Kamala Harris who let San Francisco molester priests have free reign and free reins.  This was equivalent to Kamala molesting the victimized youths, herself.

Kamala Harris has no right to be in power, because she used sex to get into power.  Dianne Feinstein's endorsement was huge, and Kamala only got it, because she gave sex to Willie Brown.  Yet, it only resulted in Kamala getting 33% of the San Fran DA election vote in the November election ... after she had two cushy no show jobs, and after she got a job with the Office of the Attorney of San Fran. 

After the 33% vote tally, Kamala won the San Fran DA election runoff, because she had Feinstein's endorsement.  Then, a few months later Dianne said, "If I knew she was going to do this, I would NOT have endorsed her."  Kamala refused to seek the death penalty for a known cop killer.  And then came the Minneapolis Riots of 2020, where Kamala praised such violence on Stephen Colbert's show. 

Drug Cartels still thrive under Kamala, and Fentanyl Deaths SKY-ROCKETED under Kamala

Now, ads state that Kamala fought the border-crossing drug cartels, while she was California AG.  Well, this means that she wasn't very good it, because the border-crossing & drug infestation of America wildly INCREASED under Kamala's watch.  The drug cartels became all the more powerful under Kamala.  Case Closed.

Kamala:  Too much of a gutless coward when it comes to debating on Foxnews

A person worthy to be president is somewhere who will debate anyone anywhere.  Kamala's gutless cowardice concerning Foxnews, alone, shows that she is incapable of the duties of president which includes something called courage. 

This is ironic for someone who acted all so confident when she was lying, on Sept 10th ... not that she believes that she's telling the truth ...  but that she knows that she was going to be allowed to mock Trump all she wanted, thanks to her friend who happens to be a top exec at the Disney Corp which happens to own the American Broadcasting Company. 

And concerning who won the Sept 10th debate, Kamala should be regarded as having been disqualified, for constantly lying.  Donald Trump was put on the spot ... put on the defensive ... put into a corner.  

Kamala is a vicious bully who seeks to team up on her opposition.  But, one day she will be all alone.  None the less, due to it being a proven fact that Kamala repeatedly lied during the debate, she lost as a result of her own doing.  Trump was being harassed too much, for him to think clearly.  Yet, he spoke very understandable sentences.  He simply wasn't Shakespeare, on Sept 10.


And concerning Springfield, Ohio, ducks and geese were the ones seen being carried away.  Reports of this were even been recorded on 911 audio.  There were 15 to 20,000+ illegal immigrants sent there, without the consent of the people there.  So, something real was occurring.  The other real thing occurring there has been the increase in auto accidents ... in Springfield.  And guess who the involved drivers are?

Concerning this, there is a question to be posed:  How much money did the mayor and treasury of Springfield Ohio receive from the federal government, for taking in the Haitian refugees who entered on an illegal protocol, as if Kamala is an absolute dictator who makes the law?

One more thing:  Haitians are known to practice voodoo.  Voodoo involves animal sacrifice and the drinking of the blood ... of ... cats ... in the belief that it enhances their life-force.  Moreover, I once spoke at length with a former Nazi soldier, in my younger years.  He said that, after the war, his troops were so hungry that they . . . ate cats.

The recent Charleroi Pennsylvania findings changes everything pertaining to how much Trump was mocked for mentioning Springfield Ohio as imprudently as he mentioned it.  See for yourself here:

There's more to cover, concerning Kamala's debate lies ... and her lies told to black journalists.  But, it would require a lot of time and writing to explain it correctly.  None the less, Kamala's only power on Sept 10 was her power to lie and to not have the debate moderators correct her.  They need to be dismissed from their line of work.  It was very intelligence-insulting work that they did.  Worthless pieces of trash were they, in the words of  Yoda.


Kamala's other lies cited

Below is the video of a young, healthy and alert-looking WHITE woman.  She did her homework, in having reported on the debate, and she got 482,000 views, in the first 14 hours of posting the video.  In fact, this young lady also has 4.3 MILLION subscribers.  In as much, if you think that all white women condemn Trump and praise Kamala, think again.  And remember, being a true American is a matter of judging an individual on the content of his or her character ... and not upon the color of his skin, as Kamala does.

Trump never accepted a salary as president

Oh, and concerning Photoshopped Kamala claiming that Trump is only running for president out of narcissistic selfishness, keep two things in mind:  1] Donald Trump did NOT accept a salary while president.  That money was sent to a charity organization, instead.  2] Donald Trump was already wildly wealthy and very famous.  He didn't have to become president, in order to become wealthy, as did the Barack Obama who manipulated the murder of Omar Khadafi, thereby resulting in Libya to establish slave markets in the 21st Century .  Being president is an inconvenience for someone as rich and famous as Trump.

Trump: He was shut down by Muir when he mentioned his own attempted assassination ... and then ... within a week, another attempted assassin showed up in Trump's life ... in the attempt to end Trump's life.

Take note that Muir interrupted Trump, after Trump mentioned that the endless defamation and calumny against him provoked his attempted assassination.  Muir said, "We have a lot to get to."   Muir needs to be fired.

Now, there is such a thing as inciting a riot, as well as provoking violence.  This includes provoking an assassination attempt.  Of course, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, etc were inciting violence against Trump and Trump followers.  Predictably, ever since Trump showed that he is not a crusader against abortion, CNN started "to take it easy on him."  ABC & MSNBC remain on the attack.

Directly below is a Body Language Expert's observations of the Sept 10th debate

The expert is a female and a former D.O.D. interrogator


And of course, a retired three-star general who was involved in negotiating with the Taliban states how Kamala lied about it, during her debate.  He also spoke of the Munich meeting Kamala had.  That meeting resulted in Russia invading the Ukraine, a few short days later.

90 Minutes of Very Uncivilized Harassment & Verbal Disrespect, on the part of the Kamala Harris who was the final reason why I left the Democratic Party

Kamala was like the bratty sister of three older brothers, hiding behind the older brothers and sticking her tongue out at others, while saying, "Nah, nah, nah, NAH, nah.  You can't get me."  Her staring at Trump, her smirking at him, her shaking her, "no," when Trump was citing a well known fact was her attempt to distract YOU, in the hopes that you would not listen to that which Donald Trump had to say.   Well, one day, Kamala will be all alone, on her own.  You will see an entirely different Kamala.

None the less, Photoshopped Kamala.. with the etch-a-sketch wrinkles ... performed the same disrespectful facial gestures, in 2019, when Tulsi was revealing Kamala's vexatious prosecution of 1,500 or so black males for nothing more than smoking marijuana.  However, that disrespectful facial contortion only lasted a minute or so, during Tulsi's one minute of revealing what Kamala really was, as DA and even as deputy DA.

And of course, as soon as Kamala became the UNDESERVED democrat party nominee in 2024, Tulsi was placed on a terrorist watch list.  This is harassment.  This is abuse of governmental power and influence.  Moreover, no candidate has the right to call herself the candidate of unity when she engages in incessant name-calling.  

This includes Kamala's vice presidential candidate, in him calling the Republican vice presidential candidate "weird."  Again, we are dealing with TWO politicians who possess the maturity level of 12 to 14 year olds.  

And remember, the National Guard is the junior varsity.  America is mostly protected by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and even the Great Lakes.  It's also protected by the Big Red 1, the 101st, the 82nd, the 8th AF, the 10th Mountain Division, Marine amphibious units, armored calvary, etc, etc, etc.  

People who join the National Guard are people who need to supplement their income.  It's not the Navy Seals.  It's not the Kommando Spezialkrafte.  And it sure as hell ain't Delta Force.  So, cut it out with being an accomplice in Tim Walz's Stolen Valor.   Tim Walz is a liar extraordinaire.  He is very accomplished at lying, because he speaks so confidentially while telling falsehoods.

The National Guard is for tornado relief and flood relief.  And when those events occur, no one is shooting at the National Guardsmen.   Walz is Chump Change City.  He let Minneapolis burn for consecutive days.  Such a person is NOT a protector of the People.  

Photoshopped Kamala's hyper-theatrical LIE about Covid-19

BTW, Kamala lied to the black journalists when she said that she and Joe had to deal with the worst pandemic in centuries.   The Spanish Flu outbreak was far more deadly, and it occurred only one century prior (1918 to 1920).  

The average age of death due to the 1918 disease was 28 years old.  In contrast, according to the CDC,  "81% of COVID-19 deaths in 2020 (282,836) occurred among those aged 65 and over."  The Spanish Flu of 1918 to 1920 was far worse than Covid.  

Moreover, the Black Plague was a mighty killer, far above Covid.  The Justinian Plagues were great destroyers, too.  In fact, the great plague of mankind throughout several centuries was none other than Small Pox.  

Ivermectin was available in 2020, and it was all that was needed to curtail Covid.  Money-grabbing propagandists kept defaming Ivermectin and the advocates of Ivermectin.  Moreover, Quercetin was regarded as the fifth most effect agent against Covid.  You get that at a health food store.  It's interesting to find that there exists people willing to have 1 million people die, so that they can make a profit, by defaming the competion.


The Great Reminder:  The Book of Ecclesiastes.

There was even a popular hit song of the hip 1960s which quoted Ecclesiastes.  It is called, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by Roger McGuinn and the Byrds.  None the less, the ninth verse of the first chapter of Ecclesiastes applies to everything and everyone on Earth, always and in every way.  It states, 

"What was will be again.  What has been done will be done again.   There is nothing new under the sun."

Then, in the 15th verse of the third chapter, it's stated that "Whatever is has already been.  Whatever will come to be has been before, and God will call the past to account."

The meaning ... the interpretation ... is obvious:  History repeats itself.  In as much, those who fail to learn from the mistakes made in history are guaranteed to repeat them.  

If you want to know the future, study history.  Kamala Harris is advertised as the bringer of a new form of governing.  But, Kamala Harris has been done before ... simply under a different name ... with an entirely different person ... who crashed into the exact same destiny that awaits Kamala and her entire crew.   This includes the mainstream media personnel who basically donated their credibility to Kamala, in the lies they allowed to be spread and perpetuated.  They should have realized that, in the end of this havoc-ridden era, they will never have their credibility returned to them.   

The axiom of the moment is that your very own future is already written in some history book edition somewhere.  For some people, that future is the Nuremberg Trials, but only under a different name and at a different location.  Kamala is an obsessed proponent of one of the severe crimes against humanity.  So, now you know her future and the future of her accomplices.  In the end, no one gets away with mass murder, especially of the most helpless humans of them all.

The Horror Movie where the evil phone calls kept coming from inside the house

The Kamala Harris campaign is that Horror Movie telephone call that police found to be coming from inside the house.  Kamala Harris was there, front and center, inside the government, destroying this country.  She was the tie-breaking vote in the Senate  on two occasions which guaranteed that inflation would escalate.  She was the last one in the room with a Joe Biden who had no idea how to withdraw from Afghanistan without turning the lives of America's friends into deaths.  

Kamala is performing a coup d'etat, where her Will is the Law.  She and Joe Biden ignored US Supreme Court caselaw, concerning college loan debt.  Kamala definitely ignored Congressional quotas, concerning immigration ... which is now an invasion.  And as far as goes Temporary Protected Status, that only applied to 1.2 million of the recent 11 to 12 to whatever million immigrations who are literally consuming American tax dollars, in a country this is already $36 TRILLION in debt.   Meanwhile, Kamala is well-protected and very cozy, as she tells lies on the campaign trail unopposed by the attendants there.

Photoshopped Kamala was perpetually derelict in her border duties, thereby leaving Americans unsafe, while she lived a pampered life at taxpayers' expense.  And the transportation of goods was an aggravation.  Meanwhile, prices sky-rocketed, due to a barrel of Brent Crude going from $54.75 during Trump's final days in office to $114 or so (unadjusted), during the middle of the Biden-Harris Administration.  Yet, after all of the Hell that Kamala Harris has put us through, she wants us to elect her to the top position in the United States, as if this is her first time in office.