Showing posts with label London Fire Brigade stats for the whole year of 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label London Fire Brigade stats for the whole year of 2022. Show all posts

August 27, 2024

The actual Great London Fire Brigade Incidents Report of July 19, 2022, showing that the media lied to humanity, as usual.

Prelim Note: Photocopies of the official July 19, 2022 London Fire Brigade's Incident Report are posted below, at the end of this post.  Also posted within this post are other official London Fire Brigade statistical products that were published for public view.   Such a conveyance of information is known as "public relations."

Let's review another insult to the intelligence, compliments of the modern commercial media.  July 19, 2022 was the day.  A dry wind had been in England from Africa.  Such a thing will reduce humidity considerably ... but only temporarily.   Also, the high temp of the day was over 100F.  Eleven miles from London, for two hours, the temperature was 104F.   Elsewhere nearby, it was 102F.

The day prior, it was an equally rare 98F.  Even the week prior had a few days in the mid-80s Fahrenheit, for the high of each day.  Other than that, England had no dreadful climate condition.  It was far from Paris during its 1911 heatwave, its 1976 heatwave, and its 2003 heatwave, as well as Paris' 2022 heatwave.  None the less, the media had to hyper-exaggerate the weather in London, telling the world that life-given co2 was now burning down London.  The actual claim was that the rise in co2 caused London area wooden structures and wooded areas to be easily vulnerable to igniting and burning.

So, the media showed the video of a regular, ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill fires.  The narrator was mentioning that that fire was ignited because the atmospheric co2 level had risen to an intolerable level.  It was said that the London Fire Brigade (the LFB) had its most "incidents" since World War II. It was said that the fire brigade was sooooo overwhelmed that it couldn't keep-up with all the calls made to its dispatcher offices.

The bottom line ... the conclusion ... was that the world had now reached a tipping point, and that the number of fires throughout the 607 square mile terrain called Greater London would keep increasing, month by month ... and year by year ... until complete catastrophe would prevail.

Now for the truth:  You need to begin with the statistical graph below, produced and published by the London Fire Brigade, itself.  It shows that, as of the Year 2014, the yearly number of fires which occurred in Greater London decreased by more than 50%.  Greater London fires were cut in half.  This, alone, invalidates the July 2022 doomsday claim of media reporters who are apparently far too lazy to do a little homework, before opening their mouths and causing emotional trauma amongst schoolchildren, their moms, and people who never do any true fact-checking.
Now, record-keeping of the fire calls to the Greater London Fire Brigade ... and the results of those phone calls ... began in 1966.  As you can see in the graph below, from 1970 to 2005, there were at least 40,000 fires per year in the 607 square miles area called Greater London.  In 1976, there were over 60,000 fires.  And in the Years 1970, 1979, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1990, 1995, 2001, and 2003, there were more than 50,000 fires per year in Greater London.

In contrast, in the Year 2022, when the media claimed that London was now being overwhelming with increasing fires, there were only 19,298 fires in Greater London.  More impactfully is the fact that, in the Year 2021, there were the LEAST NUMBER OF FIRES in any one year since Greater London record-keeping began.  In 2021, there were 14,929 fires.  

So, let us compare:  60,000+ fires in 1976 vs 14,929 fires in 2021.  Moreover, 50,000+ fires per year in 1970, 1984, 1990, 1995, 2001, and 2003 VERSUS 19,298 fires in 2022.
Now, compare the fire states in the incident record below to the graph above.  A lot loess fires during the year when the mainstream media very falsely claimed that Great London fires were now on the rise, due to co2.  Fires in each year of the 2010s & 2020s had become half of what they were in the 20th Century.  Also take note that, in 2022, there were 59,415 false alarms.
For the record, below is the year with the least number of Greater London fires, namely 2021.  In addition, there were 53,486 false alarms in 2021.  Thus, the July 2022 news reports about London catching on fire in great numbers was a complete falsehood.
Below:  And of course, we need to contrast 2021 & 2021 with an yearly year.  Well, the earliest available is 2009.  There were more incidents and fires in 2009.  There were also 62,991 false alarms in 2009.

Below:  The LFB officially reported that house fires have reduced "drastically" since 1981.  Thus, the 2022 claim that co2 levels reached a tipping point that caused London fires to increase is a complete lie.

Below is yet another publication of the London Fire Brigade which reported that yearly fires between 2010 to 2016 were much lower than those which transpired from 1970 to 2005.  The yearly fires from 2017 to 2023 have even been lower in number.   This also shows that July 2022 media to have been a gang of liars, in asserting doomsday claims that were the opposite of the doomsday reports.

Now for the temperature record of July 2023, one year later.  If co2 caused Greater London to reach a tipping point, then the temperatures of this past July have been alarmingly high.  Below is the July report from the world-renown Weather Channel.  Look and see for yourself if the July 2023 were a month of blazing heat or a month of moderate and quite tolerable temps.

Directly Below: 
The Month of July 2023 temperature report, by the equally renown Accuweather Corporation.
Below:  The actual July 19, 2022 London Fire Brigade Incident Report in detail.  Compare the statistical numbers of this day to those within the Years 1970 to 2005.  You will realize that in no way was July 19, 2022 the day of the most incidents or fires since WWII.  In fact, count all of the FALSE ALARMS for that one day.  You will end up counting 142 ... for only one day.  Even at that, the number 142 is not far away from the usual daily number of false alarms ... the average ... the median ... the expected.