September 26, 2024

The 200+ chemicals found in umbilical cord blood samples ...

... was the reason for the introduction of the Safe Chemicals Act.

The following post was written ten years ago.  So, you look and see
if anything has changed in the mainstream media's dereliction of duty,
in its duty to warn the American People of the constant infringements 
upon their health.  And remember, those chemicals are in the products 
that were or still are advertised on mainstream media TV newscasts.

     In as much, if the Republicans really cared about reducing
     medical costs, they would have passed this congressional
     act and spared America of chemicals which trigger asthma,
    disrupt the endocrine system, break chromosome chains,
    cause cancer to develop, trigger dermatitis, and other ills.

Update:  It  appears that the 2013 version of the proposed Safe Chemicals
Act is a compromised product, an very ineffective watered-down version
thereof.  This is the assessment of the Physicians for Social Responsibility,
an affiliate of the Nobel Prize winning International Physicians for the Pre-
vention of Nuclear War.

Plus, in sweatshop China, cancer rates among children have been on the rise.
A child is defined as anyone under the age of 14. 

Irresponsibility Squared and Cubed:  
Getting wealthy while harming others.

To start, what point is there being the richest of the rich, if your home is
on an earth which has been flooded with noxious chemicals which even
disrupt the natural equilibrium of hormones?  What point is there being
wealthy in a world of chromosome breakers, liver cell killers, neurotox-
ins, etc?  What point is there in being rich in a chemically induced freak
show caused by the greed of a minority?

Hundreds of chemicals found in umbilical cord blood samples

The Safe Chemicals Act was first introduced in the US Senate in 2011,
by the late Frank Lautenberg.  The 2013 revised edition thus for has 29
co-sponsors.  The motive for the bill was the quantitative fact that lab-
oratory testing detected hundred of chemicals in umbilical cord blood

In case you are unfamiliar with United States Law, chemicals in house-
hold products do not have to be proven harmless, in order to appear in
the products that Americans take home from the store.  This includes
previously mentioned hormone disruptors, sensitizers, and irritants, as
well as those chemicals listed amongst the Genotoxic/Mutagenic class,
the Hepatotoxic Class (liver cell killers,) the Cell-mediated allergens,
Reproductive Toxins, Neurotoxins, Bronchoconstrictors , Respiratory
Irritants, and those oxidative chemicals which produce allergenic com-
pounds whenever exposed to air.

Out of 80,000+ chemicals listed in the United States EPA's Toxic Sub-
stance Control Act list, a grand total of FIVE chemicals were banned.
Yet, asthma and cancer rates have been rising as a matter of course,
and hermaphrodite aquatic life has been discovered.  Keep in mind
that household chemicals end up in land fills, eventually to leak into
ground water via cracks in the landfills and even via rain water.

The endocrine disruptors also end up in drinking water supplies.  In
as much, no water treatment plant extracts the estrogen from the eight
primary sources of it, the "pill" being one of the eight.

Concerning the Trade Secret law by which fragrance product ingre-
dients do not have to be made known to the public:

1] It was an abuse of power, on behalf of those who arranged the law.
2] It's a pointless law, being that scientists can analyze fragrance pro-
    ducts and discern their ingredients. 

Hormone disruptors permitted in American water supplies and
the ever so coincidental discovery of hermaphrodite aquatic life

Enter April 10, 2013.  This was the date when the 2013 Safe Chemi-
cals Act was introduced into the U.S. Congress by the late senator,
Frank Lautenberg and New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand.  The
bill has 27 other co-sponsors.  The bill's number is S.696.

Between the Years 2011 and 2013, due to the obstructionist nature
of the  Republican Party, and their glut of filibusters, a grand total
of 2% of the laws introduced in the Senate were enacted.  The Safe
Chemicals Act has an  8% chance of becoming law.  Yet, S.696 has
an 84% chance of getting past committee.  In this instance, it's the
Committee on Environment and Public Works.  Incidentally, be-
tween 2011 and 2013, only 12% of the bills introduced  in the
Senate made their ways past any committee.

1] We live in an era where it has been 100% proven that chemical
allergies exist,  as does Occupational Asthma due to Low-weight
Molecular Agents and irritant-induced diseases such as Irritant-
associated Vocal Cord Dysfunction, Reactive Airways Dysfunc-
tion Syndrome, and Irritant-induced Asthma.  Such patients have
the right to avoid the chemicals which trigger their fight to breath.
Such chemicals go unchecked, unregulated, and unbridled.

2] Present U.S. law on chemicals is so unjust that, in the past 37 years,
only five chemicals have been banned.  Yet, numerous ones were prov-
en to trigger asthma, kill liver cells, break chromosome chains, disrupt
hormonal balance, have a neurotoxin effect, and qualify as threats to
health.  There exists 84,000 chemicals in the EPA inventory.

3] The Center for Disease Control and Prevention found 212 chemi-
cals in the modern human body.  The Republican Party, in its patho-
logical greed, and the chemical industry, in its predatory greed, turned
the human body into a toxic waste dump.

4] The Safe Chemicals Act would:
  • Allow the EPA to have a health and safety information data base that can be applied to the assessment of new chemicals, thereby bypassing redundant testing.
  • Screen chemicals for safety by means of a priority scale, gauged according to risk, so that EPA can focus allotted dollars on evaluating chemicals most likely to cause harm,  while simultaneously attending to a backlog of untested chemicals.
  • Automatically assigns risk management requirements for any chemical which cannot be proven safe.  This can include restricting the use of the chemical, placing a warning label on the chemical, mandating disposal protocol upon the chemical, and even banning the chemical.  
  • To provide a public catalog of chemicals, comprising the health and safety information submitted by chemical manufacturers and the findings of the EPA, while protecting trade secrets.
  • Provide incentives and means for the invention of safe chemical alternatives.
Since 1976, numerous chemicals have been identified as sensitizers.
A sensitizer is that which becomes an allergen, after a period of re-
peated exposure to it.  Thus, it was not fair for the government to let
society be exposed to sensitizing agents.

In like fashion, we were also shown the statistical nexus between chem-
ical exposure and the rise of the rate of autism.  Simultaneously, herma-
phrodite aquatic life, apparently due to the heavily estrogenated water
supplies, was located.  This shows that the Toxic Substance Control
Act 1976 has near zero effectiveness.

In a 2012 poll ...  done by a Republican firm ... showed that American
voters "overwhelmingly support reform of the Toxic Substances Con-
trol Act, with half saying that they would strongly support reform for
the regulation of chemicals produced and used in the United States."
... "Support for reforming the law is widespread and broad-based."

In fact, three-quarters of small business owners polled by the Ameri-
can Sustainable Business Council believe that there should be stricter
regulation on chemicals used in everyday life.  Furthermore, 87% of
the small business owners polled support government regulation of
chemicals used in growing food.  In similar fashion,  73% of those
polled support government regulation to ensure that the products
which companies buy and sell are non-toxic.

In as much, all indication is that the American people are behind this
bill.  The only antagonists to it are the Republicans in the House of
Representatives who kowtow to any corporation or industry which
funds the politicians' re-election campaigns.

The late New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg introduced the original
bill in 2011.  It was re-introduced shortly before his death.

Drawing people's attention to the millions of respiratory patients who
are sensitive to modern chemicals would be a start.  Pointing out the
liver cell killing capacity of other ones, as well as the neurotoxic ef-
fect of yet more, along with the endocrine disrupting capacity of yet
other ones would be a good follow-up.  Add to this those chemicals
which break chromosome chains.

The Safe Chemicals Act (S.696) is found here

(Note:  The number 113 refers to the 113th Congress.)

The American Academy of Pediatrics speaks of the necessity
to enact a Safe Chemicals Act, whatever be it's name.

A review of State laws which banned chemicals is here:

September 25, 2024

Kamala Harris: The Woman without a Conscience

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind bag's airheaded backroom meeting rooms.

How is it that a politician who earned ZERO DELEGATES in the 2020 & 2024 primary elections, as well as zero primary votes in 2024, is thrusted to the pinnacle of American political power?  As far as went actual primary election votes, Kamala received 844, in 2020 and ZERO in 2024.

How does she get rewarded with having spent consecutive years falsely telling humanity that the feeble & demented Joe Biden is/was an alert, strong, & clear-minded mentor making all the decisions?  In fact, who made the many executive decisions reserved for the White House occupant, from January 2021 to July 2024? 

How is it that a voter who did NOT vote for the Tamil-American, Viv Ramaswamy, is not a racist?  But, a voter who did NOT vote for Giggling Kamala is?

And how is it that a voter who did NOT vote for Samoan-American, Tulsi Gabbard, is not a racist & a sexist?  But, a voter who does NOT vote for Giggling Kamala is?

You now see why I left the very undemocratic Democratic Party ... and why Tulsi left the Democratic Party, along with many others who have a lot more melanin in their cells than does the stereotypical registered Republican.  After all, in one recent poll, Donald Trump had/has 30% of the African-American male vote.  In the previous election, Trump had only 7%.

A long-term sample of Kamala's way of doing things:

In addition, Kamala  achieved the lowest approval rating of any vice president in American history, at 28%  This happened in November of 2021.  People were already "on to her," figuratively speaking.  In fact, those familiar with her as California AG, remember her years of obstructing an US Supreme Court order, involving the California prison system's overt violation of the 8th Amendment's "no cruel & unusual punishment" clause.  It involved over 9,000 California prisoners.  The details of this case is found through the following link.  It's very revealing:

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Kamala the Clueless

Furthermore, Kamala identified herself as a champion of "the Green New Deal."  This means that she claimed to be dedicated to reducing atmospheric CO2.  Well, as of May 2024, Planet Earth's atmospheric CO2 level reached the highest amount in the past 14 to 19 million years.  

Moreover, the rise in CO2, from May of 2023 and May of 2024 reached a record high, for yearly increase thereof.  The Biden Administration, co-starring Kamala, was been a thoroughly incompetent administration.

The added incompetency of Biden and Harris is that humanity can endure four times more of the level of CO2 than exists in the atmosphere today.  So, the Draconian measures to reduce CO2 were unnecessary.  CO2 is your friend.  The most potentially harmful green  house gas is sulfur.

Kamala's way of looking for more lucrative employment

Below:  This "affair with a married man" who had big-wig political connections was occurring while Kamala was a deputy DA.  The concept of being a model of morals was non-existent with her.

Giving sex to a big-wig political wheeler & dealer, for a launch into political power, is still prostitution.  It's in-kind prostitution.  At the least, it's the mortal sin of adultery, when NOT involving an eligible bachelor, and it definitely makes Kamala no model of virtue for any self-respecting young lady anywhere.  

From a certain California big-wig, Kamala was appointed first to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, and then to the Medical Assistance Commission.  That's political corruption, because it was not fair to the other women.  They didn't get a chance to spread their legs for the political power broker.

Kamala earned ZERO DELEGATES, during the 2020 & 2024 primaries.  Thus, it was financial oligarchs and behind-the-scene entities who thrusted Kamala to the pinnacle of American political power.  This is the true INSURRECTION.  This is the true THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.  


The above photo shows that Kamala is nowhere nearly as "black" as the media makes her out to be.  She is part white, and she is ALLEGEDLY the descendant of a major white slave owner.  She is also part Tamil.  Viv Ramaswamy is also Tamil, in a more significant percentage thereof, and he was my choice for president.  So, you can cut out the "white supremacy racist" bull crap.

This sends the meaning of the phrase, "political whore," to a whole new level.
Of course, a number of people conjecture that the Biblical Whore of Babylon is Kamala.  For the record, the Biblical Whore of Babylon was the short-lived Herodian Dynasty.  Be at peace and rest assured that Kamala is NOT the Whore of Babylon.  Kamala is just a whore ... in my personal private citizen's opinion of a public figure which is protected under  NY Times v Sullivan 376 U.S. 254 (1964). 

When Kamala dropped out of the 2020 presidential campaign, she had only 2% of the vote.  In fact, she dropped out of the 2020 campaign even before the Year 2020 arrived.  Yet, at her roll-out ... when she entered the presidential race ... she had 15% of the voters polled.  As time progressed, voters got to see and hear her.  Voters then looked elsewhere.

Beginning in October 2021, Kamala has had far more people disapprove of her than approve of her.  Her lowest approval rating occurred on November 13, 2023, and equally so, on March 9, 2024.   The July 9, 2024 rating was almost as low as was the March 2024 rating.  And then, on July 13, Trump became the target of assassination, ever so coincidentally.

Next came an outpouring of one-sided mainstream media commentaries & reports on Kamala.  They became cringeworthy when the one-sided media called the rapidly wrinkling Kamala of basset-hound facial tendencies a raving beauty.  Even in her younger years, she was nothing to "write home about." None the less, at the end of July ... 2024 ... Kamala's approval rating rose as rapidly as did her rate of wrinkling, to the tune of 46.2%.  Joseph Goebbels literally couldn't have done a better job.  

Sieg Heil, Kamala
The Kamala campaign had now reached the hype level of the Hitler campaign of 1932, literally & seriously.  After all, the campaign motto of that year was, "Our Last Hope --- Hitler."  And whereas Hitler took advantage of the Brown Shirts, Kamala took advantage of the George Floyd Rioters.  She literally praised them on the Stephen Colbert Show, as she showed to America what a lowlife she is.

The great hypocrisy of this is that Kamala is the present ruling class, as in the vice president.  Her campaign would only endure at this level, if she were not the one who was the "last one in the room with Joe" each time Biden made a disastrous decision.  She is basically saying that she is the only one left to replace herself, being that she has been a disastrous adviser to a disastrous president, since 2021.

As far as goes numbers, this is what counts, at present: A consumer product which cost the consumer $100 in January of 2021 now coast $120 in July of 2024.  That which cost the consumer $10,000 in January of 2021 now costs the consumer $12,000 today.  This is one of the fruits of the Biden/Harris administration.  

In addition, as the tie-breaker vote in the Senate, Kamala Harris voted for the "American Rescue Plan" and "Inflation Reduction Act" which both cause a type of inflation called, "Demand Pull Inflation."  The vote count on both bills, voted-on at different occasions, was 50/50.  Kamala, in both instances, was the 51st vote which put into process two Congressional acts which caused inflation to skyrocket.  No one in the world is more responsible for the inflation that America suffered under Biden than his vice president, Kamala.  

Inflation did reach the 9% under Biden.  When combining the "aggregate" (accumulative) inflation rate, since Harris became vice president, the cost of goods & services increased 20%.  Kamala is directly accountable.  Yet, the mainstream media makes her out to be the greatest candidate ever.  The same media told us that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ... and that the Hunter laptop was a Russian hoax ... and that Joe Biden's mind & mental health was better in 2024 than it ever was.  There are many more examples of the mainstream media lying to humanity.

Adding further econ stats requires a lot of additional paragraphs, in order to be fair to both sides of the issues.  It would take three or four discourses to address the stats of Jan 2021 to July 2024 fairly.  The bottom line here is that a presidential election is NOT a popularity contest, NOT a vote for the homecoming queen, and NOT the vote for the prom queen.  

Kamala seems to think that, as soon as she's elected she can retire and gloat.  No.  After being elected is when everything begins.  The sign of a wise leader ... instead of a gloating buffoon ... is that the wise leader thinks to himself, "May God have mercy on my soul, being that I could make mistakes that will cause millions to suffer."  Kamala is too arrogant ... and stupid ... to think that way.  Such is the deadly mindset of a Narcissist.

Example of why Americans should dread this election:  A black female is on video boldly claiming that she is going to vote for Kamala, only because Kamala is black.  Yet, Kamala is also Tamil and Western European white.  None the less, the black male monitor then interjected economic stats into the conversation, telling the racist black girl that Kamala has been a high government official during an American economic disaster, and to vote for Kamala is to prolong the disaster.

Those who claim to be the victims of racism, after decades of affirmative action & equal opportunity hiring laws, are the real racists.  They are nothing more than con artists, looking for easy money.

Going from Black to Green

Kamala paraded herself around America as the Champion of the Green New Deal.  The goal was to reduce Planet Earth's atmospheric CO2 count.  So, she advocated Draconian measures that caused the working class hardship.  

In June of 2024, it was announced that Planet Earth reached its highest level of atmospheric CO2 in the past 14 to 19 million years.  Moreover, the one-year increase of co2, from May 2023 to May 2024 hit a record high.   This was under Kamala and Joe.

The May co2 measurement is called the Keeling Curve Peak, named after the scientist who started record-keeping on atmospheric CO2, in 1958.  The bottom line is that all of the Going-Green sacrifices of the poor and middle class was all for nothing, because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don't know what they're doing.  They are complete frauds, and Kamala really is an idiot.

Acknowledging the disastrous economic stats of the past 3.5 Biden/Harris years negates the new stat below.  The Democratic Party should have looked toward an entirely new candidate.  Then again, the Democratic Party should let democrats vote and have their votes count.  There is no democracy in the Democratic Party, as long as there exists "super delegates" who are immune from the Will of the People.  

The Democratic Party nominating system is a rigged system which mocks democracy.  Remember, Kamala earned ZERO DELEGATES throughout the 2020 & 2024 democrat party primary seasons.  Kamala Harris being the party's nominee is a super sick joke.

Ever-so-ironically, Kamala Harris has thus far only won over to her side 57% of the African-American male vote.  Donald Trump now has 30% of the African-American male vote.  This is according to the HarrisX/Forbes Poll.

In the 2020 election, Trump only received 7% of the black male vote and 5% of the black female vote.  In addition, in Reagan's 1984 landslide victory, he only won 9% of the black male vote.  In 1980, Reagan won 14% of the African-American male vote.

As an extra note, Kamala's election strength is in suburban women, as in 12 percentage points above Trump.  Those are the people who do not explore alternative channels and expert websites, some of which are very popular.  These women only watch censored television, much like the residents of Berlin, in 1937, '38, '39, etc.

The suburban female voter's source of "info" remains CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC.   This is because those channels are one click-away, and you don't have to take time to weigh or surmise the issues presented.  Such persons believe what they are told.  Therefore, Kamala has the suburban airhead vote.

To the Woman Gleaming over the Idea of First Woman Prez

It will only be Kamala as the president.  Not you.  It will only be Kamala living in the White House, as the head of its household.  Not you.  She will be the one flying on Airforce One.  Definitely not you.  It will be her dining on lobster, steak, and delicacies.  Unfortunately not you.  If you vote for someone, simply because she's black or non-European or a woman, then you're are going to have a hollow victory.  You will be an underling to her.  You will be the Little People.  

As far as goes those who were there ... in California ... when she started running for office, one word described her:  RUTHLESS.  It has been claimed that her "cackling" and "air headedness" is a cunning act.  Well, she has not yet performed the act of "teacher" on any subject.  She hasn't been informative.  Yet, she raised $290 million.  This denotes an user ... a manipulator ... instead of an intellectual.  

As far as goes a cunning & intelligent entity, she claimed to be the ultimate "Green New Deal" proponent.  Yet, the rate of CO2 increase, under Kamala, broke a couple records.  Such a person is not a cunning genius.  Such a person is a buffoon.  Napoleon was a cunning genius.  Norman Schwarzkopf was a cunning genius.  

Kamala, as was seen with the coup d'etat over Joe Biden, is simply ruthless.  Ruthless people get others to be their accomplices.  The accomplices do the tyrant's work for him/her.  And of course, Kamala has been observed being lazy, according to her ex-staffers.  So, the trick is to bully others into doing your dirty work for you.  Then come coincidences.  One coincidence is that:

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gets spared of the Death Penalty, in a plea deal, 23 years after the Plumes of demolition at the World Trade Center that killed a couple thousand Americans.  This ever-so-coincidentally draws Eastern Michigan voters toward Kamala, as their friend ... helper ... ally.  And of course, this evened-out ... this assuaged ... the shock that the Jew-haters in Michigan experienced, when having learned of the death of master murderer Ismail Haniyeh.

What is certain is that Kamala is not a happy-go-lucky candidate who says, "che sera, sera."  She is vehemently dedicated to being the head of state, with clinch-fisted greed.  If she wins, we all lose, on a epic level.  She will make the Wicked Witch of the West look like Mary Poppins, when compared to Kamala.

The Angus Reid Institute Survey of 1,743.   It suddenly became Opposite Day, in America.

Then came the report on the Angus Reid Institute Survey conducted between July 23 and July 25, 2024.  It's conclusions were opposite of the Quinnipiac Poll of July 19 to July 21, 2024.  It makes you proverbially & figuratively toss your hands in the air and walk away, while asking, "Okay now, who's telling the truth and who's lying?"

Of the 1,743 people surveyed, 226 were black voters, and in that particular poll, Trump only received 12% of the black voters.  In the same survey, 17% of the black voters said that they are still undecided as to whom will get their votes.  Such a thing is called, prudence, being that there is still time for gathering info and collecting one's thoughts. 

Politicians Inciting Riots

Claiming that white voters are all racist is the act of inciting riotous violence against whites, resulting in the murder of whites.  You know what happened in 2020.  In fact, Kamala praised the 2020 rioting, on the Steven Colbert Show.   This is the mindset of a feeble bully who sees rioters as her soldiers, fighting her fights for her ... doing her work for her.

Biden was the one who praised a former KKK wizard.  So, Kamala should be sued for large sums of money, for claiming that white Republicans and white Independents are racists.  We condemn Joe Biden as equally as we condemn Kamala the Killer ... of babies.   And the Joe Biden we condemn is very white ... an embarrassment and disgrace to whites everywhere.

Very White Yankees in Blue Uniforms Freed the Black Slaves.

And remember, it was white men in blue ... from the Northern States ... who freed the black slaves.  In fact, it was the Creoles who freed the Haitian slaves, and Creoles were/are half-white people born in America.

The important thing here is that my instincts told me to formally withdraw from the Democrat Party, and I did so shortly before the July 13th confrontational bloodletting and attempted assassination, in Butler PA.  At the very least, July 13, 2024 was an exhibition on how thoroughly incompetent is the Secret Service under Joe Biden.  In fact, everything under Joe Biden & the Giggling Airhead Kamala Harris is marked with incompetency, except for Kamala viciously berating people.

Then there is the false claim on how Biden met Jill ... and the falser claim that a Catholic priest married Joe & Jill at the UN ... without Jill first getting the required annulment, etc.  This has already been explained ... by more people than me.  Joe Biden is one continuous lie.  Biden moved-in on the wife of one of his campaign volunteers.  That wife of another man was Jill.  She apparently is one of those women who get "turned-on by power."

Plus, Biden STOLE classified docs, so that he could get an eight million dollar book advance.  In fact, Biden is the thoroughly inconsiderate one whose violent dog attacked and harmed over two dozen human beings.  

Then comes the LLCs which absolutely prove money laundering, on the part of the Bidens.  And let us not forget the Chinese Spy Balloon that Biden let sail over some of the most sensitive parts of the United States.  Such a thing literally amounts to treason.

The denial of the appointment as "border czar" which actually did occur on March 24, 2021.

The turkey-necked, folded-necked, flabby-necked Kamala Harris is no sex symbol and no fitness queen.  Yet, she is so arrogant. She was appointed "Border Czar," but the border has been in a state of anarchy throughout her tenure.  Women were raped and murdered because of the dereliction of Kamala ... Killer Kamala.

She is definitely not philosophical or inspiring.  She is not reassuring or informative or consoling.  Rather, to her doom is here, because pro-life voters and politicians-for-life are in America.  And even though they care for humans, Kamala makes them out to be the most deadly of people.  No.  Abortion People are the deadliest people.  They literally kill babies like psychopaths kill anything they can.  

Now, proof that the United States is a very Pro-Life Nation, when compared to Russia, is blatant.  It deals with the population of both nations.  The population of a Russia which was very Pro-Abortion a few decades ago is 144 million.  The population of the United States is 340 million.  

The vast majority of adult Americans ... of those not brainwashed by the public school system and MSNBC ... are pro-life.  It's only a small cadre of anti-human humans, in their network studios, who exaggerate the stats.  One way to rig the poll stats is to add "in cases of rape and incest" to the abortion question.  It then makes America look like a nation who wants an abortion clinic on every corner.  

The population of the United States proves that American women ... for the most part ... give life, instead of take it away.  A very small number of people with cameras and studios make themselves appear to be the statistical majority.  They do not even come close.

The Contrived Kamala

Kamala looked like a hyped-up buffoon, when she addressed a contrived set of child actors, telling them about seeing the moon and/or Mars close-up and in person, sometime in the future.  Well, she showed herself to be entirely out of touch with space science, because the #1 topic mentioned in long term space flight was omitted by her.  The Number 1 topic is: 

===> the fact that the lack of gravity in long-term space flight makes the astronaut unable to walk for a period of time, when he/she returns to the gravity of Planet Earth.  Kamala definitely does not have an engaging personality ... or a mind for science.

Something like that would be a caveat and warning given by a wise leader.  Baby Killer Kamala came off as a Saturday morning cereal commercial, instead of a wise leader.  A wise leader would tell you how to "get there" and how to "get back to Planet Earth."  Kamala basically said, to the effect, "Oh wow!  Golly gumba.  You get to go to Mars.  Wuuuuuuuu."  Zero dialogue.  Zero monologue.  Zero conveyance of information.  Zero tips.  Zero advice.  Quit frankly, there's more value in landing on an asteroid than landing on Mars.

Kamala Harris never says anything interesting.  She either sounds like an airheaded buffoon or she tears into people with ad hominine attacks.  That amounts to a gossipy hag.  She is extremely uncharitable, and thusly, she has no leadership skills.  In my opinion, she has a severe personality trait disorder which involves Narcissism.  And remember, pursuant to NY Times v Sullivan, 376 US 254 (1964), a private American citizen may publicly give his opinion on a public figure.

Also remember Kamala's second greatest lie of the past four years or so:  She claimed that Joe Biden was sharp minded, articulate, mentally engaged, an alert detective type, a Jeopardy champion type, a professor type, and a mentor to others.  Of course, she should have mentioned that Biden had two brain surgeries in the past, and that he graduated from law school at 76 out of 85 students.  

Joe Biden, as president, is literally a danger to society ... and to the Butler Area Trump fans.  Kamala warned no one of Biden's demented feeble state.  Thus, Kamala allowed Americans to be endangered.  She lied about the border too, allowing Americans such as Laken Riley to be endangered.  Thus, Kamala Harris is a danger to society who, in my private American citizen's opinion, has a severe personality disorder which involves Narcissism.

There are 340 MILLION Americans.  Is Kamala the only choice that Americans get for president, when it comes to the endless mainstream media propaganda?   She earned ZERO delegates in the 2020 election, and she got ZERO votes in the 2024.  Yet, she has been propped-up to be our assigned leader.

The Most Recent Lie about Kamala, the Energy Vampire who Sucks the Life out of You

It was repeatedly denied by the small cadre of humanity, called the mainstream media, that Kamala was ever assigned to do the duties of a border czar.  The answer to this is simple:

The date when Kamala was assigned with the border task was March 24, 2021

March 24, 2021.  In July 24, 2024, the mainstream media went on a lying campaign.

Liars, liars.  The media's pants are on fire.

March 24, 2021.  This proves that the media lied yet again, in July 2024.
Do you mean to tell me that America cannot do better than Harris, even though we landed on the Moon, landed on Mars, sent aircraft past the Kuiper Belt, and were involved in numerous other high tech accomplishments?  All that we get is a giggling airhead who says in front of French microbiologists, "Der Plan.  Der Plan," as if she were waiting for an aircraft to land on Fantasy Island.  Is this all that America has to offer?

Plus, Kamala is aging rapidly.  Thus, she is no health-food guru.  She's no health mentor.  She's neither an expert on Autophagy nor Senescent Cell Recycling.  None the less, such rapid aging in a politician was not seen since Jimmy Carter.  His rapid aging in the 1970s was a topic of conversation in itself.  It was assumed to have been stress-related.  

As far as goes Kamala, it's assumed that she is stressed ... stressed over the disasters which mark the Biden presidency ... which is a reflection on her.  None the less, neither Biden nor Giggling Kamala admit to the pain they caused Americans, especially the working poor, female students, Jewish students  barricaded in libraries, female athletes, certain rape & murder victims such as Laken Riley, homeless vets, first-time home buyers, etc.

Through their lack of action & their arrogant comments, Kamala and Joe have been figuratively saying, "Pain?  What pain?  I don't feel a thing."  Kamala needs to understand that there is a massive difference between being president (or VP) and being a prom queen who only needs to stand there, as airheaded as she may be.  Quote one line of wisdom or clever wit or inspiration that Kamala ever said?  She rambles.   Do you feel secure over the idea of her being in possession of the nuclear codes?

September 24, 2024

Kamala: Beware of the Whore's Smile of Deceit. She tries to seduce, but NOT to convince ... with reason and evidence.

Kamala Harris is a trainwreck waiting to happen ... with you and everyone else caught in the middle of it.  The costly & deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, in 2021, is one piece of evidence, being that she "was the last one in the room with President Biden," when Joe & Kamala opened wide the door for a guaranteed disaster.  

Of course, due to the incompetency of Kamala & Joe, no one in "that room" thought that everything would quickly become an outrageous disgrace for the United States ... and only because of Kamala and Joe being unable to adapt in emergency situations.  As a result of the Gross Dereliction of duty of the executive branch, tens of billions of dollars of high tech American ordnance & equipment was left behind, for reverse engineering research ... for black market sales ... and to use against Americans and/or their allies in the future.

Kamala continues to lie to humanity, as in claiming that January 2025 will be her first day in office.  No.  As of August 2024, she has already been in very high office for over 1,300 days, and only disaster has followed her.  

Yes, your tax dollars have been paying for her, all along.  Your tax dollars also went toward asinine, costly, and deadly decisions made by Kamala, as tie-breaker voter in the Senate, and as in Joe Biden's last advisor.  Things would have ended up the same ... or much better ... if Joe Biden had no advisor.   Since January 2021, things have gotten worse for entire sectors of America, especially the working poor.

And remember, Kamala cast 33 tie-breaker votes in the Senate.  Her "Day 1" came 33 senatorial votes ago.  Her "Day 1" began $8 trillion taxpayer dollars ago.  Her "Day 1" began 19.4% of risen consumer prices ago.  Her "Day 1" was quickly followed by the Last Day of Laken Riley and many others.

People like Kamala are why Nuremberg type & Andersonville type of trials occur from time to time.  And of course, they always occur after tragic times have reached their crescendos.  The Biden & Harris years were definitely tragic times, caused by the deceit of CNN & MSNBC, as well as ABC, etc.

Below is a rundown on the NOMINEE UNELECTED-BY-THE-PEOPLE, Kamala Harris, as was spoken by others who did their homework on her  ...  and who happen to be famous people:

Ben Shapiro:   ✯✯✯✯✯





Dick Morris:

Megyn Kelly:

Nicki Swift:

In addition, there was Kamala's willful negligence, concerning San Francisco's predatory priests


Below:  A Prosecutorial Misconduct Report involving the one politician who received only 844 primary election votes in 2020 ... and ZERO primary election votes in 2024 ... yet who is one step away from being in charge of the Nuclear Football, America's 11 aircraft carriers, and America's 71 active-duty submarines ... and who already was officially in charge of the overrun Southern Border, since March 2021:


Below: A doctor mentioning how Kamala 1] speaks in circles, 2] has inappropriate timing with "disturbing cackling," 3] does NOT possess a compelling story, 4] is NOT inspiring, and 5] how she will be good for comedians (who make their money mocking politicians.)


NOTE:  A few other damning videos against Kamala were NOT included here, because there wasn't the needed evidentiary support included, to give credibility to those accusations.  I'm not saying that the other accusations are lies.  I'm only saying, "Okay.  Now, prove it.  You gotta do better than what you have done, thus far.  Evidence is essential."  After all, Evidence is a collection of jigsaw puzzle pieces.

Pertinent Stats

According to the US Consumer Price Index, that which cost $100 on Donald Trump's last day in office costs $120.25 today, on Kamala's watch, thus far.

Believe it or not, during Ronald Reagan's first four years in office, that which cost $100 in January of 1981 ended up costing $121.26, in January of 1985.  In his second term, a $100 item ended up costing $114.79, in January of 1989.

I already wrote a number of discourses on Reagan, showing him to have been a sub-par president.  In fact, my JFK-economics-advisor professor was very disappointed with Reagan, and the four classes that I took under the JFK-advisor professor, was during the Reagan presidency, from 1981 to 1983.  

Now, under Trump's four years, that which cost $100 on his first day in office ended up only costing $107.72 on his last day in office.  America was deceived into voting for the wrongest guy, in 2020.  America voted for a zombie and a literal political whore.

Under Price Control President Nixon, during his first term, that which cost $100 in Jan 1969 ended up costing $119.66 in Jan of 1973.  Kamala should already know that price controls will lead to trouble.  Price Controls result in empty store shelves ... and a black market sub-economy

Of course, Gerald Ford replaced Nixon in August of 1974.  In as much, that which cost $100 in Jan of 1973 ended up costing $137.32 in Jan of 1977.

Next came Carter who was even worse.  That which cost $100 in Jan of 1977 ended up costing $148.72 in Jan of 1981.

Kamala is a moron when it comes to the Mechanics of Economics

In 2020, America voted for the wrong guy, because of the proven lies of CNN, MSNBC, and 51 intell agents who were proven wrong ... in American court.  Now, Kamala is said to have taken enough Economics courses in College to have at least minored in it ... or to have gotten a co-degree of Poli Sci & Economics.  However, she has yet to say anything on audio that shows that she even knows a minimal amount of Econ.  She has thus far come off as Clueless in Economics. 

After all, she's not granting interviews.  So, no one knows how much she knows about anything.  She has thus far come off as a giggling bimbo & airhead.  She did live in Montreal for an extended period of time.  Yet, I have not heard one French Language sentence come from her.  Is she an airhead or not?  Is she a con artist, only pretending to be a moron of the most clueless variety?

This is August 16, 2024.  Thus, the rate sky-rocketed under Kamala Harris, showing her to be clueless.
While reading a prompter recently, Kamala made general economic assertions which were contrary to every Econ textbook that I was assigned to read.  That which Kamala said in August of 2024, about Economics, was total bull crap.

Example:  Kamala said that importing goods was utterly important for Americans and their economy. STOP THERE:

The first thing that I was required to learn in Econ, under one of JFK's former economic advisors, was the Circular Flow of a nation's money supply.  It showed leakages of money which travel away from a nation's economy, as well as "injections" which send money into a nation's economy.  

Well, a leakage of a nation's money supply ... of money leaving all the citizens of that nation ... occurs in Importation.  When you import goods, you send your money out of the country ... away from your citizen's ... into another country.  Yes, importation costs a nation.  

There is such a thing as the Trade Balance Deficit or Surplus.  In as much, America's Trade Balance Deficit with Communist China has been a numerical catastrophe, for decades.  And Joe Biden was instrumental in "fast tracking China" into "favored nation status."  As a result, Americans have been paying for those Chinese submarines and missiles which are poised ... aimed ... toward us Americans.

Trade with China has been one-sided.  China was allowed to dump anything in America.  Yet, America was heavily prevented from exporting American goods to Communist China.  Therefore ...

Importing products is only morally warranted if both nations get to export their goods to the other nation, in a "ebb & flow" of free & equal exchange.  When this happens, the Trade Balance Account of both countries stay close to equal ... to zero.  

One-sided trading guarantees economic deprivation in the nation importing the goods.   The outrageously imbalanced Trade Balance Deficit with Communist China and other "sweatshop slave labor nations" is why young America couples could no longer afford to buy a house.  Joe Biden was principle, in causing this to happen.

Moreover, Kamala said that imposing tariffs is equal to imposing an extra tax upon Americans.  No.  Imposing a tariff results in more American products being SOLD.  Americans make more money ... until the tariffed nation retaliates economically.  Tariffs make money for the tariffing nation.  The thing about tariffs is the fear of retaliation from the foreign countries being tariffed.

Now remember, when you import goods, you export your money.  If the trading is as one-sided as it has been for decades, between the United States & Communist China, then a notable section of the American Middle Class become the Working Poor, unable to buy a house.  This is because their "house-buying-money" went to Communist China, to become submarine-building-money.  This enabled Communist China to have the largest military navy in the world.  

Joe Biden caused this to happen, decades ago, as in "fast tracking favorite nation's status for China."  If you are a young American, know this:  Joe Biden ruined your life long before he became president.  After all, can you afford a house?

In the 1950s, '60s', and '70s, it was quite easy for a young couple to buy a house.  Then came Reagan.  Then came the end of the American dream for the Middle Class.

In conclusion, every general assertion that Kamala the Unchaste made about economics in a recent August 2024 sound byte was a complete lie.  The opposite is stated in the various college Econ textbooks that I was assigned to read, by one of JFK's "former" economic advisors ... for college credit, of course.

Kamala is either a total airhead ... or she is a diabolical liar, manipulating the rise of a Worldwide Communist Regime, doing so while assuming that the vast majority of Americans are too stupid to realize it.

The following comes from a channel that cannot be called a "White Supremacy Channel."  This is because the channel owner & narrator is a black man.

Tell me, fellow American, are you as stupid as Kamala and her handlers think you are?

September 23, 2024

Lichtman's Keys only apply to candidates who went through primary elections

Beware of the Whore's Smile of Deceit; of the one who tries to seduce and not to convince.

September update:  Kamala was here in Pittsburgh, visiting for a spell.   The response here ... in the city itself ... figuratively speaking and not literally ... was nothing but ::::::: Yaaaawn.  "Big deal."  "So what?"  "Who cares?"  However, the literal responses were: "I haven't been following"  and  "What actually are her campaign promises?"  

Concerning this, keep in mind that no candidate is bound to be faithful to her campaign promises, once she is elected.  Campaigning is not the act of offering a contract.  Kamala's 2024 political platform, in all of her campaign promises, are the exact opposite of what they were in 2019 & 2020.  She can promise whatever she wants.  She will not be bound, under penalty of law, if she suddenly discards every one of her campaign promises and does the opposite, come January 2025.  A tree is known by its fruits.  You saw the disasters which accompanied VICE PRESIDENT Harris, as far back as 2021.  Those things are what there is for you to expect come 2025, '26, '27, and '28.
Now remember, I do live in the city, itself.  In fact, I'm known as an East Ender.  Kamala's arrival here was met with apathy.  The only place where she could get a response as in a fringe spice shop.  On the website of that spice shop is an essay on why Republicans are so evil.  And this spice shop was the only place where Kamala was welcomed with any natural enthusiasm.  

By the way, I'm an ex-democrat who is now an Independent, and I will vote for the one who will save us from the incompetent, pseudo-intellectual, manipulative, obsessive, violence-praising, and dishonest Kamala Harris of scandalous sexual repute.  And concerning Kamala praising violence, watch 2020 talk with Stephen Colbert, on CBS.  She's the danger.  she's even a danger to the health of your own body.  Ask Laken Riley.  She knows.  She died young, because of Kamala.  So, too, did others, even in Afghanistan.

Oh, and concerning the middle aged spice shop lady who was crying in front of Kamala, hoping that Kamala will protect us all from Donald Trump, the cause of her terror was simple: 

The mainstream media endlessly told defamatory horror stories about Donald Trump, terrifying impressionable people.  Concerning these people, their evil is in thinking that CNN & MSNBC is the Voice of God.  These are a tunnel-visioned people.  They are impervious as to a whore's smile of deceit.

And concerning that one easily deceived aging lady who was fooled for years by MSNBC, if she were told that Trump was nominated for two Nobel Peace Prizes, her interior terror would instantly stop.  She would then start to become intensely curious and investigate why the mainstream media endlessly defamed Trump.  She would then end up resenting MSNBC and CNN.  This is why CNN & MSNBC didn't volunteer the information that Trump received two Nobel Peace Prize nominations.  

Well, being that Trump is all friendly with abortion now, maybe CNN will let people know about Trump's Peace Prize nominations.  That's ironic.  Abortion rips the peace and the life out of the child who never got to see sunlight.   End of Sept 2024 update.

Now is NOT the time for Kamala, as circumstances throughout the world illustrate.
 I need to introduce this as "my opinion."  And what are my credentials that anything said by me would carry any weight and have any credibility?  ANS:  A former student of one of JFK's Econ Advisors who also scored a 100% in a national standardized accounting exam authored & processed by Harvard U.  Plus, I'm an inductee ... as of 1983 ... of the Phi Sigma Iota international language honors society ... and a whole bunch of other things.

In as much, according to my opinion, Allan Lichtman's 13 Keys to the White House only apply to candidates who actually went through the traditional American primary election process.  It does not apply to hand-picked candidates, through backroom dealings, by a very small cadre of politicians.

That is to say, the Lichtman Test is limited to those who actually were in the primary election process, and who engaged in debates, in campaign speeches, and in interviews which were done without the candidate having an Emotional Support Animal sitting next to her,  during the interviews.

Let us review:  Kamala Harris performed ZERO campaigning and received ZERO votes, during the 2024 primary election season.  She was simply appointed, in the middle of Summer, as if we were  living in China, in 1912 ... or as if we were living in the Soviet Union and being presented with the "new" Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets.  

In fact, the concept of "democracy" left the Democratic Party, upon the creation of "super delegates."  It were as if a supreme race of voters were put in control of the Democratic Party.  And remember, I formally left the Democratic Party on July 1, 2024, becoming an Independent.  Enough was enough, to state it lightly.

In 2024, we are in the process of a coup d'etat, where the Lichtman Keys are superseded by another key to the White House.  That key is this:

The Mainstream Media endlessly lies in favor of one candidate, while telling damning lies about the opposition candidate, to the point of inciting attempted assassination against the opposition candidate ... and and and the voters do not recognize the media's lies before the November Election.  

If the aforementioned key remains in tact, then Kamala wins.  If the American public realizes that CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and PBS having been lying all along, then Donald Trump wins.

Times change.  Thus, White House keys change too, when the election process changes.  And with Kamala Harris, we went through an anti-election process.  

Remember, she had 2% of the vote, for the Iowa 2020 primary.  She then ran out of money and closed-down her campaign, in December of 2019.  She later became the vice president with the lowest approval rating in the history of approval polls.  But now she's Joan of Arc, Eleanor Roosevelt, & Madame Curie in one.  

Of course, there is a huge difference between Kamala and Joan of Arc.  For starters, Joan of Arc was never a slut who gave sex in exchange for a launch in a political career.

Get ready for the American Gulag Days, compliments of Kamala & her band of merry dictators.

This whole campaign is based on one thing:  Are the American People stupid enough to fall for the endless lies being aired 24/7, in favor of Kamala and against Donald Trump, by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, etc, etc, etc?   

Let us now review why so much hated toward Trump was spewed out.  I state this as an ex-democrat who knows.  Trump was hated, because he was advertised by the Republican Party as the ultimate pro-life candidate.  The entire matter was based on abortion.  Period.

Now, Trump has stated his willingness to co-exist with "abortion-on-demand."  In as much, very recently, one CNN newscaster revealed an evil about Kamala Harris, not caring if this would send numerous voters toward Trump.  This is because that one CNN newscaster was current in the most recent information, and she knew that Trump was acquiescent toward abortion ... and that Trump would not oppose abortion.  Thus, the newscaster knew before all other people that Kamala Harris is no longer needed.  Kamala was only being used to procure or prolong the practice of abortion-on-demand in America.

Kamala is as much of a clueless idiot when it comes to Economics & the Environment as Biden is demented & senile.  Now that Trump will allow abortion to enter through a political side door, no one in the abortion world needs to prop-up Kamala.  After all, Kamala was the last one in the room with Joe, when the decision to pull out of Afghanistan in the most moronic way was made.  In addition, Kamala did cast the tie-breaker vote on two Congressional Acts which caused all the inflation , in the first place.  That type of inflation caused is known as Demand Pull Inflation (which see.)

Remember, when Trump left office, the inflation rate was 1.4%, and the price of food didn't begin to sky-rocket until after Kamala took office.  Until then, during the covid pandemic, it was the price of construction materials which hiked upwards.  And concerning that pandemic, more people died of covid under Biden & Harris than under Trump.

If time were available, this discourse could cover all of the lies Kamala told about the economy.  She is blaming every evil on Trump, when most of the evils we endure today were caused by Kamala, Joe, Schumer, Nancy, Goldman, AOC, etc.  This includes the border.  

Ironically Kamala used for one of her campaign commercials a part of the wall built under Donald Trump.  The commercial made it look as if Kamala were the one who constructed the wall.  Simultaneously, Kamala is acting as the challenger who is not in power, while making it sound as if Donald Trump is the incumbent.  Harris is beyond bizarre.  She is beyond an insult to the common man's intelligence.

We live in a time of extenuating circumstances where former metrics in predicting elections no longer applies.  Once again, the only key that matters is if whether or not the American People are stupid enough to believe the lies which were endlessly spewed from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, etc.  

Trump already was president.  There was no Nazi dictatorship coming for the White House during the Trump Years.  Trump already proved himself, receiving TWO Nobel Peace Prize nominations in the process.

Plus, the seething hatred toward Trump was because he was seen as the pro-life candidate.  In fact, when it was assumed that Trump might be unable to win the 2024 election, Ron DeSantis came forth.  And of course, a democrat party political operative went on air and said that DeSantis was worse than Trump.  This is because DeSantis is pro-life.  So, the dems had to instantly demonize him. 

It's ironic how the most vile, vicious, selfish, ruthless, gory, repulsive, and intelligence-insulting of acts ... such as abortion on demand ... is made to look like the holiest act ever committed by any human.  Well, a God does exist, and this Eternal God is not mocked.  It's merely that this Eternal God is patient.  

Moreover, just because you and Bill Maher do not believe in God, it doesn't automatically make God stop existing.  You have no power over God's existence.  You didn't create God.  The opposite is true, no matter how much you deny it.

And of course, abortion, when the mother's physical life is in direct medical danger, becomes an act of self-defense.  Self-defense is morally permissible.

More can be stated in writing.  Pages more.  But, I don't have the time.  It's an imposition as it is that this Kamala was thrown in front of our faces and then shoved down our throats, without any voter's consent above and beyond the few backroom dealers who fund the democrats, in the first place.


Concerning Kamala, it appeared that her image has been photo-shopped as a matter of habit or policy.  This is because, when you see her in real life, you notice a vein protruding from the lefthand side of her head.  You don't notice it in most of the photos online or in print.

And of course, Kamala had the lowest approval rating of any U.S. vice president, in the history of approval polls.  In fact, even Joe Scarborough condemned her once, as an incompetent vice president.  Well, he politely wrote her off as worthless, long before she became appointed as the NON-ELECTED Democratic Party presidential nominee of 2024.

Now remember, this has been written by an individual who was taught by one of JFK's econ advisers who scored a 100%, in 1982, on a national standardized accounting exam authored and processed by Harvard Univ.  In as much, I can assure you that Kamala Harris is a total fraud & moron who knows little to nothing about Economics & Accounting.  

PLUS, she is a totally clueless fraud when it comes to climate, atmospheric physics, oceanography, etc.  After all, as of May 2024, Planet Earth's atmosphere obtained its highest level of CO2 since mankind came into being.  This means that, throughout the Biden-Harris Administration years, CO2 sky-rocketed.  This also means that Planet Earth will NOT meet "net zero carbon" by 2030 or 2040, as Kamala said.

The rise in atmospheric CO2 is caused by China and India constructing coal-fired power plants.  Even at that, humans are easily able to tolerate a CO2 level four times higher than today.  Today, outdoor CO2 is 422 ppm.  This means that CO2 levels at 844 ppm, 1,266 ppm, and 1,688 ppm are easily within toleration for humans and other mammals.  

Things get conditionally noticeable at 3,500 ppm.  This is where adverse reactions begin with those of weaker or untrained physiques.  In fact, the CO2 count for U.S. submarines is understood to be around 3,500 ppm.  

None the less, human health will start to get bad at 5,000 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere.  And at present, the Earth's atmosphere is 4,578 ppm away from that number.  At today's rate of yearly CO2 rise, it would take 1,526 years to reach 5,000 ppm.    

As far as goes the lethal level of airborne CO2, I'll go by memory here.  If my memory is still in good shape, one hour of CO2 exposure at 84,0000 ppm will kill you.  All in all, the Al Gore & Michael Mann CO2 hype is simply hype that makes a lot of money for those crying, "wolf."  

BTW, make sure that you don't mistake CO for CO2.  Carbon Monoxide, at 800 to 900 ppm, can be deadly.  CO2 isn't deadly until it reaches 84,000 ppm.  Even at that, 10,000 ... 20,000 ... 40,000 ppm isn't a fun time, either.

None the less, Kamala is a clueless fraud when it comes to atmospheric science.  I could prove this by writing out a 15 question oral exam and have some famous newscaster pose the questions.  They will be easy questions.  However, if you did not study "weather theory" or "atmospheric science" or even geology ... and oceanography, you will not pass the simply oral exam. 

Update:  Six hostages murdered and Kamala flees the Press shortly thereafter

And then, as of September 2024, Kamala Harris started to play the predictably immaturish game of avoiding the press, by pretending that she was taking a very important cell phone call.  She is petrified over the idea of  speaking with media, off the cuff & on the spot, without a script.  

Of course, six Israeli hostages were recently murdered.  Concerning this, if the Biden-Harris Administration didn't put restraints on an Israel marked for death, then the job of defending the Jews from fanatical religious zealots  would have been accomplished already.  But instead, six more Jews had to die ... so that Kamala could win the State of Michigan.  So, Kamala will definitely be hiding from the media, now.

And then there was the matter of Kamala never responding to ... and never reaching out ... to the families of the 13 American military casualties who only died, because Kamala backed the most asinine way to withdraw from a war-ridden country.  So, Kamala hides from the pain she caused others, making them all the more outraged at her.

Next, Kamala, her VP nominee, and Doug Emhoff directed their campaigning toward blue states, such as New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Virginia.  Wait!  New Hampshire & Minnesota should have been "lock-up" by now.  After all, the mainstream media claims that Kamala is winning in the polls.  The media makes it look as if Kamala has this election all wrapped-up ... all sewed-up ... in like flint ... a sure thing.   So, why go to New Hampshire & Minnesota at this stage of the game?

Of course, there is something known as Internal Polling, and the results thereof are not reported by the mainstream media.  You can tell how the internal polls are going, by keeping track of which states the candidate in focus visits.  The states visited are the ones that internal polling discovered to be failing ones.  That is where you expect the campaigning to occur.  In light of all this, Truth in the United States of America is a rare commodity.

And then there is the matter of Kamala performing a 180 degree turn on multiple policies of her political platform.  Well, if everything were going absolutely wonderful these days in the Biden Administration, then Kamala would have kept the exact same political platform that she & Zombie Joe Biden held from January 2021 until the Summer of 2024.  

Are you certain that the internal polls look well for Kamala?  Or do they indicate a need for radical change?  Well, making a 180 degree turn on multiple campaign platform policies looks like someone is responding to an urgent need.  However, the mainstream media and their online wannabees claim that Kamala is winning in the polls and is a certainty come November 2024.

A major presidential candidate refusing to speak to the Press is the act of suppressing the Press.  Thus, the Killer of Democracy is also the Killer of Freedom of the Press.   All that Kamala wants is for her narcissistic self to be in power, for the sake of being in power.

Tax Predator Kamala ... The concept of the unrealized CGT (capital gains tax)

Kamala & her campaign handlers apparently cannot differentiate a balance sheet from a profit & loss statement.  This is eventually explained in another discourse/post, concerning Kamala's resolution to impose a 25% "income tax" on Unrealized Capital Gains.  Now, unrealized capital gains is not income.  Rather, it's an asset likened to an account receivable ... likened to an IOU ... or a conditional promissory note (which see.)  

Any of the types of income tax needs to be indexed for inflation.  Yet, Kamala wants to increase the CGT (capital gains tax) by 13%.  And statistically speaking, whenever the capital gains tax rate was lowered in recent decades, federal tax revenue increased.  More needs to be stated about this.  It has to do with the Laffer Curve that I had to study in the 1980s and in Price Elasticity.  But, there are qualifying statements I need to make of the Laffer Curve.  It's only conditionally valid ... that curve.

BTW, Dr Arthur Laffer has aged very gracefully through these decades.  A medical research team should investigate his secrets.  Literally.  Kamala, on the other hand, is rapidly and ungracefully aging.  She looks bad.  Maybe that's why she hides-out and refuses to do on-the-spot & off-the-cuff interviews.  Just maybe.

All in all, the Harris Campaign's idea of campaign promises ... policy ... economics ... guidelines ... income ... accounting ... protocol ... pragmatism ... ethics ... reality ... morality ...and life itself is distorted, to say the least.  

Bullying staff members

Kamala is known for bullying employees, and she is obsessed with making abortion look like the holiest of sacraments, even though it's the most cowardly form of cold-blooded murder.  And she avoids economic indicators, while pretending to be an expert in economics, when her own mouth showed her to be a clueless idiot in that topic.  Kamala will end up bullying you too.  She will trigger a very organized civil war.  Marie Antoinette did similar ... when she tried to flee to Austria as an arrogant bully, only to be quickly caught and eventually put to death.

Likewise, Kamala imitated Marie Antoinette.  After all, Kamala refuses to acknowledge the pain that she caused others while living in luxury.  This included the Afghan gold star families of August 2021, Laken Riley's family, and similar victimized families.  This included those who must make sacrifices due to the inflation that Kamala could have prevented with her two most important  tie-breaker votes.  It includes other victims of the utter incompetency of Joe "Hair Sniffer" Biden & Kamala, Sex Toy, Harris.  America should NOT have power-brokers.  Power-brokers negate equality & fairness.  Power-brokers are oligarchs.

Kamala: Too inarticulate to speak off the cuff, on the spot, and without a script

The New Tax Deal to Come

Kamala Harris is a woman of light color, all the while running on the race card, as the "first" black female president.  But, she's much like the thoroughly racist descendant of quite white Western European slave holders, Sunny Hostin.  In fact, the People should demand that Kamala take at least two DNA tests and publish the entire results for public view.  You'll find that she is another Sunny Hostin, when it comes to the DNA tally sheet.

Now, as far as goes personality, according to someone who worked with Kamala ... and under Kamala ... during her AG years, she eyed the White House as far back as 2011.  If this is true, then fine.  However, it was stated that "Kamala's people" said that the California AG position was merely a stepping stone toward the White House.  If this allegation is true, then we are dealing with a pre-occupation held by Kamala for years.  As far as regarding it an obsession, not really.  The obsession with being president would apply to Hillary Clinton.  

Yet, by means of her recent actions, she apparently had been obsessively eying the White House for a long time, seeking ways to make it a reality.  Ironically, her way of making it to the White House is by lying ... by stating that which is not real.

Now, Kamala Harris is the occasional wielder of an arrogantly smug smile, even though she won ZERO VOTES & ZERO DELEGATES during the 2024 primary election season ... and even though she only received 844 primary votes & zero delegates, during the 2020 primary season.  Ironically, she dropped out of the 2020 campaign in December of 2019.  She had only 2% of the vote, for the upcoming Iowa primary.  Donation money dried up.  

Perhaps she arrogantly smiles in that smug way, because her voteless nomination to the November presidential election brought about the death of democracy in America.  She is in the process of getting elected just like Putin does.  

Kamala wanted change and she got it.  America is no longer a democracy in any degree.  And it certainly does NOT resemble the federal republic it was designed to be, when it comes to elections.  America is now an operative Oligarchy co-run by wealthy career politicians who are de facto Tyrants for Life.  Such people are simultaneously puppeteers & puppets living in luxury.

Instance #1, to prove Kamala's unsuccess:  Be it the harm caused by the asinine Afghan Withdrawal ... or the end-of-the-month privations forced upon the working poor ... or be it the assaults & murders committed by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, Kamala Harris called each of the policies she promotes "a success."  

Concerning Kamala claiming good success about the Biden Economy, the tale of the tape for any economy is in its rate of bankruptcy filings.  Well, in the entire Year of 2023, total bankruptcy filings INCREASED by 16.8%.  Business filings rose 40.4% for the same year, to 18,926 filings.  Also in the Year 2023, non-business filings rose to 434,064 filings, from 374,240 filings in the Year 2022.  

That which is alarming about the Biden-Harris years was the sharp rise in business bankruptcies from 2022 to 2023.  In 2021, there were 14,347 filings.  In 2022, there was a slight increase of 13,481 business filings.   Then, in 2023, boom!  There were 18,926 business bankruptcy filings, while Kamala was calling Bidenomics "a success."

Next on the chart was the statistic of the time span between Apr 1, 2023 and Mar 31, 2024.  There were 20,316 bankruptcy filings, and this was a slight increase.  Then the number of filings started to ratchet upwards, again.  Deja vu.  This shows that Biden & Harris got nothing under control.  This shows that the name "Biden-Harris" belongs to a clown show.  Below is a link to a Reuters news report on 2023 bankruptcy filings, along with mention of how 2024 was promising to be a year of increased filings.

More importantly:  American corporate bankruptcy filings in June of 2024 reached its highest level, since early 2020.  Likewise, between January 1 to July 1, 2024, there have been the most bankruptcy filings than there were in any half-year period, since 2011.  In as much, bankruptcies are once again on the rise, proving Biden & Harris to have been failures ... or frauds who had no idea what they were doing, in the first place.

Reality Check

At this point, you need to come to terms ... come to reality ... with the fact that Kamala Harris is an idiot who does not know what she's talking about.  She is merely a con artist pretending to be an expert, so that she can get your vote and have a pleasurable ego trip as president.  She fails to grasp the seriousness of being president.  She equates the 2024 election with being elected an aging homecoming queen or an aging prom queen.  She has proven that she doesn't think deep thoughts.


Instance #2 as to Kamala's unsuccess 

At this point, take note:  Accumulative inflation, since Kamala's first day, in 2021, has been 19.2% or so.  Well, Kamala said that inflation is now  down to 3%.  That is only for one year.  THEREFORE:

You counter Kamala's misleading inflation numbers by CITING THE CONSUMER PRICE INDEX.  She cannot wiggle out of that one, when addressing the fact that prices sky-rocketed because of her incompetency & because of Joe Biden's thorough brain-deadenness, and not because of any pre-existing price gouging. 

The Consumer Price Index is an element of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, oddly enough.  None the less, below in the link to that official site.  Go there and take a look around, for yourself.

Kamala could have saved America by means of two pivotal tie-breaker votes that she had in the Senate, concerning the two recent Congressional Acts which caused inflation to sky-rocket.  When Kamala voted Yay for both bills/acts, she basically guaranteed the dissolving of ... the dissolution of ... the United States of America, as a political entity.  She guaranteed the eventual bankruptcy & default of the United States.  

And remember, Kamala cast 33 tie-breaker votes in the Senate, since 2021.  Some of those votes were based on inconsequential things, of course.  Others sealed America's destiny.  She proved herself to literally be a moron when it comes to economics.

Instance #2b:   Price Gouging Accusations and Kamala acting like Eliot Ness, about to take down Al Capone.  Kamala played the "Price Gouging Card."  Well, in order to find out if she and Joe are liars in the claim that risen prices are only a matter of price gouging, you must refer to:

1} The PRODUCER PRICE INDEX   and the  2} FUTURE'S MARKET, concerning any product used in the manufacturing of a retail item whose price has risen under Kamala and Joe.   This includes the business cost of fuel and rent.

Very simply, you check to see if operating costs increased, when a retail item's price recently increased.  And of course, petrol prices sky-rocketed under the Biden-Harris Administration.  None the less, you look for the rate of increase in production, including insurance costs needed for the company to remain in operation.

None the less, the most common sensed axiom to teach beginners is this:  If you want to know what the price of something is going to be in six months, then go look at the Future's Market.

If the price is moderately above the new cost of production, then you have standard business profit occurring.  If the price is far above it, then you have "windfall profit."   You can regard it as a form of price gouging ... but only after you factor in something known as the Price Elasticity Curve which is actually a straight line.   

I've already explained Price Elasticity elsewhere, and it's one of my six most favorite economic sub-topics, for developing policy and re-inventing the wheel.  The other two are [1] David Ricardo's Comparative Advantage, as well as that form of [3] designated pricing by which you add an extra demand curve to the graph, and place it parallel to the X-axis.  [4] Warehousing & Silo Science.

And of course, Topic of Interest #5 is the Circular Flow of Income, in its leakages and injections, including the debate if whether or not non-liquid assets count as a leakage ... as well as those not-yet-converted Money Zero Maturity accounts otherwise known as ========> unrealized capital gains.  Add to the list one of Alfred Marshall's axioms which is sort of countered by the existence of the Maintenance & Repair Industry.  So stated for the record.

Now, if you did not understand a single thing mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, then rest assured that Kamala doesn't either.  However, Viv Ramaswamy definitely knows the basics and even details on the aforesaid topics, except for Warehouse & Silo science.  After all, nobody's a computer library.  This is why presidents, prime ministers, governors, etc have advisors and nearby mathematicians.  And Viv Ramaswamy is definitely presidential material.  Kamala is NOT.

Instance #3a:  And then there is the matter of Harris deliberately trying to trick you into thinking that she changed from her former policies which caused the economic catastrophe called Bidenomics, in the first place.  It all came from the fact that she refuses to allow America to be Energy Independent.  This came from her being easily conned into believing the Al Gore Climate Scare.  

Now, there are 63 or 65 or 67 Climate Discourses here, at the Blue Marble Album.  Read them, before making any kind of judgment about Climate, as was asserted by a Kamala Harris which has shown herself to NOT be an expert at the topic.  After all, she does not explain it with mastery.  The only thing she thus far explained with expert knowledge was bail and the bail system.  

As far as concerns the people who believe Al Gore, they never studied atmospheric physics.  None the less, there are those who studied the physics, got some type of a valid degree, yet abide by Gore.  They only do this for a piece of the outrageously large sums of money appropriated from US taxpayers, as well as getting a chunk of change through NGO funding, and/or grassroots fundraising ... and even advertising dollars.  

These people sold their souls for government funding, under the guise that the world is in a crisis, due to atmospheric carbon.  HOWEVER, the atmosphere is already 99.934% carbon free.  Those scientists are lying thieves.  I stated in writing, long before RFK, Jr stated it during speeches & interviews, that the glut of synthetic chemicals flooding modern society is the Environmental Crisis to address.

Moreover, all weather events which happened in the past five years repeatedly happened before, within the past 150 years, over and over, again and again.  This occurred when the co2 count was low.  Read about it at the Blue Marble Album or at another honest site.

Instance #3b:   Kamala arrogantly said that ... as far back as 2020 "on the debate stage" ...  she promised that she ... and Joe ... will not ban fracking, etc.  

Q:  Why is this a super big lie?  ANS:  Very recently, in January of 2024, the "Biden-Harris" Administration put a temporary ban on the processing of LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS EXPORTS.
Firstly, this constitutes "stonewalling."  Second, this is the same as banning fracking, in its tertiary stage.  So, Kamala already banned fracking this very calendar year ... in a predictably sneaky & underhanded way ... in union with Joe Biden.  She lied to the public ... as usual.  You cannot trust her.  You should know by now that you cannot trust a slut who repeatedly gave sex to a California power-broker for a launch into political power.

And for the record, Kamala the Adulteress-for-power expressly stated that she favored the banning of fracking, in 2019.  As far as goes 2020, she merely said that Joe Biden will not ban fracking.  She didn't speak for herself.  None the less, in January of 2024, Joe banned fracking in a sneaky way.

The quote from the White House, as of January 2024 went as follows: "Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing a temporary pause on pending decisions on exports of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to non-FTA countries, until the Department of Energy can update the underlying analyses for authorizations."

The message to humanity was that you can frack all you want.  You simply can't use the extracted gas as you please.  Now, I can proverbially go to town on this subject, especially in light of the fact that I am presently IN PENNSYLVANIA.  But, this is only an introductory example.  

BTW, a FTA country is a Free Trade Agreement country.  The US has 20 of them, in 14 actual agreements.  HOWEVER, there is a huge difference between a treaty and an agreement.  A treaty is law.  It's something to which the signing nations are bound, after the parliaments, dumas, or congresses ratify such treaties, of course.

None the less, Kamala will use semantics to oppress you and me ... yours and mine ... and to uphold her 2019 policies, eventually throwing out the door all of her 2024 promises that she never personally articulated out of her own mouth.   A bunch of notes from a 2024 campaign staffer does NOT count.  

Instance #4, to show that Kamala & Joe were unsuccessful

September update:  Kamala recently gave an arrogant speech in Detroit, praising unions.  Okay then, what workplace conditions transpired under Joe & Kamala?  Well, for starters, the workplace fatalities increased, and this is according to sources in addition to the AFL-CIO's Workplace Report of April 23, 2024.  

Now, the statistics cited are those of 2022, being that the practice of statistics-gathering in a nation the size of an empire takes time to become official.  However, by the Year 2022, Joe & Kamala were consolidated, set in place, and ready to proceed with governing.  Well, you perhaps will be curious as to what THE AFL-CIO reported about workplace conditions and even fatal diseases developed in the workplace.

In 2022, 5,486 workers were killed on the job.  An additional 120,000 workers died from occupational diseases.  Now, mention of occupational diseases brings to mind Robert Kennedy and his claim that chemicals are killing us.  I concur with RFK, Jr from personal long-term experience.  

The AFL-CIO report is linked directly below here and it is very much worth the read.  It IS informative.

Quick Note on the "Stock Market"

The traditional stock market is the Dow-Jones Industrial Average.  In 1929, when the stock market crashed, the "index" was only at 1,709 or so.  Today, it's over 40,000.  So, don't expect it to crash.  Only worry about the drastic de-valuation of the dollar.  

In addition, a huge cause of the 1930s depression was that, during the 1920s, too many Debenture Bonds were issued.  When the Depression loomed, bonds defaulted left and right.

And of course, a debenture bond is literally an IOU that is 'unsecured.'  It's backed-up by no company's wealth.  Well, after the looseness of the 1920s, the Fed Reserve tightened the money supply in the 1930s which made things worse.  This made FDR pertinent, because he understood the concept of "injecting" money into the American circular flow of currency.  Thus came the Civilian Conservation Corps, as a source of employment.  It would be replaced, a decade later, by World War II, a much larger source of employment.  HOWEVER, along with WWII came a massive national debt; but not as massive and irresponsibly produced as is today's National Debt.

The bottom line here is to not listen to anyone saying that the 'stock market will crash,' even if it does undergo a significant loss in its index  You need to worry about American becoming another Hyper-inflation Argentina.  You need to brace for "a day's wages for a loaf of bread."  Yes, when the bullets starting flying, everyone got a job.

Three Thesis Statements, aka Assertions

#1:  Kamala Harris has thus far shown herself to have absolutely zero grasp of basic economics, even though she very fraudulently acted as if she were an economics professor, bearing the air-of-confidence, while completely stating B.S., in front of a mainstream media network TV camera.   What exact courses did she take in college?  Did she take any Econ or Accounting classes?  Does anyone have access to her report cards/files?

#2:  Kamala Harris has shown herself to be a complete stooge, with zero comprehension of even the basics, when it comes to Atmospheric Science, Weather Theory, Weather History, etc.  When it comes to Climate, Kamala comes off as a total idiot.  Yet, she pretends to have been a studious expert on the issue.  

2b: Well, no, no, no there, Harris.  I was the one who made the 12,000 mile coast-to-coast-to-coast road trip during the heatwave Summer of 2012.  Not you, Super Ho.  The trip took 60 days, and it cost me $10,000 in pre-Bidenomics dollars.  

I was the one who scoured through the records, the newspaper archives, the log entries, the "quarterlies," etc, searching in deep dives, for weather news, even dating back to 1852.  Not Kamala, the one who doesn't even read her staffers' briefs.

2c:  American reader, all the weather you've seen in the past five years has all been done before ... over and over, again and again.  There's nothing new out there.  The last time there was something new with the Earth's climate was 6,000 years ago, when a jungle the size of America started to turn into a vast desert, due to the emergence of the global convention cell that is still wrapped around the 30th Parallel North.  Today, that desert is called the Sahara. 

Plus, the Southern Hemisphere has such a convention cell, too ... to this very day.  The 30th Parallel ... north and south ... are where most of the major deserts are located.  Other notable deserts are located at the Leeward side of mountain ranges and at the Poles.  Antarctica is the driest desert on Earth.  

You should tell Kamala this.  In fact, there are at least three dozen educational notes you need to make to Kamala, about atmospheric science.  But, she won't read them.  She'll ignore them as much as she ignored her staffers' reports.  Her staffers did cite Kamala as being lazy, as a matter of habit.

2d:  There is a certain movie celeb who claimed to have studied "climate for decades," all declining to teach one sentence of its subject matter.  Concerning those who claim to have "studied Climate Science" for years, there is a simple string of questions to ask that person, to test if he/she really did study weather theory.  If he/she cannot correctly answer at least 2/3 of the questions ...66%  of them ... then he/she is a fraud.   

An example is:  What's the pertinence to the number 14.7, or more concisely, the Number 14.696, when it comes to atmospheric physics?  No more examples will be given, lest a con artist cheat get a chance to go to the internet and find the answers.  

#3:  Kamala has shown herself to have no basic comprehension of natural law morality and in abiding by a traditionally instinctive conscience, such as the realization that murder is evil and not a matter of your personal liberation.  

Kamala also cannot tell the difference between a mother's body and her child's body.  And of course, whenever the fetus DNA has Y-DNA in it, then it most certainly is someone else's body ... and not the mother's body ... because only males have Y-DNA.  There is no way in which a woman has Y-DNA in her, unless she is pregnant with a son which happens to be NOT her female body.  Therefore, she can't demand what to do with it.

Proof that she Kamala does not adhere to any form of standard morality comes in two undisputed introductory words, namely Willie & Brown.  The woman has no conscience.  Thus, she is no role model for young girls.  This is ironic for a prosecutor.  

But then again, there is such a thing as malicious prosecution, trumped up charges, and kangaroo courts.  So, it shouldn't be ironic  In as much, in the cyclical flow of history, there always comes a time when the police get policed, the judges get judged, the lawmakers get declared lawless, and the hangmen get hung.   

I can go into detail, but this would require three added discourses which I am willing to write, but don't have the time to write, at present.  I shouldn't have to be wasting any time on that Psychopathic Narcissist Harris.  And remember, 91% of her staffers resigned on her.  She is that much intolerable.  In fact, Narcissism is a Personality Disorder.  We should not have shoved into our faces a presidential nominee with a personality disorder.  Hillary Clinton was bad enough.  Now we have to put-up Kamala Harris.

Intro  (Skip this section if you don't have the time to make it to the pertinent section)
For starters, challenge the Race-Baiter, Kamala Harris, to take TWO DNA tests and have both results published, for public view.  You'll see what she has been trying to hide.  You will, in my opinion, find that she is much like the insufferable race card player, Sunny Hostin, who claimed to have been "96% African," but who was found to be the descendant of an European slave trader family, as well as a descendant of Sephardic Jews.  She's a yenta.  A con artist yenta, at that.

Hostin is such a fraud that white men returning from long-term beach vacations are literally darker than she is.  So too was this the case with Kamala, as is evidenced by her 1990s photos ... a couple of which are posted here, at the Blue Marble Album.  

This is not the photo-shopped Kamala that was presented to humanity in 2021.  It's called ungraceful aging.  Again, demand that she take two DNA tests ... from two different companies ... and have the results published.  You'll find that she's another Sunny Hostin hiding her European DNA from the public.  Sunny Hostin is the descendant of slave holders.
BTW, certain articulate black men of America have made note that they are insulted that Kamala parades herself around as a black African, instead of the Tamil Indian she used to parade herself around as being.  They see Kamala's "blackness" as a political ploy, designed to get donation money and votes.  

But, there was another reason why a number of black men walked away from the Harris camp and joined the Donald Trump side.  Kamala ignored black men the same way in which Hillary ignored Wisconsin.  She held "black woman conferences," only.  For some reason, black males as a faction doesn't matter to Kamala.  She only seeks-out a black male here or there who has a microphone and an audience.

Ramaswamy was the Answer.  But now, it's someone else NOT named Kamala to save the day

For the record, the choice of the author of the Blue Marble Album ... for 2024 presidential candidate ... was Viv Ramaswamy.  According to the author who happens to be one of those no-name bloggers who amassed millions of views amongst his four principle sites, CNN's promoting of Kamala Harris, over Viv Ramaswamy, was exactly like bypassing one of Buckingham Palace's crown jewels for Monopoly Money.  

HOWEVER, voting for Ramaswamy this November will guarantee Kamala Harris the win, upon which you should brace for being visited by a series of sick joke scenarios caused by Kamala wanting to act like the tough guy who will force you "to submit" to her, coupled with her being a bumbling buffoon afraid of her own shadow.  

There is only one man who can save us from Kamala and from the corrupt oligarchs who elevated the mental runt, Kamala, into a major presidential nominee position without her winning a single primary election vote.

Apparently no one recognized how exceptional Viv Ramaswamy was.  Talk about American Exceptionalism.  American minds have been clouded by the  CNN, MSNBC, & ABC who happen to be three chump-change networks of low intelligence ... low inspiration ... low honesty ... low fascination ...  low information ... low compassion ... and no truth, unless it's twisted and then presented in a false light, after having been taken entirely out of context.

And keep in mind that ABC used to be called the T & A Television Network in the 1970s, because of all the sitcoms which induced lust in men ... with casts of attractive blondes and brunettes.  And trust me on this one:  Kamala Harris did NOT compare to any of those 1970s women, when it came to beauty, attractiveness, personality, and interestingness.  

This brings us to a question.  Why did today's Democrat Party higher-ups select for its presidential nominee an Energy Vampire who sucks the life out of you?  And speaking of sucking ...

Hey, get a room, will ya!  Someone is standing next to you.  Show some class, for a change, you slut.
Keep in mind that 91% of Kamala Harris' VP staff members resigned.  She was accused of having created a toxic work environment by which she bullied federal employees.  And yes, she sure as Hell is annoying, as one can see above.

None the less, Kamala is, by far, the most blatant piece of narcissism to be seen.  She's supposed to act stoic, during the Dana Bash interview.  Yet, she lights up ... and abandons the Poker Face ... when the conversation switches to her and to a photo of someone "looking up to her."  The same light-up facial expression from Kamala occurred when mention was made of Joe dropping out of the race.  This run for president is an ego trip with Kamala.  

An election win to her is like a sports score.  She fails to fathom the seriousness of the Officer of President.  A vain airhead gleams with a uncontrolled smile when she wins such a post.  The man of wisdom, upon winning an election, first says, "May God have mercy on my soul and spare me from causing harm to vast populations of humanity."  Meanwhile, the selfish airhead gloats upon winning such an election.

United States Bankruptcy Filing Update, as of June 2024

As an introductory note, an effective indicator of an economy is in bankruptcy filings.  Well, according to the number of bankruptcies which were filed between June 2023 and June 2024, bankruptcy filings increased 16.2% from the previous year.  We are back to the days of an unsuccessful economy, under Harris whose Day #1 started over 1,300 days ago.

Then, when the DOW-Jones Industrial Avg rises ... as it did in August 2024 ... along with a rise in the number of bankruptcies, it's a sign that Oligarchy is thriving.  America is not a democracy.  Career politicians like Nancy Pelosi are very rich Dictators for Life.  They're oligarchs.  Dictatorial oligarchs who used Americans to get ridiculously rich.  Nancy apparently doesn't understand that "you can't take it with you."  Nancy is in her 80s.  She doesn't seem to realize it, thought.

A Seductress Wanna Be

Sometimes Kamala plays the role of smiley-faced seductress ... not realizing that she hasn't aged well, at all.  After all, her neck looks as if a 1960s Timex Watch band has been wrapped around it for too long a period of time.  And she certainly never looked like any type of health-food athletic guru.  

Jack Lalanne she is not.  Franco Columbu she is not.  Raquel Welch she most definitely is not.   And Sandra Bullock she sure as Hell is not.  Kamala is also nowhere near the trainer of Sandra Bullock, namely Simone de la Rue.  

Kamala is incapable of writing a health guru book without a couple of ghost writers.  So, why does she occasionally do the "oh-look-how-sexy-I-am-game" ???  Even CNN joined in on the game.  And quite frankly, some CNN cast members need new glasses.  

Kamala has also played the Girl from the Hood Game.  People misinterpreted it as her feigning a Southern Accent. Apparently, there lived sheltered & pampered lived, and never were in "the Hood," as were us government contract construction workers who did HUD & URA work.  Kamala attended an English-language academy in Montreal, and she is from California ... not Mississippi.

It didn't take a pandemic to destroy us in 2024.  It took Kamala Harris, as a Senate tie-breaker in 2021 & 2022, to have done so.  Yet, she bragged about being the tie-breaker of two Congressional acts that guaranteed inflation to sky-rocket.  

The inflation was guaranteed to happen.  It was easy to see.  Yet, Kamala didn't see it coming.  Neither did the Janet Yellen who should have known better, unless she did see it, but was bullied by Joe, Kamala, and the Congress to keep her mouth shut.  

The type of inflation that was guaranteed to come is known as Demand Pull Inflation.  Definitions of it are online.  I don't have the time to explain it, right now.  In fact, I shouldn't have to be writing about Incompetent Kamala and other scams ... and other scammers.  She's a sick joke ... so too are the other scammers.  None the less, I do have economics & investment articles at the Blue Marble Album.  One of them even teaches about Put & Call Options ... and "selling short."  They're worth the read.

News Update as of Aug 30, 2024

The report is that the Biden People, Obama People, and Harris People recently performed a merger, to run the  Kamala Harris campaign.  Well, one of Kamala's "new" platform policies is to tax "unrealized capital gains," at a 25% rate.  Maybe, it only involves the taxing of "white guys" and their unrealized capital gains.  All other Americans would then be immune ... exempt.

Ladies & gentlemen, do you know what an "unrealized capital gain" really is, in layman's terms?

ANS:  It's basically an account receivable.

And what's an account receivable?  

ANS:  It's a debt owed to you and not any actual wealth in your account.  It's basically an IOU acknowledged by the person or company which purchased from you a product or a service or real estate and/or infrastructure property.

So, why are the Obama, Biden, and Harris People trying to pass-off something that appears in the typical Balance Sheet as income?   After all, they are addressing "income" tax.  However, an IOU is NOT income.  In as much, "unrealized capital gains" is not yet income.  

ANS #1:  It's because the Harris People are in a state of dread, foraging for possible tax income, due to the outrageous rise of the national debt throughout each presidency since George W Bush, which started in 2003.  The debt increase then started to get ridiculous in 2007.  

Added note:  Under Obama, 2014 was a year of national debt sanity.  Then, in the following year, it was a matter of "What the Hell are you doing?"

During the Biden Administration, alone, the rise in the National Debt will have been $7 trillion or so, by the end of the Biden 4-year term.  Under Obama, the National Debt rose approximately $9 trillion, but in 8 years; not merely four.   

And of course, Trump got caught in the Covid Pandemic, but even beforehand, the national debt was rising like dough yeast under Trump.  So, the Harris People are looking for possible ways to not go into outrageous debt ... and default.  Default for a nation means Time for a New Form of Government.

ANS #2: Joe Biden decided to trick the American People into believing that he was a generous Santa Claus, by giving free money out of the kindness of his heart.  Well, the next objective of Joe & Kamala was to take from the American People the very money that Joe handed over to them.  Doing such a thing is literally like charging someone for his own Christmas gift.  That's Joe Biden, and his sidekick, Monopoly Money Harris.

To make a long story short, there is a difference between an asset and income

Remember, when dealing with Income Tax, we are dealing with i-n-c-o-m-e.  And the Profit & Loss Statement is the Income Statement.  Unrealized assets of any kind are NOT income ... just like an IOU which might never be paid to you.  Such things are for the Balance Sheet.  A Balance Sheet basically shows what you own and what you owe ... and what's owed to you.  

This Harris Campaign's search to find things to tax shows that the Harris People will seek any justification for draining you of your money ... if you have money.  They're proven liars.  Now, they are positioning themselves to be proven thieves.  

They will be trying to tax your assets.  Yet, something like pre-paid insurance is a company's asset.  It belongs on the lefthand side of the balance sheet.  Yet, it has nothing to do with any money you made.  It has to do with money that you spent.  That involves a "sales tax."  By any chance will Kamala attempt to impose a "double sales tax" on Americans?  She's not looking for justice or fairness.  She's looking to win ... to control ... to be the dominator.  How many Americans will put-up with this?

The next thing to expect from  the Harris Campaign would be taxing the life insurance beneficiaries of a man still alive ... and who is expected to keep living for another 5, 10, or 20 years.  You will have no way of getting that "life insurance benefit" money for another 5, 10, or 20 years.  But, the Harris People will find a way to tax you for it.

There are other examples of unrealized gains.  But, I don't want to give exceptionally low-intelligence people attached to Harris any ideas.  Never give stupid people any ideas, because they are too incompetent to carry-out the ideas correctly.


This upcoming election will teach us one thing.  It will teach us how stupid the American People are ... or how stupid the American People are not.  

Harris went on and on, praising Bidenomics, claiming it to be a success.  And of course, the outrageous inflation proves Kamala to be the typical politician-liar.  Perhaps you know the following joke:  When can you tell that a politician is lying?  ANS:  When she is moving her lips.

Well, another great indicator of whether or not an economy is succeeding or failing is the number of bankruptcy filings in that particular economy.  And of course, the United States bankruptcy filings increased 16.2%, from the year prior; with such a year starting at June.  Thus, from June 2023 to June 2024, the bankruptcy filings increased to the point where almost as many were filed in 2023-2024 as there were during the Covid year of 2020.   

Bankruptcies are on the rise again.  Joe and Kamala are too incompetent to handle any economy.  If you want to see the total destruction of the US economy, then vote for Kamala.  When the Kamala Destruction does occur, white Americans will simply apply for Russian residency, under the new Russian Residency Plan, and leave America.  Kamala and her campaign crew can clean-up their own mess.  

If you are a person "swooned" by Kamala Harris, then you are a danger to society, if and only if you have the power to do anything about it, including the power to vote.  A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for your own destruction.


When comparing others to Kamala:  ~Viv Ramaswamy would make a much better president.  ~Nikki Haley would make a much better president.  ~Tulsi Gabbard would make a much better president.   ~Winsome Sears would make a much better president.  ~And Condoleezza Rice would definitely make a much better president than Kamala.  In fact, at least 600,000 eligible Americans would make a much better president than Kamala.  She will only bring us grief and dread and maybe a lot of snide & sarcastic satire on video ... or sarcasm in comic pages ... or satire in cartoons ... and definitely bitter sarcasm in SUICIDE NOTES.

BTW, all of the person mentioned above ... as being capable of being good presidents ... are all non-white.  So, you cannot whip out the race card here and accuse the Blue Marble Album of being a "white supremacy" racism.  You race card people are merely hustlers looking for donation money and TV shows, as well as political office by creating a mortal enemy whom only you can defeat.  You are sooooo annoying and empty.  Why don't you shut the !@%&! up, for a change? Oh, I forgot why.  You're trying to scam money out of people.

Author's Credentials

Keep in mind that this Blue Marble Album has been composed by an individual who was [1] formally taught by one of JFK's economic advisors ... [2] and who, in the 1980s,  scored a 100% on a national standardized accounting exam authored & processed by Harvard University ... [3] and who was inducted into the Phi Sigma Iota honors society (for excellence in foreign languages) ... 

... [4] and who was also inducted into the general National Honors Society ... [5] and who is a member of the International High IQ Society ... [6] and who has been nationally published in anthologies as recently as August 4, 2024, along side national book award winners, a Pulitzer Prize winner, a Pulitzer Prize nominee, a Walt Whitman  Award winner, and several other laureates ... [7] and who had extensive learning & research in Atmospheric Science & Weather History, as is evidenced by his 63+ Climate Discourses, ~ in his living in one of America's "hurricane alleys" for nine years, ~ in his attendance at a Florida coastline university, and ~ in his 12,000 mile coast-to-coast-to-coast road trip, taken during the Heatwave Year of 2012 ... 

[8] and who even had formal education in insurance law, having held an insurance license that had "four powers" attached to it. ... [9] and who has photography which was viewed by millions of people in years past ... [10] and who is experienced in multiple trades, concerning government contract construction projects which included Army Corps work, URA work, HUD work, county commissioners' projects, historical society renovation work, and a type of federally funded construction called COG work, as in Council of Governments work.  There's more.  But, this is enough.

This all means that, maybe, ... just maybe ... he learned a little bit more about economics & climate than did Kamala and her handlers combined.  This would furthermore mean that maybe ... just maybe ... he can offer insight towards Kamala's economic policy platform and compare it to reality.  This is because there is a huge difference between Kamala's policies and reality.  There is a chasm between the two.   Reality and Kamala are complete strangers to each other.