January 23, 2024

Antarctica 2021: Coldest 6 months. 6 months later: Lowest Ice Extent. 6 months more later: Healthy monthly ice gain, after lowest ice reading.

antarctica, snow, ice, landscape, south pole, polar, panorama, frozen, north pole, cold 

The news of it was liberating, because it was the opposite of the 30 year long encroaching doom predictions of ~ non-scientist Al Gore, ~ Michael "Hockey Sticks" Mann who should know better, and ~the Jim Hansen whose June 1988 senate pre-hearing antics were revealed by former Senator Wirth.  

The unexpected news came three years after most of the pending doom predictions were supposed to have come to pass.  In fact, the news came one year after the glaciers at Glacier National Park were supposed to have melted away.   

The news of this event made its way to the tunnel-visioned CNN.  At present, the news of it is being smothered by other climate-related coverage.  Newer news reports have reported conditions opposite of what happened for a six month period in 2021:

                     ***   Antarctica had its COLDEST winter on record.   *** 

Antarctic winters are six months long.  Therefore, Antarctica had its coldest six month period in known history.  More concisely . . .

At the Amundsen-Scott Station, the 2021 April to September temperatures averaged MINUS 78 degrees Fahrenheit.  That amounts to 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit LOWER than the station's 30 year average.

Now, with all the climate disaster propaganda being constantly released, did you assume that the Global Warming profiteers would sit idly and re-assess their belief system, upon hearing that Antarctica's coldest winter had just transpired?  ANS:  Of course not.  They went into hyper-drive, ramping-up the Global Warming, man-made-co2, burning-of-fossil-fuel, cap-and-tax, carbon-tax propaganda in geometric progressions.  And there were outrageous sleight-of-hand deceptions amidst actual news events.

The message always was that the world was going to soon end, if you did not shell out hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars and corporate donation dollars to them --- to the Climate Change People.  

There were outrageously high amounts of taxpayer dollars that were already appropriated during the final two years of the Obama administration.  The money was appropriated in the form of  "Climate Change Adaptation" & "Climate Change Research."

But, the Year 2022 was the year of far more tax dollar appropriations.  The tax dollars are simply added sums to the already overwhelming National Debt.  

The outrage is that, instead of spending time and money on life-giving CO2, efforts should have been made in remedying the ills caused by synthetic chemicals and their inundation into every realm of life.  And of course, these synthetic chemicals includes those "Forever Chemicals" such as polyfluoroalkyl substances (aka PFAS,) for starters, followed by many more of the synthetic realm.

BTW, the weather in 2022 wasn't that much different than the climate conditions in very hot and very dry 2012.  I went on a 12,000 mile road trip in the Summer of 2012.  I am well familiar with that type of heated landscape.  I was in the Mojave Desert at 102F.  I was in Oklahoma, when it was 106F.  I remember Arkansas at 104F, and it wasn't all that bad. 

In fact, I remember crossing over the Mississippi River, en route to Vicksburg Mississippi, in late August.  The river's width thinned-out considerably.  That's what alarmed me.  That's when I thought, "yikes."  But, the Mississippi River did get replenished.

I am also familiar with the Winter of 2014 --- the coldest winter in 40 years.  As I recently stated, climate is a cyclical roller coaster ride.  So, spend your money on countering PFAS chemicals, not on life-giving co2.  To combat CO2 is to combat life itself.

Climate Man say, "We're all gonna dry-up soon."  No, wait . . .
Climate Man say, "We're all gonna drown, when the salty seas rise over the piers."

The illustrations directly below concern the sea ice extent surrounding Antarctica in June and July of this year ... 2022.  The red fluorescent circle around the Antarctica ice extent is the average (actually the "median") amount of ice which is usually present there in June and then in July.  

While looking at it, the ice extent looks boringly average ... typical.  No big loss of ice through the years.  No big deal.  In fact, look at the numbers at the horizontal bottom of each illustration:

Total extent for June 2022 was 12.1 MILLION square kilometers (which is 4.67 MILLION  square miles.) 

Total ice extent for July 2022 was 14.9 million sq km (which is 5.75 million square miles of ice extent there.)

This means that, in 30 days, Antarctica gained 2,800,000 square kilometers of ice.  That amounts to 1,080,000 square miles of added ice extent, in one month's time.  That amounts to 36,000 sq miles of added ice per day ... added by nature.  This equal 93,333 square kilometers of new ice per day, added naturally.

In all that gain, the news simply stated that the July 2022 Antarctic sea ice extent was the lowest since 1979, for any month of July.  Incidentally, 1979 was the year of the highest Arctic sea ice extent.  

In having the Sea Ice Extent starting date the same as the year with the highest volume of sea ice, it guarantees that every year to follow will have a lower ice content number than the "benchmark year."  That is deception in action, being that the unfamiliar person will instantly assume that 1979 was an average ice year, instead of the year with the most ice on record.


Previously, in late February 2022, the report was that Antarctica had it lowest ice extent in ultra-modern history, meaning "since 1979." It was exactly like the report of July of that year.  At the least, the Space Magazine author who did quote the U.S. National Snow & Ice Data Center in an article, stated that:

"However, the amount of Antarctic sea ice varies considerably each year and climate change is not necessarily to blame." ...

... "The shrinking is likely natural, and partly due to strong winds pushing some sea ice farther north into warmer waters, Nature reported.  I think much, if not all, of the event can be ascribed to natural variability," said Walt Meier, a senior research scientist at the NSIDC.  NSIDC stands for National Snow & Ice Date Center.   Furthermore . . .

 "Antarctic sea ice varies considerably from year to year, and the NSIDC has not found a statistically significant trend in one direction or another using satellite data. This year was the lowest minimum sea-ice extent on record, but the highest minimum sea-ice extent was recorded in 2015." 

Of course, a Climate Con Artist will present this 2022 event in a false light, and then apply intimidation tactics, telling you that it's your fault for burning fossil fuels, and you have to pay the carbon tax, to make up for your sins..  When you don't buy what the guy is asserting, you end up intimidating the climate con artist.

Driving on an amount of ice as large as the July 2022 ICE GAIN is equivalent to driving from Washington D.C. to the outskirts of Miami Florida --- (the square root of 1.08 million miles is 1,039.  Miami to D.C. is 1,050 miles.)  Yet, July 2022 is supposed to have been the least amount of July sea ice extent in modern record-keeping.

All in all, that's a lot of ice accumulation.  Yet, it resulted in the lowest ice extent number on the chart, as far as concerns the month of July.  The remedy is to compare the more recent years, as you search for a trend or the absence of a trend.  Study wind conditions, air masses, the jet stream, air pressure, Etc.  Things are never what they seem to be to an inexperienced novice.

In addition, check for the writers'/speakers' financial interest in the matter upon which he/she speaks.  If the person making the report stands to gain (or has already been payed) tremendous amounts of taxpayer dollars, in a climate-related government contract, then he/she has a conflict of interest and cannot be brought into the conversation.

The lesson:  Don't let yourself be deceived by your failure to recognize proportionality.  Such proportionality is translated into numbers, charts, tables, and graphs.  A person can take numbers and twist them in such away that he makes a doomsday scenario.  If someone is looking for sensationalism and ratings, doomsday will be described, and this is irresponsible to do. 

July 2022 is supposed to be the month of the least sea ice extent for any July month.  It does NOT look much different than any other Winter month.  It still had a lot of ice.  The red line, of course, is the median amount of sea ice extent for July ... the typical amount ... the expected amount.

June 2022:  Antarctic sea ice extent was 12.1 million sq km.  That's 4.67 million square miles.  July 2022:  The ice extent expanded to 14.9 sq km, aka 5.75 million sq miles.  That was an INCREASE of 1.08 million sq miles, aka 2.8 million sq km, between June and July.  That's an increase of 36,000 sq miles of new ice per day (93,333 sq km per day.)  So, where's the End of the World in all that ice accumulation?

Comparison: June 2021: 13.5 million sq km (5.21 million sq miles.)
                      July 2021: 16.4 million sq km (6.33 million sq miles.)
                         30 day ice extent increase = 1,120,000 sq miles;
                        an increase of 37,333 sq miles of new ice per day.
The June to July ice gain for 2021 (when there was a record cold winter) is virtually the same for 2022 (when the July ice extent was the lowest since modernized record keeping began in 1979.)  It was 36,000 sq miles of new ice per day vs 37,333 sq miles of new ice per day.  The Year 2020 wasn't too far behind, at 32,333 sq miles of new ice per day.   It was not all that different.  The lesson:  Con artists use numbers to scare you.   

June 2020: 13.2 million sq km (5.09 million sq miles)
July 2020:  15.7 million sq km (6.06 million sq miles)
                               That was a 30 day increase of  970,000 square miles.                                 That was an average of 32,333 square miles per day of new ice.

January 22, 2024

March 18th Antarctic plateau temperature rise: Warm Australian winds. Not caused by co2, as is evidenced by high (sunlight reflective) snow albedo.

NASA photo of none other than Antarctica
Let's take a few moments and look at the March 18, 2022 media reports on the Antarctic Plateau temperature rise, as was reported by the French and Italian scientists at the Concordia Dome C Research Station.  The temperature reading was conveyed as "provisional."  That denotes conditional ... contingent ... yet to be confirmed ... definitely not final.  

The report was that the Antarctic Plateau (located 10,607 feet above sea level) reached an extremely unique high of 11.3 degrees Fahrenheit (It should have been marked at 10.76F, by the way) and MINUS 11.8 Celsius. 

The average temperatures of the Concordia Dome C region for that day are -62F for a high and -75F for the low temp.  In addition, March 18 is the coldest day of the month for that area, statistically speaking.  THUS, it was a temperature anomaly wave, as opposed to a heat wave that occurred for about five days there.  Yet, it involved big numbers, relatively speaking.

This March 18 temperature did get news coverage, but it would have been an insult to even the average intelligence to have blamed the temperature on co2.  This is because the Antarctic Plateau is shear white, and the Albedo of ice/snow is 85, meaning that 85% of all the sun rays which hit a sheet of snow/ice reflect back into outer-space.  That means that . . .

. . . there simply isn't the presence of infrared light at the Antarctic Plateau to affect or effect temperature there.  

Now remember, greenhouse gases have no power in the absence of infrared light.  Therefore, greenhouse gases are instantly ruled-out as a cause of anything decisive where there is there is the whiteness of a snow-scape or an ice-scape.  

As was proven via the many heatwaves & droughts of centuries past (when co2 levels were 108 to 138 ppm LOWER than today), CO2 is NOT the driver of climate in any capacity.  Rather, CO2 is the driver of PHOTOSYNTHESIS, and without photosynthesis, life on Earth eventually ceases.  To kill off co2 is kill off mankind.  This explains why pro-abortion activists are obsessed with the Al Gore "Climate Change" doctrine.  They hate humanity and want to kill it off, as much as possible.

They claim that mankind is killing Planet Earth.  But, the statistics are that Planet Earth has been killing humanity very successfully throughout the centuries, via:

{1} hurricanes, {2} tornadoes, {3} droughts, heatwaves & crop failure, {4} plagues, {5} tsunamis, {6} volcanoes, {7} cold spells, {8} lightning strikes, {9} wild animal attacks, {10} shark attacks, {11} blizzards, {12} avalanches, {13} allergic reactions, {14} poison mushrooms, {15} poison plants. {16} heavy metal contamination, {17} forest fires, {18} floods, {19} pestilence, and {20} EARTHquakes.

It's a mystery that any human is still alive on Earth.

Now, the co2 levels of 2021 were the same as 2022, and 2021 is when Antarctica had its coldest winter on record ... in all of known history.  Thus, if you have two drastically different types of climate while having the same one co2 level, then co2 did not cause the drastically different climate events which occurred in less than 8 months' time.  The case is closed on this.  However, the students of the American public school system, having been as brainwashed as any students of centuries past, will hold on to that belief.  This includes the stubbornness and insistence of Hitler's Youths.

The higher than usual temperature of March 18 on the Concordia Plateau was said to have been caused by warm Southeastern Australian winds and "an atmospheric river." That phrase is new to me, UNLESS it's meant to describe the reality that the air above oceans is LATENT HEAT.  But, apparently, it didn't mean that.

None the less, a review of the Specific Latent Heat of Vaporization is essential for all beginners-novices.  Therefore, the following will help, after the following quick intro:

Q:  What is heat?  ANS #1:  It's energy.  ANS #2: It's transferable energy.  ANS #3:  It's transferable energy in motion.  More Specifically:  It's transferable kinetic energy.

Q2:  How does it transfer?  ANS: Via convection or conduction or thermal radiation (which involves electromagnetic radiation.) 

In as much, hot air rises.  Cool air descends.  Low pressure rises.  High pressure descends.  Plus, wherever you have cold air, you have dry air.  For now, that which matters is the Latent Heat of Vaporization (aka Enthalpy)  There also exists Latent Heat of Fusion.

See:  Latent Heat Tutorial

Also see:  Additional Latent Heat Tutorial for beginners

Now, an atmospheric river is described as something that carries a tremendous amount of water.  Well, it was NOT humid in Concordia on March 18.  

I simply assumed that the Australian winds rode the Latent Heat altitude above the Southern Ocean and then traveled inland for 680 miles, up the incline that leads to the Antarctic Plateau.  

Maybe the winds were of the Chinook variety ... the Foehn variety ... the Santa Ana variety ... downsloping.  However, downsloping winds compress as they rapidly heat.  The Concordia Plateau was low pressure city.  Yet, there was a climb up an incline that was the height of a mountain.  This translates into Adiabatic Heating and Orographic rain.  Such a thing is usually followed by instant heating of compressed wind going down a mountain.  

The difference with March 18, 2022 was that the wind was NOT traveling downhill in a compressed state.  It was crossing a plateau at low pressure.  But, it was exceptionally hotter than expected, even though it still remained well below freezing temperatures.

After all, if it were a matter of orographic rainfall following the path of the 10,607 foot  incline, the report would have mentioned at least a token amount of rain.  Did it?  I didn't see any rain report.  Well, it should have rained in the desert called Antarctica, being that, when air rises, precipitation falls.

If orographic rain were involved, then this was a typical adiabatic heating event, and there had to have been an actual atmospheric river floating across Antarctica.  Yet, it was such a rare event for a typical action to have caused the rarity.  None the less, the Global Warming Lobbyists made a spectacle out of this event.

The most important factor is that co2 did NOT cause this, evidenced by snow's high albedo and therefore it's high reflectivity of sunlight back into outer-space.  Period. 

Latent Heat

Concerning the oceans emitting latent heat, this phenomenon is what happens when "super-cooled" water has it's temperature raised to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.  As the temperature rises to the usual freezing point, heat is released.

Incidentally, super cooled water is that which remains liquid even though it's below 32F.  As the super cooled temperature rises, calories of heat are released into the air above the ocean surface.  Did anything like this happen between Australia and Antarctica on March 18, 2022?

One question at this point:  Why is super cooled water still liquid when below 32F?  ANS:  That water has not yet released its calories.


Anyway, a recessed front was present in Antarctica on March 18, and such a thing enables a wind to insert itself.  It is similar to those openings in enemy formations that Alexander the Great always searched to find and penetrate.

The temperature anomaly lasted until the 21st of March.  Yes, -22F was a heat anomaly.

BTW, Antarctica has dark desert land which can allow sunlight free-rein.  But, Antarctica is 5.5 million square millions and mostly white.  Albedo prevails there.

None the less, the "apparent" ... the "seeming" ... record high temperature of March 18 was amended on a couple record-keeping data sheets.  The MINUS 11.8 degree Celsius number was changed to MINUS 17.7C in one data set, and MINUS 20C on another set.

This translates into -4 and 0 degrees Fahrenheit which doesn't look as apocalyptic as originally reported. 

Below is an illustration of the Australian wind (green colored border) inserting itself into an Antarctic front (blue) on March 18, 2022.  It arrived at a low-pressured 850 hector-pascals.  This would translate into 12.32 psi --- aka 25.1 inches of mercury, in terms of air pressure, and it was following the Coriolis Effect for a low pressure system in the Southern Hemisphere.  (Incidentally, standard surface air pressure throughout the Earth is 14.7 psi.)  

The Vostok Station got similar temperatures at the same time.  Incidentally, Vostok means "East"in Russian.  Vostok is 350 miles from Concordia.  It's close to the distance between Pittsburgh and the New Jersey border.  In mid-March 2022, they shared similar temperatures, 350 miles apart.

Speaking of Jersey, while the media endlessly harped on heat waves and decreasing water levels, the Jersey shoreline water was exceptionally chilly.  And why?  

ANS:  Because of Upwelling ... because of water rising through the Pycnocline layer of the ocean, making its way to the surface.  It brings with it rich nutrients for the ocean dwellers.  

The average temps for Jersey ocean water, for August, is around 70 - 75 degrees, and it has made it to 79F.  This August, it was found to be 58F and similar temps.

This is pertinent, in light of the Resplendy-Keeling paper of recent years, where it was claimed that the ocean is heating 60% faster than assumed.  Well, the paper had mathematical errors in it that invalidated it.   

At Jersey this Summer, that Resplendy paper was doubly invalidated, being that the upwelling water is soooooo cold.  I stated previously that the majority of ocean water is dark and 39 degrees Fahrenheit.  Well, the Jersey shoreline concurs.  It was Brrrr City there.

Jersey ocean water 12 to 18 degrees Fahrenheit colder this summer

Back to the Concordia Station

The bottom line is that co2, n2o, & methane (ch4) had NOTHING to do with the March 18, 19, 20, 21 temperature rise which still stayed mostly 30 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit under the melting point.

Moreover, Antarctic March is equivalent to Northern Hemispheric September when there are temporary returns of Summer temps.  Take note of the change of ... the adjusting of ... the amending of ... the March 18, 2022 temperature.

 ~  ~  ~

Below:  Take note of the barometer reading for March 18.  It's 28.5 Hg.  That translates into 965 millibars.  That's a category 2 hurricane pressure.  None the less, an anabatic wind is dependent upon solar irradiance, instead of pressure... so say the writers of the textbooks.  That's the opposite of a katabatic wind which is a Chinook Wind and a Foehn Wind and a down-sloping wind.

The low humidity makes things believable enough in this case.

Looks like the end of the world has been postponed.  The world needs consolation more than theatrics & hype.  Easily bored people need theatrics and hype.  Easily bored people are boring people.  So, they market hype, instead of hope.

Boring people are void of true intrigue, such as how things work in nature.  Closed minds learn nothing, especially those in brainwashing chambers (called classrooms) where they repeatedly heard, "co2", "greenhouse gases," and "the burning of fossil fuels."


The media simply wants to see people hyped-up ... as in sensationalism ... as in running wild in the streets, setting fires.  This is done in search of higher ratings.  That wild-in-the-streets pyromania has been done before.  Nothing new or intriguing there.  Try to solve some of life's mysteries, instead of ending life.  Intrigue is built into the human system.

January 20, 2024

Rigging the Media at a Discount Price of only $165+ MILLION (American). It's the Bill Gates Gold Nugget Bargain Bonanza !!!!!Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!

That Bill Gates.  He's a regular kidder.   He's one wild & crazy guy.  Well, at least the crazy part.  Through the recent years, he funded the Guardian to the accumulative tune of $12.9 million American.  That's 12.9 million GWs (George Washingtons).  12.9 million Federal Reserve flower petals.  12.9 million inspirational post-it notes.  12.9 million Dollar Store sales slip items.  12.9 million green flags a waving.

This is why you see increasingly audacious claims in their article titles & thesis statements which claim that Climate Change due to the burning of fossil fuels is absolutely, positively, assuredly, and certainly here, bringing to mankind the Doom of the Ages.  One big problem, though.  They forgot to mention that this end-of-the-world Climate Change thing is so ... because Bill Gates said it was so ... and because the same Bill Gates paid the Guardian a sizable amount of money to say it was so.

The Guardian is one of the designated propaganda units of Bill Gates.  It was hired to proclaim everything that Bill Gates wants you to hear ... or read.  The Guardian became one of 'the stages' where the Bill Gates chorus lines are read ... or heard.   In fact, the Guardian wasn't the only media entity to receive Gates' funding. The list goes as follows:


The Gates Foundation also donated millions to educational funds.  This includes scholarship funds.  There were special interest funds as well which received Gates Funding.  But, as far as goes money straight to the operative media, the list above suffices.

In direct contrast to the less-than-stellar writers of the Guardian is history.  This includes captains' logs, monastery ledgers, chronicles, newspaper articles, magazine articles, almanacs, and textbook material, as well as proxy evidence such as leaf stoma (which can show co2 levels at the lifetime of each leaf being studied.)  The evidence shows that worse storms, longer droughts, more severe heat waves transpired long before today, in recent decades & in recent centuries, over and over again.

Example 1:  The Roman Warm Period average temperature was 2 degrees Celsius HIGHER than today, while the CO2 level was two-thirds of what it is today.  

Now, concerning the denial of the existence of the Medieval Warm Period by the less-than-factual & less-than-articulate Michael Mann, there are records of grape harvesting during that time span at places which were unable to grow grapes throughout the Renaissance Era & Enlightenment Era Little Ice Age.  In as much, evidence to undo Michael Mann's lies is out there, and has been found, over and over, again.  The problem was getting the evidence on mainstream media screens and pages.

Example 2: NASA long since defined the Year 1934 as the worse drought year in the past 1,000 years.  Meanwhile, the CO2 level of 1934 was three-fourth (three-quarters) of what it is today (309 ppm vs today's 416 ppm.)

Example 3:   The Eemian Interglacial Period ... Interglacial means "between ice ages."  Such a thing is a warming period, and science marks the Eemian Period as having been a 15,000 year warming trend.  The Eemian Period was 130,000 or so to 115,000 or so years ago (or uniform time units ago).  During that time, its coolest period was 3 Degrees Celsius WARMER than today.  And 4 degrees C was ascertained to have also occurred during that long time span.  Sea level at the time was 18 to 24 to 30 feet HIGHER than today.  

In fact, the Eemian Sea superimposed itself over the Baltic Sea between Sweden & Finland.  In other words, the Baltic Sea was much larger at the time, and it is called the Eeemian Sea in the textbook.  In like fashion, Scandinavia's landmass was smaller.  And all of this occurred when the co2 level was close to 280 to 285 parts per million.  That amounts to 132 to 137 parts per million LOWER than today. 

Example 4: The highest wind-speed cyclone in known history was Typhoon Nancy, in September 1961, when the co2 level was only 3/4 (75% -- three-quarters) of what it is today.  That is 100 parts per million lower than today; 316 ppm vs 416 ppm.  Yet, Typhoon Nancy's wind-speed rose as fast as 213 miles per hour.   Meanwhile, it's pressure was a remarkably low 882 millibars.  Al Gore predicted in 2006 that this type of cyclone would be common and more numerous.  He was 100% wrong.

Australia . . .  © Patrick Anthony Pontillo

There are a number of similar examples to high-velocity cyclones occurring when co2 levels were much lower than  today.  An additional example is 1958's Typhoon Ida.  It rose to a speed of 200 miles per hour, while operating in a pressure as low as 877 millibars.  

The stats of such cyclones are already posted at the Blue Marble Album.  They all testify to the fact that the claim of increased cyclone intensity under increased atmospheric co2 levels is a complete falsehood.  This is especially the case pursuant to the law of Baroclinic Instability & Pressure Gradient Forcing, as well as Barotropic Instability.   This is also explained elsewhere at the Blue Marble Album.'

© Patrick Anthony Pontillo --- Australia East.  Michael Mann completely lied about Australia.

All in all, Al Gore failed in his 2006 prediction that hurricanes would be of an intensity equal to a Typhoon Nancy or a Typhoon Ida.  In fact, ever since Gore's first climate hysteria movie, there has been a grand total of one Category Five hurricane to make landfall upon the Continental United States.  It was Hurricane Michael, in October of 2018.  

Hurricane Michael hit the Florida Panhandle and killed 16 people.  Hurricane Ian was close.  So, you can say that there were "2 high intensity hurricanes" since Al Gore's failed hurricane prediction.  However, Hurricane Andrew, in 1992, snapped off the large-sized palm trees.  Ian did not do that.  Therefore, Andrew was more powerful than Ian, with a power that remains rare today.  Despite the rise in atmospheric co2, there has been no storm as intense as Hurricane Andrew ... or Typhoon Nancy.

Moreover, the recent stats show that there has been a recent increase in - - - - lower-speed, not-even-category-one sub-hurricane tropical storms --- the kinds that leave the palm trees standing, along with everything else except umbrellas. As a reminded, a tropical storm's travels at a max wind speed of 39 to 73 miles per hour.  Anything slower than 39 mph is known as a tropical depression.  

None the less, the power of a cyclone is in its barometric pressure.  On a normal day, sea level air pressure is 1013.2 millibars.  When a storm reaches the mid-900s, you go on alert.  If the pressure goes lower, then you are in for a ride, or you should exist the area immediately.  Below 900 millibars is a storm for the record book charts and front-page news.

NASA's Infrared Look at Hurricane Michael
Hurricane Michael in Radar, 2018.

The "perfectly legal" behind-the-scenes-Bill-Gates-dollar-delivery-system is evidence of the ill-intended con game being played with your head and everyone else's.  This is how an unconscionable human can get his propaganda disseminated throughout the media in such a way that the public will be deceived into believing that his orchestrated propaganda is "the science."  Well, Bill's bull is not the science of the textbooks.  Nor is it the findings set forth in newspaper archives.  Nor does it correlate with the conclusion of proxy evidence.  It's merely bull crap, just like the geologists and 25-year outdoor skilled labor tradesmen said. 

This Gates Donation Tree is equivalent to paying jury members money to vote for your desired verdict.  This is how you buy the media.   It's no different than censorship, when it involves forbidding counterpoint, forbidding debate, and forbidding textbook material from being made known to the public via the commercial media.  This is a return to the Nazi German Third Reich, the Soviet Russian regimes, the Hussein Regime, and all other dictatorships that censored counterpoint, textbook material, and historic fact.

Now remember, due to the large sums of money that Bill Gates appropriated to numerous media outlets, those particular media outlets have a financial conflict of interest, and therefore, you cannot but expect slanted, prejudicial, and non-factual reporting to come from those entities.  This conflict of interest invalidates them all.  After all, it is a form of bribery.  It's stacking the deck.  It's loading the dice.  Nothing more than that.  

In review:  The entities who financially benefited from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation were reported as  having included: {1} CNN, {2} NBC Universal Media, {3} the BBC, {4} NPR, {5} PBS, {6} Gannett (owner of USA Today), {7} The Atlantic, {8} Al Jazeera, {9} Financial Times (founded in 1888), {10} The Daily Telegraph (founded in 1855), {11} Le Monde, {12} Der Spiegel (The Mirror, founded in 1947), {13} Univision (and its 23 stations), {14} Public Radio International, {15} WETA (of Washington DC), and the many more entities, all listed above.


Of course, Gates has a lot of deck-stacking to do, because the working man and woman ... who work outdoors ... know that the man-made-induced climate change assertion is total bull crap.  The same working man and woman know that climate is cyclical, because they witnessed the cycles throughout their decades of outdoor work.

Bill Gates cannot change the mind of experience.

  He can only influence the mind of the inexperienced.  Those inexperienced persons are called school children & high school students, as well as anyone who lived a sheltered life.

In the alternate, as a less damning form of identification, you can regard all of the Gates Foundation donations as advertising expenses, in payment for the Gates narrative to be reported by payed media outlets, as if they were presenting an infomercial.

Then again, you can describe the Gates' outlay of dollars as Bill Gates buying the media.  Same effect, whatever you call it.  You don't get your say.  The true experts don't get their say.  

Whatever be the way in which you define Gates' financial outlays of cash to media entities, you cannot say that the recipient entities are on the 'up-up' in their reporting ... or are clear and to the point in their news articles ... or ever welcome counterpoint ... or are fair in their reporting ... or are even honest. 

No matter how you define it ... be it bribery or de-facto advertising costs or the monopolizing of an industry ... it's a sick joke ... a stacked deck ... a rigged roulette wheel ... a pair of loaded dice ... not honest ... and definitely not educational.

Added Example:  The Finest News Reporting that Money Can Buy

In a number of articles (posts) published by a certain Gates-funded media outlet, the authors' claim of present-tense drought is passed-off by posting photos of POST-HARVEST cornfields.  Actually, each of the photos show that a successful harvest had just been finished.  The proof exists in the fact that those photo contain zero stalks of dried corn, shriveled corn, or discolored corn.  In those photos, the corn is all gone, because it was harvested.   Yet, the authors are trying to deceive the public into thinking that it's viewing a drought-ridden crop that never advanced past a stage of dying brittle dryness.  The reality is that those cornfields were very colorful at harvest time.

It's incredible that these writers assume that humanity is a population of brain-dead morons, easy to deceive ... with little effort done, in the process of trying to deceive all of humanity.  This includes showing videos of a yearly monsoon season, and passing it off as proof of climate change caused by the burning of fossil fuels ... in claiming that those monsoon rains never happened before co2 levels rose past 400 ppm.  Well, monsoon season is a phenomenon that has been occurring on a regular basis, throughout the centuries, just like brown post-harvest cornfields.  The monsoons prove that the Earth is round, as they are based on the Coriolis Effect.  This is also mentioned elsewhere in the Blue Marble Album.

Mr. Microbe

And remember, Bill Gates is the guy who wants you to eat mold.  Specifically, he promotes the eating of "microbes."  In as much, can you take someone like that seriously?  Forget about having a chef salad.   NO more stuffed grape leaves in America ... or even peanut butter and jelly sandwiches there.  Oh nooooooo.  Bill Gates has been appointed God, and you can now have a healthy & hearty bowl of microbes.  Hey, how about black mold on a shingle of old drywall, with sawdust topping, for dessert?  Add a side order of cockroaches, and you have it made in the shade.   Just like your grandmother used to make ... according to Bill Gates.  

However, in all seriousness, look at photo below.  Who in his/her right mind would eat this, as a regular diet staple?  ...as a holiday treat?  ...as a delicacy?  ...as an athletic training table meal?  ...as anything other than a sign of severe mental illness?  Well, this is what Bill Gates wants you to eat.  Those are "microbes" on those two walls. 

Black Mold
Black Mold, by Satemkemet. 

The reality is that the average reasonable person sees himself/herself as only one person, facing more than one Goliath.   It's a matter of, "I'm only one person.  What can I do about it?"  It's not that they're stupid.  It's that they're powerless.  It's like being in the middle of the road, during a stampede.

Below are the alleged (reported) Gates financial appropriations to media entities.  And remember, this is NOT charity.  It's the act of manipulating the public and taking away its freedom to think ... to weigh the evidence ... to test assertions for cracks ... to review ... and to judge for themselves.  

None the less, do the math on the following dollar amounts, so that you can see for yourself that Bill Gates spent over $165+ MILLION to rig the media.  And quite frankly, that was basically done at a discount price.  That was a pretty cheap price tag, to control America's every thought.  The problem is that the working man does not follow the rules set by the commercial media or nerd-boy public radio.  The working man finds out things on his own, due to the information made available to him through his work.

January 17, 2024

The Poles and Greenland

Schoolchildren of America, you do not have to fear that which Albert Gore predicted 16 years ago and which never materialized even slightly, other than an occasional heat wave in a world which has had multiple heat waves throughout its recorded history, along with droughts, famines, and floods.  And of course, this is the atmospheric equivalent to Lions and Tigers and Bears.  On my!   

Below is a graph that serves as a supplement to the Old World Drought Atlas.  That map covers the late Medieval Era.  That era is actually the Renaissance.  The graph below shows that there was a severe drought transpiring in Central Europe when Augustinian friar, Father Martin Luther, submitted his 95 Theses for public discourse.  The drought was pronounced east of Austria, however.

In addition, there was a European drought of note in 1506-07, as well as in the 1470s & 1480s.  In fact, 1616 & 1741 were historic drought years for Europe, as were the years 1893 & 1921.  History has droughts all over the place, from time to time, taking turns with floods, pestilence, major land storms, humid heat waves, dry heat waves, ice stacking, cold spells, snow storms, sea storms, and even algae blooms in what is modern Florida, etc.  

Tornadoes are a bit different, being that the first one ever reported in England was in 1091, and that is relatively late.  Yet, ancient Greece has writings on the occasional presence of tornadoes in the Mediterranean.  All in all, David Attenborough and Michael Mann lied when they said on different occasions that the weather of the past 1,000 years was stable & mild until the invention of the gasoline engine.  Turbulence is an integral part of weather history, even 200, 400, and 600 years before the invention of the diesel engine, the lawn mower engine, the rocket engine, etc.

Now, PDSI means Palmer Drought Severity Index.  The JJA means June-July-August.

This mostly refers to Hungary, Slovenia, etc.  It is simply a small puzzle piece showing the larger picture.  The larger picture is that the weather was NOT mild & stable for a thousand years, until the Industrial Revolution.  Michael Mann & David Attenborough are liars.

Plus, you do NOT need to fear the doom-ridden 1988 predictions of the former director of NASA's NYC branch, Jim Hansen, in his 35 year old predictions which never came true, at all.  After all, the Maldives did NOT go underwater, lower Manhattan did not go underwater, and the Arctic's closest event to an ice-free August was in 2012, when 1.32 MILLION square miles of ice remained on top of the Arctic Ocean during the hottest time of the year.  

Covering the perimeter of that distance of ice was equivalent to flying 1,148 east to west and then 1,148 miles north to south.  That's close to flying from Boston to Milwaukee, and then from Milwaukee to Houston, followed by flying from Houston to Miami, and then going from Miami back up to Boston again.  That sheet of Arctic ice was 6 times LARGER than the size of France, and it was the lowest amount of Summertime Arctic ice in modern history.  Yet, it was a lot of remaining ice.

BTW, if the Arctic Ocean ever becomes ice-free, there will be no rise in sea level.  It will be the same effect as the ice cubes in your glass of cola melting on a Summer day.  Cola does NOT flow over the top of your glass, after the ice in it melts.  

Actually, there will be a slight decrease in sea level, if the Arctic Ocean entirely melts.  This is the same phenomenon as was seen by those of us who worked on ranches, in rain-water-supplied complexes, and on farms.  When it snows, the troughs' water & snow levels increase in height.  Then, when the snow melts, the water level of the troughs and containers drops significantly.  There will be no flooding from the Arctic Ocean part of the Arctic Region, if the Arctic Ocean entirely becomes ice-free.  

In 1907, morning heat was much like that of the Summer of 2023.  Yet, the co2 count was very low in 1907.  None the less, in the Arctic Circl, at 8 am, it was 70 degrees FAHRENHEIT.  This is one of numerous proofs that the co2 count does NOT effect outdoor, atmospheric temps on such a grand scale.  It also shows that co2 does NOT drive the climate.  NASA has long since said that "the SUN drives the climate."
BTW, the Arctic is the second largest desert range on Earth, meaning very little rain and/or snow.  Atacoma in Chile is the second driest desert on Earth, with the McMurdo Valley of Antarctica being the driest.    Greenland is a part of the second largest desert on Earth.  Plus, it has 35 mountain tops higher than 5,000 feet, and two higher than 10,000.  That  amounts to 10C & 20C colder than ground level.Plus, the are coastlines there that have no ice sheet.  This translates into no ice melting and instantly draining into the Arctic Ocean.

Plus, there is a large canyon with v-shaped walls in the center of Greenland.  This means its walls were shaped by water and not ice.  This additionally means that Greenland was once ice-free.  

Now, global warming and global cooling are uniform throughout the circumference of the Earth, especially in the middle of the Troposphere.  The difference in temperature occurs at the elevation phase, from sea level to the Tropopause, with temps decreasing with elevation.  

CO2 levels are uniform throughout the atmosphere.  In as much, if Greenland is warming faster that it has in the past 1,000 years, 2,000 years, 11,000 years, or even 130,000 years, then every place on Earth would be experiencing the exact same rate of temperature increase, concerning elevation above sea level.  It's obvious that this is not happening, especially with intervals of record cold that occasionally appear.  And as far as goes heat waves, this site repeatedly showed those era.  

In quick review, heat wave years ... while co2 levels were still quite low ... included 1871, 1878, 1895 & 96, 1901, 1903, 1905, 1910 & 11, 1913, 1921 & 22, 1934, 1936, and 1958.  The csme the decline that Michael Mann hid from his ridiculously fraudulent hockey stick graph, by means of a "math trick."  This was mentioned in the 2009 Climategate Emails.

The temperature decline did occur from 1940 to 1979.  After all, a few of the most historic WWII battles occurred in torturously cold weather.  I can testify from personal experience that the 1960s were brutally cold during winter, also.  The middle 1970s to 1979 were just plain cold ... cooler than desired ... throughout the time span.  Sometimes it was all too cold.  I was there.  I felt it.  You activist youth ... You Generation Y, Millenials ... who act like you know everything, when you hardly know anything, were NOT there to know what it felt like.  Case Closed.  

BTW, you Gen Y's do come off as idiots.  But, it's not  because you don't have the correct facts.  It's because you refuse to search for the answer and to first weigh the facts.  You arrogantly act as if you know everything and that debate is forbidden.  

However, it's the great minds who question.  It's the great minds who allow questions, along with Point & Counterpoint debates.  You and your generation were taught to be censoring Nazi Gestapo agents & propaganda peddlars.  You were taught to be Pompous Little Twits, with very little minds ... and even littler tolerance.  

There is nothing liberal about you.  You are self-seeking misers, dedicated to instant gratification ... and dominance over others.  The concept of teamwork doesn't exist with you, until it comes time to do physical violence to others ... or to statues ... or to churches, etc.


That which matters is surface mass balance.  There were recent occasions of notable increase.  But, the trend over the years was a decrease of surface mass balance.  HOWEVER, the notable thing about this is that, while the Arctic was losing ice mass, Antarctica was gaining it.  This is called "an inverse relationship."  What mechanism was causing this?  

None the less, if the Arctic Ocean were to completely melt instantly, the result would be a "0" inch rise in sea level.  I've already addressed Greenland, in several climate discourses.  There's a search box to the righthand corner of this website.

Antarctica was gaining while the Arctic was losing . . . ice.  Yet, Antarctica is arrayed with volcanoes which are very effective ice-melting-machines.  The bottom line is that reducing all consideration of climate & weather to live-giving-co2 ... while accusing the photosynthesis activator the angel of death ... is the act of being an easily deceived & asinine buffoon.  I thought that you were better than that, dear average American.

January 15, 2024

box score recent alarm

 Funny How the End of the World Keeps Getting Postponed

In case you are as under-educated & inexperienced as is world youth leader, Greta T, know that the end of the world predictions have been rolling off of printing presses like Halloween horror novels, since 1968.  This amounts to a half century of doomsday forecasts that have all failed.  After all, there has never been an onslaught of Category 6 hurricanes smashing into the United States, as was predicted.  Neither is anyone gurgling underwater, at the Daytona Speedway.  In fact, the Category 6 Hurricane was never added to the Saffir-Simpson Wind Scale.

The introductory topics in this post that lead to those tables are intended to show you how much you have been the repeated recipient of [1] lies and also [2] failed climate doomsday predictions.  The topics presented here will be referred to as a series of tutorials, all in one post.  Those segments of knowledge will later be posted individually, subject by subject ... God willing.  Then again, almost all of those topics already have specific stand-alone posts at the Blue Marble Album.  That's why there's a search box at the right-hand top corner of this site.

All in all, this entire Chicken Little Climate Crisis Hysteria is a major insult to the reasonable adult's intelligence, as is explained throughout here ... and throughout the Blue Marble Album.  At this point, here is a quick message for those of you who are instantaneously presumptive, outright rude, and robotically programmed to cry out, "Denier!  Denier!" ... in your pseudo-intellectual mindlessness:

Firstly, this is being written by the no-name nobody whose prediction for early 2023 turned out to be on target, while the predictions of Gore, Mann, and certain feisty pseudo-intellectuals were wrong, as in them being 0% correct.  

For the brief record, my prediction came from deducing the Coriolis Effect & Pressure Gradient Force, as it applied to an Equatorial ocean lane bordered by small ocean gyres, where, at the Eastern end of it, was a clockwise pinwheel called a "high pressure system."  It was known as La Nina.  The high pressure system was between Western North America and Western South America, and when La Nina finally dematerialized, the high pressure system was out of the picture, and the rains, as well as the snow, came "in mass quantities" ... as Beldar Conehead always says. (See: SNL, 1970s episodes of the Coneheads.)

Secondly, in response to the endless childishness of pseudo-intellectuals saying, "Denier, denier," ... and in addition to the fact that being called "a denier" is EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE to those of us who have Jewish DNA, know this:

The thesis statement of this site is that the TRUE ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS of today is NOT co2.  It's the onslaught of manmade chemicals and naturally occurring toxic elements (such as mercury, cadmium, beryllium, & lead ... and even compounds such as fly-ash) whose airborne emissions are not being curbed in certain nations.  Add to the evil equation the irresponsible use and disposal of plastics and the effect it has on the human body at the molecular level.  

CO2, on the other hand, is your friend.  After all, you make it yourself and exhale it every semi-minute you're alive.  Therefore, it can't be all that bad, especially when you see the size of the forests, wildernesses, and farmland throughout Planet Earth.  Without co2, we all die.

The true environmental crisis deals with [1] Forever Chemicals, including the PFAS & PFOA classes of chemical, (Polyfluoroalkyl Substances &  Perfluorooctonoic Acid), [2] The Respiratory Irritant Chemicals in an era where the number of asthmatics and patients of other reactive respiratory disorder is increasing, [3] Clastogen Chemicals which actually do sever DNA chains, [4] Sensitizer Chemicals which can trigger allergic dermatological ills and/or respiratory ills and/or urticaria (hives), [5] and of course Carcinogenic Chemicals, [6] as well as specific petro-chemicals, and [7] sometimes the azo dyes.  

Concerning dyes, the material used to invent & develop chemical weapons came from the dye industry, and not from the pesticide nor the explosives industries.  Synthetic dyes began in 1856, when a gentleman accidentally discovered mauve.  His name was William Henry Perkins, and he was trying to make quinine during the time of his unexpected discovery.   Incidentally, mauve is a faded violet ... a muted violet ... a dull violet.  

None the less, even though they are not dyes, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and the related sulfur pentafluoride is also an issue to be addressed by responsible adults.  SF6 has already been addressed at the Blue Marble Album.

In addition, it's an outrage that the recent US Congresses ratcheted-up the US National Debt to $34.5 Trillion, without providing any funding or needed material to protect the American electrical gridline ... and all of its telephone pole-mounted transformers ... from another Carrington Event which involved a Coronal Mass Ejection that made a bull's eye on Planet Earth, in 1859.

The Box Score on the Recent Climate Alarm

In 2016, we had just gone 16 consecutive years with no global warming.  That is to say, there was no temperature increase in the middle of the Troposphere for 16 years.  Plus, throughout 2016, we were in a phase where, for 12 consecutive years prior, no major hurricane made landfall anywhere on the Continental United States.  This occurred between  Hurricane Wilma in 2005 and Hurricane Harvey in 2017.

In fact, the year prior, in 2015, Antarctica had its largest sea ice extent in recorded history.  Plus, as was recently reported, Antarctica ( at the time ) was in the midst of an ice mass gain of 2,048 square miles, at its Eastern sector.  Then, all of a sudden, in the Year 2018, with zero causation for it to happen, we were then told that the End of the World was now in progress.  You can't be serious!  

In addition, in 2018, prestigious Nature Magazine publicly admitted that the Resplendy Ocean Temperature Alarmist Paper was riddled with mathematical errors and was therefore invalid.  The paper's apocalyptic conclusion was a complete falsehood.  Yet, the 12 year countdown to the End of the World continued.  In addition, none of the sophomoric media outlets who showcased the Resplendy Paper as proof of Climate Doomsday made any type of editor's retraction, so as to let their readers know that the hysteria was a mathematical farce.

Then came 2021.  Anarctica had its COLDEST Winter in recorded history.

In as much, only a moron would fall for that 12-years-to-doomsday claim.  Yet, one Congressional member did.  It was the member who was called a "pompous little twit" by a co-founder of Greenpeace.  And now she wants to kill off all the cattle on Earth and take away all of the gas stoves in the world, in the name of the "carbon footprint" in the sky.  You cannot be serious.

For the record, Earth's atmosphere is already 99.9734% carbon-free, as in [1] 78% Nitrogen,  [2] 21% Oxygen,  [3] 0.93% Argon, [4] [5] [6] [etc] A pinch of Neon, a smidgeon of Helium, a dash of Hydrogen, a trace of Krypton, minus the water vapor which exists between 0.1% to 4.0% of the atmosphere, depending on each specific region of Planet Earth.