January 11, 2019

The Actual Cause of the Massive U.S. National Debt

Ultimately speaking, Washington and the Lobbyists are the cause.
The Causes:  1} The Bush Tax Cuts (and overseas tax havens of the rich),
2} The Trade Balance Deficit, 3} Exorbitant DOD/NSA/CIA/HLS budgets,
4} Disparate-waged corporations who paid its full time employees wages so
    low that they needed to be given food stamp allotments, while the corpora-
    tions profit at the expense of federal taxpayers who pay the corporations'
    wage discrepancy for them.  The taxpayers are paying these corporation's
    wages-due for them..

A certain TV star recently mentioned on air that the food stamp program consists
in taxpayers helping huge corporations such as McDonald's, Walmart, and KFC
pay their underpaid workers who can't afford basic necessities, while corporate
management makes much more than their predecessors of decades past.

Reagan's former budget director was seen on TV air waves the same evening,
stating that the Bush Tax Cut was a disaster which cost America $4 trillion in
tax revenue.  This was known in 2010.  So, the economics expert was remind-
ing us of something that was already known ... but which was left to be forgot-
ten, via the insistent diversionary tactics of right winged conservatives.  None
the less, if it weren't for the Do-nothing 112th Congress, America would have
a much lower national debt than is has today.  Yet, FoxNews blames it on the
president.  In fact, the Bush Tax Cut was the #1 contributor to the rise of the
national debt.  Furthermore, the obscenely wealth never need personal income
tax cuts.  In their future is 21st Century version of the Nuremberg Trials, due
to the exploitation of sweatshop workers throughout the dictatorial venues of
the world.


Directly below is the link to an educational slideshow for orientation purposes.
It guides a person through a brief history of what has been occurring since the
start of the Reagan years, and it's written very simplistically.  It shows how the
Republican rhetoric about the debt is a skewed con game that misinforms people.
It contains bits of added facts hard to find anywhere else  . . .  and it is for people
with no background in Economics.


Next comes the reality check confirmed by world renown US News and World Re-
port by which the Democratic States pay more tax dollars than they receive, while
the Republican States receive more tax dollars than they pay.  This is extremely
logical in light of the existence of farm subsidies, coupled with the fact that the
farm states are Republican.  In as much, lying propagandists having been deceiv-
ing rural Americans into thinking that the cities have been leeching on off them.
The reality is that the subsidized farmer has been receiving city dollars, for their
sustenance ... or windfall profit.  So, the rural people need to start displaying re-
spect for the northern city dwellers ... and suburbanites ... without whom rural
folk could not economically survive.


I remember being told by a Ron Paul supporter that, if we had deregulation, the
national debt would be paid-off in five years.  Of course, he had zero training in
economics and/or accounting and/or international finance, etc.  Furthermore, the
non-government group called the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
concluded that Ron Paul's plan would merely reduce the federal debt to 76% of
GDP by 2021.

Moreover, America had pivotal instances of deregulation under Bush II, resulting
in the Great Recession of 2008/09.  This included the repeal of Sections 20 to 32
of the Glass-Steagal Act and the Phil Gramm rider placed in the Commodity Fu-
tures Modernization Act of 2000.  Even at the end of his administration, even
though he destroyed the economy and turned America into a Paranoia State,
George Bush II kept pushing for more deregulation.


Instead of radio talk show propaganda or TV sound bytes, visual aids of the United
States National Debt would help put things in perspective.  The links below provide
the aid.

America had a higher debt per GDP shortly after WWII than now.  The fact that the
U.S. was a manufacturing nation, and not a sweatshop import nation, is what saved

In the 1950s McCarthy era, military spending was ridiculously high, in terms of its
percentage of the GDP.   After all, constructing a vast nuclear arsenal is extremely

The U.S. national debt as a percentage of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was
lowest during the Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter years.  Yes, people rejected
Carter for a Ronald Reagan who would triple the national debt, make America
the top debtor nation on earth, send the unemployment rate soaring to 10.8%,
set America up for the October 19, 1987 stock market crash, give us the Iran-
Contra debacle, and usher in the Savings & Loan Crisis, as well as initiate the
foreign slave labor importation fad which made the U.S. Trade Balance Deficit

America can only be salvaged if the sweatshop waged importation and other
drains to the circular flow, such as Mitt Romney's Cayman Island accounts,
are halted.  A diminishing circular flow is the same as pulling the chair out
from under millions of Americans.

Keep in mind that the "stimulus" was an artificial way of injecting dollars into
the circular flow.  It was temporary.  The surmise is that the Republican Party
really has been destroying America all along, for the sake of a selfish few; for
the sake of  those with lobbyist dollars to fund re-election campaigns.  Inciden-
tally, as of July 2013, the US national debt was $16.7 trillion.

One more thing,  Alexander Hamilton issued bonds to pay for a small portion
of the American Revolutionary war debt.  He paid-off the bonds through an
8% import tariff passed by Congress.

In today's dollars, the Revolutionary War Debt equaled $900 billion, and it was
30% of GDP at the time.  Only 4,000 fatalities occurred on the American side
throughout the eight year war.  Now, the imports of sweatshop labor, coupled
with two wars during tax cuts years, and exorbitant military spending, caused
the debt to spiral upwards.  Look at history for a few remedies.  More than one
remedy is needed, meaning that the Republicans lie when they claim that all
of the ills of America's economy will be solved by reducing the tax rates of the
rich. Those rates were reduced in the Bush II years.  It was one of the four ma-
jor causes of the Great Bush Recession.  During the Reagan Years, lowering
the tax rate of the rich resulted in a 10.8% unemployment rate.

Now, the pushy and quite obnoxious right winged conservative Republican
mouthpieces claim that the debt is caused by welfare and Social Security.
Well, there is a number of pieces of historic evidence which proves the
Republican assertion to be a complete falsehood.  All are focused on the
following history observation:

During the economically prosperous times, such as during the Gerald Ford 
Years, numerous people were on food stamps, welfare, and Social Security.
The economy did just fine in the aggregate, despite rising uneployment and
inflation, during the Ford years.  When it came to LBJ's Great Society of the
1960s, unemployment dropped to 3.4%, and ge was the one who engaged in
the war on poverty.  The economy, as a whole, wasn't collapsing on account
of it.  However, while George Bush II catered completely to rich individuals
and select corporations, the U.S. economy was falling apart.

The unemployment rate through the decades:

A graphed chart with a bit of added comments.

Here is a table outlining deficits ... even per month since 1980.

Government debt as a portion of GDP (Gross Domestic Product.)

National Debt per presidential term, plus debt's rate of growth.

An article from The Atlantic which contains a graph of the debt spanning from
1790 to the American Civil War.

A very insightful Washington Post article on the debt which erases from the
reasonable mind the false conclusions of the right wing conservative world.

One very important note:  After WWII, the national debt was 121% of GDP.
Today, it is around 104% thereof.  If you abolish foreign sweatshop slavery
and the ensuing Trade Balance Deficit, you can save America.  If you do not
do so, you will not.  It's that simple.  The greed of few has been destroying
America, all along.  It's so simple that it's like a trick question.  But, there's
no trick involved; only greed and the lack of consciences amongst those
presently in seats of power and influence.  Such was the case with the
112th Congress, Newt Gingrich, etc.

January 9, 2019

Yesterday's Southern Democrat is Today's Conservative Republican

Even though the Clinton Crime Family and accomplishes brought lasting disgrace
to the abortion-obsessed Democratic Party, it does NOT exhonerate the Republican
Party.  In fact, Bill and Hillary Clinton proceeded in the Republican way during the
1990s.  Clinton policies, such as three-strikes-and-your-out, is the Republican Way.
The Republican Way of the 1990s was the Southern Democrat Way of the 1950s.

Whereas the Clintons were quintessential Reaganite Republicans in the 1990s, which
is synonymous with Southern Democrats of the early Twentieth Century, in the 21st
Century, Hillary became Anarchy Personification, as she used government as a way
to get wealthy, at the expense of everyone else.   That's known as graft and corruption,
not to mention bribe-taking.    Let us proceed::::

Bruce Bartlett was domestic policy advisor of Ronald Reagan, as well as a Treasury
Department official under George HW Bush (the first Bush.)  He is also regarded as
an expert of Supply Side Economics (a la Milton Friedman.)  So, one would expect
him to defend the TEA Party Republicans who have deified Ronald Reagan.  Well,
Mr Bartlett did the opposite.

On national TV, Bruce Bartlett referred to the TEA Party people as fringed fanatics
who have no idea of the economic repercussions that their acts will cause.  He also
said that yesterday's Southern Democrat is today's Republican.  However, I said it
first.  None the less, Mr. Bartlett went a step further in stating that the Southern
culture of old days took-over the Republican Party.  Incidentally, Dixiecrat is
synonymous with Southern Democrat.

There is no difference among them.  The difference is that the federal government
of the United States banned some of the evils closest to the Southern Heart.  But,
many of them perpetuate in altered forms, such as slavery.  Today, it's a matter of
slavery by proxy, where the sweatshop worker's of China, Indonesia, Bangladesh,
and similar nations replaced the African-American slave.

Here's a reality check for those still deceived into believing that the Republican Party
platform came down from Mt. Sinai with the late Jerry Falwell.   The truth is that the
Republican platform migrated from the Southern Democrats.  From the land of

  1} segregation, Jim Crow, and electoral gerrymandering,  2} poll taxes & grandfather
       clauses,  3} lynchings, 4} the murder of the Michigan Freedom Riders, 5} pellagra,
  6} anti-Catholicism, 7} congressional initiatives for obscenely high military spending,
  8} good ole boy networks,  8} very low wages,  9} anti-federal government diatribes,
10} anti-immigration sentiments, 11} antagonism toward civil rights, and 12} low SAT
       scores, as well as things that will not be stated here, out of a sense of politeness. 

As of October 2013, pursuant to the antics of Congressional members heavily from the
states of the former confederate South, you have witnessed the start on the path to the
second American civil war.

At this point, think:  They have been people advocating secession from the Union, ever
since the 2012 presidential election, even to the point of petitioning for it.  I personally
witnessed in the south that, amongst the good ole boy network of the holders of wealth,
there is no new South.  The federal government, as I have stated in other articles, is de-
spised by the rulers of the South, because it is perceived as the  watchdog who will
thwart their efforts to enrich themselves on injustice.  Thus, the federal government
must go.

The result was that they told the working class and poor that the federal government
is going to take away their guns, their jobs, their money, and liberty.  There was even
mention of marching on all federal buildings, and evicting all federal employees from
them.  Well, they did it, via the path of least resistance ... via government shutdown.

Concerning the recent shutdown and debt limit showdown, Dutch Ruppersberger of
Maryland's 2nd district said on October 1st, "It's bullying, not governing."

Similarities Between Southern Democrats of Old and Republicans of Now, 
and the 1964 ... as well as 1968 Civil Rights Acts were influential in their
egress from the Democratic Party.

Always keep in mind that former Goldwater Girl, Hillary Clinton, in all of her
speech-giving talentlessness, is a Southern Democrat, and therefore a Reaganite
Republican in sheep's clothing,  except for her stance of abortion-on-demand.
She is NOT the hip, cool, in-touch, progressive that she made herself out to be.

At best, Hillary Clinton is a complete chump and anarchist who did NOT
let a deposed head of state stand trial.  Instead, he had to die from a brutal
lynching, showing what a Southern Democrat at Heart Hillary is.
Such a thing is a war crime, incidentally.  Thus, Hillary did what she could
to dissolve rational civilization, time after time, between her taking-in large
sums of money and then cow-towing to those who handed over large sums
of money.  In as much, Donald Trump's voter base saved us from Hillary
Clinton and years of dictatorial travesty.  We should return the favor to
members of that voting block.  I've met them and conversed with them,
ironically enough, in Hillary Clinton's own State of Illinois, specifically
in Bloomington.  Let's continue:

The Southern Democrats were heavily into segregation.  Today's Republican
party was heavily committed to curtailing immigration.  This is an element of
segregation.  In fact, oppressive immigration law is a contradiction for Ameri-
ca, in light of the fact that everyone in the States is a migrant, including native
Americans  ... as in the Asian 9-repeat allele DNA coding on native American
DNA, reaching into southern Chile.

At the turn of the prior century, Ellis Island was an open door for immigrants.
Today however, achieving immigration status and eventual American citizen-
ship is much more difficult.  It used to be that a foreign national would auto-
matically become a citizen of the United States upon marriage.  No longer is
this so.

At the turn of the prior century, the doors of Ellis Island were open for the sake
of amassing a population of low-waged factory and mill workers.  Today, Amer-
ica uses the low-waged workers overseas, despite the fact that doing so caused
the massive and prolonged Trade Balance Deficit and loss of many American
jobs.  All in all, the slave-owning mindset of the South continues in the Con-
servative Republicans.  It consists in Slavery by Proxy, today.

The trade balance deficit incurred with China alone resulted in an estimated loss of
2.7 million American jobs, between 2001 and 2011.  This illustrates that southern
politicians are not the patriots that their propaganda machines make them out to be.
This applies to Hillary Clinton, the former first lady of the former confederate state
of Arkansas, being that she is a warmongering Reaganite Republican in sheep's
clothing.  She was the greatest advocate of NAFTA and such a thing became a
literally crime against humanity, pursuant to the SIXTH count of the Nuremberg
Trials.  That count was titled, Slave Labor, and that was the jest of NAFTA.


The shift of the U.S. political axis began in 1964, stopped, and resumed in 1980

In general and approximate terms, today's Republican states were often the Democrat-
ic ones of the 20s and 30s, at least when it applied to presidential elections.   In similar
fashion, a number of today's Democratic states were Republican ones.  This includes
New York.  So, there has already been a shift in America's political axis.

An example of the shift goes as follows:  In 1924, democratic presidential candidate
John William Davis won all of the former confederate states, along with the State of
Oklahoma which didn't enter the Union until 1912.  In the 1920 presidential election,
James Middleton Cox of Ohio, won all but one of the former confederate states, while
losing Ohio to his Republican opponent.  Then, in the 1928 presidential election, the
democratic candidate, Alfred Emmanuel Smith, won a geographic line that comprised
six of the former Confederate states.  In one of history's anomalies, Smith won Rhode
Island and Massachusetts in the same election.  None the less, the former confederate
South was once a member of the Democratic Party.  I now has a Republican identity,
for the most part.

As an added example of America's polar axis shift, in 1944, the Midwestern States of
Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota went to the Republican side and
stayed there, except for the 1964 election.  Of course, that line of states was Republi-
can in a consecutive series of prior elections, and it appeared that the citizens of those
States simply switched to the Democratic side, in order to support the New Deal and
FDR.  Yet, the same state were democrat one in an even more previous series of pres-
idential elections.  So, the middle of America shifted its political axes more than once.

None the less, it was also in 1964 when the former confederate south went Republican
for the first time.  Of course, this was the year when civil rights activism was ratcheting
itself upward, and southerners were vehemently opposed to civil rights.  This political
swing would be followed by the 1968 election, when segregationist George Wallace,
along former Strategic Air Commander Curtis Emerson LeMay, won 9.44 million of
the popular votes, 46 of the electoral votes, and five former Southern Democrat states.

After a disastrous 1972 election, the Democratic Party sponsored a southern presiden-
tial candidate in the wake of the Republican Party's Watergate scandal.  Yet, the south-
ern gentleman and former Navy officer would only win by 1.7 million popular votes
and 57 electoral votes, despite the fact that the nation lost its trust in the Nixon admin-
istration.  Gerald Ford was perceived as a Nixon man and his democratic opponent
should have won by a landslide.  However, the South carried an unfavorable reputa-
tion, and even though James Earl Carter won all of the former confederate states ex-
cept for Virgina, he lost the entire west, except for Texas.

Now, keep in mind that the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s guaranteed that the former
confederate south would eventually be leaving the Democratic Party.  The Civil Rights
and Equality platform of the Democratic Party was the tipping point.

Then came 1980, along with Jerry Falwell and the Paul Weyrich who had founded the
Heritage Foundation with donation money given by beer magnate Joseph Coors.  The
combination of Falwell and Weyrich gave rise to the Moral Majority movement which
would eventually be associated with a Ronald Reagan who signed a decisive abortion
bill into California law and who was divorced & remarried.  Reagan's inclusion made
the Moral Majority movement one attached to hypocrisy.  Well, southerners became
Republican during this time.  It was the result of the Democratic Party now being
associated with civil rights and federal watch dog agencies designed to ensure the
safety and protection of Americans everywhere.

Even during the presidential elections of southern natives Bill Clinton and Al Gore,
the eastern part of the former confederate south largely voted Republican.  Of course,
Gore was from the State of Tennessee and Clinton was from Arkansas.  This resulted
in a southern presidential package in 1992 and 1996, as well as a democratic package
that even included Louisiana in the democratic victory.  After that time span, however,
the deep south would remain Republican in its sentiments, with the mid-atlantic states
of North Carolina and Virginia giving their electoral votes to Obama.

Florida would go the Obama route, also.  None the less, the Southern Democrat mind-
set continued to have its grasp on the traditional south.  They simply call themselves
Republican.  But, the song remains the same.

The Republican Party Platform, under Nixon, was low military spending.  In fact,
Republican President Eisenhower warned of the loss to the America's economy &
culture that excessive military spending would cause.  Moreover, it was under four
democratic presidents that America entered WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and the
Vietnam War.  Thus, the war economy was associated with the Democrats and not
the Republicans.  However, after the Southern Democrats entered the Republican
Party, the Republicans became the long-term advocates of McCarthy-style military
spending.  Thus, the Southern Democrats turned Republican basically rekindled

Do not be deceived.  U.S. military spending as a part of GDP was very high, in the
50s. However, America was a manufacturing nation, and its workers were well paid
taxpayers.  America was reducing its debt, despite the high price of Cold War expen-
ditures, in the Arm's Race against Russia.  Today, excessive military spending does
nothing but sabotage America, because the manufacturing base of the United States
was decimated by the Republicans and NAFTA-type policies.

Anti-federal sentiments were a mark of the Southern Democrat who equated the fed -
eral government with the North and their loss in the American Civil War.  Republican
politicians of today carry anti-federal-regulation sentiments.  Plus, there was and is the
obsession with gun ownership, as in "Git off my land, you revenuers!"  None the less,
the 2nd Amendment only applies to a Well Regulated Militia.  It's common law in the
Restatement of Torts, 2d, which asserts the right of personal self-defense and even the
defense of a third party. 

All in all, today's conservative Republicans are the actual RINOs (Republicans In
Name Only.)  Today's conservative Republicans are nothing more than the Southern
Democrats of old.

May 20, 2017

The Vicious WalMart Cycle

Let us begin with the Vicious WalMart Cycle:

WalMart has been importing slave labor merchandise since the mid-1990s.  It was
in the mid-1990s when Sam Walton died, along with his motto of "Buy American."
The exploitation of foreign labor contributed to the loss of America's livable wage
jobs by the millions, as well as the accumulative half-trillion dollar per year United
States Trade Balance Deficit, and the loss of 60,000 manufacturing outlets.

The people who lost their livable wages jobs could no longer afford basic household
necessities above the lowest priced items.  Thus, those who lost their livable waged
jobs on account of WalMart and other exploitative corporations ended up becoming
dependent upon the same WalMart and similar exploitative retail outlets who caused
the unemployment, in the first place.

The Newt Gingrich Catch 22:  Tell this to the closest Sarah Palin follower

The more powerful WalMart became, the more unemployed the American work-
force became.  The more powerful WalMart became, in its exploitation of foreign
labor, the more dependent upon WalMart merchandise became the unemployed 
of America, because they couldn't afford anything else in America's retail world.
WalMart and other unfairly advantaged corporations caused the unemployment
in the first place.   

As a result, overseas workers became WalMart's slaves, as well as did the workers
stationed on the lowest end of the American totem pole.  This is the Newt Gingrich
Catch-22.  Gingrich was the Speaker of the House when NAFTA came into being,
resulting in America no longer being a manufacturing nation.  Of course, the law
of nature is that any nation the size of a continent (possessing temperate climate)
must be a manufacturing nation or it will become a coast to coast version of Oliver
Twist's England.  Except for Dick Cheney & George Bush II, no one caused more
damage to America than did Newt Gingrich.

As a qualifying statement, international exchange ... if it's fair and non-criminal ...
is good.  In fact, it's a necessity.  However, being an accomplice to labor exploita-
tion is NOT cultural exchange.  It's the suffocation of it.
1 Yi Jiao
Due to the Gingrich-based Republican Party of the 1990s, as well as the president from
the former slavery State of Arkansas, humanity saw an Arkansas-based WalMart trans-
form from a "Made in the USA" corporation into the most nightmarish labor exploiter
in world history.  Slavery made its way back to Southern living, via proxy.  It was a
suspicious coincidence that an Arkansas corporation gained retail mogul status during
the presidency of an Arkansas native.

Bill Clinton, the least democratic of the 20th Century Democratic presidents, mocked
those who objected to the crime against laboring humanity that he signed into law.  He
described the conscientious objectors as isolationists.  Bill Clinton committed defama-
tion and set the stage for the Battle of Seattle.  He made these people sound paranoiac,
illiterate, and inbred.

There was no cultural exchange occurring in the trade practices that the Gingrich Con-
gress authored.  Nor was there economic exchange, being that the exploited workers
of Central American and Asia could not afford to buy American.  It was one-way im-
porting and one-way buying.

Americans were expected to furnish their own American homes with merchandise from
China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, El Salvador, & Guatemala, as well as the cocoa
fields of the Ivory Coast.  But, workers from labor abusive nations were not expected to
buy American, in any type of fair exchange.  In as much, it was untold audacity to call
the new form of labor exploitation Free Trade.  Newt Gingrich and his associates need
to one day be brought to trial in an international court of law.  He and they need to be
Nuremberged.  He did nothing but destroy a lot of American dreams and created a lot
of foreign nightmare scenarios which even recently occurred in Bangladesh.

Wal*Mart's unfair trade advantage was the same unfair advantage given to all of the
U.S. corporations who ended up sending manufacturing overseas.  It was the same
unfair trade advantage that the slave-owning South had over the North.  That injust-
ice lead to an extremely bloody war.

The more powerful Wal*Mart became, in suppressing American workers' ability to
find livable wage work, the more dependent upon Wal*Mart became the cheated
American workers.  As far back as 2010, it was easily ascertainable that the five
principle Wal*Mart heirs held as much wealth as did the bottom 41.5% of Ameri-
cans.  In 2007, it was 30.5%.   The amount is approximately $89.5 billion.

The Wal*Mart heirs hold the money owed to underpaid sweatshop workers and cheat-
ed Americans who lost business opportunities and jobs.  Americans can't hired other
Americans at 85 cents an hour.  Incidentally, when slave labor importation began, it
began during the Reagan years.  The wage paid to the adult workers was 24 cents a
hour.  In 2010, Cantonese worker made 75 cents an hour.

One more thing:  A tree is known by its fruits.  If American corporate management
could get away with paying Americans as little as they do Bangladesh workers, what
makes you that they wouldn't do so?  The practice of paying extremely low wages in
America occurred throughout the 1890s and turn of the century.  The South spent a
number of centuries not paying their African workers.






May 16, 2017

The multipler effect, the SNAP food stamp program, and the TEA Party's mask of religion in condemning food stamps.

In September 2013, a well-fed
and highly paid Republican U.S.
House members voted to cut the
SNAP allotments of the disabled,
the elderly, the working poor, and
children by $39 billion/10yrs, all
the while doing nothing to lower
food prices or to create jobs.

Having the poor endure the George
Bush II economy wasn't enough
suffering for them, apparently.
The present state of affairs show that the only effective thing that TEA Party Re-
publicans are doing is turning the lower economic strata of America into an out-
casted population of Acceptable Loss.  Yet, all that they have to do is end the on-
going rise in the Trade Balance Deficit that has been rising to the tune of a half
trillion dollars per year for decades.  It's done by bringing back to America or its
territories the lost 5 million jobs and 60,000 lost manufacturing enterprises that
vanished at the hands of Newt Gingrich, George Bush, and other Republicans
who served the very rich at the expense of the very poor, the working poor, and
those one step from poverty.

None the less, macro-economic behavior is such that a food stamp program takes
zero dollars out of any national economy.  Rather, such a system serves as a stim-
ulus program, on account of a mathematical phenomenon known as the Multiplier
Effect.  It's one of the first things taught to college economics students. 

November 1, 2013:  An automatic decrease of $5 billion in food stamp allotments
went into effect.  It was the result of a 2009 stimulus feature expiring.  Therefore,
it was a matter of reducing a percentage of the SNAP food stamp budget to the tune
of 5%.   Now, this decrease is in addition to the $39 billion SNAP budget reduction
which still needs to be passed by the US Senate and signed into law by the president.

U.S. House Republicans failed to cooperate with the Senate in passing any jobs bill,
and they simultaneously neglected to do what is needed to trigger a decrease in food
prices that rose during the Great Recession and remain hovering at a level too high
for the present American Economy.  Yet, in keeping with their economic incompe-
tence, as if to be purposely sabotaging the U.S. economy for the sake of those who
fund their re-election campaigns, House members succeeded in getting food stamp
benefits cut, as if no one really needs food for survival.  All the while, the reduction
will reduce grocery retail incomes.

An Illustrated Version of the Multiplier Effect
The multiplier effect involves the dominoes effect of spending the same one
dollar and how much that dollar travels in a string of consecutive purchases.
It is the flow of money in a society, resulting from spending.  It's measured in
relation to a change income and a responding change in what is known as the
multiple propensity to consume; the MPS.  Translated into English, the MPS
is the repeated likelihood of a certain percentage of your income being spent,
as opposed to being saved.

The formulas involving  this are reminiscent of hieroglyphics, at first look.
But, the concept is simple logic and it permeates throughout economic math.

The multiplier effect of the food stamp program is such that, for every food
stamp dollar spent, $1.74 in economic activity is generated.  This translates
into business income being generated.   Thus, businesses throughout Ameri-
ca will lose approximately $8.5 billion in income, on account of the Novem-
ber 1 food stamp allotment cut.  Grocery stores lose out when food stamp al-
lotments are reduced.  Thus, food stamp cuts reduce a nation's GDP.


Now, former Reagan budget director, David Stockman, pointed out that the
congress appropriated far too much money on military spending, even to the
point of saying on-air that America can defend itself on $400 billion a year,
instead of the $689 and $633 billion plus CIA, NSA, & HLS costs of recent
years.  This $400 billion mark was the usual budget during the Clinton years.

During the Bush and TEA Party years, however, the military price tag became
obscenely high, equaling the accumulative military budgets of the next 22 high-
est military spender nations, as I illustrated in 2011 research on military spend-
ing.  In as much, the proper compromise between TEA Party spending and
economic expert David Stockman's recommendation would be $500 billion.

Incidentally, all that you need to know is entry-level economics, in order to see
how erroneous the Republican Party platform on economics is.  Only when it
comes to derivatives, juxtaposing ratios, and advanced Cost Accounting do you
need an advanced prowess in econ.  None the less, you don't have to be an eco-
nomics expert to understand the overall picture of a nation's economy.  He only
have to be a man of goodwill, a person with a sense of decency, someone in
possession of a conscience.

None the less, the Southern congressman who went on national TV and claimed
to have been an economics expert on account of having raised a family was en-
tirely asinine.  This is because there are different phases and categories of eco-
nomics, such as Macro-economics, Micro-economics, and International Eco-
nomics.  Running a household in micro-economics.

Economics expert, David Stockman, knows economics efficiently and he under-
stands the mechanism of the multiplier effect on an economy. The SNAP food
stamp program increases the multiplier effect.  Meanwhile, tax cuts given to the
greed-stricken wealthy takes money out of the circular flow of currency such
that the money which ended up in overseas tax havens and foreign sweatshop
investments cost America 5 million jobs and 60,000 manufacturing outlets.

In memory of the Pittsburgh steel industry which dissolved in the smelter of Reaganomics.
The obvious on-air liars of the Right Wing, such as Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly,
and the Glen Beck who admitted that he does ZERO FACT CHECKING, kept
stating that food stamps go to lazy able-bodied people who have large TV sets,
autos, cell phones, etc.  Well, the vast majority of recipients are children, the
elderly, and the disabled, as well as those who do work but are underpaid.  In
fact, 5,000 active-duty military personnel were reported as being food stamp

Concerning children on food stamps, there are red state regions where the per-
centage of them are high ... according to PBS.    This is especially the case in
Rush Limbaugh's native state of Missouri.  In as much, red state TEA Party
voters are sabotaging their own businesses, especially their grocery stores.
There are simultaneously being vicious to children, the elderly, & disabled.
Below is a very partial list from the pertinent PBS publication found at:


              Percentage of children dependent upon food stamps

The $39 billion food stamp reduction vote:

The vote of September 19 was very close; 217 to 210.  The House of Reps voted to
delete $39 billion from the food stamp budget for the next ten years.  Ironically, the
farm subsidies which yearly range from $15 to $35 million will be kept in tact.  The
hypocrisy is that the Republican Party did ZERO to reduce the cost of food which
started elevating during the Bush Recession.

The estimate is that approximately 3 million Americans will become ineligible for
any food stamp allotment, and 850,000 will have their allotments reduced.  Furth-
ermore fifteen Republicans actually voted against the cuts.   Due to the sequester,
the Meals on Wheels program already was reduced. 

Ignoring the Multiplier Effect:  The TEA Party Way

Despite the existence of the Multiplier Effect in the universe of mathematics, Ted
Cruz, Michelle Bachmann, the overpaid & airheaded Sarah Palin, Stephen Fincher
and other TEA Party politicians ignore it.  Interestingly enough,  the aforementioned
persons all adhere to the "Evangelical," "Born-Again," "Fundamentalist," "Southern
Baptist," "Neo-Confederate," "Tent Revivalist," "Saved" religion of the extremely
backward, crass, isolated, segregationist, anti-federal, and rural culture of White
Anglicized America.

In this religion, its adherents believe that each one has the power to interpret the
Bible on his/her own.  So, they decided to take out of context one sentence of the
Bible, as an excuse to take away needed food from the needy, while not reducing
their own congressional pay checks and/or speech fees by even a penny.

As if to be establishing a religion ... namely the religion of Southern slave owners,
cross burners, lynch mob coordinators, and segregationists ...  they also made sure
to keep active the subsidies that gained for Southern Congressman Stephen Finch-
er $3.48 million.

The quote Fincher and Bachmann blasphemously used out of context came from
Saint Paul.  He was writing to a community whose members included people who
believed that the End of World was a few days to a few months away.  This belief
was erroneous, because it contradicted the prophecy that the Faith spread by Peter
and the apostles would first be spread throughout the entire world, before the world
would come to an end.  So, Paul wrote that he did not advise that anyone who was
unwilling to work should be a part of the dining tables ... until they stopped believ-
ing that the world was soon to come to an end.

Concerning the true Christian religion, and NOT the one disfigured through the
centuries by those who broke away from original Christianity, the following is
what the Son of Man will say to those consigned to eternal damnation at the end
of the world, after the Resurrection of the Dead. It directly hits at the heart of the
miserly mindset of the TEA Party Republican:

Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the
eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.  For I was hungry and you
gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you
gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, 
and you did not care for me.’

Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty
or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?'
He will answer then, "I tell you solemnly, what you did NOT do for one of
these least ones, you did not do for me."  And these will go off to eternal
punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” 

According to the Bible, therefore, Stephen Fincher, Michelle Bachmann, and oth-
er TEA Party Republicans are on the road Hell.  At this point, keep one more thing
in mind:  The Bible, the Fathers of the Church, the Doctors of the Church, and the
Papal teachings always refer to Jesus the Nazarene as Christ the King and NOT as
Christ the Republican.  That's King and NOT Republican.  In fact, Christ is surely
not referred to as Christ the TEA Party Republican.  Thus, the TEA Party claim
that Christ was the quintessential TEA Party Republican is literally blasphemy,
according to true Christianity, and NOT the grotesque caricature of it that accom-
panied Cross Burnings, Lynch Mobs, and the 2013 shutting down of the United
States government.

Bill O'Reily and his Doctrine of Hatred

Bill O'Reilly was wrong in his audacious assessment of Christ.  In fact, he claim-
ed that Jesus never said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Well, contrary to non-physician O'Reilly's assessment, crucifixion does not cause
suffocation.  Roman crucifixion results in hypovolemic shock and the complica-
tions involved with it.  If it involved suffocation, then Roman convicts wouldn't
have lasted days on their crosses, at times.  O'Reilly, filled with the hated with
which he is, denies that Christ has mercy.   So, he called the Gospel authors liars,
as if he is now the true voice of truth.

O'Reilly calls himself Catholic, but the center of Catholicism is the Mercy of God.

Thus, in denying that Christ ever said, "Father forgive them," O'Reilly lies. He
lies, due to the hatred that consumes him.  In addition, Bachmann and Fincher
misinterpreted one Biblical sentence, as a ploy to intimidate the public into think-
ing that giving Stephen Fincher $3.48 million is the will of a God who will crush
you, if you don't give Fincher $3.48 million taxpayer dollars.

Concerning this, a FoxNews regular went on air, and as a propaganda ploy, he
asked if food stamp recipients feel shame for using food stamps.  This ploy sug-
gested that food stamp allotments are a disgrace.

ANS:  Food stamp recipients feel a number of things.  They feel hungry and/or
wracked and/or drained and/or burdened and/or one step away from destitution
and/or relief.  Food stamp recipients also feel the cancer and/or the aging and/or
the severe-level asthma attacks and/or the muscle weakness and/or the back pain,
and/or other physical pains.  Yet other food stamp recipients feel their tininess and
frailty, concerning those in the childhood age group.  The children felt hunger too.

One thing is for certain:  The FoxNews people,  morbidly obese Limbaugh, the
admitted alcoholic Glenn Beck who equally admitted to having done ZERO fact
checking all feel no one's pain.  Let it be repeated.  They feel no one's pain.  They
are the ones in the state of delusion.

Of course, the Republicans, dating back to Ronald "Rust Belt" Reagan, stereotype
food stamp recipients as blacks driving Cadillacs.  The truth is that 36% of the food
stamp recipients of America are white.  One point to make at this point is that food
stamp money goes back into the American economy.  Romney's money went to the
Cayman Islands and Switzerland.  Thus, what Romney did damaged America in its
time of need.  What food stamp recipients did was spread money amongst the groc-
er industry.  Incidentally, over 60% of Republicans were indifferent to the idea of
the United States defaulting on its debts.

A couple weeks of the TEA Party way cost America $24 billion.  They should, by
law, be required to reimburse America.  This is because what they did was intention-
al blackmail.  One would state that they are immune.  However, in the presence of
malice, there is no immunity.  What they did was malicious ... or so stupid that they
have the moral duty to resign from their posts, being that they proved that they do
not do what they are doing.


May 15, 2017

The Reagan Presidency = Deficit Spending Every Year.

I was having a conversation with the executive of a very well known corporation
whose commercials are on TV and whose products are probably in your home.
This individual has an MBA, and we've conversed on a regular basis, whenever
she would fly-in from Chicago.  This is because she is one of the officers of the
moderate-sized construction corporation for whom I work.

Yours truly:  This is where I had the conversation with the
corporate vice president of a very well known corporation.
Incidentally, construction trailer offices can look very "lived in."
Well, shortly after New Year's Day 2015, she flew in from Chicago as she often
does, and we got to talking.  She suddenly said that the Reagan presidency had
budget surpluses.  I then explained to her about Reagan tripling the national debt
and other economic misfortunes that happened under Reagan's watch.  We then
changed the subject.

Anyway, I realized that the lies of the Republican Party are still being reiterat-
ed throughout corporate America and even corporate executives are believing
the lies in good faith.  Therefore, it's time to once again ring out the statistical
truths of the Reagan Years which were an encompassing act of sabotage upon
the United States economy, except where the inflation rate was involved.  We
will re-begin with the fact that 100% of the Reagan Presidential Years were
marked with record DEFICIT SPENDING.

Here is where I had the enlightening conversation
with the Chicago-based corporate exec.

We will adjourn to a work of gentlemen from the University of California at
Santa Barbara.  Their names are Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley.  They
are the compilers of the American Presidency Project and their statistical
outlay of surplus/deficit spending per president can be found at:


Out of respect for copyright law and ethics, I only copied and pasted the stats on
Ronald Reagan.  When you do study him as I did, you find that he is the Great
Republican Lie ... the Republican Con Game ... the Republican Sham.  Present-
ing Reagan as the God of the Universe was the result of diverting from Ameri-
can memory the hideous presidency of George Bush II who literally can be de-
fined as a War Criminal, pursuant to one of the six counts of the Nuremberg
Trials, namely War of Aggression.

If Reagan were the god that the Republican Party made him out to be through-
out the 2008 and 2012 elections, the Republicans would have been singing
Reagan's praises before the Bush Years.

When surveying the national debt through the years, the important statistic is
the budget deficit as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product.  That stat was
lowest during FDR's first five years, George Bush II's second, third, and fi-
nal year in office, and Obama's first three years in office.

At this point, the following excerpt is to prove that Reagan most certainly had
wall-to-wall deficit spending.  In fact, all of the years of deficit spending sur-
passed the one hundred billion dollar per year mark, and no other president up
to that time ever surpassed $79 billion in deficit spending.  In conclusion, you
cannot believe anything that the Republicans say about Reagan.  You have been
duly forewarned.

Ronald Reagan

        ReceiptsOutlays       Surplus


May 14, 2017

Trickle-down Reaganomics is Oligarchy; NOT Democracy

The United States government was
designed to be a bicameral federal
republic; two legislative chambers
in two tiers --- state and nationwide.
It's foundation stones were electors
& representatives who were meant
to check and balance the senate.

The US government was never de-
signed to be a democracy.  Nor was
it designed to be a corporate dictator-
ship of lobbyists.  Decision-making
was intended to involve more than
1%.  Reaganomic Trickle Downism
is unAmerican.  The idea of wealth
trickling from a few is repugnant.
It leaves the majority of Americans
unable to steer their own destinies.
The trickle-down mindset only values a human life according to each individual's bank
account holdings.  The trickle-down theory reduces life's goal to nothing more than the
ringing-up of a cash register, thereby showing how uncreative, vain, lifeless, and void
of personalities the present-day wealthy are.  All that they can think of is getting a hand-
ful of surrogates with loud and disrespectful mouths to badger and harass the middle
class and poor who already have more than enough burdens to carry in life.

In addition, the George WMD Bush years proved that Trickle-down Reaganism does
NOT work.  The trickles went overseas, to places such as Mitt Romney's Swiss and
Cayman Island bank accounts, as well as to numerous low-waged nations, for the sake
of giving an unfair benefit to a few who leech off of burdened sweatshop workers
who operate as slaves throughout the earth.

It's extremely anti-American to limit the decision-making process to a mere 1% of the
population, all the while expecting hundreds of millions of North and South Americans
to be powerless sheep, subject to the whims of ultra-rich people who, in reality, only
hold ultra-wealth because they either profited from underpaying workers and/or over-
charging customers and/or unfair commercial advantages that only they were granted.
The bottom line is that the rich hold the wealth owed to underpaid workers and over-
charged customers.  This is why Nuremberg-type trials continue to emerge.

In a previous article, I mentioned the thesis statement of the truly successful:

You don't have to work hard, you have to work smart(ly).

Well, there is one more feature that separates the successful person from the
non-successful one.  It goes as follows:

It's not what you know that counts.   It's who you know that does.

The diatribes of those who spoke for the wealthy, in contempt of the burdened in
society are the diatribes of those who leech off of the wealthy, in the form of cor-
porate media payroll checks. These people do not go on air and assassinate the
character of the burdened for free.  Also keep in mind that the head of FoxNews
is a repulsively obese individual who shows himself to be as lazy as laziness itself,
in said obesity.  That is to say that FoxNews people work for a pig ... literally.
In fact, Republican politicians cow-tow to the rich, only because the burdened
middle class and poor can't as easily fund their re-election campaigns.  In similar
fashion, the same middle class and poor can't as easily pay the ridiculously high
salaries to radio talk show hosts, television commentators, and similar operatives.
Therefore, right wing bully pulpit radio talk show hosts go about lambasting and
ridiculing the burdened,  assuming that they personally don't get any self-seeking
benefit from the poor.

It's the poor and middle class who work for the holders of wealth.  Therefore, it's
the working poor who make wealth for the wealthy.  The rich don't create more
jobs.  The working poor do so, in enabling more sales and consumer demand.  In
as much, the right wing radio talk show host who lambasts the working poor has
been benefiting from them, in that the talk show hosts' paychecks are signed by
those who benefit from the working poor.  This is the ultimate ingratitude.  In fact,
this is why things such as the French Revolution occurred in the past and is in the
process of reoccurring in the present tense, on an entirely different continent.

Keep in mind that the Tunisian Revolution already came and went, having started
the ball rolling.  The Occupy Wall Street movement was the warning shot fired
across the bow.  The rich of today, like the aristocrats of Louis XVI's court,
paid no heed.

The bottom line is that anything which shrinks the number of people involved in
America's decision-making processes is un-American, anti-patriotic, & treason-
ous to the ideal of We, the People.  America is supposed to consist in We, the
People, and NOT We, the 1%, along with an entourage of our loud mouthpieces
who hog the air waves as much as possible.  This means that Ronald "Triple the
National Debt" Reagan, George "WMD" Bush, Dick "Waterboarder" Cheney,
NAFTA Newt Gingrich, Rush "Viagra Smuggler" Limbaugh, and Mitt "Cayman
Island" Romney have thus far been the most anti-American & unpatriotic people
you've seen and heard in the past 34 years.  They have been antagonists to the
vast majority of Americans  ...  for decades. ____________________________________________________________