April 23, 2017

Putting an end to the very Fictional 9/11 U.S. gov conspiracy accusations

For the record,  I'm in construction and I am
very familiar with the power of gravity.  I
was almost killed in a trench wall collapse.
Later, I knew that a certain brick wall was
about to explode, and I had about ten se-
conds to run to safety.  Then ... kaboom.
The World Trade Towers succumbed to
gravity and weaked A36 steel.  Period.
I have a lot to do and have very little time at the moment.  So, perhaps can start
with the following video and learn how common-sensed and predictable was the
collapse of WTC Building #7.  This can spare you from being an embarrassment
to your friends and family.  There's more to add, in order to show you that there
was no controlled implosion, otherwise known as RDX (Thermite) demolition.
The evils of America are in front of everyone's face.  You don't have to look for
darkroom conspiracies.

By the way, concerning the claim that no fire can severe steel beams, uhhhhhhm
we used a torch in government contract work to sever A36 steel beams.  We used
fire to cut steel in half.  So, listen to the ones with experience, as opposed to those
who never was involved in any type of structural work.    10 Q Berry Mulch.


In January of 2014, while I was in Florida, I spoke with a retired carpenter who did
work on the NYC World Trade Towers in the 1970s.  It's confirmed.  Both towers
were made from weaker-than-needed material, and the design was something much
to be desired.

The carpenter spoke from memory and correctly described the design of the towers
as was published in print.  For example, he mentioned the notably small windows on
the outer walls of the towers, as well as the fact that the elevators & stairwells were
in the center of the buildings.  He also mentioned how narrow the hallways were, in
relation to the width of each tower.  So, this man was clearly credible & on target.

The retired carpenter also stated that the Trade Towers weren't intended to be any type
of architectural masterpiece, on account of the fact that the Port Authority was the de-
signer and developer of the project.  He even went as far as satirically saying that the
Trade Towers were of such a sophomoric design that it was a surprise that the Towers
didn't collapse sooner than they did.  He, all by himself, had enough fire power in his
narration to debunk all conspiracy theories attached to the fall of the World Trade Ctr
Perhaps you know the psychosis It's the accusation that the United States government
purposely detonated the World Trade Center towers, as an excuse to invade Bin Laden's
cave in Afghanistan, and even Iraq, in an eventual chase for fantasy WMDs.  Well, the
outlay of stats on the Trade Towers illustrate that the previously mentioned accusation
is a fallacy of the highest degree.  In addition, the United States government would not
sabotage it's own war headquarters in the process, namely the Pentagon.

The World Trade Center theory of an American government demolition conspiracy is
the result of prolonged distrust of a government which repeatedly lied to its citizens
throughout a time span ranging from:  the 1950s Operation Paper Clip days, to the
1950s McCarthysm days, to the Vietnam days, the Agent Orange days, the Water-
gate days, the Iran/Contra days, the Savings & Loans crisis days, the Iraq WMD
fraud, along with the Mortgage Crisis and the cause of, the Great Recession.

The WTC theory is merely a sign of our tabloid times.  It's also a sign of Americans
being so bored with life that they exhilarate themselves by adhering to melodramatic
fiction, such as was the case with the Mayan calendar scare of 2012.

Americans need to deep-six their conspiracy theories and composite paranoia.  That
which needs to be addressed are the injustices blatantly in front of everyone's face.
The borderline psychotic conspiracy theories that you hear on the all night coast to
coast tin foil hat show are nothing more than the diversionary tactics which keep
humanity from righting the wrongs sitting directly in front of mankind.  They are
campfire ghost stories, and the radio show is so popular, because everything else
on nighttime talk radio is so incredibly boring.  For now, however, people need to
understand the following things about each of the two World Trade Center towers
which actually did pancake in September of 2001

The Anatomy of the Trade Towers

The core of each tower was essentially hollow, in that the cores housed the elevators
and stairwells of the towers.  There was no interior wall and no corner-to-corner brac-
ing involved.  The main structure of each tower was a hollow tube comprising close-
ly spaced steel perimeter columns.  The floor trusses were supported by the columns,
and such a design is why the towers fell as they did.  The towers fell from the top
downward.  Demolition involves taking out the supporting structures near and at
the ground floor level.  Thus, there was NO demolition involved on 9/11/01.

In combination, the floor trusses and perimeter columns of the towers formed a steel
lattice which acted as a wind brace, thereby keeping the central core unaffected by any
wind.  Plus, the central core was NOT a part of the main structural system.  The job of
the central core was to support the gravity load imposed upon the building, all the while
supporting the elevator system of each building.  Each system comprised more than 100
elevators per tower.  Incidentally, the outer face of each tower handled horizontal stress.
This translates into handling the wind sheer.

The Trade Towers were extremely light weight, in comparison to their heights which
vertically spanned slightly more than 1,360 feet (415 meters.)   Of each tower's  110
stories, six of them (per tower) were underground.  Each tower was built on landfill.
The bed rock existed 65 feet below ground level.  None the less, a semispherical ex-
cavation was performed, followed by coating the bowl-like hole with a slurry contain-
ing bentonite clay.  The clay's purpose was to keep the Hudson River out of the towers.
However, the danger wasn't going to come from the river.  It would come from the sky.

The reason why the debris of two 110 story buildings comprised a height equivalent
to a few stories was because of the existence of spacious air between the light weight
materials.  According to journalist Jackie Craven, the NYC Trade Towers were 95%

Now, the outer box was 208 x 208 feet (63 x 63 meters.)   On two parallel sides of
the 208 feet span was 120 feet of open plan office space.  On the other two parallel
sides of the towers were 70 feet of open office space, thereby illustrating the hollow
tubular nature of the tower.   In fact, the inner core measured 135 x 87 ft.

Concerning the hollow nature of the towers, the underground car park of each one
held a capacity of 2,000 automobiles, in spacious parking allotments thereof.  Yet,
amidst the spaciousness was 100,000 tons of steel constructed into each tower.

The steel beams of the outer face of the towers were 14 inches wide; 59 columns
per each of the four facades.  Between columns were 22 inch windows.  The win-
dow size was small, only because a principle structural engineer had a pronounced
fear of heights and said that the 22 inch span made a person feel safe in the towers.

In addition, each tower floor consisted in 4 inches of light concrete, placed upon a
33 inch thick prefabricated steel truss laid upon rubber dampers/padding.   In fact,
10,000 dampers were used per tower.  Dampers reduce the forces on a building by
reducing vibrations.

  The Four Most Important Four Things to Keep in Mind about the Trade Towers

- The design of the building was such that there would be NO outward buckling.  This
   is due to something known as a rigid diaphragm design.

- The floor trusses didn't fall first, when the Trade Towers collapsed.  Rather, trusses
   lost their fireproofing and absorbed a tremendous amount of heat, thereby pulling the
   columns inward.  This explains the absence of outward buckling when the towers fell
   straight downward.

- There was thousands of gallons of combustible jet fuel causing intense heat.  Keep in
   mind that the fuel capacity of the Boeing 747, depending on the model thereof, ranges
   from 48,445 to 52,410 U.S. gallons.

- If the jets didn't dislodge the nearby fireproofing, the towers would not have fallen.

Let us review.  Certain individuals claim that members of the United States government
purposely flew remote-controlled jets into each World Trade Tower, and then detonated
the buildings, so as to have an excuse to invade Afghanistan and/or Iraq.  If this were the
case, then why would government members have a jet fly into American military head-
quarters, namely, the Pentagon?  If the government conspirators wanted to have an ex-
cuse to start a war, then why would they sabotage the one place needed to conduct the

In addition, what was the purpose for the Shanksville crash, if all that was needed
was the downing of two skyscrapers in New York City?   In addition, there is cell
phone evidence that foreigners did hijack the four jetliners.  Or were those phone
calls a collective hoax, too?  Are the passengers who never came home living on a
remote island, as a part of this conjectured hoax?   Where are each of the missing
crew members?   In fact, how do people secretly wire two of the most populated
and frequented buildings in the world without anyone taking notice of the wiring?
How is it that no one tripped over the wiring, if wiring had been done shortly be-
fore September 11, 2001?

Republicans, in general, aren't smart enough to do what conspiracy theorists claimed
them to have done.  George Bush Jr wasn't even in the ball park when it came to bas-
ic common sense.  Cheney shoots his own friends.  Sarah Palin has been regarded as
an idiot by more than one person, and Ron Paul allowed a bogus conspiracy claim to
be posted on his site, showing that the absence of discernment and the lack of com-
mon sense actually is contagious.

John McCain is the one who presented Sarah Palin as a viable presidential replace-
ment, yet he never apologized for creating this Frankenstein.  She tested the waters
for a presidential campaign inconsiderate of the fact that, if Americans didn't want
her to be the Vice President, they surely don't want her to be the Commander-in-

Then there's Rick Perry, the power predator who skewed his explanations, concern-
ing the less-than-inspiring statistics about the State of Texas.  Next comes Michele
Bachman who doesn't even know the difference between John Wayne and John
Wayne Gacy.

Now, men of Arabic and anti-christian persuasion attempted to topple one of the
Trade Towers in 1993, because they believed that the effort to destroy said tower
was a holy act that would win for them favor from the Eternal God.  In fact, one
of the failed saboteurs, while being taken away, expressly said that those towers
were going to eventually go down.   Thus, the logical conclusion is that an anti-
American Arabian faction busied itself with taking down those towers, for reli-
gious purposes.  In reality however, it was nothing more than the mass murder
of unarmed civilians.

The 2001 suicide attacks were also meant to frighten people into joining the attack-
er's religion.  The attacks were an act of duress.  An act of intimidation.  Well, the
Nazi regime tried to intimidate other nations into succumbing to its will.  The end
result was that American, Canadian, Russian, British, Norwegian, Polish, Dutch,
Belgian, and French citizens went after the Nazis until the Nazis were no more.

Intimidation is a fatal policy.  You don't want people to be afraid of you.  You want
them to love you.  God made humanity to love, as its ultimate purpose.  In fact, it's
not natural to kill your own kind.  None the less, thousands of unarmed civilians
were killed on September 11, 2001 in the name of God.  The result was that the
Name of God, the Giver of Life, was being presented as the author of hijacking
& death.

Most importantly, the Trade Towers both pancaked, though at different time seg-
ments.   This means that they collapsed from the top downward.  There is no de-
nying this observation.  In demolition, the bottom of the structure is taken out,
and the building succumbs to the laws of gravity, generally speaking.  It's more
detailed than that, of course.  The bottom line is that the Trade Towers weren't
part of a demolition plot of U.S. government officials looking for an excuse to
get America into a war.  There were too many witnesses at the Trade Towers.
Excuses to go to war include remote places that have little to no onlookers.

In the phenomenon of pancaking, only one floor is needed to collapse as a result
of incendiary heat melting the adjacent steel girder frame ... in order for the dom-
inoes to fall.  The heat-severed floor and all floors above it then comprised the
weight that came crashing down on the one floor below.  The additional floor's
weight, along with the weight of the floors above it, crush the next floor.  The
process continues, and the building falls quickly.

Now, proof that there was NO government demolition job on the Trade Towers
consists in the fact that there are survivors who were toward the bottom when the
collapsing started.  This means that there was NO detonated explosives near the
ground floor.   If there were an explosion, those survivors would have been dead
or notably wounded.

When a collapsing building reaches the ground, segments of the building buckle in-
to each other, meaning that there are always to be found open spaces at the bottom
of the collapsed building.  In any of those pockets can be survivors.   This was the
case with the Trade Tower collapse.  Humans in the pockets of WTC buildings were
not killed or wounded by explosions.  Therefore, there was no government conspira-
cy comprising demolition.

Concerning the surrounding buildings, think "trampoline effect."  Place a book or
other small item on one end of a bed and then jump on the other end.   Watch the
book or other small item leap.  It was a tremendous amount of weight which hit the
ground in Manhattan.   When weight so tremendous lands on land, something is go-
ing to be dislodged from its foundation.  Gravity will eventually win out and a per-
ipheral building or two will collapse.  If there were an incendiary flash seen coming
out of the window of an adjacent building, then why is that so surprising?   We live
in the age of electricity and natural gas.  

The claim that the government performed a demolition job on the Trade Towers is,
by far, the single most asinine theory ever.   Bush went into Iraq without having the
excuse of a building being sabotaged.  His excuse was Weapons of Indiscriminate
Destruction.  He called them "weapons of mass destruction."

Know that this text is being written by someone who does have a construction back-
ground, meaning that he learned how gravity works the hard way.  The same author
is a native of the former steel capital of Planet Earth.  His father was a research en-
gineer in the Pittsburgh steel industry who even taught him why the Titanic sheered
open the way it did.  In addition, the author of this text has a sibling who, as a com-
manding officer, was called out to Logan International Airport on 09-11-2001.  Fur-
thermore, the same author spoke with two retired intelligence specialists in 2011 on
a number of topics.  Guess what?   There actually were hijackers on 9-11 and the laws
of gravity are powerful things.   So too is the weight of a skyscraper.  Think of George
WMD Bush as an unconscionable opportunist after the fact, and not an ingenious con-
spirator before the fact.

The Trade Towers were taken down by fanatics who thought that they would enjoy
paradise after murdering thousands of unarmed civilians.   However, you only get in
the afterlife what you give in this life.   If you give people nightmarish Hell scenarios,
your eternal destiny will be the nightmarish Hell scenario that you gave to others.  In
retrospect, there is ZERO evidence and ZERO motive of a 9/11 United States govern-
ment demolition conspiracy.   Some people need to grow up.


Patrick Pontillo








April 21, 2017

Like Fine Crystal in the Book-burning Moonlight

Dwight Eisenhower, on the Subject of Military Spending

It is important to once again take to heart what was spoken by President Dwight
D. Eisenhower, the man most experienced in war and its tragic aftermath, stated
in 1953, fifty years before Bush II began his course of taking the US to the brink
of its own economic destruction:

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, and every rocket fired signi-
fies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed;  those 
who are cold and are not clothed.  This world in arms is not spending money,
solely.  It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, and
the hopes of its children.

The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this:  A modern brick school in more 

than 30 cities.  It's two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000
in population.  It's two fine, fully equipped hospitals.  It's some fifty miles of 
concrete highway.  We pay for a single fighter with a half million bushels of 
wheat.  We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed 
more than 8,000 people.

This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road the world has 
been taking.  This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense.  Under the 
cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.

Take note that Ike's 1953 Iron Cross speech isn't his famous January 1961 Military
Industrial Complex speech.  He knew the devastation of war.  He was aware that
exorbitant military spending is assault and battery on the nation doing the spend-
ing.  American military spending of the 1950s was proportionally higher than it is
today, in as far as concerns spending as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product.
 However, in the 1950s, America was a manufacturing nation that was erasing its
post war debt, on account of the many well paid taxpayers.  Furthermore, 's out-
rage of the $695+ billion per year military budget consists in that the U.S. has
spent, in one recent year, as much as the next 23 highest spending nations com-
bined.  Plus, there is the matter of environmental red flags in this era of deplet-
ed uranium ordnance.  This means that even conventional warfare is no longer

Of course, it is true that the American military budget is merely a jobs programs.
Circumstantial evidence consists in the fact that there was the congressional push
to place more tanks in the U.S. arsenal, despite the fact that the Pentagon already
stated that it needs no more cavalry tanks.  Thus, there would be the maintenance
cost of something viewed as a burden on the military.

Years ago, in a political science class, the professor informed us that Southern con-
gressmen, as a matter of course, use the military budget to get taxpayer dollars into
their low income constituencies.  Therefore, this disingenuous habit of Southerns
was recognized decades ago.  All in all, the military budget was a way to get money
into the economically backward South.  This budget has little to do with "patriotism."

As a qualifying statement for the right winged paranoid, a $480 to $520 billion milit-
ary budget or so would be rational, if the United States congress would put a stop to
the runaway Trade Balance Deficit that empowered a ruthless Maoist China via the
by slave labor profiteering of the Walton clan of Arkansas and numerous other self-
seekers.  It's when the budget exceeds $550, $600, and $650 billion that such spend-
ing becomes a future count in a future Nuremberg-type trial.  Such spending literally
becomes criminal, especially depending on the medical verdict of depleted uranium
upon health and the environment.

The fatal error of Southern politicians is that they think that they will be immune for
the privation they have caused America.  This includes the Obstructionist 112th Con-
gress which was the most do-nothing congress in U.S. history.  Republicans need to
study history, as in the Cromwell Regicide trials, Andersonville, Nuremberg, Tokyo,
and even the recent trial of African war criminal Charles Taylor.  So, think.  Reading
Ayn Rand is not the answer.  Reading on how Atlanta was burnt by northerners who
were be undercut economically by the South's no-wage workforce would help too.
If the Republicans insist on remaining functionally illiterate, they who relive history,
as opposed to make history.  Even as the DowJones rises, one can't but help to notice
further diversionary tactics on the part of the Republicans on air and in congress.
Overspending results in too much rust. 
Republicans display chicken hawk contempt toward youths who don't help increase
the United States' run-away national debt which is augmented via exorbitant military
spending.  The irony today is that the newly enlisted youths who take the oath to de-
fend this nation are helping to destroy it with the amount of military spending that
a heavily indebted and non-manufacturing-based United States is forced to accrue,
on account of the stereotypical Republican Gun-toting TEA Party supporter.

It's predictable to see chicken hawks such as Limbaugh, Boehner, O'Reilley, Gingrich,
Beck, Cantor, Hannity, and Dr. "I'm Banned in England" (who never spent a minute
in boot camp) get on the megaphone and then badger America's youth to do what the
chicken hawks avoided doing.  Those youths are merely pawns in a money making
scheme.  This brings us back to Ike's fatherly warning to America, as in the warning
about the Military Industrial Complex.  Ironically, he was a Republican.  Yet, the Re-
publicans of today ignore him.  Of course, they only ignore him because they are
Southern Democrats at heart.

The oxymoron is that, when enlisting to protect the United States, an American youth
ends up financially pounding the final nail in America's coffin.  Due to George WMD
Bush and his Republican cohorts, America can no longer afford GI Joe.  The Republi-
cans weakened a nation by acting tough with the blood of others for consecutive years
at a time.  Soldiers of the National Guard were being forced into foreign tours of duty,
a couple of continental plates away.  However, the National Guard is designed to al-
ways stay home and be the last line of defense for a nation.  It shouldn't be traveling
over an ocean.  In fact, the National Guard is that well formed militia mentioned in
the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, so designed to prevent the government
from becoming a tyranny.  It didn't work.  The tyrant George Bush sent the National
Guard packing to a desert far far away.

In addition, American soldiers of the regular armed forces were forced into two and
three tours of duty thousands of miles from home.  This was ruthless, and as a result,
Corporate Bailout Bush drained and weakened the United States by playing the role
of Mr. Bring-it-on.  Eight and ten years of wasted time were spent on two theaters
of war, along with $1.6 trillion spent.  Yet, there was not a single tank battle or naval
encounter throughout that entire time.  There wasn't even a single aerial dog fight.  In
fact, the Aussies and Americans ended up finding Iraqi aircraft in poor condition, on
the ground and even under the ground, buried.  So, why was all the money spent?

Despite this fact, those two wars accounted for one quarter of the national debt that
has accumulated since 2001 ... according to the Christian Science Monitor.  Iraq has
accounted for 4,487 American deaths, while Afghanistan accounted for 1,863.

Then comes wounded military personnel.  Even in December of 2011, casualties in Af-
ghanistan were mounting.  In the Year 2010, while America was watching TV house-
wives and certain celebrities of no particular talent, 700 United States soldiers died in
Afghanistan.  Americans act as if they don't even care.  Maybe it's because they don't.

In the same time span and at the same theater of war, 5,000 U.S. troops were wound-
ed.  Young men of America, listen:  Don't die for ungrateful people who obsess them-
selves with Botox Barbies.  And don't die for the sake of someone's war profiteers. 

The Enduring Cost of a Freedom that Didn't Endure

Then there is the cost of the aftermath of war, for years to come.  The same Christian
Science Monitor stated that $600 to $900 billion in long-term medical care and disa-
bility compensation is already owed by the United States to the veterans of both pro-
longed wars.  In 2008, U.S. Medicine reported that 600,000 Americans were treat-
ed at Veteran hospitals.

In the failure of the George Bush War years, one needs to be reminded that he and his
staff violated every premise of Sun Tzu's Art of  War.  Sun Tzu would never have wat-
er boarded anyone, in the first place.  Secondly, the terrorists were criminals and NOT
soldiers.  This is because, if they were soldiers, then they violated the Rules of Engage-
ment and became criminals in the process.  They let civilians be targeted.  Stated for
the record, you're not permitted to target civilians, including those in New York sky-

There was another costly after-effect of the Reagan Close-down-industry Complex.
Reagan manipulated the economy in such a way that the only way in which a number
of young Americans could get a job was to join the military.  This now translates in-
to highest of all government price tags ... the pension ... both government and military.
the bills which sent America's manufacturing base to Sweatshopville were the United
States' suicide notes.  American manufacturing employees paid much more tax and
spent more on multiplier-effect enhancing products than do coffee shop barristers
absorbed in college loan debt.

Why was so much taxpayer money wasted on the military industrial mind set?  The
Bible which used to be read in America stated, "Blessed are the peace makers;" not
the war makers.  Yet, Reagan had the audacity to call a nuclear missile a peace mak-
er.  Well, it didn't make peace.  It merely delayed a more concentrated and devastat-
ing series of wars in the future.  Meanwhile, Chicken Hawk Reagan let many neglect-
ed things eventually blow up in the face of society.  He left behind a land mine of so-
cial ills.


At present, the United States is in need of research engineers and environmental ex-
perts who can benefit health and daily civilian life, in the States and American terri-
tories.  If there's no appreciable life for millions of indebted civilians, then what is
there left to defend?  It's the 1% who destroyed the American Dream.  Giving your
military service toward those greed-stricken people would translate into a nightmare
for you.  Ask the three-tour Iraq/Afghan vets.

When military expert Wesley Clark said "re-deploy" to a place outside of Iraq, pushy
Chicken Hawks of gutless wonder called him a sissy.  You need to be reminded that
General Clark was the commander of the NATO alliance, and unlike chicken hawks,
he did attend boot camp.  He knows what thousands of chicken hawks don't know.
However, he was ever so coincidentally a democrat.  Thus, he was bashed, despite
the fact that he had the money-saving and life-saving answer at the moment of chaos.

America needed to save its ordnance and dollars for a real war.  The Bush II years
were the ones that were slowly making the United States defenseless, in the name
of Patriotism and "free market" economics.  The Bush version of  "free market eco-
nomics" resulted in a lot of people losing their freedom in foreign labor camps.  In
the process, he elevated military spending via two wars, all the while lowering the
tax rate for those rich made their money through the ultimate form of parasitic con-
duct ... namely, of off sweatshop laborers cheated of the rightfully due wages.  Thus,
Bush did what it took for America to be unable to pay for war against an enemy
that had zero navies, zero air forces, zero armored divisions, zero paratroopers,

You need to know that Iraqi Christianity was NOT the Ann Coulter-type thereof.  For
those of you who don't care ... or who are clueless ... Iraqi Christianity is known as the
Chaldeon Rite of Catholicisim.

All that the Republicans accomplished by invading Iraq was to have true Christians
on this earth persecuted to literal car-bombing death.  Incidentally, the authenticity
of Iraq's Chaldean Christianity comes from the fact that it can be traced to the origi-
nal apostles who were NOT money-grabbing TV evangelists whose ancestors saw
many a black man left hanging deader than death on tree branches located near lead
infested moonshine stills of brain damaging fame.

The Similarities Between
the Territory-grabbing Nazi Party and Money-grabbing Republican Party

There are further parallels between the Nazi Germans and the American Republicans.
Whereas the Nazi Germans sought to take the infirm to concentration camps, the Re-
publicans seek to take them off Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.   Whereas
the Nazi Germans sought to dumb-down its citizens by book burning, the Republicans
seek to do so by cutting education and even by deleting the Department of Education
itself.  This is typical for a party whose candidates include those who were unable to
name one Supreme Court case, who could not remember the cabinet positions desig-
nated for axing, and who could not refrain from cutting a State fire fighting budget dur-
ing a drought of Biblical proportions which torched a landmass larger than the entire
State of Connecticut.

Finally, whereas the Nazi Germans used the radio to spread its lying propaganda, the
Republican Party uses the radio to spread its one-line slogans and multiple diatribes.
In sequence, whereas the Nazi Germans sought to eliminate all opposing radio voices,
the American Republicans cut off National Public Radio from government funding.
The only thing that has kept the Republicans from entirely destroying this nation is a
few remaining checks and balances in the U.S. Constitution. Even at that, there is the
Florida case where a person testing the voting machines found that his votes for dem-
ocratic candidates registered as votes for Republicans.

As far as goes the socialist element, it was the Republicans under Bush II who gave
$700 billion to the corporate cronies known for donating money to Republican poli-
ticians.  In fact, the Republicans were actually bailing themselves out.  Now, as far
as goes the word Socialist in Nazi German title, there is nothing social about taking
the disabled to gas chambers.  Nazi Germany wasn't very socialist.

The Napoleon Maneuver

The Nazi Germans were draining their nation's economy through military spending.
The game plan was to steal the wealth of the nations that its troops would conquer.
This included the oil fields of Ploesti Romania and the art of Europe.  In as much,
the road that Republican America has been traveling is the same one that Nazi Ger-
many traveled.  The United States was on the brink of bankruptcy during the years
of Bring-it-on Bush, when two wars were being waged and when unneeded tax cuts
were enforced for the very greedy who caused an elevation in the chronic trade bal-
ance deficit that continues to drain American money into a Communist dictatorship.
This ensured that there would not be the revenue needed to pay for two wars which
endured twice as long as the Second World War.  When an army's congress stops
delivering it paychecks, what does that army do?  Throughout history, pillage and
plunder was the modus operandi of armies.  Napoleon was infamous for it.

When the marching band music begins to echo off the buildings of Main Street, and
when the majorettes start to twirl their batons, you can rest assured that in very close
proximity will be a Republican politician equipped with warmongering diatribes that
we in America can recite in our sleep.   You can also rest assured that lobbyists will
be equally near the Republican politician, waving his flag on Main Street for him.  So,
if the Fuhrer's black boot fits and if his propaganda minister's monocle shines like fine
crystal in the book-burning moonlight ... 


April 19, 2017

CIA Report: Reagan was complicit in Iraq's chemical attacks against Iran.

Plus, he saw no evil during the Kurdish genocide campaign.  Add the Argentine Dirty War, Pinochet's Chile, & S. African Apartheid.  Quit praising him as God.  He was
a mere C student and only had the prowess of a 1930s book-keeper.

A ranking  member of the United States Congress went on a FoxNews broadcast and
boldly proclaimed that Ronald Reagan would have never tolerated the Assad regime
gassing its own people.  She made it sound as if Reagan would have pounded his gold-
en fist on a table and magically sent forth a myriad of heavily armed John Waynes, to
avenge the citizens of Syria.

Bill O'Reilly did the same thing and then proceeded to belittle the rapidly graying
President Obama.  O'Reilly made it look as if  Reagan were a superhero walking
onto a battlefield, crushing chemical warfare canisters with his hands.  Well, the
truth is that Ronald Reagan tolerated Saddam Hussein's gassing of Iranians and
Kurds, as a matter of course ... habitually so.  Thus, if Reagan were here today,
he would be looking the other way, ignoring the entire scenario.

The ranking congressional member, incidentally, was Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairwoman
of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East.  This is an example of
American taxpayer dollars in action.




In addition, weapon's grade anthrax was sent to Iraq during the Reagan years, via the
U.S. Dept of Commerce ... under the Reagan-appointed supervision of none other than
Donald Rumsfeld.  In fact, Iraq purchased eight strands of anthrax from the U.S.A, dur-
ing Reagan years, specifically during the time when the Iran/Contra pea & shell game
was transpiring.

Let us not forget that the Argentine Dirty War transpired during the Reagan years, with
Reagan doing nothing about the genocide committed against the Argentinian people.
Thus, Reagan's track record shows that he would have looked the other way, as soon
as Assad unleashed his chemical ordnance upon his own people.




The Reagan administration provided Hussein with intelligence disclosures, as to the
Iranians' battlefield locations, during the long Iran/Iraq War.  In the process, Reagan
served the function hypocrite, in having his personnel condemn Hussein publicly, all
the while accommodating him privately with the gassing of Iranian positions.




The United States and the nation of Iraq were signatories of the 1925 Geneva Protocol.
This is a treaty which banned the use of asphyxiating chemicals in warfare.  So, Ronald
Reagan, liar that he was, hid the fact that, without the technology of the United States,
Saddam Hussein wouldn't have been successful at gassing the Iranians.  This assistance
constituted Reagan bieng an accomplice in violating the Geneva Protocol.

Now, when a nation signs a treaty, it becomes law.  The signing nation is bound to the
treaty, by law.  So, Reagan violated United States law in the case of Saddam Hussein.

In addition, the Republicans made Reagan look like a mighty lion who would not re-
treat from anywhere or back down to anyone.  Well, Reagan pulled the U.S. marines
out of Lebanon, after having put them there to serve the function of scarecrows.  The
problem is that they were sitting ducks, 241 of whom died at the hands of merely one
terrorist act.  In as much, Reagan's track record shows that he would NOT have stood
up to Assad in any capacity.  After all, the Syrians weren't white enough for Reagan's
concern, in the first place.

Proof that the previous statement was true, and not merely sarcastic snideness, Ronald
'Racist' Reagan vetoed the Comprehensive Apartheid Act.  In addition, while campaign-
ing for the governorship of California, he defended 'the right' of white home owners to
refuse to sell their homes to African-American buyers.  In the 1960's, there were places
called "Restricted Neighborhoods."  It meant "White Only."  Reagan defended racism
in the 1960s.

Back to Reagan's complicity in the violation of the 1925 Geneva Protocol:




The tactics of Iran's notorious Ayatollah Khomeini were not foreseen by the authors
of the Geneva Protocol, because no one would have expected the rise of a ruthless
dictator who would have the youth of his nation walk unarmed into land mines and
enemy machine gun fire.  This tactic was referred to as the Human Wave Tactic.

Yes, thousands of Iranian citizens would literally be recruited to be sacrificial lambs
and walk into Iraqi machine gun fire, as well as in mine fields.  The tactic would re-
suIt in Iraqi machine guns overheating, buckling, and locking.  Therefore, the only
way to stop a human wave, concluded the Iraqis, was by chemical ordnance.  Of
course, a B-52 air raid could have decimated the wave, but that tactic was for the
world powers who could afford strategic bombing techniques.

Keep in mind that the human wave of Iranians constituted a threat to the lives and
safety of Iraqi soldiers.  They became belligerent soldiers, themselves.  Thus, it was
permitted to fire upon them.  It's just that the 1925 Geneva Protocol did NOT antici-
pate someone as lawless as the Iranian dictator who, in the name of religion, sent
unarmed civilians to certain death.  HOWEVER, Hussein dedicated himself to the
annihilation of the Kurds in the north of Iraq.   This is where the line was drawn,
ethically speaking.  This policy cannot be defended in any court of public opinion.

This extermination campaign against the Kurds endured from 1986 to 1989.  It con-
sisted in sending Kurdish males to "detention camps," such as the one in Kirkuk.  It
was very intense times that didn't get detailed press in the West.  None the less, the
Iranian ayatollah of the 1980s manipulated the assassination of Egyptian president,
Anwar Sadat.  He targeted Sadat for assassination, simply because Sadat called him
a mad man on commercial television ... CBS newsman Mike Wallace who ended up
being treated for severe depression, allegedly because Vietnam chief of staff, Gen-
eral Westmoreland sued Mike for liable.  However, Mike Wallace triggered the
words which got Sadat killed.

During Ronald Reagan's final year as president, on the eve of Saint Patrick's Day,
the Iraqis committed chemical genocide upon a region that fell out of the hands
of the Iraqi government two days prior.  It started on March, 16, 1988, in Halabja,
northern Iraq.  There were 10,000 to 15,000 casualties, 3,000 to 5,0000 of whom
were fatalities.  Lingering illness resulted.  Even ten years after the attack, there
were about 700 people who remained ill.

The United Kingdom expressly stated that punitive actions against Iraq would have
a detrimental effect.  The policy was to continue to have dialogue and interaction
with Hussein.  Of course, the United States previously helped England during the
Falkland Island War.  So, no one was going to expect England to have a policy con-
trary to Reagan's policy.  Of course, Margaret Thatcher, the British prime minister
infamous for siding with dictators was in power at the time.

Documents dating as far back as 1983 show that the United States government was
well aware that Hussein was using chemical weaponry.  In fact, the genocide cam-
paign against the Kurds began two calendar years before the Halabja chemical at-
tack.  Yet, Reagan didn't intervene.  He basically gave Hussein a proverbial blank
check ... a get out of jail free card.  Thus, if Reagan would have put his first down,
concerning Saddan Hussein, we would never have been the two Iraq wars.  This
is because Hussein was emboldened by Reagan's negligence and complicity.

Reagan most certainly set up the world for the first Iraq War, but only in combina-
tion with the fact that George Bush I told the Hussein regime that its dispute with
Kuwait was not the Americans' concern.  Hussein took that message to be a green
light for invasion.  After all, Hussein used chemical weaponry repeatedly, with no
objection from the United States government.  Thus, Reagan's complicity with
Hussein is what created a middle eastern Frankenstein ... a pit bull unleashed
again Iran. 

As Argentina goes, so goes the world ... spoken in the early 20th Century

Let us not forget that the Argentinian Dirty War transpired during the Reagan years,
with Reagan doing nothing about it ... about the genocide committed against the Ar-
gentinian people.  Thus, Reagan's track record shows that he would have looked the
other way, as soon as Assad unleashed his chemical ordnance upon his own people.




Reagan's support of the Pinochet dictatorship, in obstructing 
any justice to be administrated upon the Chilean tyrant.

During Reagan's first year in office, he abrogated ... rescinded ... made null and void
the sanctions that the Carter administration imposed upon Pinochet's Chile.  Reagan's
excuse for supporting dictators who committed crimes against humanity was that he
was fighting the injustices of Soviet Russian expansionism.  Thus, in the name of
justice, Reagan allowed criminal injustices.




Reagan became another George Wallace, Strom Thurmond, and Jefferson Davis in
vetoing the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986.  In fact, he became the
trio of racism a month earlier, in a vehement speech condemning the congression-
al act.  The act officially included the US Congress calling for the release of polit-
ical prisoner, Nelson Mandela.  Thus, Reagan had no problem with the idea of
Nelson Mandela being a prisoner perpetually.


America, you need to stop worshiping the buffoon and coward, Ronald Reagan, be-
cause collective psychosis turns nations into mutations of Nazi Germany.

In conclusion, FoxNews once again aired a person who lied about Reagan, making
that pathetically remedial actor look like the Messiah of humanity.  Reagan did on-
ly a few good things ... most of which were done at the prompting of Tip O'Neill.

None the less, by his actions one could tell that Reagan despised equality.  He did
did what it took to bring back a robber baron class to the States, solely out of his
apparent disrespect for the working man ... including the workers who built air
ports, docks, bridges, and skyscrapers ... who farmed the fields and maintained
the orchards ... who kept automobiles from being death traps ... who delivered
material to stores, hospitals, and construction sites ... who kept society from
turning into a mass of chaos.  All that Reagan did was create a rust belt.

April 15, 2017

France had an empire and still exists. There is no more Confederacy.

                             In re:  The conservative right wing's hatred toward the French.
Gettysburg was the beginning of the South going down on its knees.
During the government shut down of 2013, a Republican politician, in the spirit that preceded the burning of Atlanta, spoke of his resolve in this way: "We're not French.  We don't surrender."  He surrendered.

Southerners surrendered during the first American Civil War, to the tune of 462,634 troops, twice the number as Union troops.  It's Southerners who are the cowards, hiding behind their guns.  

All in all,  Americans do NOT appreciate the aggressive operatives in our country trashing our European allies.  In as much, I would like to take the opportunity to apologize to the French, on behalf of Americans, for the insults hurled at you from those who live between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans also, but who have zero sense of civility.  I am so sorry that they repeatedly did that to you.  My dad had the kindest regards for you, and he was a decorated Air Force combat vet who witnessed fellow airmen literally go up in flames or hurl down toward the earth in a black trail of smoke..

The United States Needs France.
It Does NOT Need the Oppressive South.

For the record, I lived in the South for the vast majority of ten years, heading back to the North for a few Spring/Summer months.  I even then returned to the former Confederate South for a while, to the Shenandoah Valley.  Thus, I have experience with the Southern mindset, up close and personally.  Thank God for the North and West.

I can assure that we can do well without North and South Carolina.  But, we can't do will without France or England.  Add the Netherlands and Belgium, too.   In fact, I would love to see America substantiate an alliance with the Ukraine.  In as much, if you're an American vehemently against the idea of having foreign allies. then I can assure you that you're an inbreeder at heart.  

All in all, the South has always been detrimental to the United States.   The South has been a total pain.  If it  were to secede from the Union, it would be doing America a favor.  Northerners would be spared of a lot of tax dollars draining into the good ole boy South.

Let us begin:

In the proud, stubborn, and very short-lived Confederacy,  the national pastimes came to be:  1} primitive surgery,  2} surrendering,  3} watching its cities burn; literally.  NO joke.  No sarcastic statement.  The South was completely conquered and completely at the mercy of the North.  They still are.  The Northern states are the taxpayer states.  The Southern states are the tax-taker states.  The South has been leeching off of the North, and then the Sean Hannitys of this world get
the rural dwellers to believe the exact opposite of the statistical truth.

In contrast, the France whom the typical neo-confederate mocks, still had free forces throughout WWII, along with an effective underground network.  In fact, during the Battle of France, in 1940, the allies inflicted heavy casualties upon the Germans.  The Germans did NOT stroll into Paris.  

The historian tally for Nazi German casualties during the Battle of France (1940) was  27,074 KILLED and 111,037 wounded.  Thus, the French weren't the pansies that the White Trash and ornery right wingers of America made them out to be.  

During the Battle of France, the German Luftwaffe lost 1,129 aircraft in combat, according to the official stats.  So, it is a fatal error to think of the French as push-overs.  I would fight next to a Frenchman in a heartbeat.  I'm never willing to fight next to any Southerner who is not from Louisiana or Texas or the northern half of Mississippi.  Period.  As far as goes the eastern part of the American South, no dice.  
Spare me.

Even during the Battle for the Hague, in the Netherlands, the Germans lost half of its 8,000 paratroopers to death and prisoner-of-war status.  In their capturing of Holland, Belgium, and France, the Germans lost more troops and aircraft than assumed by those who never looked at a history report on the subject.

One more thing:  The French almost won the Battle of Waterloo.  The Prussians showed-up at 4 in the afternoon.  That was when the French split their forces into two parts and weakened.  The stereotypical American Southerner is simply jealous and tells lies.  There is nothing American about Southerners.  To be American is to give people the chance to talk things out and figure out what's going-on.

Unlike the sum total of Confederate forces, the French Free Forces NEVER surrendered.  If this were not true, then Charles de Gaulle would have never become a household name in the decades to follow.  In the darkest hours that France was enduring, De Gaulle remained poised at recapturing Paris.  Thus, the Southerners of today have the untold ... and bratty ... audacity to mock the French, after all of the surrendering the South did.  Proof that Southerners have a history of cowardice exists in the white hoods that cover their faces during cross burnings.

Incidentally, the Nazis broke international law, in order to takeover Paris.  They went  through Belgian territory, and the French didn't think that the Germans would do so.  In as much, the Germans had to CHEAT, in order to beat the French.

The French Underground who never surrendered to the Nazis inflicted strategic damage upon the Nazi infrastructure, while keeping the Jedburgh airbase (in Ain) perfectly in tact.  Simultaneously, the French underground delivered to the allied command a lot of needed information, thereby saving thousands of allied lives.  This included the details of the Atlantic Wall.

Plus, the French rescued a lot of downed U.S. airmen.  The French rescued these airmen at their own peril, and is this the thanks that the  France get from America?  Only the Southern trash we find throughout the congressional seats of government would be so ungrateful.  Without the French underground, there would have never been the concise information direly needed by the 8th Army Air Force who ended up destroying Nazi Germany's war-making capacity.

The Confederates had raiders during the American Civil War, but they never came close to the operational effectiveness of the French underground in Nazi territory.  Moreover, the French had their nation returned to them in complete victory.  The South suffered a 100% loss, including the loss of cities by means of fires started and finished by Northerners who became tired of the games Southerners were 

In Light of the Oppressiveness of the Southern Mindset

I can assure you that a Rand Paul presidency or a TEA Party congress will result in far worse upheaval than that which was witnessed in 1968/69.  Southerners are very oppressive.  That is their history.

By the way,  Texans will be scheming to get the price of gasoline to rise to previously crippling levels.  That is when the North will blow a gasket, because the South has been leeching off the North and its higher population, all along.

Let us review:  There is STILL a landmass called France.  There is NO landmass called the Confederacy in any form of power, at all.  There are just cross burners in the woods.  In the end, the French were victorious in WWII.  They won back their nation and prevented many 8th Army Air Force debacles.  This White Trash Talk of the South must end.  They have been doing this since the end of the Civil

So, here is the situation:  The South suffered complete defeat, while hundreds of thousands of Southerners surrendered to Northerners.  Yet, the redneck congressmen had the audacity to mock the French who kept fighting at the Somme, the Marne, during the Siege of Parish, during the Norman conquest of the English, and at many other venues marked by French victories.  All in all, I would be willing to have American forces fight along side a Dutchman, a Frenchman, or an Italian before any unit of Southerners, being that the aforementioned Europeans would be much more adaptable on a battlefield, with a Plan B & Plan C ready to be employed.

If the French are a nation of surrendering sissies, 
then how do you explain the following?

1} Napoleon's army.   2} the Parisians who defeated the Danish Vikings during the Siege of Paris.   3}  Charles Martel,  4} Charlemagne,  5} William the Conquerer's French army,  6} Simon of Montfort,  7} Simon V of Montfort,  8}  Joan of Arc's army,  9} Gilbert du Moitier (also known as the Marquis of La Fayette),  10} the General Rochambeau who rescued George Washington from his military incompetence, 11} the French Underground,  12}  those Frenchmen who fought in the Battle of the Somme, as well as 13} the Battle of the Marne,  14} the French marine units who went over the Iraqi fire trenches during the First Gulf War, 15} the French Revolution, 16} the vast French Empire.

A lot of pampered Americans spoke as if they could easily take-on and subdue the French with a bag of Doritos in their hands, while listening to the rotund chicken hawk, drug addict, and college fail-out, Rush "the Viagra Smuggler" Limbaugh ... and doing so without breaking stride.  Firstly, America is the second fattest nation on earth, and Limbaugh is one of the pioneers in American obesity.  Secondly, on a per capita basis, the French have been taking home more Olympic medals than the Americans.  This is also the case with Australia and Hungary, as it applies to the Summer Olympics only.

Furthermore, a Special Forces American told me in Florida that the French special forces troops are the ones who are the most knowledgeable in war technology, while on the field.  Now, he said that the Italian special forces personnel are the acrobats of the Western allies, but it's the French who can improvise on the battle field, as if to be college professors.

In conclusion, you can call the French rude, but you can't call them a bunch of sissies.  Of course, the French enigma came from France losing to Hitler.  Well, jn order for the Nazis to conquer France, it had to bypass the massive Maginot Line, and break international law by invading France through neutral Belgium.

During the battle for Paris, 15% of the French  army was out of the equation manning the Maginot Line that the Nazis avoided, because they knew they couldn't beat the French in any one on one match.  The Nazis KNEW that they were no match for the French, in a head-to-head conflagration.  The French would have mangled their armored units.

Southern man, according to his own history, only understands low wages, good ole boy cronyism, crying wolf, using religion to deceive the people, lying about other people, lying about other nations, gerrymandering, complaining about environmental law, cross burning, lynch mobbing, despising the UN, and cursing international law.  Such is the mindset of an isolationist inbreeder.  Southerners do NOT deserve to be called Americans.   They would dismantle the United 
States and reestablish the Confederacy instantly, if they had a chance to do so.

Do not be deceived by their obsessive flag waving.  They would replace the Stars and Stripes with the Johnny Reb flag in one mere heartbeat ... from my personal observations ... in my opinion.

France:  A Imperial Power ... Unlike the Confederate South

A nation of sissies doesn't amass an empire reaching from Southeast Asia to Northern Africa to Central Africa to North America and the northern tip of South America.  Yes, even from the Three Rivers region of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to as far South as New Orleans, was French imperial territory.

The British Empire which was at its height shortly after World War I lost much of its influence.  In a dominoes effect, long after having lost America, it lost its jewel.  Its jewel was India.  Then, the United Kingdom lost its Opium War prize, Hong Kong, along with Burma (aka Myanmar), Ceylon, most of Ireland, Ghana, the Gold Coast, Kenya, Zanzibar, rainless Botswana, Gambia, Lesotho, Bahrain, Qatar, Tonga, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Belize, and other nations which have a right to independence.  Simply because the United Kingdom downsized itself, it does not make the English sissies.  The same goes for the French Empire.  Southerners always have to belittle someone, in order to make themselves feel great.

So, why would Americans think that the American Empire is immortal, especially now that it has been sabotaged by Reaganomics and the ensuring of long-term Trade Balance Deficit, as well as Johnny Reb politicians who did shutdown the federal government, in the Spirit of attacking Fort Sumter?

Any new West Hemisphere empire ... any replacement American empire in the near future, will either be that of Brazil or a new political entity in the landmass now recognized as the United States ... but such a land will have to weed out the backward, neo-confederate, self-seeking, good ole boy operatives.  

It was the Johnny Reb and the Jerry Falwell Fundamentalist who shutdown our federal government.  They then blamed it on Obama, as if we in the north are so stupid as to believe them.  Well, they're the ones with the embarrassing low SAT scores and every other type of test score.  In fact, high tech companies refused to relocate to South Carolina, because, according to the assessments, the state which started the first civil war didn't have people in the 21st Century intelligent enough to perform the high tech work.

The Ted Cruz Irony

Ted Cruz was hailed as the great prophet of the TEAS, and therefore, the great prophet of the Southern mindset.  What is wrong with this picture?  ANS:  Cruz prided himself on graduating from an Ivy league school ... a Yankee school ... a northern school.  Well, if the South is so superior, then Cruz must be regarded persona non gratis, for his Yankee influence.

The other irony of the South is that former Georgia congressman Newt Gingrich was a native of Harrisburg Pennsylvania.  That's near the Gettysburg which was the beginning of the end for the Johnny Rebs.

Southern politicians need to quit insulting our intelligences up here ... up here in the land of MIT, the Ivy League, the Big Ten, Lehigh, Pitt, Notre Dame, Case Western Reserve, the Cleveland Clinic, the Mayo Clinic, Mt. Sinai Med Center, the Seven Sister Colleges, Chicago Univ, Carnegie-Mellon, Williams College, Amherst, Swarthmore, Haverford, Middlebury, Colgate, Bowdoin, etc.  They also need to do something about the ridiculously high cost of a college education and end the college loan trap.

January 24, 2017

12.1% in 2011: The United States' lowest AVERAGE effective corporate tax rate in four decades.

Intro:  The following article is only confusing, because Americans believed in
good faith the lies told to them about corporate taxes ... throughout the 2012 Re-
publican Party primary debates.  The Republican presidential candidates paint-
ed the picture of a financial horror story to the point of crying out that the sky is
falling.  Well, in the Year 2011, the AVERAGE effective tax rate of American
corporations was a bargain basement 12.1%.

Concerning Republican propaganda and the infamous Romney 47% video, why
do people who have more than enough money complain about having to miss a
child's soccer game, in order to amass more money that isn't needed?  In addi-
tion, what extra time is acquired in making money of off interest-bearing notes?
The only answer to the first question is that they are people not grateful for what
they have, but who obsessively seek to consummate insatiable greed.  They see
themselves as not having enough money. 

The compulsive gambler and drug addict mind set of present corporate Ameri-
can resulted in an income disparity of 288.  This refers to the reports which re-
vealed that a member of the Economic 1% makes 288 times more income per
year than a median worker with a $57,000 yearly income.

The chart used to advocate the trickle-down theory of Reaganomics is the Laffer
Curve.  The root of the curve is 14th Century Tunisian philosopher, Ibn Khaldun. 
In fact, the charted curve looks like a roller coaster design.  None the less, the as-
sertion attached to the curve is that lowering business taxes will result in added
investment on the part of business, thereby creating jobs in the process.  The ad-
ditional investment would then result in profits and wages.  In turn, the added
profits and new wages would result in additional tax revenue.

The problem today is that history has repeatedly illustrated that the Laffer Curve
assertion is invalid in the presence of widespread outsourcing and overseas tax
havens.  This is because much of the added money-in-hand is sent overseas, cre-
ating a drain on the nation's money supply.  In as much, corporate dollars have
NOT been trickling down. They were going overseas, thanks to a Newt Gingrich
who advocated a practice which has regarded as a crime against humanity in the
Nuremberg trials.  America's corporate management adopted the "take the money
and run" policy.

Now, the Laffer Curve's main assertion is based on an assumption about human
behavior that was disproved during the Clinton Years.  It assumed that corpor-
ate management was going to take the newly available corporate dollars and in-
vest them in America.  Overseas tax havens and foreign sweatshop profiteering
wasn't in the original equation.  Now, concerning Reagan's trickle-down theory,
know that the circular "flow of income & expenditures" is NOT a matter of mon-
ey trickling-down or drying-up.  It's a matter of injection vs. leakage into and
out of the circular flow that is illustrated at the beginning of any introductory
economics school book. 

              The Lowest Effective Corporate Tax Rate in Decades

The effective corporate tax rate of 2011 was its lowest in 40 years, at 12.1%.
This means that 2012 should have resulted in the highest job creation in dec-
ades.  It didn't do so, despite the fact that the effective U.S. corporate tax rate
is among the lowest on earth.

Now, in 2010 and 2011, corporations were permitted to instantly deduct the
sum total of new equipment, instead of depreciating it through the years.  In
2012, the immediate deduction will be 50%.  Due to this, it is assumed that
the effective tax rate of 2012 will be the usual 25.6%.  The door for added
employment was open in 2011 and 2012.  There was a bit of job creation,
but not the amount that the Laffer Curve theory would predict. 

The link to an outline of the 2010 effective tax rates of 280 corporations is
posted below.  It gives some insight to the present economy.


See also: 


The New York Times reported six weeks before the start of the Occupy Wall
Street Movement that workers' wages were declining,  while corporate profits
were rising.  Thus, even though the final thesis statements of the movement were
in need of radical amendment, the movement itself was the result of cause and
effect.  Very simply, the movement was the result of college graduates being im-
mersed in college loan debt, while being deprived of the income needed to pay-
off the loans.

The reason for the movement was very simple, yet not universal enough in its
scope of issues to have succeeded .  None the less, the OWS Movement was
a warning call to the upper economic echelons of society.  The call was ignored.


In addition, corporate profits reached record profits in the 3rd quarter of 2011,
to the tune of $1.97 trillion.  In the same quarter, worker output rose 3.2% (as is
measured in annual terms).  Yet, the workers' share of new income fell to 57.1%. 
Before the Year 2000, it was approximately 63.9%.  The bottom line is that work-
ers were not getting paid commensurately.

The summary is that real income amongst workers decreased, while U.S. corpor-
ations reached record profits.  There was no trickle-down parity occurringonly
the presence of greed.  A case in point comes from the U.S. Congressional Bud-
get Office.  It reported that the income of the richest 1% rose 275% from 1979
to 2009.  Recent reports from media sources placed the number at 288%.)  In
contrast, the income of the bottom 20% rose no more than 20% during the same
time span.  Thus, the phenomenon of American income disparity is quantitative.



Even though there's an element of validity in the Laffer Curve, there is NO basis
in reality for the "trickle-down" mechanism, being that money travels sideways
in a circular flow (and NOT vertically in any type of economic caste system king
of the hill game).  Economics students learn this during the introductory week of

An economist has the task of watching for impediments to the circular flow, as
well as watching for leaks draining money away from the flow.  Equilibrium is
the economist's goal.  In as much, a continuous Trade Balance Deficit, as the one
that the American economy has been experiencing for consecutive decades, is a
huge leak of the circular flow.  It's like a hole in a ship's haul.  This means that
right wing operatives have the moral obligation to cease blaming unemployment
on America's unemployed.  FAIR trade and FAIR exchange is what is essential
in economics.  The "free trade" label used by Republican politicians refers to
none other than trade that is free of regulation.  It refers to trade that is free of

"Free trade" simply means being free of  a watchdog that would otherwise pre-
vent you from profiting from the gross injustices seen since the days of Newt
Gingrich.  Therefore, the "Free Trade" logo is as bogus as is the "right to
work state" label.

As a reminder, a right to work state is nothing more the typical union-busting
low-wage state.  A right to work state is a permission slip to keep the worker
far less protected than the norms of civilization require.  Such states result in a
large population of the working poor.  This includes large numbers of the 47%
who were maliciously and fallaciously treated with contempt by Mitt Romney
and right wing activists.  The irony of the "free trade" label is that it thrived
on slave labor.  Money made this way was money made by cheating.

January 22, 2017

Senate Filibuster Stats

The Senate's minority party fiddling away while the proverbial Rome burns

Filibuster is a Dutch word which means 'pirate.'  It refers to a minority senator hog-
ging the floor and speaking for an inordinately long time, in order to prevent a vote
being cast which will  result in the majority party passing the law presented for vot-
ing.  Segregationist Strom Thurmond holds the record for time on the floor, prevent-
ing a vote from being cast.

A filibuster consists in abusing the no-time-limit rule of a senator speaking on the
floor.  It is ended by means of motioning for cloture and then obtaining at least a
3/5 vote of present senators. Well, the 110th Congress saw its senator file for over
a hundred motions for cloture, for the first time in history ... 139.  The 110th Con-
gress existed in 2007/2008.  The 109th Congress only filed 68 motions, in compar-

During Barack Obama's first term, there were 247 motions for cloture filed in the
Senate, meaning that there were 247 filibusters.  During George Walker Bush's
first term, there were 133.   During Bill Clinton's first term, 162 were filed.  Dur-
ing George Bush Seniors first and only term, there were 98.  During Ronald Rea-
gan's first term, there were 72.  During Jimmy Carter's only term, there were 53.
In contrast, during Ike's eight years in office, there were only  2.  During FDR's
12 and 1/3 years in office, there were 5.

The latest year when there was no filibuster at all in the senate was 1959.  In fact,
July 24, 1954 and March 7, 1960, there were no motions for cloture at all, mean-
ing that there were no cited filibusters.  If there were any during that time, they
were ignored by the official records.


Note:  There are no U.S. House of Representative filibusters, because there is a
time limit for a representative to speak on the floor.

January 21, 2017

Exceptional Hypocrites

The individual in the buggy believed herself to be exceptional
and the rest of us unclean heathens.   Yet,  she did not object
to using the heathen road and slowing traffic to a virtual halt.

American Exceptionalsm is
Chauvinism; a bumper sticker
phrase used in 2012 that pro-
longed the polarization of the
Bush/Cheney years.

Several advancements came
from foreign-born inventors,
such as Farnsworth, Fermi,
Graham Bell, Volta, Faraday,
Marconi, and Tesla.
America is a land of immigrants.  It's the world in miniature.  Thus, the concept of
isolating America high on a 'shining hill' is a contradiction to what this nation signi-

The idea of American Exceptionialism amounts to a trickle-down caste system.  It
accentuates the Republican Party's trademark animosity toward immigration per se.
In fact, if the Republican Party of today had its way in the 1930s, Albert Einstein
would have been denied a visa and Oppenheimer would have eventually vanished
in a Nazi concentration camp.

If the Republican Party had any wisdom, it would have showcased America as the
place where you get the best of all worlds, all cultures, and all ethnic backgrounds.
But no.  The Republican Party had to morph into the Southern Democratic Party.
It had to incorporate into its thought patterns the bigotry that prevailed during the
George Wallace years, the Strom Thurmond years, the cross burning years, the
lynch mob years, the chattel slavery years, etc.

The phrase insinuates White Anglo Saxon Supremacy.  Well, there are Asian Amer-
icans,  African Americans,  Latins Americans, Arabian Americans, Scandinavian
American , Western European Americans,  Eastern European Americans, Native
Americans,  and a few arctic polar bears in American zoos :-).  In as much, the es-
sence of America is EqualityNOT conceited, elitist, superior-race, trickle down

Furthermore, if not for a few French military men, such as Rochambeau & Gilbert
(the legendary Marquis of Lafayette), there would be no United States, due to the
incredible incompetency of the American generals at the time ... including George
"Brooklyn Heights" Washington who was outflanked so badly by the British that
no reasonable person could take him seriously.  In as much, George Patton was
America's military genius not George Washington and definitely not the George
Clinton whose job it was to evade the British until the French navy came to the
rescue at Yorktown.

The other reality check is that not all American regions are alike.  Have you ev-
er heard of the word, Redneck?  That's exceptional?   No one thinks so.  In fact,
have you ever heard of the word, 'ghetto?'  Well, that's an indictment on Ameri-
can government and big business.  After all, there's nothing exceptional about
any business that makes its windfall profits on the sweat of exploited factory
workers overseas and in Mexico.  In like fashion, there's nothing exceptional
about any government who allows such criminal profiteering, in violation of
the Nuremberg case authority's Count #6 ... namely slave labor.

Why does America seem indifferent to the fact that endocrine disruptor chemicals
are a trademark of the water supplies here?  Why does it ignore the obscenely high
U.S. Trade Balance Deficit?   In fact, why is there no plan to undo exorbitant col-
lege loan debts that impair America's ability to achieve the American Dream on a
mass scale?  ... high gasoline prices that yield high oil company profits? ... the fact
that the 2012 minimum wage carried 30% less purchasing power than did the 1968
minimum wage? ... the size of the DOD, CIA, & HLS budget? ...  the level of gang
membership and related criminal activity?   ...  income disparity?  ...  an unlimited
& disparate campaign donation system that takes the financially impoverished out
of all public debates?  ... exorbitant hospital expenses?  ... the rise in Autism?  ... the
rise in Asthma?  ... the highest incarceration rate on Planet Earth? ... the lowest SAT
scores in history?  American Exceptionalism is merely a smoke screen.

In re:  The 1968 min wage vs the 2013 min wage, regarding purchasing power:

In re:  America's historically low SAT scores:

The aforementioned things are concurring indications of negligence and manipu-
lation, on the part of today's politicians and their revolving door lobbyists; not
exceptionalism in any capacity whatsoever, except for exceptional evil being
committed at the good ole boy crony level.  America needs to clean-up its act
on a molecular level, a financial level, a societal level, an academic level, an
ethical level, etc.  As an example of corruption in the U.S. Congress, front and
center, see:

In sequence, the United States is the second fattest nation on this planet, and
it recently was #1 in obesity.  This indicates that America is either the second
most lazy nation on earth or the second most estrogenated nation on earth or
the second most stressed-out nation on earth.  Well, the cancer rate of Ameri-
ca, in combination with its obesity rate, would indicate that its a matter of
Americans being inundated with endocrine disruptor chemicals which hap-
pen to fuel cancer and increase weight-gain.

After all, "the pill" is never filtered out of the water supply, due to technological
limitations.  In like fashion, chemically laden fragrance products are estrogenated,
and America is presently obsessed with these depositories of estrogenated chemi-
cals, at a 24 hour a day, seven day a week rate, be their plug-ins, clip-ons, sprays,

Next comes the FBI's 2011 Gang Threat Assessment statistics for America, and
that statistical fact that SAT test scores in America are at a historical low.  Add
to this the fact that the present American youth is a circus of tattooed freaks.


More than one person spoke about the new phenomenon of gluttonous fragrance
products reeking out of cars, brought to us by the generation that huffed Scotch
Guard and drank cough syrup excessively, for the cheap high it brings:

One young and healthy-looking deli clerk said that she choked a few times when
a fragrance-gaudy car stopped near her.  Another young and healthy-looking lady
interested in soccer confirmed that today's parking lots are riddled with gluttonous
smelling cars, and did so with her eyes wide open.  Her manager did the same.

A sporting goods sales woman spoke of how those cars triggered her asthma, even
to the point of mentioning that she was able to detect the Febreze clip-on at a nota-
ble distance, with her husband being a witness to her respiratory radar.  A health
food store cashier spoke of how the cars of fragrance gluttons gave her splitting
headaches.  This makes America the most inconsiderate and obnoxious nation on
earth, as obnoxious as anger-provoking radio talk show hosts.  Rush Limbaugh
set a very hateful example.  Incidentally, "Excellence in Broadcasting" was a
Pittsburgh radio station's motto plagiarized by the very uncreative Limbaugh.
Yes, Limbaugh was a Pittsburgh DJ in the early 70s, shortly before FM rock
stations emerged.  At the time, he was with an AM station called KQV.

At present, America needs a thorough house-cleaning, and not further name-calling
sessions, via radio talk shows which cry 'wolf' between commercials.  Flag waving
only attempts to hide the evils which need to be undone in America ASAP.  There
are people who have been trying.  But, the obstructionist Congress (Congress #112)
kept sabotaging all efforts, including efforts to rescue Detroit and resuscitate Cleve-
land.  Meanwhile, the US Trade Balance Deficit keeps rising at the rate of helium.

The truth is that advancements in technology depend on individuals, circumstances,
and opportunities, and not if whether you're American or not.  Plus, if Paul Ryan and
Rand(y) Paul believe so much in American exceptionalism,  then why don't they get
Americans to make the products that sit on American retail store shelves, instead of
letting big business exploit extremely underpaid foreign labor?  Why don't they get
Americans to be the customer service reps that are called at night, so that we can ac-
tually understand the accent of the customer reps whom we call?

Incidentally, Rand(y) Paul was only an eye doctor, and yes, he refused to dismiss
the verbose neo-confederate man from his staff.  This made national mainstream
news.  Now, if Rand(y) Paul should be president or senator, then we should make
all eye doctors senator or president.  In reality, to be a head of state you need to
be a Renaissance man or woman.  If you want to be the mayor of Mayberry, then
being an eye doctor will suffice.

Now, ophthalmology is an important profession, but so too is engineering, nursing,
auto mechanics, heavy equipment operating, computer programming, & plumbing.
So, why not make members of all of those important trades president or senator?
The truth is that you can only have one head of state.  Rand Paul isn't the one for
America or any other reasonably minded nation.  He would bring zero fraternity;
only division in a house already divided.

January 16, 2017

The greatest feats of humanity were all government projects.

In Marco Rubio's counterpoint
speech, spoken after the 2013
State of the Union address on
behalf of the Republican Party,
he asserted the post-Nixon-era
postulation that a national econ-
omy rooted in government will
inhibit technological progress;
and that government regulation
only suppresses creativity, while
stifling the economy.
The definitive response to his declarative statement is simple:

1} the Hoover Dam, 2} the Panama Canal, 3} NASA,  4} the Manhattan Project,
5} the Tennessee Valley Project, 6} the Great Wall of China,  7} the B-2 Bomber,
8} the Trans-Siberian Railway, 9} the English Channel Tunnel, 10} the Pan Amer-
ican Highway, 11} the Oresund Bridge that makes a dry road connection between
Denmark & Sweden,

12} the Erie Canal, 13} Christopher Columbus' rediscovery of America, funded
solely through the Spanish government, 14} Lewis & Clark's Corps of Discovery
Expedition, 15} the ARPANET which is now called the Internet, 16}  the micro-
chip, 17} Global Positioning System satellites, 18} the Apollo moon landings,
19} the Mars Exploration Rover, 20} vaccines,  21} Magellan's Pacific Passage
Voyage, 22} the discovery of the tectonic plates,  23} the discovery of RADAR,

24} the Human Genome Project which was a joint venture between two sovereign
nations, namely the U.S. & the U.K.,  26} the Lighthouse of Alexandria,  27} the
National Radio Astronomy Observatory,  28} the entire CERN operation (Conseil
Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) which happens to be a twelve nation pro-
ject,  28} the United States 6th Army,  29} the United States 7th Fleet,  29} the
United States 8th Air Force,  30} the United States 9th Marine Regiment, 31} the
Hubble Space Telescope,  32} the Voyager 1 Spacecraft which has reached inter-
stellar space, 33+} much more.

Add to this the Rickenbacker Causeway, the Melbourne Causeway, the Courtney
Campbell Causeway, the Sanibel Causeway, the historic Appian Way, the Cassian
Way, the Flaminian Way, and every inch of the 160,955 miles of U.S. highway that
neither the easily deceived Marco nor the pushy Sean Hannity nor Rush Oxycontin
Limbaugh would have at their trickle-down disposal, if it weren't for federal govern-
ment intervention.  Ironically, man landed on the moon under Republican Richard
Nixon.  Of course, today's Republican Party is no longer the party of Nixon, Ford,
Eisenhower, and Lincoln.  It's now the Dixiecrat Party;  the Southern Democrats in
another venue, being that they could not reconcile with the late 1960s' Democratic
advances in civil rights legislation.

Now, the one criteria absolutely essential for a great economy is flowing currency.
This refers to currency not being horded in overseas tax havens.  In as much, the
overseas tax haven system, coupled with foreign sweatshop labor profiteering, is
what causes a bleeding economy, as well as causing the Multiplier Effect to go in
reverse, thereby causing the money supply to constrict.  It's air being let out of a

All foreign trade needs to be a two-way street.  When one trading nation imposes
tariffs on the other trading nation, while the other trading nation allows low-waged
labor merchandise to flood its market places, the slave merchandise nation bleeds
money into the tariff-imposing nation.  Thus was the system that lead to the 2008
economic crisis.

Jump slightly back in time, to the 2013 State of the Union Address.  The president
made mention of manufactured economic crises.  Concerning the state of America
in recent years, Obama expressly stated, "... rebuilding from one crisis, to see elect-
ed officials cause another."  He acknowledged that certain players orchestrated the
economic crises that has defined the modern world.  After all, oil futures speculators
and Phil Gramm were the causes of the drastic and sudden rise in petroleum prices.
The Phil Gramms of  this world betrayed the rule of seeking the Common Good, in
preference to line the pockets of a select and corrupt few.

This brings us to the president's proposal on the minimum wage which Ronald Rea-
gan kept frozen throughout his presidencyBarack proposed a $9 an hour minimum
wage.  His thesis statement behind his proposal was, "No one who works full time 
should  have to live in poverty."  Barack additionally stated that United States feder-
al law should "tie minimum wage to the cost of living, so that it finally becomes a 
wage you can live  on."

Raising the wages of workers will put dollars into the economyNo one will lose if
the workers of the United States all get paid a livable wage.  It will result in  more of
of those wage dollars ending up in cash registers throughout America.  This money is
known as disposable income, and the increased circulating dollars is known as an in-
jection into the circular flow of currency.  The added wages will result in added tax
revenue and added FICA payments.  All in all, this increases the Multiplier Effect.

Thus, the Republican policy of NAFTA and Asian sweatshop labor exploitation is
the #1 factor that is continuing to destroy the American economy.  The Republicans
kept causing the multiplier effect to go in reverse.  Republicans are misers, constrict-
ing the money supply, and hording the money for themselves.  This is why, in the cir-
cular flow of history, there regularly occurs Nuremberg type trials.

Obama additionally pointed out that there will be far less need of government wel-
fare and food stamp programs if American workers make a livable wage.  This takes
the economic pressure off of all of America.  The One Percent have been causing this
pressure and grief all along.

Let us go to the Reaganomic thesis statement of "trickle down economics."  Recent
history proved it to be entirely erroneous.  As was explained previously at this site,
Reaganomics was a prediction of wealthy persons' behavior, based on the subjective
Laffer Curve.  Reagan claimed that, if you  make the rich richer, they would take the
extra wealth and invest it in businesses that would create many new American jobs.
This was referred to as the Trickle Down Effect.

As recent history has shown, the added wealth did NOT trickle down to the Ameri-
can people.  It trickled out, into overseas tax havens and those foreign nations that
allowed the exploitation of labor.   The American infrastructure suffered greatly
from all the tax loopholes that deprived the federal government of revenue.  None
the less, tax incentives which reward companies for creating livable waged Ameri-
can job are needed.  The return of some type of manufactury to America in signifi-
cant proportions is needed.  What was reported in Barack's 2013 State of the Union
Address was that a handful of American corporations were bringing back manufac-
turing operations to the United States.  This is essential for America in a larger scale.

NOW ... the important point to this article is that the trickling out of American cur-
rency is still in progress.  It's the previously mentioned musical chairs game where
chair after chair after chair after chair is pulled out from under worker after worker
after worker after worker.  The bath tub draining is still occurring.  That drain must
stop or else it will eventually get to a point where too many people are left out in the
cold.  Economics is not rocket science.  Beware of those who pretend it's based on
magicians' tricks.