February 6, 2024

An Examation Report

The Chemically Sensitive Woman with More
Than a Dozen Objective Medical Findings:

Let us review.  The stereotypical pro-chemical and pro-corporate
propaganda has repeatedly been that chemically sensitive persons
have no objective medical findings to validate their symptoms, de-
spite the fact that RAST TESTING includes tests for chemical al-
lergies ... despite the recognition of Reactive Airways Dysfunction
Syndrome ... despite the fact that the golden rule for diagnosing
Irritant-associated Vocal Cord Dysfunction is the very objective 
Fiberoptic Rhinolaryngoscopy ... and despite the existence of the 
diagnosis of Occupational Asthma due to Low Weight Molecular 

Posted below is one of  the pages in the medical record of  the pa-
tient high-lighted in The Chemically Sensitive Woman Who Has
More Than a Dozen Objective Medical Findings.  The report
records grossly enlarged turbinates, shoddy adenopathy, and a 
thickened coating over the dorsum of  tongue, among other things.
Quite frankly,  the grossly enlarged turbinates were enough to illu-
strate the presence of  a physical illness.   In the total tally, her med
records report her as having:

- Wheezing.
- Tachycardia.
- Hypopotassemia.
- Gruntled breathing.
- Rales and crackles.
- Erythematous uvula.
- Blistering of the tongue.
- Grossly enlarged turbinates.
- Erythema of the oropharynx.
- Edema of the true vocal cords.
- Adenopathy in the left postauricular region.
- Thickened coating over the dorsum of the tongue.
- Productive response in Spiriva challenge testing.
- A circumscribed nodule in the left occipital region.
- A firm 1x1 cm nodule in the right postauricular region.
- A couple additional findings consistent with Rhinitis.

The bottom line concerning this woman is that, whatever be her ill- 
ness, it's one of  a physical nature and not a matter of  psychiatric
illness.   The more universal bottom line is that there are chemically
sensitive people who have objective medical findings that validate
their sufferings.  In all such cases, allegations of  mental illness con-
stitute a defamation of  character hurled against an entire class of
people.   Clicking on the photo below will enable you to read the
medical report.  In addition, Glossitis mentioned in the following 
report is inflammation of the tongue.

Case Closed, due to a technicality

Late in the Year 2010 the woman's son was in an auto accident sever-
al states away from Tennessee.  Plus, by this time, the woman had al-
ready moved to the East Coast.  Now, the hearing was scheduled dur-
ing the time when she still tending to her son, in his need.  The judge
refused to grant a continuance, stating that the case had been granted
so many continuances already that no more could be granted.  How-
ever, it was the corporation's defense attorneys who kept requesting
the continuances, stalling the case.  The woman never asked for a
continuance until the time of her son's automobile collision.     

February 5, 2024

The Real Health Hazards : Petro & synthetic chemicals : the sensitizers : bioaccumulative ones : the PAH's : PB residue ... and all the Hysteria.

Geometric marvels can be found in the smallest places.

Let's review:  CO2 is the big bad wolf of a con artist's design.  In reality, it is the unlocking key to photosynthesis which enables life to flourish throughout Planet Earth.  It's radiative forcing is a mild 3.7 watts per meter squared.  It's presence in the atmosphere no greater than 0.042%.  In contrast, Nitrogen is 78%, Oxygen is 21%, and Argon is .93%.  Those three elements, alone, take-up 99.93% of the Troposphere's space.

In addition, CO2 exists in three individual types of vibration modes.  In one of those modes of vibration, CO2 is incapable of retaining infrared heat.  And in the vastest regions of the oceans (9,000 ft downward for the Atlantic, Pacific, & Indian Ocean --- and 7,000 ft downward for Southern Ocean) CO2 is incapable of heating the ocean's water, which, at those depths, is a constant 39F.   

Plus, tremendous storms and long droughts have occurred throughout the past, when CO2 levels were much lower than today's 421 ppm.  These weather catastrophes occurred when CO2 was 280, 300, and 320 ppm.  

In fact, Al Gore predicted that hurricanes would get much worse in the years to come.  Well, here's a newsflash:  Ever since record-keeping on cyclone wind speed began, the number of Category 5 hurricanes to make landfall in the United States was a grand total of . . .  4.  Four.  No more than four.  Al Gore was significantly wrong.  They were the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, Hurricane Camille (1969), Andrew in 1992, and Michael, in 2018.  Therefore, only ONE Category 5 hurricane made landfall in the United States, since Al Gore's 2006 movie which predicted many more higher-windspeed hurricanes.  Gore was once again wrong.

==>    "If you are an environmentally conscientious person, and if you are radically set on diagnosing the Earth's health, based on CO2 levels, then you are a dog chasing its tail.  So, if you want to end the production of all gasoline and diesel fuel, on account of CO2, then you have been hideously deceived, by very unconscionable people who want to use the youth's absence of experience, to make a lot of money." 

===> "However, if you want to end the common use of the gasoline and diesel engines, on account of their proliferation of petrochemicals and similar antagonists to health, then you are in the correct lane.  In fact, you're at least half right to two-thirds right.   You need to understand the concept of filtration.  Secondly, you need to understand that any transition must be done in phases, and NOT all at once.  Plus, the corporations being phased-out must be given accommodations to also change into the replacement technology."

You exhale about 2.3 lbs of carbon dioxide per day.  Now, I don't see your classrooms catching on fire.  I don't see your home burning down.  In fact, you exhale CO2 at least 6 million times a year.  So, what are you going to do about leaving behind a carbon footprint every time you exhale?  Are you going to stop breathing?  Or are you going to realize that you're being punked by scientists looking for lucrative taxpayer dollar funding?

Now remember, if you are overjoyed over the $370 BILLION "climate assistance" that the Congress appropriated to the Michael Mann People, Al Gore People, etc, know that your generation is the one who is going to have to pay for the $370 billion.  When, you get older, you're realize how much of a con game this was ... just like the Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction alarm.  Everyone but a handful believed every false thing the media was telling us about post-millennia Iraq.

The New Form of Energy & Transportation.  This will be followed by the rainbow colored unicorn.

Oh, and even at that, there is one big question which first needs to be answered:  Q:  What is going to be the replacement energy?  

~Wind, so that birds can get axed by windmill blades, by the million?  Wind dies down very often.  

~Would the replacement energy be Sunlight?  Well, clouds and night time are an impediment to solar energy.  

~How about nuclear?  Uhhhm, are you aware of the half-life issue?  And even if you go nuclear, there is preparation time which needs to be done by complete professionals, and NOT by well-meaning laymen volunteers.

So, you want electric cars everywhere?  Well, do you know how much electricity today comes from the burning of coal, and how much more coal must be burnt to have a highway full of electric cars?  And, are you aware of the amount of mercury released when coal is burnt?  This would mean necessary filtration technology.   That takes time.  In fact, if you want nothing but electric, then the new infrastructure to support it will be beyond expensive.


BTW, natural gas is the way to go. ✅✅✅ Methane only exists at 1.9 parts per million.

Only a congress full of imbeciles would resist the fuller implementation of this technology.


The other form of excellent energy is Tidal Energy.  This is literally high-tide water power.  It would require a new infrastructure which would be moderately expensive, and and and it can only serve coastline populations where hurricane season isn't too busy.   So, this matter of replacement energy is something that takes time and mature individuals; NOT fanatical activists or anti-activists.

If you're not informed about basic tide science, click here:  A Tutorial on Ocean Tides

Now, CO2 is NOT going to cause the world to end in 12 years .... or in twelve hundred years.  You are being duped by some of the lowest intelligence con artists yet to come on to the American scene.  BTW, the American scene included the United Nations, being that it's headquartered in NYC.  The trick is for these con artists to create a sense of urgency amongst their potential customers.  It's all a matter of hysterics.  Today's climate con artists think that you are stupid and easy to dupe.

At this point, you need to understand that CO2 is NOT the grand enemy.  It's your friend.  Your danger is the glut of synthetic chemicals in today's society.  That's the sick joke of society.  Let us go to the original starting point of this post:

Years ago, there were  assumptions, and then insinuations, that people presenting the counterpoint on the climate issue were payed-off by Big Oil.  The accusers were first-generation-thoroughly-obsessed.  

These accusers were the ones who used to call their monster-in-the-closet Global Warming.  Then, in the middle of the SIXTEEN YEAR warming pause (1999-2016), they were told to call their closet monster the vague title, "Climate Change."

None the less, the Thoroughly Obsessed became emboldened without evidence to be so.  As an example, a less-than-stellar guy walked up to a debate table where sat the Princeton-associated inventor of the Sodium Star.  The phantom activist acted absolutely assured that the Princeton scholar was in the deep pockets of Big Oil.  He had ZERO evidence, being that none existed.  But, he was utterly assured of himself.  Arrogant buffoon.

Well, here's another clue for you all, aside of the fact that the Walrus was Paul (Beatle's Magical Mystery Tour reference, as a satirical joke):

Big Oil was more than willing to concede to the extremely asinine assertion that CO2 was destroying the planet.  This is because Big Oil wanted to protect its lucrative petrochemicals which don't grow on trees.  So, Big Oil was willing to use CO2 as a diversionary tactic ... as a smokescreen ... so done with the hope that the Public would forget about the petrochemicals that really can hurt you.  As a result, the thoroughly obsessed "climate activists" who believed themselves to be the most enlightened beings on Earth got easily duped.

The Necessary Thesis Statement

The true problem with the present environment is the plurality of petrochemicals & synthetic chemicals which flood society and which are associated with ~asthma, ~endocrine disruption, ~urticaria, ~digestive problems, ~chemical allergy sensitization and chemical allergy reactions, ~irritant-induced reactions, ~nervous system inflammation, ~kidney problems, and . . . . . .  ~~~cancer.  CO2 does NOT cause cancer.  In fact . . .

. . . There are several types of asthmatic conditions.  One is known as Small Airways Disease, where the asthmatic actually "traps air" within himself.  One sign is that a stethoscope will detect wheezing at his sides (bi-lateral wheezing), but not on the front of his chest.  Plus, such patients have "prolonged expiratory phases." They exhale exceedingly.  Well, these Small Airways Disease patients do wonderfully in air-spaces that have elevated levels of CO2 ... as long as there are no airborne allergens present, to trigger their asthma.

All in all, CO2 is your friend.  It is the key to Photosynthesis, and therefore greenery.  So, if you really do want to go green, then increase the CO2 levels ... without simultaneously increasing harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide ...  polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ...  black mold mycotoxins  ... volatile organic compounds which very effectively trigger asthma ... and anything that appears in the Toxic Release Inventory.  

Workplace chemicals are of importance, because of the repeated exposure to them, followed by the process of sensitization which has occurred in a percentage of workers.  Example:

Perchloroethylene:  It's used in the dry cleaning business.  It can be an eventual nightmare for the employees of that industry.  But, what about the customers?  ANS: Nowhere nearly as much, if at all.  In workplace cases, it's a matter of sensitization, as opposed to toxicity.  For the record, there is a difference between being poisoned and being allergic.

None the less, the really dangerous chemical compounds are known as biopersistent. 

                                    See:  Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals 

Another Example:

One of the major ingredients of combustible fuel production is none other than ===>  Benzene.  Ambient benzene levels have been linked to the rise of certain cancers, as far as goes correlation.  This was affirmed statistically in Western India, for starters. 

Plus, certain types of cancer have high rates amongst those Canadians who live in the wind direction of the Alberta Tar Sand Fields.  Yet, who amongst the "Woke, Going-Green People" mentions this? ... or cares about this? ... or even knows about this?  And then comes the other chemicals to which the "woke" people seem absolutely clueless.

Qualifying Statement of one type of pollution:

Diesel Particulates (micrometer-sized grains):  Aside of coming from the soot and ash of incompletely burnt fuel, diesel particulates are also the result of engine part ABRASION.  If they are larger than 10 micrometers, then they easily find their ways to the ground, due to their weight.  If they are as small as 2.5 micrometers, they find their way to your lungs, sometimes for six consecutive months.  

This is one example which shows that the Al-Gore-induced obsession with CO2 is an utter waste of time that takes away the time needed for addressing true pollution.  Without CO2 ... and without chlorophyll ... and without bees ... life of Earth eventually ceases.   CO2 is NOT pollution. 

You have to "get with it," in life.  The CO2 obsession is a money-grabbing con game.  The synthetic chemical issue is what needs to be addressed ... and what needs your help.  Quit being Michael Mann's dupe.  He NEVER won any Nobel Prize, and Al Gore did NOT win the Nobel Science Prize.

In fact, you need to talk to guys/gals who worked outdoors for the past 30 years ... even if it were on-and-off employment.  You have to quit relying on "doctored" graphs that "hide the decline."  (That is done by "smoothing out" a data set, in order to remove the jagged edges of a graph.)

Concerning the infamous (and intelligence-insulting) hockey stick graph that portrayed the Years 1000 to 1999, the decline was hidden in the background - - - in the "bar of uncertainty" --- in the "error margin" or "error bar."  The background of the original 1999 climate hockey stick graph is super jagged.  Anyone with an open mind instantly perceives it.  The Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age are in that "Error Bar."  Let us resume with the topic at hand:

Are you aware of the thousands of chemicals used in modern society?  I would set forth the approximate number, but I don't even believe it . . . without first doing hours of fact checking.  Well, whatever be the true number, it's irresponsibly high, and it's the reason for the:

Frank  R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, as well as the 2016 laws thereof.

   See:  Key provisions of the Lautenberg Safe Chemicals Act of 2021.

   There is : OSHA guidance for hazard determination of chemicals

   Also take a look at:   Chemical respiratory allergens

February 3, 2024

The Nature of Politics, in a line itemized summary

They overthrew the monarchs and replaced them with politicians who brought
us worse wars.  Those politicians also brought us chattel slavery, John Calhoun, 
the Trail of Tears, the Know Nothing Party, Teapot Dome, and Tammany Hall,
followed by politicians bribed by Al Capone.  Then came Stalin, HItler, Mao, 
and a roll call of other deadly dictators.  Add the Lockheed Bribery Scandal,
the disarray of Boeing, the many Biden LLCs, foreign sweatshop labor and
the accompanying trade balance deficit, water supplies drowning in endocrine 
disruptor chemicals, the converting of the American legal system into one
contiguous kangaroo court system, and the disintergretion of society.

The lesson is that you can implement the best form of governmentbut if you have unconscionable manipulators running it, then you have an evil government.  It's the people in government which counts; not the form of government.  Evil governors = Evil government.

1a] Politics is a tug of war where manipulation and
      compromise hold opposite ends of the same rope.

  2] The common man possesses something known as common sense.  This means
       that he should be granted easy access to common law courts, as well as class-
       ical chancellery offices without the exorbitantly high attorney fees of this era.
       In fact, the America Organization of States' 1948 Universal Declaration of Hu-
       man Rights needs to be enforced.

 3a] Where there is the presence of organized crime, there
        are police officers and government officials on the take.

 3b] The system of local police breeds corruption and abuse.  Their arrogance comes
        from believing that they have immunity.  Firstly, it's known as qualified immun-
        ity, and no such immunity exists in the presence of malice.

   4] Deregulation is lawlessness and lawlessness is anarchy.  Republicans are no-
       thing more than self-seeking anarchists, being that they are obsessed with de-
       regulation.  Democrats are far successful at being cold-blooded killers than a
       pack of wolves.   You can land 12 Americans on the moon, but you can't pro-
       duce a descent political party in America.  This would only be because poli-
       tics, per se, is intrinsically evil.  The constant warring between political parties               robs a nation of its peace.  One side in politics does, and then the other side                   immediately seeks to undo.

  5] Campaign mud slinging is White Trash Politics.  Other races have done it, too.

6a]  If the French are such gutless cowards who instantaneously surrender to an
       invading army, then how do you explain: 1] Charles Martel, 2] Charlemagne,
       3] the Norman Conquest, 4] the French victory over the Vikings during the
       Siege of Paris,  5] Saint Joan of Arc,  6] Simon of Montfort,  7] Simon V of
       Montfort,  8] King Louis XIV,  9] Napoleon's army,  10] the French Empire,
      11] the Comte de Rochambeau,  12] the Marquis de Lafayette,  13] the Battle
      of the Somme,  14] the Battle of the Marne,  15] the French Underground,
      16] the French Exocet Missile?   Remember that France was the third high-
      est military spender in the Year 2010.

7b] When referring to the French as cowardly sissies, keep in mind that some of
       the northwestern French are the descendants of Danish Vikings.  As a gener-
       al rule, French towns ending in "x" were once Viking settlements.  It's foolish
       to call Viking descendants a bunch sissies.

7c]  The animosity between the French and British was explained to me by a na-
        tive of England in the following way: "The French look down on everyone,
        and the English don't like being looked down upon."

  8] Donating to a political campaign is no different than bribing a politician,
       when the candidate knows that you made the donation.

  9] The most asinine campaign maneuver is that of a candidate giving voters a card
       which states only the candidate's name, without mention of the candidate's pol-
       itical stance, telling the voter to vote for the candidate.  This leaves a voter en-
       tirely clueless as to the politician's stance on the issues.  When you say, "Vote
       for Joe American Shmoe," you have to give cause why people should vote
       for him.

10a]  A person who states that monarchy is intrinsically evil is a paranoid in-breeder
        at heart.  He doesn't believe that God has the power to make anyone good.

10b]  This paranoiac inbreeding mentality includes persons who have stated that the
         papacy is intrinsically evil.  Such defamatory people include the preachers who
         see themselves in competition for tax-free collection basket money.  This speak-
         ing ill of the Catholic Church becomes a business venture, in the quest to get as
         many Catholics as possible to leave the Catholic Church and put money into the
         preachers' tax-free collection baskets.  Yee haw there, Reverend Jim Bob.

10c]  Popes come and go.  Some were holy.  Some were heart touching.  Some were
        negligent.  Some caused the Catholic world grief.  No individual pope defines
        the papacy of the past 2,000 years.

11]   If America remained a colony of England, slavery
        would have been made illegal decades prior, in 1834.

12]   Why exchange one tyrant located 3,000 miles away for 3,000 tyrants located
        one mile away?  Republics, as opposed to merely Republicans, have provid-
        ed humanity with unconscionable politicians such as George "WMD" Bush,
        Dick "the Waterboarder" Cheney, Richard "Watergate" Nixon, Mitt "Factory 
        Gate Padlock" Romney, John "Shackle them" Calhoun, NAFTA Newt Gingrich,
        Jefferson "Confederacy" Davis, George Segregation Wallace, those on the pay-
        roll of Al "Buy a Judge"Capone, Ronald "Triple the National Debt" Reagan,
        and Joe "there's a commy under your bed" McCarthy.   Add to this Jim Crow
        laws, the klan, Teapot Dome,
        Gerrymandering, the Wickersham Commission, Tammany Hall, the Lockheed
        Bribery Scandals, The Knapp Commission, MK-Ultra, and much more.

        In fact, George Washington proved his dictatorial prowess in the Whiskey Re-
        bellion that never was, along with him having his own soldiers shot to death at
        various firing squads.  In addition, the American South became a chattel slave
        dictatorship, despite it claiming itself to be the Land of Liberty.  This was ac-
        companied by a slave owner saying, "Give me liberty or give mes, death."  To
        him, liberty was the ability to keep people enslaved.  Patrick Henry, hypocrite
        extraordinaire, was a slave owner.

       The lesson learned from the many American outrages throughout the centuries
        is that it isn't the form of government that matters.  It's the type of people in
        government that does. The kings were overthrown and replaced with multiple
        tyrants.  Thus, effacing monarchy cured nothing.  What is required in govern-
        ment is that it be run by persons with consciences.  Today, an honest politician
        is an oxymoron.

13]  The Duke of Wellington was not named Wellington.  He was Arthur Wellesley.
       In fact, he was the prime minister of England when slavery was made illegal
       and Catholicism was once again made legal for the first time in 1834.

14] Abraham Lincoln's fatal error was that of not prosecuting Jefferson Davis.  If he
      would have hung Davis from the gallows, he would not have been assassinated.
      No one would have had the audacity to have even tried.

15] Mao Tse Tung's writings have ZERO social value.

16] Prince Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was a borish windbag.

17] An activist Republican is someone who doesn't want to pay his workers and who
      doesn't want to pay his taxes, all the while whining and complaining as a martyr 
      if he doesn't own all the money in the world.

18]  An activist Democrat is someone who wants to have sex, drugs, and rock & roll,
       as well as an abortion after having messed up having sex, drugs, and rock & roll.

19] A non-activist Republican is either someone who thinks that the Republican party
      platform was brought down from Mount Sinai by Moses or someone who would
      like to belong to a country club without partaking in right wing fanaticism.  They
      are two types of people.

20]  A non-activist Democrat is someone who doesn't want to have to live out of trash

21]  The Eternal God does not recognize State's Rights; only human rights.  Instead,
       God follows the rule of a leader's accountability.  It's based on the premise that
       the more given to you results in the more being expected from you.  At this point
       in time, Remember Nuremberg, because history repeats itself.  In fact, always re-
       member Nuremberg.  Today's politicians obviously do not do so.  In fact, send
       them a history book about the French Revolution and the European revolutions
       of 1848 as soon as you can.  If they don't learn from history, they will be repeat-
       ing it very soon.  Qaddafi already did.

February 2, 2024

The Monsanto Scorecard

These are vineyard posts.  Below is the Monsanto Reference Post.
Being that the month of March archive is about war, a Monsanto post is
fitting, being that Monsanto declared war on human civility and the en-
vironment, especially when Round-up reaches water supplies.  So, let's

This is a bibliography page of Monsanto-related articles.  Actually, it's a link
page, to YouTube transmissions and writings on the subject of Monsanto, Inc.
You're welcome to make benefit of this one-stop linking.

The probationary period is over, concerning the need to first employ prudence
before presenting Monsanto was the most evil business enterprise ever known
to modern man.  In fact, the more Monsanto gets researched, the more unjust,
poisonous, and predatory that corporation turns out to be.  Monsanto basically
declared war on life-on-earth.

Monsanto gave humanity 1} Saccharin, 2} PBC's (polychlrinated biphenyls)
3} Polystyrene, 4} the Vietnam-related nightmare known as Agent Orange,
and 5} the banned pesticide DDT.  (Monsanto's evil contributions to society
include the dioxin-bearing chemical 2,4,5-T, an ingredient in Agent Orange,)

Monsanto Inc also gave humanity 6} recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone 
(rBGH).  It was additionally the corporation  which marketed 7} G.D. Searle's
methanol-bearing Aspartame in such a way that we don't know who is correct
in the pro vs con health debate on the subject, because the objective clinic find-
ings are not presented in a capsulized outline.

How Evil Thou Art ... Monsanto turned out to be really really evil, after all.

Monsanto also sued farmers, on account of the fact that the farmers cannot con-
trol the wind and therefore cannot prevent Monsanto seeds from blowing onto
their crop fields. All in all, Monsanto is a corporate predator, negatively affect-
ing humanity and the ecology of the Earth.  None the less, accusations against
Monsanto must be presented maturely and clearly without theatrics and any
degree of emotional accentuation.

The evils of any predatory corporation must be presented to-the-point, for the
sake of prompting action that will undo the evil of the unconscionable corpor-
ation.  If society remains indifferent and inactive, then the poisoning of life on
Earth will continue its course.

       You might perhaps want to start here, with a Monsanto documentary
        presented by Abby Martin of the Empire Files.


         If you desire, you can even start here, with the World According
           to Monsanto.  It's a documentary includes covers Monsanto's
          administrative practices, advertising practices, advocations, as
           well as business practices.  It includes one Stalinesque tactic.


Next would be a video that gives an outline that explains the GMO
food creation process actually is.


2016 News:  St. Louis Jury order Monsanto to pay $46.5 million in latest PCB
                      PCB lawsuit


                         The March 29, 2016 Corporate Rap Sheet on Monsanto,
                                             from the Corporate Research Project


                        Let's continue with Jeffrey Smith, executive director of
                                the Institute for Responsible Technology

      *****      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4JfFDTGXKQ   *****

Next is the Canadian case of Monsanto seeds inadvertently blowing into many hec-
tares of an independent farmer.  The court judgment and opinion can easily be re-
ferred to as a blatant miscarriage of justice.  Part of a Monsanto contact is read in
the film.  This is the Percy Schmeiser Case.

Adam Sich of Truthloader competently takes us through a history of Monsanto
and shows the pattern of that corporation.


Concerning the existence of terminator seed technology, Monsanto claims that it
doesn't market such a thing.  Yet, it admits that such technology is a present-tense
possibility.  In fact, in 2007, it was involved in gene-stacking technology & research
with Chromatin, Inc.


Of course, Monsanto's herbicide, Roundup, has been getting the attention, even in
the research laboratory.  More specifically, it has been the Roundup ingredients,
glyphosate and polyethoxylated tallowamine, which has been attracting the atten-
tion.  As an example, glyphosate was found to be a clastogen.  This means that it
breaks chromosome chains even in human beings.


In addition, the Northwest Parkinson's Foundation reported on a connection between
the ingestion/inhalation of Roundup and the development of Parkinson's-related brain
damage.  This makes the issue very serious.


A number of nearly criminal allegations have been leveled against Monsanto.  How-
ever, needed was to first investigate the records, being that a lot of worthless gossip
transpires on the internet and radio talk shows, such as is the case with the all-night
coast-to-coast tin foil hat show which claims that the sky is always falling, some-
times with UFOs, Grays, and an occasional Moth Man, in the spirit of campfire

No kangaroo courting is permitted here.  So, a bit of research on Monsanto was
first needed.  From the records, archives, and articles, Monsanto does get into a
lot of environmental trouble, in the form of lawsuits.  So, that part is confirmed.
In fact, it appears that Monsanto is a corporation run by individuals who keep
trying to place a square peg in a round hole, for the sake of profit, only to get
served with lawsuits and then earn the distrust of humanity.

Monsanto does appear to be a corporation without a conscience.  But, one has to
be detailed in presenting the evidence, when it comes to the scathing accusations
against Monsanto.  There is cause for the scathing, however.

The corporation has admitted to have committed wrongdoing in Indonesia, between
1997 and 2002.  It was found liable in France, for weedkiller poisoning.  It was even
found liable in an Alabama PCB poisoning case.  None the less, the Alex Joneses of
America and the UFO talk show hosts can't go piling on without evidentiary support.

Here are a list of articles on Monsanto which certainly don't make that corporation
look like a branch of Mother Theresa's Sisters of Charity ... to say the least.

Let's start with articles on Roundup, the Monsanto herbicide and the controversy
of a two-year study on Roundup:


The  adjuvant effect of chemical toxicity when studying them in combination,
as opposed to individually:


A Year 2011 article on weeds developing a resistance to herbicides:


As of late June 2013, another wheat-related civil action filed against Monsanto



This articles addresses Roundup being found in US water supplies:


This is a general outline of the corporation:


Monsanto's GMO corn allegedly linked To organ failure, study reveals:


Farmers actually sued Monsanto this year, instead of visa-versa 
Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, et al. v. Monsanto


The epidemic of suicide amongst Indian farmers who ever so 
coincidentally happen to have been Monsanto customers.


Also about the epidemic of suicides among India's farmers.


Monsanto admits to Wrongdoing in Indonesia between 1997 and 2002:


Monsanto denies marketing terminator seeds (GURT seeds):


50 civil society organizations (CSO's) asked the United Nations to ban GMO's:



Monsanto found liable for weedkiller poisoning in France


Monsanto being sued in Oregon for illegal strain of GMO wheat
that blew onto an Oregon farm



Monsanto found liable for PCB pollution in 2002



The 2013 global march against Monsanto which transpired in 52 nations


83 plaintiffs against Monsanto, in a lawsuit which addresses Monsanto's
practice of suing farmers who unintentionally have Monsanto seeds blow
onto their farms


Scientists dismiss Monsanto's explanation for 
the gene-altered wheat supply that emerged



In re: Monsanto's use of Glyphosate


Connecticut State Assembly recently passed a law requiring GMO labeling


February 1, 2024

Eyes of Blue Seas

 I once felt your steps,
as we walked past the midnight crossroads of the stars.

Upon occasion, in a crease of the same crossroad night                                                                                   open wounds would silently reflect the sky.
Once upon a time, the sky predictably opened
and silver watches fell out of pockets of time.

During daylight hours, upon the same terrain,
birds of smoke suddenly dissolved upon crashing headlong,
into a faintly familiar slate-blue sky

The cracking of wooden percussion instruments
in a broken processional rhythm
generated a slight vibration
and then an apprehension,
which caused a mountain lion to turn his head and walk away.

Yet, the sound that you hear in the distance
shouldn't be any cause of concern for you,
because it is nothing more than collective voices
crossing a battlefield, crying out loud "Mine! All mine!,"
atop the rumble of mechanized war horses racing to their riders' deaths.

Perhaps, just perhaps, we can run against the currents of destiny's thunder
and resist the temptation to wash ourselves away in the rain.

Maybe, just maybe, we can avoid the pox-marked road
that lead to the scratched-out address of ruins
once written upon splintered street posts
that lines rows of storybook fields.

Possibly, just possibly, we can veer away from the obvious
and go in the direction of what was first seen so very long ago,
during leaf droplet dawns, by eyes of blue seas.