December 30, 2024

Undeniable proof that Sharon Stone & Alec Baldwin were arrogantly wrong, in claiming Trump voters to be ubiquitously illiterate & uninformed imbeciles.

Trump has produced a sophisticated product line;  NOT country bumpkin whittlings.

The proof is glaringly blatant.  Trump voters included the undergrads & graduates of the US Military Academy at WestPoint ... the US Air Force Academy ... and the US Naval Academy.  All three of those institutions require a nomination from a US Congressional member or the US vice president or even the US president.  Yet, Baldwin and Stone painted the typical Trump voter as an illiterate simpleton.  

It was reported that 38% of the people who voted for Trump did have graduate degrees.  In fact, 13% of the people who voted for Trump had post-graduate degrees.  This is according to AP Votecast.  

Now, Trump received 77.28 million votes.  Thirteen percent of this is 10 million voters with masters degrees or doctorate degrees voting for Trump.  So, you can call it quits with saying, "Everyone who voted for Trump was a moron."  The one who says this is the actual moron.

In addition, 28% of the people who voted for Trump in 2024 had nothing more than a high school diploma or even less than that.  This means that 72% of the Trump voters went further than high school.

Concerning those who don't have college degrees, it still takes an appreciable amount of brain cell usage to be an auto mechanic, a jet mechanic, a heavy equipment mechanic, an ironworker, a welder, a carpenter, and a secretary.  It also takes brain cells to pass a CDL exam and the various insurance agent exams. 

Then comes the farmer.  This is a person who is stereotyped to be the ultimate hick.  Assessing this person is important, because 44% of the people who voted for the New York City Slicker, Donald Trump, were rural people.  

Concerning this, take note that agriculture is an academic major at major universities, and agriculture is an involved science where you can literally reinvent the proverbial wheel.  If you want to be in any form of agriculture, you have to use your brain cells.  Plus, machinery is involved which requires mechanical aptitude.  That requires innate intelligence.

As an added note, 42% of the people who voted for Trump were suburbanites.  That is almost as many people as the rural folk who voted for Trump.  This shows that country folk and suburbanites think alike when it comes to what matters in life.

In addition, Donald Trump's running mate is no idiot.  After all, he was successful at Ohio State and at the Yale Law School.  And state schools such as Michigan, Penn State, and Purdue are solid educational institutes.  Lesser known schools such as Case Western Reserve and Lehigh are just as solid, academically speaking.  

Other choices of Trump, for his administration, include the graduates of  :::  MIT, Florida Univ, Stanford, Harvard, Embry-Riddle, Bucknell, Penn, SMU, Duke, Notre Dame,  Iowa Univ, Stony Brook Univ, Albany Law School, etc.  In fact, Elon Musk got a bachelor's degree from Penn, just like Donald Trump did.  So, perhaps this is why the two feel in tune with each other.  All in all, Donald Trump is not surrounded by illiterate country bumpkins.

Q:  Why did so many country folk magnetize to City Slicker Trump?  ANS:  They saw how successful and rich he became.  So, they figured that he would know how to make America rich, as opposed to a heavily indebted nation with an aging infrastructure and bickering politicians whose national pastime is lying to the People.

Back to the Enlightened Condemners of Trump Voters, sarcastically speaking

They are also obsessed with saying, "Going green.  Going green.  You gotta go green or the world will come to an end in 2030."  Oh excuse me, enlightened ones of Hollywood.  If you would go outside and take a walk beyond the manicured sidewalks of gated communities, expensive hotels, and resort areas, you would see that the world is already green.  You spend too much time on brown sandy beaches.  Take a look outside of your very comfortable world, for a change!!!

Above: Cuyahoga National Park in Ohio,  How green thou art.
There's much more I can include, concerning those who condemn Trump voters, being that those condemners have a way of endorsing lazy airheads who did not have the professional prowess of those who contributed to record crop yields and solidly built architecture, as well as a vast highway system and astounding bridge engineering, in addition to waterlines and electrical lines which equal the length of major highways.  All of the aforementioned things require measures of intelligence, and Trump voters have contributed to the building and maintenance of these things.  

None the less, these condemners of Trump were social engineers who didn't know the difference between the XX Chromosome ... which is ubiquitous in the female ...  and the XY Chromosome ... which is ubiquitous in the male.  

Of course, these are the people who recite scripts or read teleprompters in front of cameras, for their livelihoods, all the while playing pretend.  One type of playing-pretend is called acting, while the other type of playing-pretend is called "making campaign promises."

If they have done other things in their lives, knowledge of it didn't reach here.  The insult is that they act as if they have the monopoly on wisdom and knowledge.  What you think, as a common citizen, doesn't matter to them.  You're among the Little People.  You and I don't count.  In fact, they claim that we can't count past ten or so.

If Kamala did get an extra 100 days to campaign, all the more people would have realized that she was a senseless airhead who did nothing but lie and rattle off redundancies.  Thus, Kamala would have gotten FAR LESS VOTES, if she were given more time to campaign and show the public who she really is.  It would have been a deja vu of 2019, for her.  

In 2019, she started off relatively strong, in her run for the presidency.  Approximately six months passed, where people were able to see how ridiculously bizarre her political assertions were.  Donations dried-up and she had to cease her 2020 campaign, even before the arrival of New Year's Day 2020.  

Kamala only had 2% of the Iowa vote in December of 2019, and Iowa was to be the first primary/caucus state of the 2020 primary season.  But, the money drying-up was the deciding factor for her to exit Stage Left.  

Kamala never won a primary and she never earned a single delegate in 2020 or in 2024.  She was given the 2024 nomination in the oligarchical way.  She did NOT receive a single primary election vote that year.  In fact, due to the existence of SUPER DELEGATES, there is no democracy in the Democrat Party, anymore.  The Good Ship Democracy long since sailed off into the place where politicians play pretend.

The true bottom line is that the people who voted for Trump were common-sensed pragmatists who actually know what it is to work with their hands and feel a burning sensation in their forearms during the more difficult phases of work.  These are people who know how to work in trades where there is an element of danger, meaning that these people know how to avoid disaster.  The 2024 Trump voters saw a wall-to-wall disaster throughout the past four years.  They saw how much of a sick joke Biden & Harris were, along with Mayorkas, CCN, and MSNBC.

Voting for Trump was a matter of instinct.  The Biden People were a train wreck in progress, and you were the passenger.  The Biden People didn't feel your pain, like Bill Clinton said he did.  The Biden People caused your pain.