September 7, 2024

RFK, Jr's mention of chemicals, in his introductory Trump alliance speech.

                                The link to that introductory speech is at the bottom of this post.

Now remember, those chemicals go into the average American's home renovation project ... office project ... store refurb project, etc.   They literally follow you home ... or to work ... or to wherever.  They are chemicals that you shouldn't put in your coffee or tea .... or into your walls or into your wooden framing or into your new porch or into your automobile, concerning fragrance glutton people who put 3, 4, 5 "air fresheners" into their cars.  When an asthmatic is seated at a redlight, life becomes a torment when a fragrance glutton's car pulls up next to ... or behind ... the poor asthmatic.  

In order to familiarize yourself with the Very Wide World of Chemicals, look-up ~Propiconazole, ~Triadimefon which is even in lawn furniture, and then ~2-methyl-4-isothiazoline-3-one used in the pressure treatment of wood.  Then look-up the flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane, as well as the degreaser trichloroethylene.  The list of modern chemicals is longer than the average Roman scroll.

You're wasting your time with the Race Card Con Game and with the many Climate Scare Tactics.  Relatively speaking, few encounter a hurricane.  Everyone walks into a venue of chemically laden air.  Those synthetic chemicals are like dead people in the Sixth Sense.  They're everywhere.  And you wonder why so many people are chronically ill today.  Very simply, if you remove the chemicals, you remove the illnesses.


Below is the link to the speech following Donald Trump's introduction of Bobby Kennedy Jr as an ally of the Trump Campaign.  It looked like a gentlemanly reunion of testosterone.  The reason why the link to the Kennedy Alliance Speech is at the end of this post is because RFK states my motto during it ... my fundamental assertion ... my pivotal declaratory statement concerning the present Environment.

I stated that John Kerry and his followers were completely erroneous, if not deliberately deceptive, in having claimed that today's Climate is the most deadly environmental crisis in existence.  I stated that the great environmental crisis of today is the influx of synthetic chemicals throughout modern society.  

RFK speaks of chronic disease epidemics, and he actually was a successful environmental lawyer.  Well, guess what is the obvious cause of these chronic illnesses which existed even before the covid vaccine was distributed.  And yes, I do not deny that the covid vaccine is a suspect in at least some of those chronic illnesses to which RFK referred.  But, the mRNA vaccine is more of a suspect in sudden death cases.  

Chemical sensitivity, chemical allergies, respiratory irritant sensitivity, Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome reactions don't suddenly become deadly.  A chemical allergy reaction ... or chemical irritant reaction ... a Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome response has torment attached to it, where time and endurance is involved.  You don't die all at once in a chemical allergy reaction.  You don't suddenly collapse on the basketball court.  Thus, the covid vaccine is the suspect in sudden death tragedies.

All in all, RFK, Jr wants to concentrate on prolonged illnesses.  And of course, the suspect causing such prolonged ill effects is obvious.  But of course, the chemical providers will do what it takes to continue to flood humanity's breathing space with those chemicals.

Concerning the claims that there is a climate crisis "like never before"

Throughout the past one-thousand years, when atmospheric CO2 was much lower than today, there repeatedly occurred, in various intervals:  1] heatwaves, 2] droughts, 3] catastrophic storms & fleet-destroyer hurricanes which even rearranged coastlines, as well as ...

4] cold snaps & blizzards, 5] overwhelming glacier growth, ice stacking, & birds-suddenly-falling-frozen-to-the-ground, as well as ...

6a] prolonged rains, 6b] prolonged floods, 7] Chinooks Winds, 8] the visitation of pestilence & various types of crop failures, and, of course ...

9] massive forest fires, 10] toxic algae blooms, and 11] definitely plagues.  This included the ultimate killer of mankind ... next to war ... namely Small Pox.

With the numerous historic accounts of the past 1,000 years having been established ... and even studied via proxy evidence ... it was 100% false for David Attenborough ... and Michael "hockey stick" Mann ... to have claimed that the Earth's weather was mild for the past one thousand years, up and until the start of the Industrial Revolution, in 1712. 

I repeatedly illustrated that nothing in the weather events which has happened in the past five years is new ... or even worse than in previous decades and previous centuries.  It's all a part of a cyclical trend ... a long cycle.  You can read all about here, at the Blue Marble Album and elsewhere.  There are at least 63 weather history & climate science posts here.  That's why there's a search engine at the top righthand side of this page.  I thus far showed:

~how the Greater London Fire Claim of July 19, 2022 was an easily provable hoax, being that 1976 was the worst fire year since WWII, and being that 2021 was the lowest fire year, with 2024 now becoming the new lowest fire year.  

None the less, I also exposed the Wintertime Vicuna, Chile Heatwave Hoax of 2023 ... with Accuweather & Weather Channel data, as well as other concurring data ... when it was only 63 degrees Fahrenheit there on Aug 2, 2023, and NOT anywhere near 99F, as was very falsely claimed ... 

I also showed that Florida did not have a once-in-a-thousand-year storm at any time this decade  ...  ~as well as having shown that the South Florida ocean water was only 86F on the day it was claimed to have been 101F, and that the 101F water section that touched the coastline was only Florida Everglade run-off water from the Taylor Slough, pouring into Manatee Bay, near the Hwy 1 Bridge, inside Barne's Sound ...

...  ~and that the Rio Grande River did NOT suddenly go dry in the Year 2022, but was rather deliberately redirected for irrigation purposes, to ensure successful crops ... ~and how two of Australia's Great Barrier Reef sectors had the most coral in it, in 36 years ... ~and how there was no kind of massive 7-sigma ice loss in Antarctica in 2023 ... and the list goes on.

At this point, use your brain cells, and answer the following questions:  When was the last time you were in a deadly climate outburst that never happened before you were born?  ~A deadly storm that destroyed a city?  ~A Category 6 hurricane?  ~Calamitous crop failure that caused tens of thousands to starve?  ~Sea levels rising over your head?  ~An Ice-free Arctic in August?  ~A totally melted section of Greenland?  ~the Statue of Liberty going underwater, in even one percent of it submerging into water?  

How common are these natural disasters, today?  Have you ever been in one that utterly overwhelmed and traumatized you for life?  Kamala and AOC want to ban steak, pork, etc, because they claim that the utterly minute amount of methane in the air will cause catastrophic storms.

But, of course, their claim is contrary to the textbook teaching of PRESSURE GRADIENT FORCING, when the atmosphere becomes less turbulent during warming phases.  The things Kamala & AOC want banned is a lot like the evidence gathering tactics of the Witch Trials.  You've got to have the intelligence quotient of the most imbecilic moron, to be in politics today.   

Kamala wants to prevent you from having steak or hamburger.  And the inflation that she personally caused, in having been the vote tie-breaker in two massive Congressional Acts, made steak a luxury that the common man could no longer afford, even though he easily afforded it under Trump.  I literally demand that Kamala's  brain be scanned and the results shown to America.

Now remember folks, above is a full-blown whore who repeatedly gave sex to a married man 30 years older than her, for a launch in her political career ... so that she could have total power over you.  Do you feel honored?  Well, a woman who is open to the idea letting sperm jet into her mouth never has wisdom or truth coming out of that same mouth.

Have you ever heard wisdom or truth coming out of the mouth of Kamala the Adulteress?  Hey, maybe Kamala will order all public school students to read a book on how to have an affair with a political power-broker 30 years older than them.

She's afraid to debate without a cheat sheet (notes), because she's inarticulate & inept.  She got ZERO VOTES in the primaries. Yet, she is one step away from the Nuclear Football.  Welcome to the Real Insurrection.  Welcome to the Coup d'Γ©tat that overthrows every American.

Any non-brain-damaged American over 35 ... and with a clean record ... would make a better president than Kamala.   However, not every American would make a better slut than Kamala the Hypocrite Whore who calls sin virtue, while calling virtue sin.  Is the power-seeker Kamala the Biblical Whore of Babylon or is Kamala merely a dime-a-dozen whore being used as the puppet of today's power-brokers?

The 2019 Photo Above

Keep in mind that Kamala resolved to prevent you from eating what's she is eating in that 2019 video ... under the claim that your privation will save the climate which is not in peril, in the first place, any more than it was in the 1970s or 1950s or 1900s.  The great irony to her tyrannical measures is that in this last year of the Biden presidency (2024)  the atmospheric CO2 count has been its highest in human history.   Under Kamala, CO2 sky-rocketed, just like American Inflation.

The new coal power plants in China & India are causing the CO2 increase at a rate fastest that any rate known in human history.  That makes Kamala an unbelievable danger to society, in her low intelligence & buffoonery.

Well, she was deadly to a lot of people in Afghanistan, in 2021.  Her brain has got to be scanned and the results thereof shown to all Americans.   There is something deadly wrong with her that can end up making us all dead.

In fact, on May 2, 2021, Kamala was assigned to officially be the "lead" (the chairwoman) of the National Space Council.  Well, in the Summer of 2024, two astronauts were literally stranded in space for more than 80 days, and they are now scheduled to remain in space until February 2025.  They were originally scheduled to be in space for only EIGHT DAYS.  Only under Kamala does incompetent buffoonery occur.  So, does this make you proud of Kamala being the first woman president?  

ANS:  It should make you feel ashamed that women could not find a better candidate to be the first woman president.  Are all you women as pathetically incompetent as Space Shot Kamala?  Doesn't Kamala make you feel embarrassment and shame?

Stranded Astronauts during Kamala's tenure as National Space Council Chairwoman

Back to that 2019 photo

And of course, 2019 was the year of Kamala's failed presidential campaign, by which she had to drop out of the 2020 presidential race even before the Year 2020 arrived.  She was an absolutely pathetic campaigner.  But, take note of the hypocrisy and the BLACK PRIVILEGE, where the con artist acts as if she has been a slave all her life, picking cotton and getting whipped, until a few days ago. 

The bottom line is this:  Kamala is being paraded around as the first black female president, and during July & August, I'm darker than she is, in her photos of old, even though extensive DNA testing was done on me, resulting in the discovery that I don't have any African ancestry ... neither sub-Saharan African nor Mediterranean African.  But, come July & August I have been literally darker than Kamala, in her photos of the 1990s & 2000s.

Now, tanning lotions and Friedrich Wolff's tanning bed goes back to the 1970s.  But, they are more frequently found today.  Why does Kamala look darker today than in the 1990s and 2000s?  Hint hint.

The lesson here is that playing the race card is a disservice to mankind.  It's really really really stupid.  You need to look for the best man for the job ... or best woman.  As far as went the first black woman president, that should have gone to Condoleezza Rice ... or Winsome Sears.  

Meanwhile, pursuant to NYT v Sullivan, 376 US 354 (1964), a private citizen can publicly give his opinion on a public figure.  In my private citizen opinion, Kamala got to where she is today, by first being a whore.  She was an unconscionable slut ... in my opinion.

Regarding the "White Privilege" Defamatory Label

Of course, the concept of "white privilege" and "climate crisis" were put forth, hand in hand, as if white people caused a catastrophic climate.  In response:

The television, the telephone, the telegraph, the automobile, the automatic door opener, the door bell,  the electric can opener, DC electric current, AC electric current, the air conditioner, the submarine, the jet plane, the rocket ship, the excavator, the suspension bridge, the Hoover Dam, the San Francisco Bridge, the computer, the radar screen, the radar tower, the jacuzzi, ice skates, the snow mobile, and the draw-bridge did NOT come about by means of "White Privilege," where a white person merely sat around, doing nothing, until the Tooth Fairy gave him the blueprints of an invention.   

Involved was "hard work," as in research, experimentation, scholastic studies, apprenticeship, design, re-design, and testing.  And sometimes the test results were disastrous.

You don't walk into a hospital's employment section and say, "Hey there.  I'm a white guy.  And being that I'm privileged, I want to be a brain surgeon.  So, suit me up."  How many white patients would stay in that hospital?

Likewise, no one walks onto a jetliner and says, "Hey there.  I'm a white guy, and being that I'm privileged, I want to fly this jet."  How many  white people do you think will stay on that plane?

Now, during the Affirmative Action decades ... which involved 22 trillion taxpayer dollars ... blacks were given the opportunity to earn the same college degrees that white people earned.  After all, there are black physicians and lawyers, as well as black millionaires.

Plus, if the United States were such an evil evil racist nation, then why did millions of people come to America and cross its Southern Border, as frequently as runners cross the finish line of the Boston Marathon?

Concerning the inventions & productivity attached to people who happened to have been white 

Things often start by a white student waking up a 7:00 AM, day after day, and year after year, to make it to an 8:00 AM class.  And even though he's a white guy, he is getting no college credit if he fails his exams.  You will not be hired as an air traffic controller, if you did NOT pass your exams, no matter how white you are.  

All in all, the "White Privilege" label is a class-wide form of defamation that is only stated by hate-filled racists trying to create animosity toward the white man who freed the black man, in the first place; back in 1865.  Such people are inciting riots against whites.

And yes, blacks have proven themselves to be very much hate-filled, violent, and racist.  Did you ever accidentally walk into a black neighborhood at night, during your college years, simply to catch a bus?  Well, if you would go back into a time machine, to where I was ... you would hear the racist hatred by blacks against  ... against me.   I kept the peace, though.

Thus, the "White Privilege Label" is part of the arsenal of the money-grabbing & power-lusting con artist who waves the race card around, in order to make a very easy living.  It's a more expensive form of insurance fraud, where someone who was in a fender bender shows up to the courtroom with a cervical brace, feigning pain.  

It's easier to be an activist who breeds hatred & violence than it is to be a jet engine mechanic, a pilot, an iron worker, a crane operator, a physician who performs operations, a nursing school teacher, a math teacher, a hostage negotiator, a psychiatrist, a dock worker, a landscaper, etc.  In fact, manipulating people into hating each other is the easiest job you can find, next to being a whore ... like Kamala Harris was, during her Willie Brown Days.

As a quick history lesson, the overwhelming majority of empires in human history were not operated by white men.  So, you can cool it with the "oppressive white male" diatribes.  Remember, it was whites who made slavery illegal.  Today, in certain parts of Africa, there literally still is slavery managed by people a lot darker than my Danish Viking ancestors.

Chemical Chaos

I stated that there is only one greenhouse gas that will endanger Planet Earth, if it ever becomes popular, and it's a synthetic chemical.  None the less, I stated that today's Environmental Crisis is the glut & influx of synthetic chemicals that flood modern society.  We must counteract that scandal.  

In as much, listen to the introductory alliance speech that Robert Kennedy Jr recently gave ... in Arizona, in front of Donald Trump and Trump's devotees  ...  and listen to what RFK Jr had to say about synthetic chemicals.  

If you have wisdom, you'll then join in the effort that really matters, and not stay in any false movement that has been telling the world that  [1] the Maldives will be underwater by 2018,  [2] with the Glacier National Park Glaciers being gone by 2020,  [3] along with the Arctic becoming ice-free in the Summertime, by 2014.  It's now 2024, and the Arctic has always had a tremendous square mileage of sea ice in it, during the Summer months.  

Even at that, if the Arctic Ocean would suddenly melt tomorrow, the amount of sea level rise which would occur would be ZERO INCHES.  The concern is ice on the Greenland terrain.  However, Greenland's terrain is a bowl.  If ice melted significantly there, much of Greenland would be a lake.  How fast could significant ice loss occur in Greenland, being that it didn't happen that way during the blazing heat years of 1905, 1911, 1913, 1921, 1922, 1934, and 1936?  Add 1976 & 1977 to the equation, and remember, it was 117F in Athens, in 1977, when the co2 count was still low enough to be "acceptable."

In other posts, I already addressed aspects of Greenland, and there is a search engine on the top righthand side of this page.  I also went into detail about Antarctica, hurricane history, atmospheric science textbook principles, the ocean, the Great Barrier Reef, cirrus clouds, deadly heat waves even dating back to 1905, the three vibrational modes of CO2 and how one of them makes it impossible for CO2 to capture infrared heat, etc, etc, etc, etc.  

And remember, Greta informed us all that a scientist told her that the world was going to come to its end in 2018.  Do you Climate Paranoiacs know how embarrassingly buffoonish you sound?  The response to everything you say is, "You've got to be kidding.  Do people really take you seriously?"

For now, there is RFK Jr becoming an ally of Donald Trump, while Kamala tries to seduce a nation into making her the New Cleopatra or the New Evita Perone.  This is the Kamala who is directly responsible for the outrageous hike in inflation and other harrowing things, including Laken Riley's murder.  And remember, LAKEN RILEY does NOT ENDORSE Kamala in any way.  Satan does, though.  Satan loves Kamala, because Satan loves evil.  In fact, Satan yearns for your destruction, and Kamala can provide what Satan desires.  

By the way, Kamala was elected San Fran DA and Calif AG.  She was not appointed.  Thus, she was NOT appointed by a governor in need of excellence, reliability, honesty, and decency.  Any moron can get elected.  Being appointed would require the nominee to have already achieved some form of excellence or proficiency or reliability or diligence.  

Kamala was a dime-a-dozen deputy DA for eight or so years.  Then her former adultery partner gave her two lucrative no-show jobs.  Next came her running for San Fran DA, and her married-man sex partner who was 30 years older than her ended up endorsing her ... and then actively promoting her.  Plus, she won in a runoff, being that she only goy 33% of the November vote.  She was a "sneak-in."  But, it was legal.

As far as went the AG campaign, she placed on an advertisement the photos of a few former AG's, along with a photo of herself.  All the ex-AG's were white men.  She was a "woman of color."  The caption read, "It's time for a change."  Thus, she won without having to produce a record of excellence or reliability.

As far as goes today, I have never heard anyone pretend to sound so expertly in Economics, when she is nothing more than a pseudo-intellectual fraudulent fake who has no idea how basic & introductory economics works.  And remember, I was taught by one of JFK's econ advisors, did score a 100% in a national accounting exam authored by Harvard, etc, etc, etc.  

If I had the time, I would go into detail as to what a farce Kamala is when she starts to talk economics.  She is such an insult to one's intelligence.  In fact, the democrat party power brokers are the insult to one's intelligence, for choosing Kamala.  She's the only candidate I ever knew-of who was incapable of conducting an interview alone.  

Kamala was this tough "in-your-face" "tough chick from the Hood" who said, "say it to my face."  And what does tough tough Kamala do?  She hides her face, until she gets this really white German guy ... as white as the Nazis who ran the concentration camps ... to be the grown-up who helps Kamala cross the street.  This shows that Kamala knows that she is an inarticulate airhead ... worse then Sarah Palin.

None the less, shortly after Kamala's Calif AG inauguration, Dianne Feinstein said, "If I knew that she was going to do this, I would never have endorsed her."  What Kamala did was refuse to seek the death penalty for a cop killer who was blatantly guilty.  Kamala doesn't care about your safety.  No narcissistic psychopath does.

                             RFK, Jr speaks again, in Arizona, in August of 2024:


